Monday, October 6, 2014

Religion Will Make You Believe Only Christians Can Help You

In the book of Isaiah chapter 45, The prophet Isaiah via the spirit of God, Prophesied about a future
King, Cyrus, to be exact, would show tremendous mercy and kindness to the children of Israel. In fact, upon further reading of the said chapter, it reveals that God himself would aid Cyrus in subduing nations, loose the loins of kings, break the gates of brass and give him the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, etc. all for the children of Israel sake.

The fascinating fact about this entire scenario is that King Cyrus would not show up until approximately 150-200 years after Isaiah's prophecy. To add to this, he would be a heathen King that doesn't even recognize the God of Israel. Nevertheless, God had chosen him to do the unimaginable for his people, the children of Israel, while held captive by King Cyrus.

QUESTION! Who has God decided to use as an instrument to bring deliverance and relief to your situation, but because they don't fit your description of "Holiness and Christianity," you either resist or ignore their efforts?

Question! Why do you make statements such as "God can use anyone or anything, but because your deliverance isn't packaged wearing a religious collar, speaking in tongues, carrying a giant bible, or holding the title Christian, you've concluded this can not be God's doing?

Question! Why have you allowed a religious leader's view to supersede what scripture has clearly indicated, and as a result, you're suffering even though God has provided but not the way you thought it would come? Smh!

Well, I don't know about you, my friend; I concluded a long time ago to reject the religious misleadings of "what is good is of God and what is bad is of the Devil." Instead, I've embraced scripture that clearly states, "ALL THINGS (good and bad) are working together for the good of those that love God and those that are called according to his will. In other words, as a believer of Jesus Christ and a doer of his word, absolutely nothing in your life is by chance or accident. Subsequently, there is a divine purpose behind the good, bad and indifferent in your life.

Remove your religious lens, my friend, and apply the gift of discernment to determine what is or is not of God! Religion will keep you in bondage, while a relationship with Jesus Christ will open your spiritual eyes to what God has prepared and done for you by whomever, well in advance of your challenges.

Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, let the readers of this post discern and accept what you have so graciously done for them by whomever and whatever in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Spiritual Law of Association

Many folks have little to no idea that it was and will continue to be the connections with others that
they encountered throughout their lives that would clearly explain how they ended up where they're at presently.

Think about it for a minute. Before meeting certain folks in your past life or even the person you're currently with now, did you notice a change in your attitude, your emotions, etc.? Why don't you compare what your life was like before meeting that person and now what is your life like after having met them? Do you see the difference? I am sure you have noticed some changes on your end as a result of the connection.

You see, my friend, there is so much more to a person than just their physical existence. There are so many things that you can not see that are far more real and influencing than what you see. Unfortunately, these invisible forces are attached to these folks and even yourself that are influencing the course of your union, be it friendship, marriage, business, etc.

For example, if a person has a curse of backwardness on their life. Your relationship with that person exposes you to that curse. Let us look at spiritual law to not only prove but highlight this essential overlooked spiritual point. Scripture says, "A person that associates himself with wise men shall become wise and he that becomes a companion of fools will not only become foolish but shall be destroyed, Proverbs 13:20. In other words, the victim was not placed in a classroom and taught how to be wise or foolish. Instead, it was the invisible spiritual connection with its influencing agents that is causing this,

Therefore, demonic forces attached to a person, be it a spirit of poverty, a spirit of backwardness, a spirit of anti-progress, etc., are the invisible forces influencing the human spirit of the other party to conform to its will. So it's just a matter of time before the traits, behavior, and patterns of the cursed person begin to manifest in the person that was never this way before meeting this cursed person.

Think about a person that you know that never used profanity before. However, after they connect with a particular person, it is almost as if they can not stop using profanity. I am attempting to reveal that things such as the above example are not happening because it could happen or the person just changed. Well, I will agree with you they have changed, but the reality is it was a calculated change influenced by the enemy. Unknowing to the victim, it was Satan that caused this connection to devalue, halt, and re-route this person's destiny.

Trust me when I say to you that the source behind every connection in your life will be from God or Satan. The idea behind this is to manifest the will of God in your life or the will of Satan.

My advice this morning is to CONSULT WITH GOD before FORGING RELATIONSHIPS!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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