Showing posts with label Witchcraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witchcraft. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spiritual Insight Into Witchcraft Dreams

Individuals who are under the influence of witchcraft often experience dreams wherein they are pitted against challenging foes, be they human adversaries, animals, or otherworldly creatures.

In intense witchcraft attacks, the individual might often have recurring dreams of animals, specifically dogs, attacking or attempting to attack them. These dream attacks are caused by evil spirits who take on the form of animals or other creatures and battle against the human spirit of the victim. As a result of these attacks, the victim may feel drained and fatigued even after a seemingly restful night's sleep.

It's important to remember that the intensity of the challenges you face in your dreams can symbolize the unexpected difficulties you may encounter in real life. For instance, if you dream about being attacked by a group of unfamiliar men without much resistance, it could represent significant issues in your waking life. These problems may extend beyond your daily routine and have more severe consequences. For example, a dream like this could foreshadow events such as waking up to a fire in your home, getting into a severe car accident, or experiencing a sudden breakup in a seemingly stable relationship.

When examining the dream further, it's important to note that the victim doesn't seem to fight back against the attacker. Instead, they appear to give in to the attack. We should pay close attention to this.

To clarify, the victim in this dream represents their human spirit or soul rather than their physical body. This suggests their spiritual source is vulnerable to the various spiritual forces working against them. According to spiritual law, "If we faint in the day of adversity, our strength is weak" (Proverbs 24:5). Therefore, the strange men appearing in the dream are actually evil spirits of misfortune, stagnation, poverty, and divorce, among others, overpowering the human spirit and, ultimately, affecting one's life.

I've emphasized that our spiritual life impacts our daily material life. Witchcraft aims to weaken a person spiritually, ultimately affecting their daily life. It involves engaging in rituals and ceremonies as demanded by evil spirits to battle someone spiritually. This typically involves making a spiritual agreement with the spirits, often called an evil covenant.

Once a covenant is established, even evil spirits must follow the rules governing the spiritual realm when interacting with their victims. Simply put, no matter how powerful an evil spirit may be, it must have a valid reason to attack its victim. The law clearly states, "A curse without cause shall not alight" (Proverbs 26:2). Therefore, these spirits closely monitor their victims' lives on a spiritual level, paying attention to unconfessed sins, ancestral covenants, curses, or any actions that go against God's law. As a result, I advise people that if they suspect witchcraft is affecting their lives, they should carefully evaluate what is happening, especially paying attention to their dreams, in line with spiritual principles.

It is common for people to dream of running away from others, whether they are individuals, groups, animals, or unknown assailants. By applying Biblical principles, we can interpret these dreams as reflections of the dreamer's lifestyle and behavior. According to Proverbs 28:1, the wicked flee when there is no danger, while the righteous are bold and brave like lions. Therefore, the dreamer should consider why they were running from their pursuers. If they genuinely embody righteousness, why didn't they stand up to their opponents instead of fleeing?

When it comes to dreams about dogs, those affected by witchcraft often dream of being chased or attacked by dogs. In this context, the dogs symbolize evil spirits. The type and size of the dogs in the dream can indicate the spirit's rank and the threat level against you. These dream experiences are believed to have genuine spiritual implications that can impact your daily life.

For instance, if you've dreamt of being attacked by puppies, it could signify the presence of tormenting spirits seeking to cause you distress. This may manifest in minor accidents such as frequently stubbing your toe or breaking dishes. This pattern of clumsiness could be connected to these dreams. If you often dream of dogs attacking you, it might be a sign that a family member is associated with these spiritual attacks.

The following text discusses the significance of dreaming about being attacked by a Pitbull. This type of dream may symbolize significant challenges in the dreamer's everyday life. Individuals who have such dreams often struggle to remember them, and their attempts to recall the dream may result in fragmented and scattered memories. These difficulties are believed to be signs of witchcraft attacks targeted at the dreamer.
As a result of these attacks, the individual may encounter confusion in various settings and experience unusual rejection. This rejection may manifest as consistent turning away by people who should offer help, support, resources, and opportunities. The attacks may also be associated with feelings of abandonment, leading to overwhelming sensations of loneliness, confusion, and disturbing thoughts regarding death and depression. It's important to note that these attacks primarily target the individual's mental and emotional well-being rather than their physical state. The physical symptoms experienced by the person are seen as a reflection of the spiritual attacks they are facing.

In some cases, if a person is bitten by a dog or another animal in their dream, they may experience unexplained illnesses in their physical body. Victims of such dreams may experience unusual swelling in various body parts. Additionally, they may start to appear older than their actual age. Other symptoms include discoloration on the face and skin diseases that are difficult to cure. The intention behind these actions is to disconnect the victim from reality by diverting their attention towards witchcraft manipulations instead of the power of God.

As these traumatic experiences continue, the individual may frequently have dreams where they lose or misplace their vehicle. Another common dream involves the victim constantly dreaming about their home's roof leaking or strange men working on it. Instead of fixing the roof, the men working on it seem to be destroying it or unable to finish the repairs. As a side note, when dreaming of a house, it is often interpreted as a symbol for a person. In this context, the roof would represent the individual's mind.

Be attentive; having these dreams is usually a sign that witchcraft or sorcery may be directed toward you. It is also important to remember that you are facing a spiritual battle. Any physical harm or negative experiences you may encounter are just a result of what has been achieved against you in the spiritual realm.

To overcome and withstand such evil, you must embrace righteous living. This entails accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and cultivating a deep relationship with him. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ or if you are a believer with unconfessed sins in your life, you may be vulnerable to witchcraft attacks.

Can someone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ be delivered from witchcraft attacks? Yes, they can, but it's only a temporary solution. The spirits will eventually return because the person doesn't have the spiritual protection believers in Christ have. This protection is explained in Ephesians 6:11-17. It is in the best interest of a person who has yet to accept Christ as their savior to do so to experience the spiritual benefits of being a believer in Jesus Christ.

As a Christian involved in deliverance, it is essential to prioritize fasting as part of your Christian discipline. Evil spirits have different ranks, and using the appropriate method to expel them based on their level is necessary. According to Matthew 17:21, per scriptural rules, some evil spirits can only be removed through prayer and fasting. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that prayer alone may not be effective in some deliverance situations.

Kevin Ewing

Friday, May 17, 2019

Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real!

Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real! People under witchcraft attacks at work may experience difficulty staying awake and lack motivation to perform their tasks. Evil sleep waves of witchcraft are evil spirits assigned to a person. Once this person arrives at work, they will experience unusual sleepiness, even though they would have had a full night's rest and probably a cup of coffee just before arriving at work. However, as long as the victim is in their work area, they will continue to battle hours of yawning and doing everything to stay awake. Secondly, the victim will mysteriously lose all desire and motivation to complete or even perform their job. Depending on the level of witchcraft attacks projected against them, they can also experience frequent forgetfulness, inability to focus or concentrate, and mysteriously lose their train of thought in the middle of a conversation or even presentation. Even more surprising is that the more the victim attempts to recall their ideas, the more it becomes impossible to remember what they want to say next. So, how can a person determine if the witchcraft attacks are reserved just for their workstation or the entire workplace? If the victim only experiences sleepiness at their workstation but not at any other workplace section. Then, it is clear that the witchcraft point of contact would be invisible or visible at their workstation. Of course, suppose the victim were to relocate to another section of the workplace and continue to experience sleepiness. In that case, it can be concluded that the entire property is cursed by witchcraft. Now, here is where it becomes pretty fascinating. While the victims would have difficulties staying awake at their workplace, amazingly (again, depending on the level of witchcraft attack), they have problems going to sleep at their residence. Yet, the victim is unaware of the spirit of insomnia projected in their life. So the victim will experience tiredness and every other sign that they want to sleep but, for some strange reason, cannot sleep. The idea of such witchcraft attacks is to frustrate and fatigue the victim. To further prove that the victim is being attacked spiritually by witchcraft. The victim will be overwhelmed by dreams where they are chased in their dreams, fighting, swimming, or flying in their dreams. Again, depending on the level of witchcraft attacks, the victim would have repeated dreams where they're either being fed in their dreams, eating in their dreams, or being chased by dogs or strange animals. Nightly nightmares would be expected for them at this point in the victim's life. It's essential to be aware of the potential for seemingly innocent objects such as necklaces, souvenirs, plants, and unusual scents to negatively affect the workplace. Malicious individuals may use these items to harm specific coworkers, leading to physical symptoms like frequent accidents, strange sickness, headaches, and confusion that can impact job performance. The victim's illness will escalate to strange pains in their body and discoloration of their skin, especially their face. The victim will begin to age rapidly and slowly lose mobility, such as walking with assistance such as a walker or cane. Despite this person's many visits to the Doctor, their Doctor will be left baffled because the apparent debilitating condition of this person does not match the opposing medical test results conducted on the victim. Therefore, if you are or have experienced unusual sleepiness while on your job, especially if there was nothing to warrant this strange sleepiness. Then, more than likely, there is witchcraft in your workplace. If you are not a Christian or someone standing in the gap for you in prayer, then more than likely, the one sending the attacks will succeed in the attacks against you. Secondly, if you're a Christian experiencing all the signs mentioned above. Then it is clear that you have unconfessed sin in your life because, according to the rules of spiritual warfare, a curse cannot descend upon you unless there is a reason, Proverbs 26:2! To be clear, the unconfessed sin in your life could be the reason for the success of these attacks. Unconfessed sin is not limited to the victim but also their ancestors. As a result of the ancestor's unconfessed sins, iniquities, and transgressions, it has opened spiritual doors that provided legal, spiritual attacks on future generations. Of course, direct sin would be an active sin in the Believer's life that has not been addressed via confession and repentance. "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Churches Of Grand Bahama are under Severe Spiritual Attack

This is a clarion call to all Pastors of Grand Bahama. The
enemy is not outside your ministry but deeply rooted within.
Their assignment is to attack all pastors’ wives and their children while gradually working their evil into the congregation! Again, the group that's doing this is not on the outside of the church. Unfortunately, most of them have been ordained, authorized and positioned by their pastors. These folks have set up evil altars in your churches to facilitate their well-orchestrated evil, particularly that of strange sicknesses, such as cancers, unexplained swellings about the body, strange odors that only the pastor's wives can smell, etc. In some of the advanced cases, it would appear as if the pastor's wives are losing their minds, talking out of their heads and doing strange things that they would never engage in under normal circumstances. In other cases, the pastor's wives act as if their husbands are their greatest enemy and become rebellious and defiant to their husbands to the point of becoming physically abusive. As a reminder, there are spirits behind these activities that are projected from evil altars unknowing to the pastors. The pulpits and altars of the church are familiar places where witchcraft tokens can clearly be discovered, such as pennies, strange balled up human hair, bottles with certain liquids, photos or concoctions in them pieces of paper with the pastor's name or family names written on them multiple times. In other cases, you will discover strange drawing at the rear of church benches that would appear as if kids were writing or drawing on them. Instead, these are all strategic points of contact to set confusion, sickness, poverty and the like in that church. According to the word of the lord, the witches and warlock covens of Grand Bahama implemented this evil strategy against the pastor's wives and children years ago, with the collective understanding that if you smite the Shepard, the sheep will scatter. Unfortunately, our Christian community has been influenced by these wolves in sheep clothing to dismiss the notion and awareness of witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, and other occultist activity all of advancing their evil agenda. However, these workers of iniquity who were ignorantly ordained by their leaders that walked by sight and not faith, bullied and undermined their way to the top of their churches only to have proximity to the leaders of those churches to execute their overall plan against the Pastor's family. The more common position that they aspire would be the office of prophet or prophetess of the church, where they have the ear of the pastor. The reason why this position is so coveted by these evil workers is that they get the opportunity to execute their primary reason for occupying the post and that is to make demonic prophecies. For example, many of their so-called prophecies are negative such as, God is revealing to them an increase in cancer in the church, and an increase in job losses, etc. they would usually smooth it off by adding that God is allowing this because of the people's disobedience. The reality is once anyone accepts this evil prophecy the principle of an agreement is still valid and as such what they have said will come to pass, but make no mistake these are evil prophecies directly from the kingdom of darkness and not from God! If we were to analytically review the churches on Grand Bahama from a physical and spiritual perspective, you would immediately notice the attacks of sicknesses initially, along with unexplained mental conditions levied on the pastor's wives. In some cases, the wives met an early grave. Additionally, the attacks were not limited to the wives of the pastor's but viciously continued in the lives of their children. Secondly, you will notice the division and subsequent splitting of members who eventually form their own churches only to repeat the same process all over again. Thirdly the fall in membership and lastly the financial impact it has had both personally among the pastor's families and by extension their ministries. It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that something is spiritually wrong! The primary weapon of choice that has proven to be hugely successful in this demonically composed exercise to disgrace the church is the weapon of "IGNORANCE." As scripture has clearly and repeatedly advised us the believers of Jesus Christ, "We perish because of a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. Again, as long as the pastors downplay or dismiss the reality of witchcraft and sorcery by not educating themselves and members, then the reality is they have become co-conspirators of their own demise. Again, the enemy is not outside, instead, the enemy is within the house of God sitting comfortably carrying out their evil plans with the co-operation of those spiritual leaders who make their assessments or judgments from a physical perspective while being spiritually blind to the spiritual slaughter right in their midst. Grand Bahama, please awake from your sleep in particular pastors who most have been bewitched and are unable to discern the wolves around them. The Apostle Paul said to the church of Galatians who have had similar circumstances, "O foolish Galatians, who have "BEWITCHED" you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth and crucified among you" Galatians 3:1. The word bewitched used in the text is a witchcraft term which means to place someone under a spell, charm or to mislead. The solution my friend is that the pastors must repent asking God forgiveness for making priority their agenda over God's plan while at the same time elevating members that will submit to the pastors as opposed to carrying out the will of God. Secondly, they must ask God to amplify their spirit of discernment and abandon being led by their feelings. And lastly asking God to give them the spiritual ability to pick Genuine men and women of God to engage in a genuine seven (7) day fast praying specifically against evil altars of witchcraft, disorder, sickness, poverty while asking God to release these workers of iniquity into the vengeance of God because it is ultimately God that's responsible for levying vengeance upon our enemies and not us according to Romans 12:19-20. Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The purpose and process of witchcraft

Witchcraft is an oppressive spiritual system operated by a witch or wizard to spiritually hijack and program a person's life to experience perpetual hardship, failure, depression, anti-progress, etc. However, the programming of the system of witchcraft cannot be achieved outside of what is known in the world of witchcraft as an evil altar or shrine.

An altar or shrine is a place where divinity meets humanity or the visible meets with the invisible to forge evil demonic covenants with evil spirits targeted explicitly at the lives of others. The life of the altar will depend on the sacrifice made at the altar, which in turn will summon particular evil spirits to attack a person. However, because spirits are not omnipresent, the practitioners of the evil altar will require something personal for the intended target, such as a photo, fingernail clippings, worn clothing, hair, blood, etc. Such items, except a picture of the victim, carry the DNA of the victim so that spiritually, the assigned evil spirits can locate their intended target in the spirit realm. This why it is so important to cover oneself and your loved ones daily with the whole armor of God and the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Now, when these evil workers of witchcraft can not retrieve such personal items of their victim. Then, through the consultation of the evil spirits from the altar, the witch or wizard would mix a concoction to either bury this evil on the intended victim's property or set it in a place where the victim will make some contact with this mixture. Other methods would be placing it in the victim's food, drink, and clothing or projecting evil spirits from the evil altars in the victim's dreams. Therefore, dreams where one is constantly being fed or they're eating in their dreams, drinking in a dream, having sex in a dream or interacting with dead people in their dreams are all means of evil spirits being projected from demonic altars to begin the process of spiritually oppressing the life of the victim.

I am sure you've heard where someone was said to be "fixed," but it wasn't intended for them. In such a case, the witch or wizard could not acquire anything personal of the intended victim. The witch or wizard decided to place it in the path they believed the intended victim would travel. In another instance, spiritual concoctions can be put on food or drink items, hoping they will consume them. However, someone else consumed or walked on it, and as a result, the person that has either walked on the concoction or consumed it. The concoction has now become the point of contact to begin the evil, oppressive spiritual cycle of the system of witchcraft on that person.

The scriptures say, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be "DEFILED" by them, for I am the Lord" Leviticus 19:31. The word defile in the above text means to corrupt or change the original of something. Therefore, the purpose of wizards and witches and their attempts to enslave their victims spiritually to the system of witchcraft is to change God's original intent for their lives. It ensures they become opposite to God's original purpose for them. According to Genesis 1:28, God's original plan for man is to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish. In other words, God always wanted people to advance in their earthly journey. Well, the system of witchcraft is designed to bring man's natural process of advancing in every area of his life to a slow and non-productive state.

Some of the most common signs of witchcraft operating against a person would be overwhelming panic and anxiety attacks. This is usually accompanied by a progressive state of confusion and an abnormal inability to focus or concentrate on everyday activities. The purpose of these initial attacks would be to begin the process of slowly disabling the victim from progressing in every area of their lives, which would include losing the desire for people, places, and things that they once loved and had a passion for. However, the origin of such attacks is via spiritual manipulation, of course, caused by the calculating efforts of evil spirits. The second phase of witchcraft attack on a person is to cause the victim to see, hear, and experience things that others cannot see, hear, or experience. Thus, if the victim decides to speak of their weird and strange experiences to others, they would appear crazy and bizarre. This is to cause the victim to isolate himself or herself from friends, family, etc., because their experiences are too incredulous to be believed by others.

Of course, at this point, the victim has fallen into the trap of becoming a recluse due to the efforts of evil spirits. These assigned spirits from the satanic altar where they were summoned will begin projecting overwhelming evil thoughts spiritually at the victim, which the victim believes are their thoughts, such as logical negative thoughts, suicide, depression, etc. Unfortunately, it is the ignorance of the victim as it relates to the system of witchcraft that literally becomes the fuel of this demonic system. In other words, the victim cannot fight what they're unaware of, which places them at a significant disadvantage.

Again, the idea, intent, and purpose behind the oppressive system of witchcraft are to ultimately challenge God's original plan for mankind, and that is to resist man's natural God-given ability to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, and subdue the earth. In other words, man should continually advance according to Genesis 1:28.

In essence, God's will is for man to continually develop and progress as long as he exists on earth. On the other hand, the system of witchcraft is designed to prevent this average progress from being achieved through hardship, depression, poverty, and confusion, along with causing man to connect with what he has no business connecting with. These connections that are obviously not from God are designed by the adversary to continually BLOCK AND ULTIMATELY STOP MAN'S PROGRESS!

Written By Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Is Your Relationship Controlled By Witchcraft?

So you don't like your son's girlfriend or your daughter's

boyfriend. You may have preferred if your son had married someone else or if your daughter had made a better choice in who she decided to marry.

As a parent, it is essential to understand that you should not interfere with, dictate, manipulate, or ruin the relationships of others, especially those of your children. You have already lived your life, so it is crucial to avoid the temptation to live indirectly through your children. Unfortunately, many relationships have been stifled or destroyed because of controlling mothers or intimidating fathers who had no business meddling in relationships that were not theirs to control. It is important to respect the autonomy and freedom of others to make their own choices in life.

 One of the greatest tragedies I have witnessed in relationships is the uncanny desire of a parent to resort to witchcraft in an attempt to destroy the unions of their children by manipulating the minds of their children's spouses or mates. In some cases, both parties bring about division and establish their will. All along, the victims have no idea that their flesh and blood have resorted to evil spiritual means to make their lives a living hell. While you're sleeping at night, they are forging evil covenants with evil spirits to oppress you!

We must ask God to give us the gift of discernment or amplify our understanding to be spiritually enabled to detect, discover, and distinguish these people and their evil devices. Scriptures say, "Do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel by it; turn away from it and pass on". Now, read carefully why the scripture advises such actions: "For these evil people sleep not unless they have done evil and their sleep is taken away unless they have caused someone to fall" Proverbs 4:14-16.

 The Bible tells us that a man's enemies are that of his household, Matthew 10:36. Very rarely would a person's natural enemies or those constantly opposing him be that of a stranger or someone unfamiliar to them. I have dealt with many of these cases before, and believe me when I say to you that it will require much prayer and fasting for the spiritual eyes of the victims to realize that it is their own doing this evil to them. Some time ago, a young lady was encouraged to see me concerning some strange happenings in her relationship that she knew was unnatural. This lady, who did not realize how much her mother hated her partner, was advised by her mother via witchcraft practices to place certain items and sprinkle certain unknown concoctions in the dwelling of her and her partner. This mother convinced her daughter that what she was giving her and advising her daughter to do would improve things in the home, even though the daughter was not to tell her partner what her mother was urging her to do. Aside from all of this, whenever the daughter would visit the mother's home, the mother would always "predict" negative things that would happen between her daughter and her partner, and according to the daughter, precisely what the mother said was what would happen. The daughter was unaware that her mother had her bewitched to the point that she would never see her mother as the evil seed sower. She was, instead, viewing her mother as the one that has her back.

It was inevitable that the couple would eventually have heated arguments, face financial difficulties, and develop an interest in people outside their relationship. Shockingly, the lady's mother even suggested that she see other people. Under her mother's spell, the daughter believed everything her mother advised her was correct.

I want to say to someone that the source of your unexplained financial losses, discord, foolish arguments, kids acting up, you and your family not being able to progress, and your lack of desire for your mate is due to family members and in-laws working against your union via witchcraft. They either believe their loved one is too good for you or are just jealous of your relationship with their relative. This scenario is more common than you could imagine, and only God's wisdom can free you from this evil. The scripture says, "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9. I mentioned this because I have witnessed many resort to the same source of evil for relief and only multiply their sorrows. In other words, you cannot fight witchcraft with witchcraft. The scriptures clearly say, "Any kingdom divided against itself will fall" Matthew 12:25. 

 If you are under demonic oppression caused by someone who practices witchcraft. The signs include constant confusion, difficulty sleeping, irrational arguments, tiredness, frustration, forgetfulness, financial challenges, abnormal sexual urges, and recurring perverted dreams. You might also feel someone feeding you in your dreams or experience pain around your neck and shoulder areas. The person responsible would usually act sheepishly and offer you (cursed) items as gifts for your home, food, or spiritual items to wear for good luck, etc. Please be aware of such offers, as they are meant to restrict you spiritually and will, by default, limit you physically.

I cannot place enough emphasis on this, but you and your partner are victims of some selfish family member/s who, for whatever reason, has issues with your union and wants to see your marriage fail. I advise you to pray against the spirit of witchcraft and controlling spirits. Still, more importantly, the ongoing havoc in your life results from evil spirits summoned from evil altars. Ask God to reveal the point of contact in your home, such as some strange gift given to you, a book, figurine, clothing, etc., used as a point of contact to maintain the evil hurled at you. Whatever God reveals to you regarding particular items, you must destroy them by fire!

It is important to remember that our actions have good or bad consequences. The Bible teaches us that we will reap what we sow. Those who intentionally harm others are laying the groundwork for a challenging future for themselves and their loved ones. Remember that God will hold us accountable for the evil we inflict upon others. Furthermore, according to biblical principles, we will always harvest more than we sow. So, let us be mindful of our actions and strive to do good for others.

 Today, many folks need help and clarification about why trouble after trouble frequents them with no relief. Could it be the harvesting of the evil seeds their parents or even themselves planted in the past in their attempt to destroy others that they're now reaping today? Please make no mistake, my friend. Every action will cause a reaction. So do what is right now so that somebody will do the right thing for you and your children in the future.

Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Okay, parents, this one is for you! So you don't like your son's girlfriend or your daughter's boyfriend.

Maybe you would have preferred if your son had married someone else or your daughter had made a better choice in marrying.

In spite of the above scenarios parents, you do not have the right to disrupt, invade, control or destroy the union of others particularly that of your children. You have lived your life, so stop trying to live your life through your kids...... So many relationships never had the opportunity to fulfill its purpose simply because some Mother saw the need to control or a Father saw the need to intimidate.

One of the greatest tragedies I have witnessed in relationships is the uncanny desire of a parent to resort to witchcraft in an attempt to destroy the unions of their children by manipulating the minds of their children's spouses or mates and in some cases both parties to bring about division and to establish their will.

The Bible tells us that a man's enemies are that of his household, Matthew 10:36. I dealt with a case some time ago, where a Mother was advising her daughter via witchcraft practices to place certain items in the dwelling of her and her partner. This mother convinced her daughter that what she was giving her and advising her daughter to do would make things better in the home, even though the daughter was not to tell her partner what her mother was encouraging her to do.

It was only a matter of time that violent arguments began to erupt, financial troubles exploded, and their desires that were once reserved for each other began to drift towards folks outside their relationship.

I am lead to say to someone whom this message is registering to, that the source of your unexplained financial losses, discord, silly arguments, kids acting up, not being able to progress and your lack of desire for your mate is due to family members and in-laws working against your union via witchcraft.

The evidence of this spirit of witchcraft on your life and your union is displayed through constant confusion, not being able to sleep, always tired, frustrated, fatigued, unable to recall much. It's almost impossible to save monies, strange sexual urges but never with your partner, constant pains around your neck and shoulder areas. Some of the most notable signs are; having frequent dreams of having sex or someone feeding you in your dreams. My friend these are all spiritual signs of demonic oppression that has descended upon you.

I can not place enough emphasis on this, but you and your partner are victims of some selfish family member/s that for whatever reason have issues with your union and wants to see your union fall apart. My advice to you is to pray against the spirit of witchcraft and controlling spirits. Ask God to reveal the point of contact in your home such as some strange gift that was given to you, a book, figurine, clothing, etc. that has been used as a point of contact to maintain the evil being hurled at you. Whatever God reveals to you, you must destroy it, personally, I would burn it.

For those of you reading this that are actively participating in intentionally destroying the lives of others.... Scripture is clear, it is only what one sows that shall he reap. In your quest to destroy the happiness of others, you are simultaneously securing difficult times in the future for you and your children via the evil you are so meticulously inflicting upon the children of others. God will see to it that you are recompensed for the evil you have distributed to others!

Many folks are lost as to why trouble after trouble is being hurled at them with absolutely no signs of relief. Could it be the harvesting of the evil seeds your parents planted in the past in their attempt to destroy others that you're reaping today? Make no mistake my friend, every action will cause a reaction. So do what is right now, so that you can secure the right thing being done to you and your children in the future.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Understanding and combating the forces of witchcraft! Part. 5

For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that set snares; they set a trap, they catch
men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they have become great, and waxen rich", Jeremiah 5:26-27.

 In our previous teaching, we dealt with the communication and logistics arm of witchcraft known as “familiar spirits.” For those of you that did not read that article, I suggest that you do to have a more traditional understanding of these rarely taught teachings.

Today our focus will be on a particular branch of witchcraft known as “Marine spirits" whose aliases are “Water spirits, Leviathan, Mermaid, Mermen, Sea Serpent, Queen of the coast, Mammy water spirits, etc.”. Now, I am acutely aware that to some of you, this is probably your first time being introduced to such information. I can assure you that such information or the lack thereof, has secured and will continue to ensure your destruction. As a reminder, there is a protocol or a principle to one’s defeat, failure, destruction, misery, etc. That protocol my friend begins and ends with the lack of knowledge.  Scripture says, “My people (God’s people) are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. Thus, if a lack of knowledge secures destruction, then an increase in knowledge must ensure and preserve life.

Commonly referred to as “water spirits,” these evil spirits generally take up residence in bodies of water, in particular, the sea water. Folks that operate under this branch of witchcraft do their rituals either near the sea, river, canals, etc.  Once resident in their human host, these spirits become great performers of religious activities such as “speaking in tongues,” being “slain in the spirit” and the all too common one, speaking a word over the spiritually "needy and unlearned." They rarely quote scripture and seldom preach from a Bible unless it has to do with their victim giving monies. Instead, most of their religious activities and performances are based on a “gift of the spirit” "Miracle water," "The Prophetic," "Miracle cloths" or titles such as The Apostolic pyridine shift and so on, instead of the word of God. Of course, as usual, a lot of fancy talks and religious jargons accompanied with little to no manifestation. As a result, their victims are pressured and manipulated into giving of their funds if it is their desire to see the power or move of God in their lives. Well, just like clockwork their deceived victims do not hesitate in giving their monies, only to experience another round of lies and empty promises. What their victims do not understand is that they’re really financing the kingdom of Satan and not the kingdom of God. Aside from that, the victim is unknowingly forging an evil covenant with these deceivers to invoke perpetual generational curses on their lives and the lives of future generations to come.

 Let's go a little deeper. Any so-called Man or Woman of God that is instructing you to drink of a certain concoction or sprinkle some concoctions in your home or property, take bathes in the sea or any body of water to cleanse you of evil spirits. My friend make no mistake these people are full fledge practitioners in the world WITCHCRAFT pretending to be servants of God. If a so-called Man or Woman of God instructs you to meet with them on the beach after 12 midnight or 12 noon and further instructing you to dip your feet at the edge of the water or they want to sprinkle water over you while seemingly praying in "tongues." Again, you are dealing with Witchcraft agents under the guise of servants of God trying to manipulate your destiny through their wicked schemes. If a so-called Man or Woman of God have instructed you to meet them at a particular time usually after 12 midnight at a cemetery or any body of water (Lake, beach, river, etc.). And you are further asked to bring a photo, recently worn clothing that was not washed, fingernail clipping or a piece of your hair. Make no mistake, you are about to be initiated into the evil system of witchcraft. At during this evil, deceitful ritual, you will eventually be asked to toss any of the mentioned items into the body of water or at a particular spot in the graveyard. If you've made the unwise decision of following their instructions then know for sure you have unknowingly entered into an evil covenant that will set spiritual limitations and restrictions on your life and the life of your children. Of course, this will automatically limit and eventually frustrate and stop progress in your physical life. I can tell you from any number of stories where folks who were seeking solutions to their problems, especially in the area of relationships and fertility. These folks were asked to not only bathe in or drink certain concoctions. They were further requested to visit a four-way junction or a cross road, again at a particular time to drink the unknown mixture as a solution to their problem. What these victims are unaware of is the simple fact that a crossway junction is where the evil spirit that they are unknowingly about to summons through this ritual will ultimately change the original plan of God for their lives to be replaced by the evil hands of these deceitful workers of iniquity! 

The evidence of this is, from that moment forward these people's lives will be in a far worse position than before their unfortunate introduction to these agents of Satan. If a Man or Woman of God wants to pray for you but before the prayer, they request of you to get a gallon of water from the ocean with other stuff that is clearly not scriptural such as an egg, liquor, candles, etc. this is clearly the work of the Devil. To prove to you that this is the work of darkness. There are no Biblical scriptures that will support these rituals being performed. Such activities are always accompanied with these Witchcraft workers demanding a fee you to "pay the spirits" the truth is you’re about to be bewitched. Let’s see what scripture has to say about such activities, “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils” 1 Corinthians 10:21. It is so unfortunate that most churches are completely ignorant of the things I am revealing to you. Many Christians have sought the assistance of so-called Spiritist, Spiritual mother so and so, palm readers, tarot card readers, etc. having zero ideas they were not only opening up their lives spiritually to the kingdom of darkness. But they have unknowingly sealed evil covenants with the evil spirits that operate behind these evil folks.

To tie in my original mentioned scripture with Satan’s Water spirit human agents. The scripture is pointing out the fact that there are evil folks, such as false Prophets, Prophetess, fake Evangelist, etc. among the people of God that are patiently studying them and devising traps and snares to catch men. The scripture goes on to say that the people who are now in spiritual captivity are literally held captive via deceit while their captors become great and enormously wealthy off of them. Interestingly enough the means by which they are deceiving the people is through the assistance of water spirits. One of the most visible sign that someone is operating under the powers of water spirits is, they’re filled with excessive pride and arrogance, very controlling and cunning in their behavior. In some cases, they can be very loud and boisterous and always quick to execute revenge once offended. They possess judgmental and critical attitudes towards others, total independence, desiring to be served, desire to be honored, desire to control others, boasting over achievements and dishonoring constituted authority. In reality, only about 3% of their prophetic declarations are ever manifested, and the 3% that does manifest is really the collaboration of familiar spirits via divination with the soul purpose of rerouting the victim’s destiny.

I would like to advise any of you reading this article right now, that if you have received from these folks any type of “prayer cloth”, “Holy water,” any kind of charms, bracelets, gifts, etc., please destroy it by fire as soon as possible. As long as you are in possession of these items, you are indeed under their manipulation, and you have been programmed to fail in life. These articles and gifts are points of contact that have you in covenant with an evil altar, which again is securing your daily hardship and defeat, Deuteronomy 7:1-5. I must hasten to add here that God will not leave you ignorant of the Devil’s devices. In God’s effort to show you the source of these evil folks, you will begin to have dreams of you swimming, or most of your dreams will be set in an environment of water. Such as the ocean, rivers, lake canals, etc. You will be saturated with many sexual perverted dreams and also dreams where someone is either feeding you or you're feeding yourself. Then there will be dreams of folks that are deceased, where either they are hugging you, kissing you leading you somewhere or just talking with you. All of these dreams and so many like them represent water spirit forming evil covenants with you. Scripture says to us, “For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instructions. That he may turn man from his purpose, and hide pride from man” Job 33:14-17. In what is becoming a rather frequent case, you find folks who are being held down and sexually molested by unseen forces. In some cases, it starts out like a dream but upon waking there is an invisible force either sodomizing you or literally having sex with you. Again, this is clear cut evidence of water spirit activity.

Water spirits are responsible for locking up their victim’s material wealth and fortunes in the waters (spiritually of course). Whenever you are asked to toss your personal items into the water by these satanic agents. Even though what you are doing is physical, however in the spirit world you are literally giving up your ambition, hopes, dreams, etc. The victim is deprived of all desire to be productive. Instead, they become procrastinators, lazy and lose all motivation and zest for life. Water spirits reveal secrets to their worshippers (false prophets, fake evangelist, etc.) and that’s why their worshippers see “visions” and are involved in divination and communicating with Familiar spirits. Water spirits cause delay and difficulties in conception; Men and women that have water spirit problems find it difficult to be spiritually strong because of attacks from the water-spirits on their spiritual growth, i.e., prayer, Bible study. If your spouse has lost all desire and passion in your relationship, for no reason in the world, more than likely there is a spirit wife or spirit husband involved. Folks that are oppressed or possessed by these spirits master the art of miscommunication, deception, twisting the truth, lying, gossip and slander; they are unteachable, judgmental, possessive and very much legalistic. One of the most amazing things about the practitioners of this form of witchcraft is that they possess the ability to Astral project into your dreamS and have sex with you in the dream or manipulate you in the dream. Of course, their ultimate desire is TO BE IN CONTROL AND PULL THE STRINGS IN YOUR LIFE!

My friend, my advice to you is that you ask God to open your spiritual eyes and empower you with spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Ask him also for the gift of discernment and boldness to confront these stubborn evil spirits. For those of you who have been defiled by these workers of iniquity, you must first begin by repenting and confessing to God of your knowing or unknowing involvement with these destiny destroyers that has rerouted and polluted your God designed destiny. You must now break all known and unknown evil covenants that have program you to fail and set limitations on your life. Ask God to destroy all spiritual and physical points of contact that has given these evil spirits and their human agents the right to traffic in and out of your life. Finally, you must cover yourself with the blood of Jesus Christ and outfit yourself with the whole armor of God so that you will be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, June 3, 2013

Understanding and combating the forces of Witchcraft! Part. 4

A familiar spirit is familiar with a person, place, or thing. This spirit has an extensive and detailed history of everything concerning that person, place, or thing. One possessed by a spirit of divination enables them to communicate with the familiar spirits of others. It is through these means that false prophets, fake Evangelists, and the like can give the grand illusion that they are hearing from God with their so-called "prophetic declarations" when the truth is they're really hearing from devils.

This is a follow-up to our last teaching on understanding and combating the forces of witchcraft. Part 3. We will pick up where we ended in our previous teaching. For those who have not read that article, do so to better understand today's teaching. Today, we're going to unveil the understanding concerning a branch of witchcraft that "False Prophets" retrieve their information, namely "Familiar spirits," and label it as the work or spirit of God operating in them. This teaching will also give you a better understanding of how these things not only work but also how to decipher the spirit of God from the spirit of Satan that operates in these false prophets. I promise you that what you are about to learn today will simultaneously give clarity as to why your encounter with these folks has produced a rain of consistent confusion, disappointment, chaos, and failure coupled with the inevitable, which is the manifestation of evil instead of good in regards to their prophecies they have spoken over you.

Scripture is unequivocal in its position regarding such diabolical activities: "There shall not be found among you anyone that makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire (evil sacrifice), or that uses divination (contacting the spirit realm via demonic means), or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer (folks that speak or send curses), or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer (one that supposedly communicates with the dead)."
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations, the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee" Deuteronomy 18:10-14.

"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God" Leviticus 19:31.

Unfortunately, our televisions, radios, churches, and magazines are overwhelmed with "False Prophets" giving a so-called "word" from the Lord. Regrettably, for the spiritually misled, these false prophets will continue to be successful at misleading and hijacking the destiny and finances of their devotees simply because the people refuse to study, read, and seek God for themselves. Instead, their leaders—pastors, bishops, evangelists, or anyone else—have replaced God's laws, rules, protocols, and commandments. Through their pride and arrogance, many leaders have altered parts of the Holy Scriptures to serve their interests. This has led some people to treat them as gods instead of measuring their actions against the standards set out in the scripture.

The reality is that Christians who are hoodwinked by these false prophets who claim to be spiritually free are, in fact, submerged in spiritual captivity as a result of their limited Knowledge regarding such things. Isaiah the prophet said this way, "Therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge" Isaiah 5:13. Knowledge of what you may ask? Well, the lack of Knowledge or awareness of the witchcraft being perpetrated from the pulpits by false prophets who are influenced by demonic entities. As a reminder, a familiar spirit is familiar to you and your entire generation. This spirit knows what makes you angry, sad, happy, etc. However, this spirit is limited only to what it observes from any of you, via what you speak and what you do, coupled with generational patterns and behavior.

Therefore, a false prophet operating with a spirit of divination is actually communicating spiritually through demonic means to retrieve this surface information. This means that if you were discussing purchasing a new home or telling a friend how you would like to get married, etc., this is what this false prophet will reveal to you, which the familiar spirit has communicated to him. Of course, you immediately become convinced that God is speaking through this individual. "Satan and his agents cannot read minds. They depend on the history they have gathered about you and your ancestors over the years, which might make it seem like they are tapping into the spirit of God. Someone with a familiar spirit is determined to convince their victim and the audience that they are being guided by the power of God. They might make statements like, "Have we met before?" or "Did you speak to me before this service?" 

After their "ministering in the prophetic," they often distribute "anointed" clothes, oils, etc, and ask for money. Whatever they give or take (like money) becomes a point of contact. This point of contact becomes the physical source of evil spirits entering and influencing the victims' lives, allowing the false prophet to control them through assigned evil spirits. As a result, the victim's life will be filled with disappointment, failure, chaos, and confusion from that point forward.

All of what I have just mentioned is aside from these false prophets manipulating the health of their victims via their victim's unknown cooperation. Here is how it's done; after these false prophets have communicated with your familiar spirit and revealed stuff to you that they already have a history of. Make no mistake, these false prophets, at this point, are aware that they have secured your trust and your belief in them. So now they would say to you, "To prove to you God is speaking to me concerning you, there has been a pain in your back, neck, head, or wherever." In reality, this is likely not true, but again, because you are already convinced that you are dealing with a "Prophet of God," you will likely agree. What you are not aware of is that in the spirit world, spirits are always seeking human agreement or cooperation on whatever they desire to manifest in the natural realm, such as depression, sickness, poverty, etc. Again, things of the spirits need human cooperation for spiritual things to be physically manifested. So when this false prophet says you've been having a pain in your stomach and your reply is, "Yes, I have," at that very moment, you unknowingly agree to the spirit that will manifest the reality of that pain, this is the law of agreement at work. Remember, wherever two or more agree on earth shall be manifest. Satan always copies what God does, and he is not only legalistic, but he cannot operate outside the Holy Scriptures, which are indeed the laws of God that everyone and all creation is subject to. So, if you are agreeing knowingly or unknowingly with evil spirits, your agreement will bring about manifestation.

If you were to use the Bible as the standard for evaluating these false prophets, you would understand that the scripture in Matthew 7:16 tells us that we will recognize them by their fruit. However, let's examine another scripture more closely. Leviticus 19:31 states, "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God." This scripture instructs those who rely on it to avoid associating with people who operate under the influence of familiar spirits. It warns that such association will defile, making one impure, polluted, or debased. In other words, any contact with such individuals will lead you away from the original plans God had for your life and lead you to a life of misery.

If someone is truly a prophet of God, they shouldn't have to persuade you that they are from God. The word of God, which is also the power of God, speaks for itself. Also, anyone who replaces the word of God with money, clothing, oils, or anything else is clearly influenced by evil. However, if they use scripture to explain the use of clothing, oils, etc., that's a different matter.

I will end here today by saying that ignorance and idolatry have become the greatest destroyer of Christians. This means they have ignored the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and substituted it for their idols, such as their Pastors, favorite preachers, Evangelists, etc., without ever testing the spirits operating in these folks. Neither have they assessed them by the fruit they've been producing. Like the prophet Isaiah said, God's people (my people) are in captivity because they lack Knowledge that comes only from God, which is the only antidote in setting them free.

Join me in my following teaching on "Understanding and combating the forces of witchcraft." 5. As we address "Water Spirits" or the "Spirit marine kingdom," unfortunately, this is one of the most powerful arms of witchcraft that many prophetesses and prophets are influenced by and operate under. Join me next time as we expose these DESTINY DESTROYERS!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Understanding and combating the forces of Witchcraft! Part. 3

My previous articles on witchcraft, parts 1 & 2, have generated a mammoth amount of interest. In fact, the interest and demand have been so overwhelming that I became obligated to not only produce a part 3 but hold to my promise of part 3.

In this particular teaching on witchcraft, we are about to uncover the science behind this practice of this spiritual evil that has become woven into our culture but, more importantly, our religion. Yes! You read correctly; there are many "Christians" involved with witchcraft. If you are not spiritually educated concerning spiritual laws,  then some of  these folks you have surrendered your trust to are the very folks who have you enslaved under the disguise that they are of God. When the truth is they are agents of the Devil, setting limitations on your life and are the source of you being a Christian for x-Amount of years with absolutely no change, increase or progress in your life, giving you life savings. Only God knows what else, while you receive empty promises, no blessing, sickness, frustration, and an early grave, I return.

What is witchcraft? In a condensed understanding, witchcraft controls one's mind and spirit through the demonic influences of evil spirits assigned to them via curses, evil covenants, and demonic sacrifices, which are practiced via Obeah, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Santaria, etc. A person's mind is indeed their soul or what the Bible refers to as their heart. A person's mind is divided into four parts: his thoughts, memory, emotions, and intellect, plus his will, equals his soul. Scripture reminds us that God made man out of the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living soul.
Consequently, suggesting he's able to process thoughts, memorize, exercise emotions, brilliant coupled with the ability to do as he desires (his will) Genesis 2:7. Scripture also clarifies that man is tripartite, consisting of three parts: spirit, soul, and body. The scripture reference for this would be found in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, which reads the following, "I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Now, witchcraft, like anything else, be it things of the spirit world or our natural world, is all governed by laws. This is why scripture says, "As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come" Proverbs 26:2. This simply means that there have to be legal grounds for someone to be affected by witchcraft which is indeed a curse. In other words, a curse or witchcraft just cannot be randomly be placed on someone. The success of witchcraft on anyone must be initiated by the spiritual law of agreement, which is usually attained via the victim's ignorance. Therefore it will always be the practitioner's job to coerce their victim into agreeing with what they are doing to affect their victim. In any event, as powerful as the witch Doctor, maybe he has no choice but to operate within the boundaries of the law. In so many of my articles, I have mentioned that the Bible is a book of spiritual laws; the lack of knowledge concerning these laws places the victim in an unfavorable position and the practitioner in a position of advantage. The law of agreement states the following, "And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined doing" Genesis 11:6. The average person who has read this passage of scripture probably just saw it like a regular story and neglected the fact that the law of unity is tucked away in this passage of scripture. This scripture is saying if two or more people can be on one accord speaking one language, then whatever they imagine doing, nothing will be restrained or held back from them. The fact that it is a principle it can be administered to one's advantage or disadvantage.

 The second law in operation for this evil to run its course is the spiritual law of destruction. The spiritual law of destruction dictates the following, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. So, due to the victim's ignorance or lack of knowledge concerning the witchcraft being worked against him, the law dictates that he will be destroyed due to his lack of knowledge. Again, folks read and repeat this passage of scripture all the time, overlooking the fact that it is indeed law.

 This now brings me to the prerequisite of witchcraft. There are two requirements for witchcraft to be effective in a person's life, and they are:

1) The victim must knowingly or unknowingly agree to what is being done to them.

2) The victims must either reject the idea that someone is working witchcraft on them or be totally ignorant of it (lack of knowledge).

Once the above requirements have been met concerning the victim, a third law is now introduced. This law now deals with the victim's imagination and thoughts with the sole effort of controlling his soul. Our Bible gives a stern warning concerning our imagination and thoughts. "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5. Here is what it says, and again I must repeat these are, in fact, laws.

As a reminder, the spiritual law commanded us to cast down all imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. By not doing so, you ignorantly agree in essence to these evil spirits' influence on you to the point of complete control. The law further states that we must bring every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God (such as fear, worry, witchcraft, etc.) must be brought into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ. With that being said, it suggests that if we do not do this, those thoughts become illegal thoughts roaming around in our minds, which will eventually cause us to do things we don't want to do. The truth is that these evil spirits sent via witchcraft perpetrate these foolish thoughts and imagination. Spiritual laws also made mention to us concerning this issue, the following, "Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life" Proverbs 4:23. Again, the heart is the same as one's mind, and we're being asked to keep or guard it with all diligence because it will be our heart that will dictate the course of our lives… I am sure you can now see why a witchcraft attack begins with the mind?

I have had numerous conversations with folks who don't believe in witchcraft. Some have gone as far as to tell me that no witchcraft can work on them because their "spirit is crossed," or they are covered by the "blood of Jesus." Well, my friends, I have heard many just like them that made the same statements that are either buried under six feet of dirt or have lost it all, including their minds. I have even met spiritual leaders such as Pastors and others who outright do not believe in it or downplay it to the extent that they see no need to teach it. As a result, their followers and members are broke, sick, mentally challenged with the future generations to follow this evil pattern because the spiritual leader refuses to educate the people on spiritual laws. All along, these folks were displaying the symptoms of witchcraft. However,  because of their ignorance of these things, they met an early demise. Let us look at what the spiritual law says about this all too common scenario.

"But if our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them" 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. This scripture, which again is a law, is saying that if the gospel of Jesus Christ (the spiritual laws of God the laws that are designed to break every chain and yoke if used according to the law) is hidden or the laws not recognized, it is only so to them that are LOST! The word lost is defined as having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to a place, direction, etc. The revelation of this scriptural law further dictates that because of their unbelief, the God of this world (Satan and his demons) has the legal right to now blind their minds to the extent that if one were to speak truth to them concerning witchcraft or any other biblical truth, it's like speaking Spanish to someone who only knows English.

I will end here for right now but join me on Thursday as I further educate you spiritually as it relates to so-called "Prophets" who are operating under a branch of witchcraft dealing with "Familiar spirits" who are enabling them to peep into the lives of others via the occult or demonic means giving you the impression that God is speaking to them when the truth is it's a Demon that is familiar with you that is speaking to them concerning you and you unknowingly coming in agreement with these workers of evil to curse and re-route your destiny. I will also be discussing another branch of witchcraft called the "Marine kingdom "or "Water spirits." These are folks whose idea of spiritual healing deals with giving their victims a bath in the sea, having their victims cast their personal items into the sea such as their clothing, etc., or having their victim dip their feet into the seawater, etc. These people are workers of the Devil misleading the spiritually ignorant to a life of defeat.

Look for me In Thursday's print for the continuation of this life-changing read.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

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