Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Signs of Evil Altars Operating Against You or Your Ministry

The following are signs of evil altars erected against you or your ministry. The following signs are also evidence that the spirits from those altars are responsible for maintaining such malicious patterns.

-Are you hated by others for no reason?

-Feeling cobwebs on your body when there is no visible sign of them

-Experiencing sleep paralysis

-Feel your bed shaking or vibrating

-The feeling of a presence or strange odor

-Eating or being fed in your dreams

-Dreaming about snakes

-Constantly frustrated and confused

-Major bouts of depression

-Overwhelmingly jealous attitude

-Physically feeling things moving or crawling in your body

-Experiencing a foul odor that only you can smell but no one else can

-Spouse loses all desire for their partner

-Everyone wants to sleep with you but does not want to marry you

-You are only attracted to married folks

-Every year, at a specific time, you are programmed to either lose or fail at something

-You see your life repeating the same fruitless patterns of your relatives

-You live in a repetitive state of either not enough or just enough

-Constantly missing opportunities

-Unable to achieve marriage

-Difficulties conceiving

-Multiple miscarriages

-Hearing voices when no one is present

-Stuff mysteriously going missing

-Always dreaming about deceased folks

-Dreaming about your former residence

-Hearing pots and pans moving in a residence that only you reside

-Hearing the sound of a swarm of flies around you from over your head

-Home abnormally infested with roaches, rats, ants, centipedes, etc.

-Hearing strange knocks or doors closing or opening by themselves

-Achieving late in life, such as marriage, promotion, etc.

-Unseen forces inappropriately touching you while awake or asleep

-An unseen force either attempting or actually having sex with you

-Your body, especially your face aging before its time, or your skin, particularly your face turning unusually dark in appearance

-unexplained losses of material and financial wealth

-Anxiety and Panic attacks

-A strange sickness that doctors can not accurately diagnose

-Always connecting with the wrong people

-An obsessive, controlling attitude

-Major issues with insomnia

-Everything you put your hands to fails

-Folks will date you but will never marry you

-Folks will use you but disappear whenever you need help

-Folks never fulfill promises made to you.

-A strange case of sexual impotence

-An abnormal desire to have sex with anyone except your spouse

-Church membership can never grow beyond a certain level

-Sexual immorality among church leaders and members

-The church is constantly struggling with finances

-Church leaders obsessively controlling

-There are zero signs and wonders evident in the ministry

-Church leaders are either secretly or openly gay and place gay members in leadership positions

-Ministry is in tremendous debt, living above its means and saddling membership with paying this debt.

-Ministry leaders dismiss the belief in witchcraft, Obeah, Voodoo, etc.

-Your ministry is a nest for attracting false prophets

-Ministry leadership exhibits Bipolar type behavior

- Pastors constantly announce that they are the leader and this is their church

-Leadership destroys anyone that appears to be favored more by members than they are

-Leadership is convinced that the members must serve them and their family

-Leadership obscenely obsessed with money and material things

If you observe any of the above signs, do not pray against the people. Instead, pray against the evil altars controlling them. Know that the altar you consulted to achieve your objectives is the altar working against you! Make no mistake, if you have practiced any form of witchcraft, whether you did it to buy luck, harm someone, or remove a curse from yourself.

The ultimate purpose of an evil altar is to hijack the God-intended destiny of the victim and replace it with a future of hardship and oppression from Satan. The bottom line, destinies are exchanged at evil altars!

~Kevin L A Ewing!

Good morning, family, friends, and followers. As usual, many dreams are sent to me for interpretation on an ongoing basis. However, my attention was drawn to another Facebook friend whose recent dream I thought would be not only a teachable moment but also exposing how intense things are spiritually and why we need to become more serious about our faith.

Dream by: Telecia Dawson
I had a dream. It was night time. I saw people walking around and hanging out, minding their own business. As I looked up, I saw a flood of gorillas fall from the sky on the earth. In complete darkness, they were attacking and killing the people who didn't have a flashlight light. I heard the screams and cried for help. I was able to save some of the people with my flashlight. But I couldn't save them all. End. We are living in the last days. A new level of demons released on the earth. Armor up. People of God let your light shine!!!! My God. Not enough lights shining. Only light can get rid of darkness.

My Interpretation:
Very Interesting dream Telecia Dawson, and I must say that your interpretation is on point! Your dream started off where you were observing people moving about, hanging out minding their own business. This portion of your dream would be symbolic of everyday life for folks, and they're completely unaware of what is about to happen next as it relates to things of the spirit world. The next part of your dream, you said that you looked up and observed a flood of Gorillas falling from the sky on the earth. Of course, this section of the dreams is revealing that God has a) Given you spiritual insight (Prophecy) of events pending for our world, which is in line with Amos 3:7, which states that God will not allow anything on the earth unless he reveals the secrets to his Prophets first. So b) clearly, you're one of those Prophets God has chosen to show things from the spirit world that's pending for our natural world. The next part of your dream, you said that in complete darkness these Gorillas were attacking and killing the people that did not have a flash light.

This section of the dream is solemn because the darkness represents two things in this dream and they are 1) Ignorance and 2) Wickedness. Additionally, the folks with the flash light would be symbolic of Christians. The Bible clearly states that we the Believers of Jesus Christ are the light of the world, Matthew 5:14. So in essence, the Gorillas which represents a greater level and power of demonic infestation will be released spiritually to attack those that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ (of course these would be the ones without flashlights).
The tragedy for these folks will increase tremendously along with great wickedness, but the folks without flashlights will be ignorant to the fact that the source of their calamities is of a well calculated spiritual nature. Now here is where your dream becomes even more interesting and why it should be taken seriously. You said that you hear screams and cries for help and that you were able to save some with your flash light but you were unable to save all.

Amazingly, this part of your dream is not only revealing the level of demonic activity but also some demonic spirits that are pending to be released. The scriptures inform us, the Believers that one of us are able to put 1000 to flight and two of us would be able to put 10,000 to flight. Of course, this represents the spiritual power of unity and our ability to challenge quite a large number of demonic forces at one time. It is also revealing the fact that there were more folks without flash lights as opposed to those that did have flash lights. Again, this is a reflection of Biblical prophecy when Jesus said in Luke 10:2, "Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest." I strongly suggest you engage in a fast seeking God for more detail and also to increase the workers.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

A teachable moment

It is always my desire to share the spiritual knowledge that God has blessed me with. I am also tremendously blessed when I read the many testimonies of so many of you that have actually made my teachings practical and have witnessed the life changing result of those lessons.

As usual, there are some dreams that I single out as teachable moments that I felt would be a benefit as you seek to gain more spiritual insight. The dream below is just another one of them:

Dream by Cathryn Mouzone:
My dream was that the gorillas were in a battle with huge birds look to me to be the Phoenix if I spelled that right. And I also keep dreaming of the statue of liberty falling on her head out of the sky on to the lawn of the white house in a lot a lot of snow

My Interpretation:

Fascinating dream, that as usual revealing much spiritual insight and revelation concerning everyday mysteries. You mentioned that you saw Gorillas in battle with Phoenix birds. Now, to the average person, such a dream could seem insignificant. However, once we apply spiritual principles, we are not only better able to understand such a dream but also what our response should be as a result of the understanding gained from the dream. Your dream is explicitly revealing two types of demonic spiritual orders fighting for supremacy in your life. For example, the Phoenix could represent a generational curse while the Gorillas would represent demonic spiritual orders of manipulation, this would usually come about as a result of witchcraft being projected at you. Combating such spiritual warfare would require fasting incorporated with your prayers.

As it relates to the statue of liberty falling on her head, we must again focus on the symbol of the statue of liberty, which represents FREEDOM! Therefore, Observing the statue of Liberty falling on her head would either be pointing to restrictions on freedom or and end of freedom altogether for America. Secondly, because the statue fell on the lawn of the white house, it is representing that those restrictions will be instituted by your Government. The white snow symbolizes a time of “coldness” meaning there will be no compassion or sensitivity towards the people by the government. This could be considered the epitome of spiritual wickedness in high places. PRAY FOR YOUR COUNTRY BECAUSE YOUR DREAM IS REVEALING PERILOUS TIMES AHEAD!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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