Friday, May 17, 2019

Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real!

Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real! People under witchcraft attacks at work may experience difficulty staying awake and lack motivation to perform their tasks. Evil sleep waves of witchcraft are evil spirits assigned to a person. Once this person arrives at work, they will experience unusual sleepiness, even though they would have had a full night's rest and probably a cup of coffee just before arriving at work. However, as long as the victim is in their work area, they will continue to battle hours of yawning and doing everything to stay awake. Secondly, the victim will mysteriously lose all desire and motivation to complete or even perform their job. Depending on the level of witchcraft attacks projected against them, they can also experience frequent forgetfulness, inability to focus or concentrate, and mysteriously lose their train of thought in the middle of a conversation or even presentation. Even more surprising is that the more the victim attempts to recall their ideas, the more it becomes impossible to remember what they want to say next. So, how can a person determine if the witchcraft attacks are reserved just for their workstation or the entire workplace? If the victim only experiences sleepiness at their workstation but not at any other workplace section. Then, it is clear that the witchcraft point of contact would be invisible or visible at their workstation. Of course, suppose the victim were to relocate to another section of the workplace and continue to experience sleepiness. In that case, it can be concluded that the entire property is cursed by witchcraft. Now, here is where it becomes pretty fascinating. While the victims would have difficulties staying awake at their workplace, amazingly (again, depending on the level of witchcraft attack), they have problems going to sleep at their residence. Yet, the victim is unaware of the spirit of insomnia projected in their life. So the victim will experience tiredness and every other sign that they want to sleep but, for some strange reason, cannot sleep. The idea of such witchcraft attacks is to frustrate and fatigue the victim. To further prove that the victim is being attacked spiritually by witchcraft. The victim will be overwhelmed by dreams where they are chased in their dreams, fighting, swimming, or flying in their dreams. Again, depending on the level of witchcraft attacks, the victim would have repeated dreams where they're either being fed in their dreams, eating in their dreams, or being chased by dogs or strange animals. Nightly nightmares would be expected for them at this point in the victim's life. It's essential to be aware of the potential for seemingly innocent objects such as necklaces, souvenirs, plants, and unusual scents to negatively affect the workplace. Malicious individuals may use these items to harm specific coworkers, leading to physical symptoms like frequent accidents, strange sickness, headaches, and confusion that can impact job performance. The victim's illness will escalate to strange pains in their body and discoloration of their skin, especially their face. The victim will begin to age rapidly and slowly lose mobility, such as walking with assistance such as a walker or cane. Despite this person's many visits to the Doctor, their Doctor will be left baffled because the apparent debilitating condition of this person does not match the opposing medical test results conducted on the victim. Therefore, if you are or have experienced unusual sleepiness while on your job, especially if there was nothing to warrant this strange sleepiness. Then, more than likely, there is witchcraft in your workplace. If you are not a Christian or someone standing in the gap for you in prayer, then more than likely, the one sending the attacks will succeed in the attacks against you. Secondly, if you're a Christian experiencing all the signs mentioned above. Then it is clear that you have unconfessed sin in your life because, according to the rules of spiritual warfare, a curse cannot descend upon you unless there is a reason, Proverbs 26:2! To be clear, the unconfessed sin in your life could be the reason for the success of these attacks. Unconfessed sin is not limited to the victim but also their ancestors. As a result of the ancestor's unconfessed sins, iniquities, and transgressions, it has opened spiritual doors that provided legal, spiritual attacks on future generations. Of course, direct sin would be an active sin in the Believer's life that has not been addressed via confession and repentance. "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

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