Thursday, September 11, 2014

Parts Still Make Up The Whole

 In order to fix the whole of anything emphasis must be given to its parts. Just like with any mistake,
error or disagreement, these are just parts that make up the whole or should we say parts that gave us end results such as divorce, dissolved friendships, lifelong enemies, dysfunctional families.

It is quite normal for human being to disagree with one another. Abnormality would be those folks who are a part of that disagreement individually analyzing themselves (which are the parts) as a contributing factor to the disagreement. Isn't it amazing how no one wants to concede in an argument, everyone wants to stand their ground while subliminally refusing to be a part of the solution unless it’s on their terms?

Sometimes the peace we seek in a relationship begins with us, which are parts of the whole; meaning, the way we handle being right or wrong in an argument, the way we speak to others, our unteachable attitudes, always missing the point but insisting on sticking to our points, which for the most part has zero to do with a solution.
Rather than pointing out everyone else’s faults why not look at yourself and evaluate your contribution; did your behavior, words, and over all contribution make things better or bitter? Were you seeking peace or a resolve or were you defiant in getting your point across at any cost? Did you ignore the contribution of others because you’re in charge? Do you see yourself as prideful, controlling, rude, self-serving, arrogant?

Well, it is parts like what I have just mentioned that are fueling the whole.This is why Jesus said that we must remove the beam from our eyes so that we’ll be in a better position to remove the specks from our brother’s eye (Matthew 7:15). In other words, we must acknowledge and address our issues (parts) in an effort to make better the whole. Mom, dad, husband, wife, boss or whoever may have their faults: could it be our behavior, attitudes, condescending words that are contributing to what we are seeing as a whole?
 My friend, my words of wisdom this morning have been pulled from the pages of experience and they are, “check yourself before you wreck yourself”

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Spiritual Embargo Pt.2

To gain a deeper understanding of spiritual embargoes, I have decided to outline common signs in a person's life or business that may indicate the presence of this spiritual restriction.

In part 1 of Spiritual Embargo, I depicted a physical embargo between Cuba and America. As you may or may not know, the United States has imposed an embargo on Cuba, preventing Cuba from engaging in any trade or commerce with America. In terms of proximity, America would have been Cuba's most significant trading and consuming partner for goods and services. The restrictions imposed upon Cuba by America have not only stagnated their economy and way of life but, more importantly, Cuba's stagnant state has made them almost irrelevant to the rest of the world.

When an individual is subjected to a spiritual embargo, they may be unaware of its profound impact on their destiny and blessings. This can lead to their manner of living and their thought processes needing to be updated and revised. Again, for comparison., If you were to visit the island nation of Cuba right now, you would quickly discover that well over ninety-five percent of its vehicles are from the 1950s. Additionally, Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world. However, their monthly salaries are about $300-$500. When comparing this scenario with a person oppressed by a spiritual embargo, this person refuses to update their clothing, drives a vehicle that is 30 years old, and spends thousands of dollars repairing it instead of just purchasing a more up-to-date vehicle. Their thinking and decision-making become archaic. This person is so spiritually bound that they cannot see the apparent lack of progress in their life, even though it is evident to the rest of the world.

The bottom line is that the purpose of a spiritual embargo on a person's life is to keep them stuck for a certain period and ensure that they never associate or engage with anyone or anything that would cause or assist them in breaking free from the limitations and restrictions on them. Some of the most noted cases of spiritual embargo are folks who are hoarders. A hoarder is a person who gathers stuff over some time, supposedly for future use. These folks also never dispose of anything they have but will store it for future use until their premises become one big pile of junk. If you were to take a closer look at the life of a hoarder, it is almost as if they are stuck in time; they would avoid purchasing anything new, make do with what they have, pay absolutely no attention to their health, their appearance, neither the desire to progress in life.

"Let's not forget that everything in God's creation is meant to progress and grow. Frustration arises when something or someone fails to advance to the next level or stage of existence. Spiritual embargoes are intended to hijack and replace an individual's destiny with a fate of backwardness and misery. These embargoes are so debilitating that the victim loses their ability to recognize that they are stuck in a fruitless, unproductive cycle. They become immune to frustration and are comfortable in their state of backwardness, even though others may be frustrated by their lack of progress."

After being manipulated by Satan, Adam and Eve were led into a spiritual trap that resulted in a life filled with hardship, limitations, and misery. By disregarding God's simple instruction not to eat from a specific tree, they changed the course of their destiny.

Who or what have you connected to in the past that has placed a spiritual injunction on your life, consequently placing a spiritual embargo on your life? What negative things have you been saying or have others been saying about you that have put you in this cycle of restrictions and limitations? Spiritual embargoes are invisible, but their effects are physical, so you must pray specifically against the spiritual limitations and restrictions this curse has placed upon your life.

1) First, thank God for opening your spiritual eyes to this covert and conniving evil.

2) Now ask God to dismantle the strongholds that have conditioned and governed your pattern of thinking, which has resulted in restrictions and limitations in your finances, relationships, etc. 

3) Decree and declare the rejection of Satan and his demonic host and human agents' power over your life and all that concerns you. Now, repeat Psalm 138:8 as a replacement in response to unseating the enemies of your destiny.

4) Begin to speak prophetically about the re-calibrating of your God-intended destiny. "Father, I thank you for my new life; thank you that you have now connected me with the right people, things, and places to advance me in the name of Jesus."

5) Remind God of his word, which says that he has blotted out the handwriting of the ordinance that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made an open show of them openly, triumphing over them in it, Colossians 2:14-15.

6) Ask God to reconstruct your hedge of protection from all spiritual opposition,  Job 1:10.

7) Finally, outfit yourself and all that concerns you at all times with the whole armor of God, which scripture clearly says that once we are attired with it, it will cause us to stand against the wiles of the Devil, Ephesians 6:11,13.

As a side note, in all of my teachings, it is the responsibility of anyone seeking freedom from spiritual opposition to first identify the specific root cause of their problem. In most cases, if not all, the root cause will be spiritual. Although we may have seen extreme deliverance involving shouting, screaming, and convulsions, these do not always represent true deliverance. In reality, genuine deliverance consists in identifying the spiritual oppression one is facing and gaining the spiritual knowledge needed to be set free from it. Hence, "My people are destroyed because of their lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. Consequently, this same rule book (the Bible) clearly states that through the acquiring and applying knowledge shall, the just be delivered, Proverbs 11:9b.

I pray that God will open your spiritual eyes and enlighten your spiritual understanding so that you will recognize the spiritual restraints imposed upon you as the root causes of your physical limitations. I pray that you will refuse to conform to this world any longer. Instead, be transformed by renewing your mind so that you can now prove God's good and acceptable will for your life. Father God, I pray that you will catapult the person reading this article to where they should be at this stage of their life, with absolutely no desire to return to their former limited, restricted state in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Kevin L A Ewing

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