Sunday, July 6, 2014


  1. Thank you Pastor Ewing. Since following your ministry, I am more aware of the spiritual attacks and witchcraft placed in my life.Many if not all the dreams you mentioned in other blogs about dreams indicating witchcraft and some that have to do with poverty I have dreamt of. I now know more then ever that I must do some serious prayer and fasting. If you have time, can you please pray for me and my family as I know the devil and his witches demons etc.are really trying hard to prevent me from flourishing. If I could also talk with you concerning these dreams if you don't mind.

  2. Blessings to Minister K. Ewing's and your family. This is awesome article and it enlighten me. Now I understand it more clearer. Thank you JESUS!
    January 15, 2022 from Georgia


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