Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lord I Surrender I Will Do It Your Way

There's no need to feel frustrated or fatigued anymore. If you want to change something, try changing your method of operation. Remember that frustration arises when your expectations aren't met.

"I cannot emphasize this enough: The source of your frustration is operating according to your own plan rather than God's plan. To break free from this cycle of frustration, you need to expand your knowledge and understand God's plan for your life. If you truly want to change, you can start the process right now."

"Lord, please reveal anything I may be ignorant of regarding my frustrating situation. Help me understand what I need to know to change my situation. I now understand what you meant when you said I should not rely solely on my understanding. Instead, I must acknowledge and recognize you in all aspects of my life, and only then will you direct my path, as stated in Proverbs 3:5."

"Father, I need your guidance in all of my frustrating matters. I am tired of going around the same mountain over and over again. It's clear to me now that you were right when you said that there is a way that seems suitable to us, but it will lead to failure and destruction in the end, as mentioned in Proverbs 16:26. I have had enough of the results of my own way of doing things, and I need your help."

Lord, in my brokenness, I am asking you to help me abandon my useless, non-productive, frustrating, and defeated way of life. Allow me to observe life from your perspective. You said, "For I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Father, I receive these words. Father, I bind my spirit to these words, and I want these words to be incorporated into my life and dictate the course of my life going forward. Now, Lord, I further stand in total agreement with your word that says, "There are many devices, ideas, plans, and desires in our hearts, BUT only your COUNSEL for us or that which you have determined for us shall come to fruition, Proverbs 19:21. Father, let your counsel and that alone run its course in my life unhindered in the name of your Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

"Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, I surrender my ways and exchange them for your ways so things can turn in my favor. I pray for this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."

Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Change for 2015 must begin with doing something different in 2014

If you do nothing else before the end of this year 2014, please consider going on a fast. I have heard
the stories of so many folks saying to me, "Kevin! All I need is a husband/wife and things will be good for me" "Kevin! If God could only bless me with X-amount of dollars thing would change for me". "Kev! If only I could get this promotion my life would take off.

Friends! Please, if you haven't listen to anything I have been saying to you through out the course of the year, please take my seemingly foolish advice and Participate in a fast before this year comes to a close! A fast will realign you with all the blessings the enemy has hijacked from you during the course of the year. The Enemy's success in hijacking your spiritual blessings were to always connect you to something, someone or some place that you had no business being attached to, which ultimately hindered and kept you from those divine appointments that were specifically designed by God to advance you.

Scripture, clearly tells us that we are blessed with "ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS" in heavenly/spiritual places, Eph. 1:2. However, these spiritual or invisible blessings whose purpose is to become physical or tangible at specific times in our lives can not be manifested if we are on the WRONG DESTINY!

Spiritual blessings are the raw material of what we call physical blessings. For example, your husband, job, car, monies, home etc were all spiritual prior to their manifestation. Scripture again makes this clear when it said, "There is a time and season for every purpose under the sun which is also inclusive of our spiritual blessings manifesting into natural or physical blessings at specific times, Eccl. 3:1. With that said, your car, husband/wife, home, job etc ARE NOT YOUR BLESSINGS.... INSTEAD THEY ARE THE RESULTS OF YOUR GOD ORDAINED SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS THAT WERE NOT INTERRUPTED BUT INSTEAD WERE ABLE TO CONNECT WITH YOU AT THE RIGHT TIME TO PRODUCE WHAT YOU ARE NOW CALLING THE BLESSING TODAY.

With this understanding in mind you must go on a fast and I highly recommend a 3 day fast minimum or a 7 day fast maximum specifically asking God to restore you of all the divine appointments that the enemy has caused you to miss and as a result you never encountered the manifestation of what God had in place spiritually for you. Ask God to realign your spirit, body and soul to become one with His Spirit so that there would be no future interruptions with all spiritual blessings that has been put in place before the foundation of the world. Say to yourself or out loud right now, "LORD REROUTE ME AND CAUSE ME TO COLLIDE WITH EVERY BLESSING THAT HAS SLIPPED PASS ME, FATHER, DETACH ME FROM EVERY CURSE THAT HAS BLOCKED MY BLESSINGS IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST!

This must be done prior to 2015, also, with the 3 day fast it must be a dry fast, meaning no fluids or food. If you desire to perform the 7 day fast, then there must be no food consumption only water and natural juices only with no additives.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Stop fooling yourself; somethings and folks have to be severed in 2015!

Many folks  are in the valley of decision in terms of letting go of what they are fully aware of that's
causing them not to grow.

2014 has been a challenging year but at the same time we contributed greatly to those challenges by not severing what had us anchored to a life of defeat and anti-progress. Believe it or not there are some churches, some Pastors, some friends and even places that you must cut loose from and literally bury, signifying that there will be no returning to that same old, non-progressing, defeated, depressing state.

As much as you may admire some folks or even look up to some folks, you must remain committed to the formula of life and that is you must determine if that person, place or thing is adding to your life, taking from your life or keeping you anchored in life! Which ever one you have determine to be the case, please note that your choice also makes you a contributor as to what becomes of your life as a result of separating yourself from them or being connected to them.

Always keep in mind that success or failure can not happen by itself. Instead, one must be connected to or disconnected from someone, something or some place that with combine efforts will produce the result of failure or success!

Now, with all of that said let us do a quick test and we will use the year 2014 as the testing ground in an effort to reveal who or what we need to cut loose in 2015 if we truly desire success or at least to achieve a better quality of life in 2015. Think about it for a moment, who or what were you connected to or who or what were the common denominator during your times of success and failures in 2014. Let me make it a little more simple for you. Why is it that ever since you hooked up with person-X in 2014 absolutely nothing seem to be going right for you, better yet, ever since you've join that particular church all they ever talk about is you sowing a financial see for prosperity but you've plunged further into debt since you started attending there but you have never had a financial problem prior to attending there?

The above test will enable you to now see what connections had you going forward, standing still or taking you backwards in life. As a reminder, it will always be the synergy of something, someone or some place that will produce the end result of failure or success for you!

I have said this before and it's worth repeating again, 2015 will be a year of revelation. Revelation means to reveal something that was hidden or to make clear something that was not understood. The purpose of any revelation is to ultimately give to the person in whom the revelation is being revealed, a greater insight or to go beyond the surface of what they thought they knew so that they can now make a better decision.

Father, reveal to us that which was hidden so that we will not repeat the same cycle of failure in 2015 that we did in 2014 in the mighty name of you son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

When you change things will change

Make no mistake my friend, it is only when you change that you will begin to see things changing
around you and for you!

Our bible clearly tells us that every seed produces after its kind, Genesis 1:12. Therefore change in any matter will have to be initiated by the changing of the seeds that's being planted in order to achieve a different end result or a completely different harvest.

Religious jargon would have you believe that seeds are for the most part financial and that once you plant a financial seed it has the ability to change whatever negative circumstances you're experiencing in your life. Well, not only is this unscriptual but it's also a plan of the enemy to keep you in a cycle of ignorance and defeat.

I promise you whatever it is that you desire to change or you desire to see change in, the initiation of the change you desire or seek MUST begin with you! The bible is saturated with this clear understanding as it relates to change. Luke 6:43-44, says, "For a good tree can not produce corrupt fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit" it further states that every tree is known by its fruit, meaning if a person plants a grape seed, then they should not be in expectation of apples as a harvest and if they decided to plant orange seeds it would be foolish of them to expect mangos as a harvest.

Therefore, change is the inevitable of all things but we determine what that change will be based on the seeds we have been planting. I would like to say to someone today to please CONSIDER THE SEEDS YOU HAVE BEEN PLANTING BECAUSE IT IS THOSE SEEDS THAT HAVE AND WILL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH YOUR LIKE OR DISLIKE HARVEST OR END RESULT YOU HAVE BEEN RECEIVING!

Father, please in the name of your son Jesus Christ, reveal to your people the seeds that they have been planting be it knowingly or unknowingly that has been guaranteeing them the cycles of defeat, disappointment and failure in their lives. Lord, cause them to realize and come to the understanding that one can not plant the seeds of hate and expect love as a harvest in return. Lord open their spiritual eyes so that they would understand that it is the seeds of financial  mismanagement that they have mastered all their lives that has produced for them a sea of lack and poverty. Finally Father, cause them to know that it will only be when they decide to change their methods, thoughts, ideas, imagination, ways etc, which are their seeds of life, then the change that they seek and desire will begin to manifest, in the name of your son Jesus Christ!

"You must initiate the change you desire to see, when you change, then and only then will the things and people around you will change, simply put, YOU ARE THE CHANGE THAT YOU ARE SEEKING!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, January 19, 2014

You Have Held Yourself Back!

I have commented that I would rather be physically imprisoned than physically free but mentally bound. To be physically imprisoned would suggest I am aware of the physical restraints that have restricted me simply because it's visible to me.

On the other hand, constantly thinking in the same destructive non-progressing patterns is SELF-MENTAL IMPRISONMENT! In reality, no one is doing to you. Instead, you are doing this to yourself.

Every dislike situation or circumstance you've found yourself in, I can promise you at least 50% of it is due to how you process your thoughts towards it. In fact, you enabled your situation by agreeing with what you DISLIKE. Of course, this is achieved by making comments based on what you see and not speaking or thinking according to what you'd like to see.

Many are in worse situations but have decided to think the best about the situation. As a result, they've positioned themselves to manage what they've been given instead of allowing what they have been given to manage them! To change your situation, you must ignore, dismiss, or revisit the sum total of your thoughts that brought you to this point.

This is why scripture makes challenging statements like bless those who curse you, pray for those who spitefully use you, and say all manner of things against you. Love them that hate you....... The whole idea of these seemingly crazy statements is to CHANGE THE WAY THAT YOU THINK! Which, of course, is opposite to these statements.

Wrong patterns of thinking equate to SELF IMPRISONMENT! In other words, you will continue to circle the mountain of offense, bitterness, unforgiveness, and the like. Life will not get better if you're not prepared to think better. You will not be financially stable if you're committed to a poverty mentality. You will not be healthy if you're constantly mentally processing the thoughts of sickness. Your physical life will always display the fruits of your thought life.

Nelson Mandela endured 27 years of physical imprisonment and never held anything against his oppressors. He achieved this by simply concluding that while he may be in a physical prison which, he had no control. He refused to be a prisoner to depressing, negative, hateful, and unforgiving thoughts! Thus, Nelson Mandela was freed mentally before his physical freedom was ever granted.

I am led to say to someone this morning that unforgiveness, hate, bitterness, pride, selfishness, and the like have held you captive all your life. What folks have done to you is nothing compared to what you've continued doing to yourself. Not only is it self impose mental incarceration. It is also self-imposed mental abuse. I strongly advise you to release yourself from the mental prison you have created for yourself by letting the hurts, disappointments, pain, and whatever else of the past go! Life is short. I beg you to please begin living by releasing those that have hurt you............


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Challenge With Change

Since nothing in this life is by accident, chance, or luck, coupled with the understanding that there is an assigned time affixed to every matter, indicating that no situation can go on forever.

Then, you must ask yourself, what is this ordained situation preparing me for? Just pause for a moment and seriously consider all the events and circumstances in your situation. Now, let's take it a step further. What is it doing to your thought process? Is it forcing you to see things differently? Is it causing you to behave differently?

You see, my friend, the physical part of change is relatively easy. It will always be the mental part of change that puts up the most significant resistance. Whatever your situation is, know for sure you're being prepared for what's coming; how you handle the preparation is another story!

When life opportunities arise, your current learning or lack thereof will influence whether you repeat your present circumstances.

My words of wisdom on this wonderful morning are simply this: Take another look at your situation, only this time, don't look at what it's doing to you; instead, view it as what it's doing for you!

The most challenging change in life is changing what you're mentally used to!

Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, June 28, 2010

The phenomenon of change

The word change is used frequently in our society, with little or no regard as to how or why a particular change came about, better yet, who or what were responsible for the change.

If asked, the average person would tell you that change is doing something different, or rearranging something or someone, which clearly places the responsibility of change from their prospective at the feet of someone else. In observing the dictionaries view, it states that change is to make something different or to become different.

The latter meaning of the dictionaries view began to spark my curiosity, in that the definition placed the responsibility of change to the one that desires the change.

The truth is one can not change what one tolerates! Because in essence, you are literally fueling the very thing or person that you desire to see change in by accepting, tolerating or entertaining whatever it is they’re doing that you feel needs to change. In actuality your behavior makes you a co-conspirator to the very thing you desire change in.

Therefore, we are the principle ingredient in whatever it is that we think needs to change. We’ve been armed with a vision (a better way of doing something) that others don’t see, only to become the reckoning force to bring about the change that they will see.

True change is not dependent on people, situations, circumstances, or how you think others should behave to satisfy the change that you want to see. However, the contrary would suggest that genuine change is dependent on the modification of your view, attitude, position, response and most of all your perception of the situation, which are all initiated from your “MIND” again which clearly indicated change begins with you.

The facts are, situations and circumstances will not change because you feel it should change or because you feel as if you’ve had enough of whatever and others must conform to your anger, abusive language or behavior. You must take the vision of change from your mind coupled with humility and convert it to action (beginning with you) to produce change. The phenomenon of change is observing where change is needed, adjusting your perception and behavior towards it by being constant in your action, and patiently waiting to see the change you desire in the person or situation.

Now, for those that refuse to become the change that they want to see, have simultaneously volunteered for the position that they’re probably not even aware of, and that is the “STATUS QUO” mentality. Status quo is defined as: the existing state of condition or affairs. So, the status quo mentality would be one who accepts their present condition (even though they don’t like it) with the delusional thought that someone or something would change it, with no input from their end.

Folks, God’s word is abundantly clear, he said that we must be transformed or changed by the renewing of our minds (Romans. 12:2). The word renew means to repair or restore. To repair or restore anything strongly suggest that its present condition is damaged or out of order, which now makes change the inevitable for it to operate in its proper functioning state.

The thoughts of wisdom for today is, bring to a standstill, attempting to change others that will only produce a false change to satisfy you. Instead begin repairing and restoring your mind towards that person or thing which will automatically convert to a change in your action and behavior towards them which in turn will cause them to change towards you.

“The change we want to see in others is normally a reflection of God pointing out, the change he want in us”.

By: Kevin L. A Ewing

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