Monday, November 30, 2015

Persistence Is Key

The critical factor that sets winners apart from losers is Persistence. Persistence, derived from the word "persist," means to endure and continue in the face of opposition, obstacles, or discouragement.

Some agents of Satan have been well-trained to persistently attack believers of Jesus Christ. They are skilled in using distraction, fear, and worry tactics to keep believers away from God's Word or anything related to God. Again, the main component of their strategy is Persistence.

The average Christian has yet to understand the importance of being constant, relentless, and Persistent in prayer, speaking the Word of God, declaring it, believing it, and never ever taking their focus off the spiritual war they are constantly involved in.

Can you imagine being a part of a church where the Pastor holds regular meetings, not to bamboozle you out of your money? Instead, places emphasis on being persistent in encouraging one another, expressing the Christ kind of love to each other, etc.

Can you envision a Pastor assembling a team of mighty prayer warriors to embark on a three-day fast to combat terminal illnesses? During the fast, one group member continuously recites scriptures concerning healing and restoration. Can you imagine the impact and outcomes this could yield?

Look! How long will you accept defeat and non-success as your portion in life? How long will you sit in that building Sunday after Sunday where no one is healed or delivered, and no one seems to be able to get their life together? How long will you sit and hear the same old, such as "God is getting ready to do so and so" or "There is a shift in the atmosphere." Still, there are no scriptures or spiritual strategies to accommodate what God is about to do or what you do to accommodate what God desires.

Oh, I apologize for almost forgetting the spiritual expressions they use to describe their spiritual approach, such as "Nothing leaves God's hands until something leaves your hand" or "The seed that leaves your hand never leaves your life."

Understanding the significance of maintaining consistency and Persistence in our prayers is crucial. It is not just any prayer that matters but incorporates the relevant scriptures that align with our beliefs about what we ask God for. As the Bible states, we are called to remind God of His promises. Unfortunately, we often lose the battle against evil forces due to our lack of endurance. Satan and his followers know this and take advantage of it.

I'm unsure whose spirit I'm addressing, but you must surround yourself with people in a church who prioritize God and His Word. Look for a church that will guide you in finding victory through the Word rather than material possessions. It doesn't matter how long your family has been committed to a particular church. Break tradition and ask God to lead you to a place where His spirit is present.

I implore you not to fall into the same trap as others who believed the Preacher's proclamation, "God is getting ready to do something," but he never gets around to doing it. The freedom God has already granted us is waiting for us to take hold of it. All we need to do is break tradition and adopt the proper protocols to attain the fulfilled life God has in store.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Don't allow Satan to corner you with hopelessness

Suicides, depression, frustrations and confusion will always be the results of the enemy backing
folks up in a corner and convincing them that there is absolutely no more hope for their situation.

 Many years ago I can recall being in a situation where it seem that the more I prayed the worse it became. This situation would literally consume my thoughts, dictate my behavior and overall made my perception of life gloomy and depressing. In fact it felt as if the entire world was having a party and did not invite me.

 If I only hade a fraction of the wisdom and understanding that I have today, I can assure you the tenure of that gloomy period of my life would have never lasted as long as it did. I want to share with someone today that woke up feeling depress and pin down mentally with relentless thoughts of hopelessness. The whole idea of LIFE and you being given another day to live suggests that there is indeed a solution to your matter. And no! I am not going to say to you, wait on Jesus, the lord will deliver or your season is right around the corner. Those statements are true however, like I have discovered you have to begin challenging those relentless hopeless thoughts that are viciously coming at you by saying to yourself and aloud, "It isn't going to always be this way", "Absolutely nothing last forever", "There are many who have been in worse positions and are now living the flip side of their former situation".

 Aside from the verbal self motivation, I began to force my mind off of my situation by doing different things I would not usually do such as going to the beach, going for a walk, just simply doing stuff differently... Bottom line breaking out of the corner of hopelessness Satan had manage to place me in, with my assistance, of course!

 My friend take it from someone who has been there and done that, you will never find hope, solutions, opportunities or a sense of peace by staying in the corner of hopelessness waiting to die both mentally and physically. Yes! Jesus will help you but contrary to popular belief YOU MUST WANT TO BE HELPED!

 Scripture says we are co-laborers with Jesus Christ, which suggests that there is indeed a part we must play in our own deliverance. Don't let these religious none experience fanatics mislead you, making religious statements such as, "just wait on Jesus", which will do you no good if you're not doing something to work in concert with that statement. Again, I am not discounting that statement but you must begin seeing the light (mentally) before you get to the light (physically) and that will only happen when you begin to convince yourself that, your time of relief is coming, this cannot go on forever, change is going to come, things will and must get better, the day is coming when you will be living the opposite of your situation.

 Father please in the name of your son Jesus Christ, give this person reading this post the spiritual and physical strength needed from this day forward to begin pulling themselves out of their pit of hopelessness so that you can direct and lead them to a place the enemy was convincing them doesn't existed, which is the place you've prepared well in advance of their situation, in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

 Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, November 23, 2015

There is absolutely nothing to look back for

My words of wisdom for today are simply this, you MUST physically walk away from what God has spiritually separated you from. God has done his part; now it's time for you to do yours so that he can bring what you've been waiting on for so long into existence!

The proof of this being God's doing is the mere fact that you are accomplishing more with others than with the person/s he has spiritually separated you from. Please don't allow your temporal feeling for whom or whatever to override the spiritual release God has provided. As a reminder, Lot's wife turned back and looked at a city that was not only being destroyed but they were commanded not to look back at it. In other words, cut whatever it is loose, never look back and continue going forward!

As a result of disobeying this simple command, she became stuck in one place and could never move forward with the rest of those given the same release. As a reminder, this happened during their season to go ahead, Genesis 19:15-26. Do not forfeit your season because you chose to hold on to something DYING!

God has given many of you the green light to proceed forward, but for some strange reason, you still desire to hold on to what you know has kept you back! While the reality is God is the one that sets our seasons, it is still left up to us to want to participate in those seasons.

Again, Lot's wife is a clear example of this. Her season had arrived, but she had great difficulty releasing what was the source of keeping her back in life. I do not know who this post is speaking to, but I do know that even though God has given you the green light to proceed to your next level, you are allowing someone, something, or someplace to keep you anchored to where you have already outgrown.

The Lord said to specifically tell you, "Remember lot's wife"  Luke 17:32.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


Revelation is the uncovering or revealing something that always existed. The mysteries of life are
continually being exposed through spiritual knowledge, notably via our dreams. Those that are depleted, lack or dismiss such knowledge will continue to conclude life as frustrating and confusing.

The purpose of our dreams and vision (if they're from God) is to provide us with the spiritual revelations to the mysteries of our lives. It was a mystery to Abraham in Genesis 15, as to how God would birth a nation through him at the age of 99 mainly when he had no children of his own. This, my friend, is a mystery that only spiritual revelation can provide an answer to.

Amazingly, in Genesis 15:12, scripture clearly tells us that Abraham fell into a deep sleep and it was at this point while Abraham was asleep that God revealed or uncovered the revelation to what was a mystery to Abraham's life which he was to become the genesis of some significant future events. As a reminder, everything that God revealed to Abraham in Genesis 15: 13-21 was during his sleep in a dream. In other words, while Abraham's physical body was asleep and at rest, the real Abraham which is his spirit, was well awake communing with the Spirit of God in Abraham's dream.

Based on the above understanding of our dreams. Why not take a moment right now and ask God to provide the revelation in regards to the mystery of your poverty, failed relationships, anti-progress, ill health, missed opportunities, etc.

Abraham challenged God as a result of the seemingly impossible promises God had made to him. In fact, Abraham said in Genesis 15:8, "Lord God, how shall I know the things you've promise shall come to pass?"

Friends! Here me today, how long will you continue to perish due to a lack of knowledge? Hosea 4:6. "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning and FOOLS hate KNOWLEDGE?" Proverbs 1:22

"Father God, please in the precious name of your only begotten son Jesus Christ. Reveal to us via your spirit to our spirt the revelations to the frustrating mysteries that seems to encompass our lives. Lord, just like you did for your servant Abraham do likewise for us in our dreams. Father, your word says that you are no respect of persons. Therefore, because you did it for Abraham, I am convinced you will do it for us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Immerse yourself in the word of God, then shall you be prosperous

Open your bible and retrieve the scriptures that relates to your situation and begin meditating on them reminding God of his word.

God has and will continue to honor HIS word. Scripture says that they that delight in the law (the bible) shall (not might) be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in his season, his leaves shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper! Psalm 1:2-3

Prosperity does not come by sowing a seed, lover offering etc. Promotions will not come by how frequent you attend church or the attending different church functions. Healing will not come to you based on the many years you've attended church. Paying your tithes will not make you rich.

Everything that God has made available for you hinges on you getting into his word. Meditating on the word of God causes one to quickly understand that what God has in place for them is by every stretch of the imagination greater that what's going on around them.

We must discontinue the evil practice of only seeking God when trouble visits you or when it seems as if the world is against you. If we meditate on God's word constantly then the reality is we will find peace in the midst of our troubles and focus more on the lesson as opposed to the difficulty that trouble brings.

Please friends, make yourselves available to either hearing or reading the word of God and even after so doing zoom in on a particular verse from the word of God and literally rehearse it in your spirit. As a reminder the guy in Psalm 1:3 became prosperous at whatever he did as a result of meditating and delighting himself in the word of God and not by sowing financial seeds.

 Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Deny their remote access request to your life, now!

Computer terminology is used in the computer world, known as "remote assistance." The understanding of this language and its technology is to access and literally take control of another person's computer via the internet or intranet from your own computer, no matter where you are in the world.

The reality is, based on this technology, one can literally do whatever it is that you do with your computer, such as access files, create a word document and even repair your computer from a remote location without being in the presence of the owner of the computer that they were granted access to.

However, none of this remote assistance technology can be achieved unless the computer attempting to gain access to your computer is GRANTED ACCESS FROM YOU!

The spirit of the Lord has instructed me today to tell someone that you have in the past and is still allowing others to control and dictate your day and, by extension, your life via "REMOTE ASSISTANCE." How is this, you may ask? Well, whenever you accompany these troubled, tormented, unhappy souls in having access to your life. Particularly by accommodating their phone call, text messages, etc., when you know that the nonsense they are about to spew or leave on your recording devices will upset you or change the course of your day. The reality is you are assisting them from whatever remote location they're at to disturb or unsettle you. No one should have this kind of control over your life, especially from a remote location.


The Bible says, "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him" Proverbs 26:4. The phrase, "Answer not a fool," literally means not to give whom you have already determined to be a fool access. Furthermore, the same scripture says that if you provide them with access, you will become just like them,  miserable, unhappy, tormented, and a confused soul constantly seeking attention.

I don't know who you are this morning, and I am not sure who this post is speaking to, but you must stop allowing these fools to interrupt the peace of mind that you have fought and struggled so hard to maintain by the grace of God. They should never, ever be in a position in your life where access is always granted whenever they choose to interrupt your life.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

God will reveal their secrets against you to you!

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.

 When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt, Matthew 2:13-14.

While I may not know the exact details of your situation, what the Lord has made me privy to is your need for "ANSWERS"! You have found yourself in a situation where there is someone, a particular group or even an environment that even though things appear pleasing on the outside, your spirit man is relentlessly saying to you "SOMETHING JUST ISN'T RIGHT!"

It is my prayer for you today that the God of all knowledge and all secrets will visit you in your dream just like he did Joseph and reveal to you the evil secrets, plots, plans and devices of those that have counsel to mislead you. I also pray that just like Joseph, you will immediately act upon what the Lord who is the Revealer of all secrets has decided to reveal to you.

Father, this day I pray that you would amplify the spirit of discernment in your people so that they would see beyond what their enemies are attempting to mislead them to believe. Your word declares, " For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad" Luke 8:17. Therefore, we come in complete agreement with your word in Luke 8:17 and we bind ourselves to the instructions we anticipate you will reveal to us in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Benefits of Obeying The Holy Spirit

In 1997 it was roughly one year since I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Amazingly after making this decision, I developed an incredible hunger for knowledge. As a result, I dedicated countless hours and seized every opportunity I had to read the Bible, along with supplementary books, and engage in prayer.

It was a unique experience that I had developed a love for reading since my conversion, despite my previous disdain for it. Meditating and studying the Bible, I noticed some unusual occurrences. I observed that most of the things I prayed for were quickly fulfilled, and I felt a growing sense of peace. This peace helped me develop patience and encouraged me to carefully consider things before taking action. Though it initially felt surreal, it was a refreshing change from my previous way of life.

As my spiritual hunger grew, I valued the Holy Spirit more and more. God's will for my life became more apparent as I surrendered to the Holy Spirit's guidance. I also realized that the outcomes I experienced were determined by the spiritual voice I chose to follow. When I ignored His word and relied on my own or even the manipulative voice of the enemy, I slowly began to revert to my former confused and frustrated state.

one day in 1997, as I was about to change the oil on my motorcycle, I heard a calm male voice whisper into my right ear, "Sell the bike." I immediately turned in the direction of the voice, thinking someone was present and speaking those words to me. However, to my surprise, there was no one around. Nevertheless, I was convinced this was the Holy Spirit speaking to me. Anyway, long story short, I sold the motorcycle within two days, and within a month, the person that bought the bike was killed instantly on the same motorcycle. This was just one of several instances when the Spirit of Truth guided or instructed me, and my obedience to the truth saved me.

I shared this part of my life to highlight the importance of "The Spirit of Truth," also known as the Holy Spirit. This is something that Christ promised would come, and part of his duty is to guide us toward the truth. It would be unwise to ignore his attempts to communicate with us. As I mentioned in my previous note, by reading or listening to the word of God, we can better hear the clear instructions of the Holy Spirit.

According to scripture, the Holy Spirit resides in us, enabling us to overcome evil. Truth is God's word, and our belief in the truth empowers us to overcome all challenges life will throw at us. As it says in 1 John 4:4, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them."

I encourage you to pray, asking God to instill a strong desire for His word within you, which will help you cultivate a deeper relationship with His Holy Spirit. Request that God eliminate any distractions that have diverted your attention away from Him so that you can focus solely on Him. Acknowledge that you cannot accomplish His purpose on earth without the guidance of His Holy Spirit. 

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Activating the Holy Spirit within you

The Holy Spirit is always available to assist us if we would only apply our faith. Our faith is our
absolute belief and confidence in what God word says accompanied with action on our part. As a reminder, faith without works is dead, James 2:17.

The reality is, according to scripture, it is impossible to please or satisfy God outside of the application or exchange of our faith. Consequently, the Holy Spirit, just like the angels and the heavenly host, they reacts and respond primarily to the word of God! As much as they would like to assist us in our challenges. The reality is they're waiting on us to utter, declare, proclaim and decree the word of God so that they can go to war according to the scriptures that we speak against the invisible forces that's consistently fighting us spiritually in an attempt to manifest their evil will from the spirit realm into our natural world

I promise you, the Holy Spirit will always point you in the direction of the Holy scriptures which is the word of God. The reason for this is simple and that is one of his responsibilities to us is to guide us into all truth and to promote Jesus the Christ and his gospel according to John 16:13.

This is why red flags should be raised in your mind if you're visiting or you're a part of a church that rarely if ever preach or teach from the scriptures. Scripture is the foundation of any church. It should be the main thing that's discussed. It should be the basis of your healing, deliverance, prosperity etc. Simply because it is the word of God which is SPIRIT and LIFE according to John 6:63.

Question! Why should you be ordering from a televangelist items such as a miracle cloth, blessed oils, miracle water or anointed handkerchief etc as a so called point of contact, if you are  in possession of a bible? What is it that the above mentioned items can do that the Holy scriptures can not do?

I challenge you today by enabling and activating the Holy Spirit that resides within you if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. Make a commitment to feed your spirit with at least a scripture a day and make an attempt to retrieve at least a verse from whatever scripture you decide to read and begin to speak that scripture into your life so that the Holy Spirit can manifest the promises of the word of God in your life!

Written By: Kevin LA Ewing

Stop agreeing with the spirit of fear

Yesterday on the Cindy Russell show we dealt with the foot soldiers of the kingdom of darkness. We
discovered that the foot soldiers of the kingdom of darkness are indeed the spirits of fear!

Prior to sickness, poverty, confusion setbacks, delays etc, the spirit of fear would always be the initiator in ushering in these other spirits into your life. While others would describe fear as a feeling or an emotion. Scripture makes it abundantly clear that fear is indeed a spirit! The feeling of fear is just the evidence of the presence of the spirit of fear.

"For God did not give us the "SPIRIT" of fear" 2 Timothy 1:7. Spirits, clearly understand that in order for them to manifest or perform their will in the natural, otherwise known as our physical world, human co-operation is a must. Again, this is so because God gave humans authority in the earth and not spirits according to Genesis 1:28.

Therefore, when the spirit of fear shows up, the reality is it's seeking your approval for you to agree with whatever evil it desires to release into your life.

statements such as: "I'm afraid that I may have Cancer". "I fear contracting HIV". "I fear that someone else will get the promotion instead of me". I fear that they may not view me as being qualified for the job". Again my friend, God did not give us the spirit of fear! This spirit is strictly from the enemy's camp.

The spirit of fear wants you to activate the spiritual law of fear so that it can dominate that particular area of your life that you unknowingly agreed to. The law of fear dictates the following, " For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me" Job 3:25.

If you would like to know what Job feared, then review Job 1 & 2 to discovered what all he lost and the infirmity that consumed his body. The bottom line friend is this. Stop confessing whatever it is that you fear because in doing so you are literally agreeing with the spirit of fear that desires to manifest whatever it is that you greatly fear!

I curse the spirit of fear and command it to be consumed by the eternal fire of God. I reject, renounce and condemn any and all confessions of fear that I have made in my life time. I command every evil covenant of fear to be broken by the power of God in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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"Father, please strengthen my ability to discern today, allowing me to see beyond the limitations of my five senses. Show me any tra...