Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dreaming Of The Unknown

Many of us have had the experience of dreaming of people, places, and things that we were unfamiliar with. Unfortunately, as with most of our dreams that we don't understand, we tend to not give serious thought to them, and as a result, we ignore or dismiss them.

Today, we'll unlock the mystery surrounding such dreams to reveal to the dreamer of such dreams what messages are being communicated to them via their dreams.

Have you dreamed of traveling on an unknown journey or being driven by an unknown person? Traveling on a strange trip indicates that the dreamer is involved in an unprofitable endeavor. Whatever the dreamer is involved in or with, there will be no progress, increase, or type or form of advancement; it will amount to nothing more than a dead investment. Being driven by unknown persons to an unknown destination, on the other hand, would indicate confusion and a non-progressing life. As with all negative dreams, this dream must be challenged upon waking from the dream. Firstly, you must cancel the dream and ask the Holy Spirit to unseat all unknown spiritual and physical drivers (influencers) in your life and place you back on course with God's intended desire and destiny.

What about having dreams of seeing yourself or someone you know entering a vehicle or aircraft and not knowing the destination. Again indicates that the spirit of confusion has been sent to attack you or is currently present in your life. Still, more importantly, these forces are always accompanied by the spirit of uncertainty. The evidence of this attack would display in the dreamer's behavior, where the dreamer finds it challenging to make decisions, especially over simple matters. The dreamer is easily confused, especially if they never experienced such an action before. Another physical sign would be the inability to recall or memorize simple stuff. For example, you're watching television, and the program you're watching goes into a commercial break. You decide to go to the kitchen for a snack; however, you totally forget what you came there for when you got there. My friend, you must cancel and pray against confusion and uncertainty and bind the associating spirits of forgetfulness.

Many folks experience dreams of engaging in conversations with unknown folks, giving them something in their dreams. For the most part, these are not good dreams. To decipher if your dream of an unknown person is good or bad, you must consider several things, such as, what was given to you in the dream by this unknown person, and what the environment was like. Was the setting dark, or was it well-lit? What feelings or emotions you experienced after your dream were feelings of fear, overly concern, anxiety, etc. The bottom line here is that this unknown person in your dreams is, for the most part, an evil spirit pretending to be a good person solely to pollute your destiny. For example, let's say you had a dream where an unknown person gave you a map in your dream. Well, the reality is, if you accepted the map in your dream from this unknown person, you would have received the plan of that evil spirit to alter the course of your life for the negative. In fact, you're spiritually diverted from your God-appointed blessings.

Many people have accepted monies, gifts, books, papers, etc., from unknown persons in their dreams, not realizing the negative spiritual implications these things carry that will ultimately release devastating manifestations into the dreamer's life. As I have said so many times, our dreams' principle is to reveal the root of our everyday matters, be it matters of the past, present, or future. The understanding of a dream is that the dream is spiritual and, for the most part, should not be taken literally. Instead, one must ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance, who is the revealer of all truth and will also be the one that would determine if the dream is a literal dream or a symbolic dream.

Kevin L A Ewing

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