Showing posts with label Spiritual insight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual insight. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2024




Have you been experiencing recurring dreams about a specific road? Was the road rough, smooth, hilly, mountainous, twisted, or confusing? Did the road lead to a dead end, or were there obstacles or barriers in your path?

If you have recently dreamt about being on a specific road, it could symbolize your destiny. If the road in your dream was rough, it may indicate that you are currently going through a difficult period in your life or expecting future challenges. Similarly, if you dreamt about the road having blockades or obstacles, it could mean there are barriers to achieving your goals and fulfilling your destiny.

The dream is saying to you that this is why things seem so complex and challenging in your everyday life. As a reminder, these people place things and events in your dreams as symbols representing a greater reality.

I can not emphasize this enough: in every situation in your life, the root of that situation or matter will always be spiritual. Therefore, your dream's purpose is to reveal what is pending spiritually that is to be manifesting physically.

The words road, path, and way are interchangeable in the scripture. For instance, Proverbs 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." This means that the word of God guides us in the right direction and helps us to achieve our destiny. If we do not use the word of God as a lamp and a light, then we are in darkness, and we do not know what we stumble upon.

Prayer points:

Ask God to lead you on your road/path to your destiny, "Teach me thy way, O, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies/obstacles" Psalm 27:11

Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Proverbs 1:15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path.

Proverbs 4:14 Enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men.

Proverbs 4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

If you dream of hills and mountains, expect hardship and difficulty. If the road is dark, then the dream tells you that there are things you are ignorant of about your future.

If the road in the dream is bright and clear, then this speaks of clarity and understanding as it relates to your destiny.

Walking with someone on the street and not walking together indicates that you are not in agreement or unequally matched. On the other hand, if you are walking in harmony, you are moving as a team and displaying unity.

If cats or dogs are chasing you in your dream, it could indicate some evil attacks in your current or future life, depending on the context of the dream. If you dream about driving and colliding with another vehicle, it could signify a future confrontation. If someone hits you or collides with you from behind, it may indicate something related to your past or an evil work concocted behind your back without your knowledge.

Whenever you have a dream in which you perceive or sense the presence of evil, it's important to pray against it and cancel any potential physical manifestation in your life. On the other hand, if you have had a dream from God, you should pray in agreement with God that His will be done and that He guides you in fulfilling your destiny.

As usual, I hope you guys are achieving some clarity in your dreams due to these teachings............. Please keep me in your prayers.....

Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, May 17, 2019

Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real!

Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real! People under witchcraft attacks at work may experience difficulty staying awake and lack motivation to perform their tasks. Evil sleep waves of witchcraft are evil spirits assigned to a person. Once this person arrives at work, they will experience unusual sleepiness, even though they would have had a full night's rest and probably a cup of coffee just before arriving at work. However, as long as the victim is in their work area, they will continue to battle hours of yawning and doing everything to stay awake. Secondly, the victim will mysteriously lose all desire and motivation to complete or even perform their job. Depending on the level of witchcraft attacks projected against them, they can also experience frequent forgetfulness, inability to focus or concentrate, and mysteriously lose their train of thought in the middle of a conversation or even presentation. Even more surprising is that the more the victim attempts to recall their ideas, the more it becomes impossible to remember what they want to say next. So, how can a person determine if the witchcraft attacks are reserved just for their workstation or the entire workplace? If the victim only experiences sleepiness at their workstation but not at any other workplace section. Then, it is clear that the witchcraft point of contact would be invisible or visible at their workstation. Of course, suppose the victim were to relocate to another section of the workplace and continue to experience sleepiness. In that case, it can be concluded that the entire property is cursed by witchcraft. Now, here is where it becomes pretty fascinating. While the victims would have difficulties staying awake at their workplace, amazingly (again, depending on the level of witchcraft attack), they have problems going to sleep at their residence. Yet, the victim is unaware of the spirit of insomnia projected in their life. So the victim will experience tiredness and every other sign that they want to sleep but, for some strange reason, cannot sleep. The idea of such witchcraft attacks is to frustrate and fatigue the victim. To further prove that the victim is being attacked spiritually by witchcraft. The victim will be overwhelmed by dreams where they are chased in their dreams, fighting, swimming, or flying in their dreams. Again, depending on the level of witchcraft attacks, the victim would have repeated dreams where they're either being fed in their dreams, eating in their dreams, or being chased by dogs or strange animals. Nightly nightmares would be expected for them at this point in the victim's life. It's essential to be aware of the potential for seemingly innocent objects such as necklaces, souvenirs, plants, and unusual scents to negatively affect the workplace. Malicious individuals may use these items to harm specific coworkers, leading to physical symptoms like frequent accidents, strange sickness, headaches, and confusion that can impact job performance. The victim's illness will escalate to strange pains in their body and discoloration of their skin, especially their face. The victim will begin to age rapidly and slowly lose mobility, such as walking with assistance such as a walker or cane. Despite this person's many visits to the Doctor, their Doctor will be left baffled because the apparent debilitating condition of this person does not match the opposing medical test results conducted on the victim. Therefore, if you are or have experienced unusual sleepiness while on your job, especially if there was nothing to warrant this strange sleepiness. Then, more than likely, there is witchcraft in your workplace. If you are not a Christian or someone standing in the gap for you in prayer, then more than likely, the one sending the attacks will succeed in the attacks against you. Secondly, if you're a Christian experiencing all the signs mentioned above. Then it is clear that you have unconfessed sin in your life because, according to the rules of spiritual warfare, a curse cannot descend upon you unless there is a reason, Proverbs 26:2! To be clear, the unconfessed sin in your life could be the reason for the success of these attacks. Unconfessed sin is not limited to the victim but also their ancestors. As a result of the ancestor's unconfessed sins, iniquities, and transgressions, it has opened spiritual doors that provided legal, spiritual attacks on future generations. Of course, direct sin would be an active sin in the Believer's life that has not been addressed via confession and repentance. "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A greater revelation concerning the spirit of poverty

Dreams Revealing The Spirit Of Poverty

Throughout my interactions with numerous individuals, a recurring concern that arises is their inability to comprehend why their diligently acquired possessions tend to elude them. Often, these individuals approach me with a plea to offer up prayers on their behalf, requesting that they be bestowed with financial abundance and liberty.

Before I go into today's teaching, I want you to know that experiencing financial losses does not necessarily mean you need a miraculous economic intervention. Instead, the root of your problem may lie that you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. This spirit is responsible for sabotaging your spiritual blessings, preventing them from manifesting as physical blessings. It is not that God has not blessed you; instead, you may be unaware of the presence of this spirit that is consuming your spiritual blessings and hindering your physical blessings.

According to scripture, God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Everything is already in place to succeed in all areas of our lives, including our finances. Satan and his demons are spirits who understand spiritual laws and know that the spirit realm is the origin of all things. Therefore, if they can disrupt or misplace your spiritual blessings, it will result in physical losses.

Specific dreams indicate you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. These dreams reveal how the enemy is stealing from you spiritually, leading to real-life financial losses.

If you often dream of walking barefoot or wearing worn-out clothing or shoes, it could signify a spiritual attack from the spirit of poverty. Additionally, dreams, where you or others are constantly begging or seeking financial assistance could indicate that poverty has infiltrated all areas of your life. I'd like you to please take note of these dreams, as they may reveal more profound issues.

Dreams, where you are shopping or spending money lavishly, indicate that this spirit influences you to spend your money foolishly and wastefully. The consequences of such dreams can be seen when a person struggles to account for their spending and has nothing to show for their transactions.

Some dreams may appear promising on the surface but, when analyzed spiritually, reveal that the enemy is robbing you of your financial blessings and causing economic losses. For example, dreams of owning luxury items like private jets, luxury cars, or mansions, especially when financially struggling. It may seem like a sign of impending wealth. However, these dreams indicate that the enemy is influencing you to spend beyond your means, leading to financial difficulties and obligations that prevent you from enjoying any increase in your future finances.

Dreams of selling your possessions or finding strangers in your home. In that case, it may be an impending financial ruin, such as foreclosure or the loss of valuable assets that would be difficult to recover from financially where you cannot access a bank or when the bank is closed, symbolizing financial blockages and restrictions. The manifestation of such dreams would be when people owe you money but cannot pay, or you cannot collect on a financial settlement or judgment.

If you dream of losing money from your wallet, purse, or bag, or if you hide money in a dream and it goes missing when you try to retrieve it, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is involved in projects that will not yield any returns. Missing money in dreams signifies that this spirit is stealing your spiritual and financial blessings, preventing them from manifesting in your life.

Dreams, where your finances are withheld or delayed, signify a delay in your real-life finances. For example, suppose you dream of being at an ATM machine and it malfunctions, or the power goes out when you try to withdraw money. In that case, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is delaying or hindering your spiritual finances, which will result in financial losses if not addressed.

Dreams of rats, cockroaches, and missing properties also indicate the presence of the spirit of poverty in your life. Dreams where money is stolen, or you find yourself picking up cash, coins, silver, or gold suggest the influence of a pauper spirit supervised by a ruling spirit of poverty.

If someone gives you money in a dream, be cautious and discerning. While some dreams of receiving money may indicate a genuine financial increase, others can be deceptive. If the person giving you money is someone you do not know or is an enemy in reality, it is an evil dream, and the money represents cursed finances. Similarly, if the money is old, dirty, torn, or a mixture of foreign currency, it signifies confusion and disorder in your finances. These dreams require immediate spiritual resistance and cancellation upon waking.

Suppose you experience repetitive dreams related to these financial losses. In that case, it is essential to engage in fasting, as led by the Holy Spirit, and pray with relevant scriptures to break the curse of poverty over your life. Scriptures such as Philippians 4:19, Psalm 115:14, and Deuteronomy 28:12 can be used to declare God's provision and blessings in your finances.

Based on spiritual laws, the spirit of poverty can only access your life through a covenant. Unfortunately, most folks are of these evil agreements. Therefore, renouncing and revoking any evil demonic covenants in your life, whether generational curses or established through dreams, is crucial. Ask God to reinstate His original plan for your life, particularly in your finances, in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the meaning of dream symbols can be influenced by factors such as one's cultural background, profession, lifestyle, and religion. Therefore, relying solely on the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction is essential when interpreting them.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Importance Of Approving and Disapproving Our Dreams

Our dreams are our spiritual monitors, revealing to us excerpts of what's pending for or against our
lives in the spirit realm.
The spirit world is where everything happens before its manifestation on earth. In fact, God said that he would not allow anything to occur on the planet unless he revealed his secret to his servants, the prophets, Amos 3:7.

While we may not have much control over what is conceived in the spirit realm/spirit world, we do have the authority in most cases to either approve or reject its request for entry into the earth and, by extension, our lives.

One of the most common ways approval is granted is by our conscious and unconscious declarations. The scriptural laws dictate that death and life reside in the power of our tongues, and we declare most often or not at all what will be granted or denied on the earth, Proverbs 18:21.
Another scriptural law that supports Proverbs 18:21 would be Job 22:28, and here is what it says, "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee." A decree is an edict, law, etc., made by someone in authority or someone with authority giving a command.

Now, to bring all of this together. The spirit world, the origin of all things or where all things are conceived spiritually, consistently seeks a human's direct or indirect approval to manifest its will, purpose, or desire in the earthly realm. For the most part, their approvals are achieved during our dreams. In essence, approval means we as human beings directly or indirectly agree with whatever the spirit realm's spirits present to us in our dreams. Accepting whatever is given to us in our dreams constitutes what is known as a covenant. The covenants established in our dreams produce good or bad in our lives physically, which is only the result of what was conceived or manufactured spiritually. This is why it is so, so, so important to speak or make declarations AGAINST bad or uncomfortable dreams.

As a reminder, God, in one of many laws regarding planet Earth, found in Genesis 1:26, 28, gave man (human beings) and not spirits dominion and authority over the planet. Thus, a spirit needs man's approval to manifest its will on earth. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to master this understanding related to our dreams and daily confessions because we could inadvertently be allowing things from the spirit realm that are working against us to enter our lives.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hey You! Stop Worrying God Is in Control

 I tell folks," If you don't learn and seek God for yourself, then any clown can give you their version of him."

I have attended many churches, and unfortunately, a vast majority of them are of the erroneous belief that the bad things in life are of the Devil and the good things are of God. If you have been led to view life from this perspective, I can also promise you that you've been missing God quite a bit.

You see, my friend, it would be considered an oxymoron statement (seemingly self-contradictory) if you say to me God is in control on the one hand, but the Devil has done so and so to you on the other hand. If God is in control like we say he is (which I most certainly believe), then we must also conclude at the very least that he's supervising whatever is taking place in our lives, be it good or bad! In other words, more than likely, Satan's intrusion in your life may be a part of God's plan for your life at that particular time. As if he can stop the plans of God.

To be in control suggest having absolute power and authority. At a minimum, everything and everyone must seek your approval or permission to operate or function in whatever it is that you're in control of.
Case and point! In Genesis 12:1-9, God not only called out Abram (later called Abraham) from among his relatives but also made him a stack of promises concerning his seed despite having no children at age 75. Now one would think it would be smooth sailing for Abram after such grand promises. Interestingly enough, beginning in verse 10 of the chapter mentioned above, things began to go south for Abram in that the land started to experience a famine (recession in today's world). This caused Abram and his wife to go into a heathen land for support and resources.

At this point in the story, most "Bible-carrying Christians" would see this circumstance as the Devil's work to hinder God's plans for Abram's life. Well, if you continue to read the story, you'll read where what appeared to be an obstacle literally brought an increase in the time of famine (recession) to the life of Abram. Question! What is it that you're labeling as a disappointment, but it's a part of God's plan for what he's promised you?

My friend, the above biblical account is a candid example of the term "God is in control." Whatever appears to be disappointing, depressing, unfixable, a waste of time, or constant limitations, I promise God is indeed supervising these events all to provide good as your end result, just like he's promised in Romans 8:28.
As a reminder, Romans 8:28 clearly states that "ALL THINGS" (suggesting the good and the bad)are working to produce good for those who love God and those who are called to his purpose.

Whoever this understanding and revelation is for today, know that God is fully aware of your disappointments, constant struggles, depression, fatigue, confusion, and frustrations. However, God wants you to know that even though the Devil is working aggressively against you. Make no mistake, God is undoubtedly in control. With their limited knowledge of God's ultimate plan, Satan and his cohorts are a part of the mystery of developing you into what God has called you to and to become.

God said to remind you and that you must ponder his word, "IN EVERYTHING (GOOD AND BAD) GIVE THANKS; FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR YOU! 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

This setback is just a setup for your comeback…………

Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What goes around comes right back around...... It's called life!

There is a law in the secular and religious world that many of us conveniently ignore when we do
wrong to others. What I find to be even more interesting, is the fact that we've convinced ourselves that not only does this law not apply to us at the time of our evil planting but that everyone should join us in our pity party when the tables are turned on us.

My friend let me impart some sound and comforting wisdom with you this morning, that I am certain will cause you to look at your circumstances from a different prospective. Whoever has or is currently doing you wrong, delaying your promotion, oppressing you, deceiving you or just hell bent on making life extremely difficult for you. The truth is THERE DOING IT TO THEMSELVES!

You see my friend, incorporated into every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, amazingly this law requires no effort on the part of the one that the evil is being done to. Unfortunately, the perpetrator that's doing these evil acts against you is either unaware or simply don't care that while having the upper hand today in doing others wrong. They are simultaneously securing a spot in the future for this same evil to be return to them.

Let's look at a few biblical laws that governs this common  phenomena;

"But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons" Colossians 3:25

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" Galatians 6:7

In the above scriptures, it is clear that when one does wrong, whatever that wrong maybe, they are literally activating a law that is securing the very evil for them that they are at that present time securing for others.... Wow!

Therefore I want to say to someone this morning, yes I know quite well, how cheated you feel, taken advantage of, overlooked, falsely accused, hindered and oppressed by your superiors and you feel that as long as a certain person is in place you'll never get ahead. However my friend accompanied with those thoughts and feelings, I want you to also understand that these same people WILL RECEIVE OF THE VERY THING THEY'RE DOING TO YOU WITHOUT ANY EFFORT ON YOUR PART!

Let us bring this all together with the following scriptures;

"Such people dig a deep hole, then fall in it themselves. The trouble they cause comes back on them, and their heads are crushed by their own evil deeds" Psalm 7:15-16.

"He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it" Eccl. 10:8.

" His own iniquities shall entrap the wicked himself, and he shall be held by the cords of his sins" Proverbs 5:22.

My friend, if you are the one that's doing evil to others, I strongly recommend you reconsider and discontinue. You are no different from anyone else, in terms of you will reap the fruit of the evil you've sown in the lives of others. Many of you are suffering right now as a direct result of the evil you've done to others in the past.

What is most unfortunate, is that your children are suffering as a result of what you know you've done to others and their children. The truth is my friend, you don't have to believe any of the scriptures (laws) I've mentioned above, but know this THE WORLD IS A CIRCLE AND WHAT GOES AROUND MY FRIEND WILL NOT ONLY COME BACK AROUND but you will helplessly watch on as your children suffer  Un-necessarily knowing fully well that because of your hate, unfairness, pride, bitterness and anger towards others you've allowed Satan to use you to plant seeds that you weren't prepared to deal with later.

That witchcraft you worked on someone, will come back to you!
That lie you told on someone, will come back to you!
That money you stole, well someone will steal from you!
Someone's time you've wasted, someone will waste your time!
The cheating you've done to others, someone will cheat on you!
The way you've oppressed others, someone will oppress you!
You've taken advantage of other folks children, someone will do the same to yours!

The word of the lord to you today my friend may not be one that you would like, in any event:

God said to tell you, that in order to understand the so called "confusion and evil" that's happening to you right now, consider the seeds that you've planted in the past, HARVEST TIME HAS ARRIVED!

I REPEAT: "But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons" Colossians 3:25

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lord, please release to me revelation

Revelation is the act or process of revealing or the unveiling of that which was hidden or to bring understanding to that which is not clear!

You have convinced yourself that it is money that you need, you've convinced yourself that a husband or wife would make life better for you. You've convinced yourself that if you get that promotion, life would be far better than it is right now. However, what you really need is revelation to expose the mysteries that you have convinced yourself that monies,husband/wife, promotions and so on are the solution to. The above will provide a temporary solution but revelation knowledge will most certainly provide a permanent solution.

Lord, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, please reveal to me why it's difficult for me to maintain relationships, reveal to me why I can not get married. Lord reveal to me what is it that I am doing wrong that's maintaining my cycle of poverty. Lord please, reveal to me what is being done against me in my absence and by whom. Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, reveal to me those that I consider friends but in reality they're working against me. Father, expose and make clear with confirmation the spiritual forces working against my destiny and simultaneously reveal the solution for me to rid myself of them. Lord, your word says we have  not because we ask not, therefore I am asking you to open my eyes spiritually so that it can be reveal to me the true nature of my on going matters in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, all that has been hidden from me that has been fueling my inability to prosper and advance in life, please bring revelation and exposure and cause me to act upon these revelations to bring change to my frustrating matters. God I am asking you in desperation to reveal who and where they have buried my destiny, so that I can send your fire to up root their devices in Jesus name. Finally father it is my general prayer that you spiritually endow me with uncommon revelation to every mystery in my life and the lives of my love ones in the matchless and mighty name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing​

Friday, October 18, 2013

Understanding the dreams you dream Part. 19- Things going missing

On the endless list of frustrating things that take place from day to day in our lives, which I am sure most of you would agree to, is our inability to immediately locate certain things we’ve left at certain locations.

I am convinced that whoever you may be that’s reading this article; you’re probably shaking your head in agreement with the above statement. Well, today in our teaching on “Dreams and their understanding” we will focus our attention on things going missing or destroyed in our dreams, and how does such dreams correlate with our everyday life. Just imagine for a brief moment, that you’re getting dress for work and at the same time you’re running late. As you are about to rush towards your front door, you glance at the key holder where you always secure your keys and your keys are nowhere in sight. At this point a series of events immediately saturate your thoughts, such as: why are your keys not where you usually leave them? Who moved your keys and where could they have possibly placed them? How am I going to get to work? The fear of being late and having my Boss call me into his office etc. All of this is aside from our anger, frustration, confusion, fatigue and emotional weariness that is dominating us at this point.

If we carefully analyze the above scenario it should be easy to conclude that everything that I have mentioned paints the picture of an all out assault against our mind. So primarily, if you have or you are currently experiencing dreams where things are going missing in your dream, then the dream is indicating a spiritual attack against your mind. The physical evidence of such dreams especially if these dreams are not cancelled will cause the dreamer in reality to either experience seasonal or frequent bouts with depression, loneliness, confusing thoughts, feeling inadequate, feeling worthless, consumed by intense fears accompanied with abnormal thoughts of dying. The reality is these victims are being influenced and harassed by evil spirits specifically assigned to wage war on their minds.

When we further analyze such dreams from a spiritual perspective, it also becomes easy to unveil Satan’s devices being used to manipulate his victims in their dreams. Like I have mentioned in so many of my previous articles; whenever our enemy comes at us he is always accompanied with spiritual laws and his attack will always be based on our ignorance of those laws, that if left unchallenged then not only will he be successful but at the same time dominate our lives.

Let’s say you had a dream and in this dream you’ve just purchased yourself a brand new car. One day you decided to go to a friend’s house, to show off your new car. After arriving at the friend’s home and chatting with them on the inside for a little while, you decide to return outside with your friend to show off your car. However, upon arriving outside it becomes quite apparent that your car is missing. The first thing that happens is you become consumed with fear, anxiety and confusion. Again, all of these things are an attack against your mind. More importantly fear is a spirit (For God did not give us the “SPIRIT OF FEAR”) and the purpose of your car going missing in the dream was intentionally designed for you to accept this spirit without any resistance. As you can see the dream has very little to do with your car being missing in real life. Instead it has everything to do with the implication of the introducing of evil spirits into your lives. As a side note, the spirits of fear, doubt and unbelief are the frontline soldiers in every demonic attack against you; they are the pacesetters of what’s to come by our skilled adversary. Now, before we proceed any further, let us refer to the principle as to how this spirit of fear entered our lives through our dreams.The spiritual principle dictates, “But while men (The dreamer) slept (dreaming), his enemy (evil spirits) came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way” Matthew 13:25.

The spirit of fear, once accepted into our lives; simply because we did not see the need to cancel the dream or pray against it in order to destroy its spiritual origin. Then the agreement of our human spirit agreeing with the spirit of fear gave birth to the spirit of fear to reign in our lives. This manifestation will produce a series of traps that will unveil the follow; the fear of flying, the fear of public speaking, fear of closed environments the fear of doing things different, fear of your kids dying, fear of never being married, the fear of contracting HIV, the fear of cancer etc. “The fear of a man becomes a trap unto him” Proverbs 25:29. So the fear of these things and many more has placed you in a spiritual and mental cage that has set limitations on your life. Nevertheless, these attacks are on the administrator of your body which is your mind, in which such attacks are well calculated by our adversary unbeknown to the spiritually unlearned. Think about it for a second, if something or someone has you in bondage or trapped, then they are able to do as they please to you and with you without any resistance from your end. Let’s look at another spiritual principle, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear” Romans 8:15. This passage of scripture clearly proves that the spirit of fear purpose is to restrict you in your everyday living and if possible every area of your life.

The repetition of such dreams can indicate several things such as the dreamer is not getting the understanding of the dream so the dream is being repeated. It could mean the dream is confirming itself by repeating itself. However, the dream can also indicate that the forces against you are relentless and increasing. Things being lost in our dreams or destroyed in our dreams can also indicate a loss in reality but even in such cases the purpose of the loss is an attack against our minds. For example, let’s say you had a dream you saw your place of employment destroyed by fire, then the dream could be indicating you losing your job, layoffs or the company losing business to the extent of closure. A home or a building burning down in a dream represents or indicates pending large losses. Have you ever experienced a dream where in your dream you saw your boyfriend or girlfriend home destroyed by fire? The dream is indicating one of the parties is contemplating or will leave the other party. Again, I can’t stress enough that the entire purpose of the spiritual and natural purposes of such dreams are to challenge the mind of its victim from a negative perspective.

Dreaming of your keys being missing is never a good dream because the dream is indicating that you are about to lose access or privilege to or of something. For example let’s say you lost your keys at work, then the dream is warning you that either you’re about to or already lost some privileges on your job. Someone once told me about a series of dreams that they were having. In these dreams their home in the dream is always missing from its true location in reality. Well, I explained to the person that the dream represents, foreclosure or the loss of their home by whatever means accompanied with the mental stress prior to the loss and after the loss. Well, it would have been about a year or less that the person’s home went into foreclosure which literally left them almost completely mentally despondent.

Having dreams of weddings bands or rings going missing can be challenges dreams. For example let’s say you had a dream and your husband or wife lost their wedding ring. Well, a ring represents covenants or agreements, if the ring is lost in the dream by either party; the dream is indicating a break in the covenant which could be as a result of infidelity, a loss of interest by one of the parties or one of the parties being bewitched by a third party to bring division to the marriage.

It is so unfortunate that if Christians and others alike had such understanding of dreams, then it would have been quite possible to avoid and even spiritually cancel the origin of these attacks. What is even more amazing, is the fact that when some folks ask me to give some understanding to their dream and the dream reveal pending dangers or the dream is providing a solution for their real life situation, they would in turn say to me that they are not concerned by any of what the dream is saying because they are “covered by the blood of Jesus”. There are perhaps millions of Christians the world over that Satan has manipulated into this misunderstanding belief. If the blood of Jesus was a cure all then why even after you apply the blood ONLY! Your circumstance does not change or it gets even worse. Better yet, why would Jesus leave a book called the bible that is filled with spiritual laws, rules, principles, commands, protocols and precepts if the blood of Jesus was the cure all?

Wake up my friend scripture has said that God speaks to us once, yea twice, yet man understands not, In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then he open the ears of men, and seal their instruction, Job 33:14-16. Scripture further warns us with the following principle, “My people (the people of God) are destroyed due to their LACK OF AVAILABLE SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE” Hosea 4:6. Your dreams are spiritual monitors revealing to you what you would never know under normal circumstances.  Make use of this vital tool God has given all of us in this invisible war.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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