Showing posts with label Thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thinking. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2014

You Have Held Yourself Back!

I have commented that I would rather be physically imprisoned than physically free but mentally bound. To be physically imprisoned would suggest I am aware of the physical restraints that have restricted me simply because it's visible to me.

On the other hand, constantly thinking in the same destructive non-progressing patterns is SELF-MENTAL IMPRISONMENT! In reality, no one is doing to you. Instead, you are doing this to yourself.

Every dislike situation or circumstance you've found yourself in, I can promise you at least 50% of it is due to how you process your thoughts towards it. In fact, you enabled your situation by agreeing with what you DISLIKE. Of course, this is achieved by making comments based on what you see and not speaking or thinking according to what you'd like to see.

Many are in worse situations but have decided to think the best about the situation. As a result, they've positioned themselves to manage what they've been given instead of allowing what they have been given to manage them! To change your situation, you must ignore, dismiss, or revisit the sum total of your thoughts that brought you to this point.

This is why scripture makes challenging statements like bless those who curse you, pray for those who spitefully use you, and say all manner of things against you. Love them that hate you....... The whole idea of these seemingly crazy statements is to CHANGE THE WAY THAT YOU THINK! Which, of course, is opposite to these statements.

Wrong patterns of thinking equate to SELF IMPRISONMENT! In other words, you will continue to circle the mountain of offense, bitterness, unforgiveness, and the like. Life will not get better if you're not prepared to think better. You will not be financially stable if you're committed to a poverty mentality. You will not be healthy if you're constantly mentally processing the thoughts of sickness. Your physical life will always display the fruits of your thought life.

Nelson Mandela endured 27 years of physical imprisonment and never held anything against his oppressors. He achieved this by simply concluding that while he may be in a physical prison which, he had no control. He refused to be a prisoner to depressing, negative, hateful, and unforgiving thoughts! Thus, Nelson Mandela was freed mentally before his physical freedom was ever granted.

I am led to say to someone this morning that unforgiveness, hate, bitterness, pride, selfishness, and the like have held you captive all your life. What folks have done to you is nothing compared to what you've continued doing to yourself. Not only is it self impose mental incarceration. It is also self-imposed mental abuse. I strongly advise you to release yourself from the mental prison you have created for yourself by letting the hurts, disappointments, pain, and whatever else of the past go! Life is short. I beg you to please begin living by releasing those that have hurt you............


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, January 7, 2013

Is that who they really are?

"YOUR" Problems are clear indicators in determining how you think and process what your five senses gather or observe. 

This fact is worthy to note and severely important to consider because what your senses observe and your way of processing it or your way of thinking can erroneously conclude something as a problem when it could very well be an opportunity.

At the end of the day, the error did not initiate in our senses, because they are doing the job God intended them to do, such as eyes for sight, ears for hearing, nose for smelling etc.

Instead the source of our conclusions will always be, how we were trained to think. You see my friend, whatever you do consistently, you are in fact training yourself to think that way. Therefore, that (rehearsed) way of thinking becomes right to you! 

What is even more interesting, the human being is wired in such a way that whatever they have labeled as correct or incorrect to themselves, they automatically justify and defend it, in spite of how it may appear to the majority.

Where am I headed with this you may ask? Well, ask yourself the question, What have I been labeling and agreeing to, as right all these years, when the reality of the matter is and always was and will be, that it was wrong???? Who or what was the source of your influence that erroneously enabled you to label what was clearly wrong as right? 

Well more than likely it was someone or something that you honored and respect or spent a considerable amount of time with, that according to the biblical laws concerning human behavior, has automatically influence your beliefs and behavior by altering the way you think. Which will always manifest its conclusions in your actions

One of the Biblical laws in support of this crucial point states the following, "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise" Proverbs 13:20. Suggesting that we don't have to sit and take note or record everything they are doing. Instead according to this principle we automatically glean from them which conditions the way we think. Simply put if they're wise we'll become wise and if they're foolish we'll become foolish.

The second biblical law states, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7. I find this to be yet so simple in words but very powerful and realistic as it relates to everyday living. I am led to believe that a person's consistent actions is not an act, it's not an attempt to annoy you, it's not an attempt to impress you, their not under a spell. Instead it is clear evidence of how they think and what they really believe and subscribe to.

God wants me to tell someone this wonderful day, that you must make great effort and discontinue in allowing the consistent behavior of others to upset and disappoint or annoy you. For these folks are knowing or unknowingly displaying who they really are and the way that they have programmed themselves to think. So the reality is, they see nothing wrong with what they are doing, because to themselves what they are doing is right!

The truth is, be it your Dad, Mom, Husband, Wife,children, Pastor, Boss, Supervisor that is constantly hurting you, disappointing you belittling you etc. for the most part they see nothing wrong with what they are doing. Due to the fact that they have done it for so long, that it has now, not only become their pattern of thinking, but in their minds it's the correct way.

God said to tell you, let this be the year where you change your strategy by shifting your prayer from against that person and instead begin praying against the spirits and things that has influence that person/s to think and behave the way that they do. If you continue to tolerate, play the victim role or condone such behavior it will only be a matter of time before you become the very thing you hate, that's being done to you.

It is said that insanity is doing the same thing, the same way all the time and expecting a different result........... Well you have just been given the antidote to insanity my friend!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Putting the pieces back together

As a child I can recall when my brother and I would accidentally break one of my mother’s figurines, it would strike immediate fear in us. The fear was two fold a) what she would do to us if she found out and b) how do we put this figurine back together after being broken in so many pieces?

The above scenario is very similar to life, when things become broken in our lives. We take on an immediate fear, that in some cases paralyzes us physically and also solution wise. Secondly our minds amplify the pieces of our situation in terms of making it seem impossible to put things back together.

In today’s teaching it is my intent to renew our minds in this very common area of negative thinking that relates to things being broken that has disable us in the process of moving forward. Things being broken suggest people or things not operating in harmony with their purpose. Purpose being the original intent of someone or something

In the book of Esther, we are told of Queen Esther a Jew, being informed by her uncle Mordecai of a decree that the king was tricked into signing to have all the Jews destroyed. Mordecai further informed her that she needs to make an appeal to the king on the Jews behalf to resolve this matter. In Esther’s mind she began to see and verbally communicate all the negatives concerning the broken pieces that appeared before her, she said, “It is against the law to approach the king without him first summonsing an individual via the stretching forth of his golden scepter which is punishable by death” She further added that she had not been called by the king within the last thirty days.

Esther’s behavior is so typical of when we face situations that appear so grand or unfixable, that it literally sucks the life out of any possible solutions. Our minds become inflated with so much negativity that we leave little to no room to bring about a solution. It becomes convenient to not proceed forward, but just accept thing as presented to us, as if there is no other way out. Well the devil still is a liar, because there is an abundance of ways out awaiting us to act upon them.  

Mordecai had to quickly remind Esther that if she does nothing concerning this matter, she would not escape this pending massacre and that deliverance will arise from else where for the Jews. He then went on to say, “For who knows if you were not called to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Mordecai was making it crystal clear to Esther that apart of her purpose in her earthly kingdom was to exercise spiritual authority, which is the only adhesive in putting the pieces of a broken life back together.

I am saying to you my readers, that the broken areas of your life are indicators from God that you lack spiritual glue. That broken relationship, family, job, finances and the likes is in desperate need of spiritual healing before any permanent coming together can take place. To attempt to put it back together out side of God is to basically place a demand on a repeat action that will continually give the same displeasing results. At best it can only equal a temporal fix. Facts will reveal that after so many temporal fixes discouragement is mandatory.

Maybe you’ve messed up in your Christian walk, you’ve fornicated, committed adultery or whatever. You feel so condemn that you’re not worthy to continue. Here me and here me well! This is absolute non-sense GET OUT OF YOUR SELF ASSIGNED STATE OF DESPIRE AND PROCEED FORWARD. Those that have condemn you are more than likely doing the same thing they’re condemning you for, but have not yet been caught, so they feel the need to appoint themselves as judge jury and prosecutor, HYPOCRITES!

The bible is clear, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:1. In putting the pieces back together there are five points that are a must and they are:
  • Confession and repentance of all sins
  • A made up and determine mind
  • Divorcing yourself from the negative opinions and suggestions of others
  • Begin building your confidence by reading your bible
  • And finally pray with great expectation, that what you’re praying for will happen

As I mention to you earlier, my brother and I began to brain storm as to how we can put this figurine back together again, remember we also had the option of blaming each other, but what good what that do? Putting the pieces together requires one getting a mental visual of the bigger picture and visualizing everyone in that picture benefiting.

My words of wisdom for you this morning is simply this, rather than saying why is this happening to me? Ask yourself what is my purpose in all of this? Begin to see yourself as a problem solver and you being place in this situation at this particular time to bring about a change that could happen no other way and by no other person. Like Esther shrug off that defeated spirit and walk in confidence with a boldness to subdue rather than being subdued.

Say to yourself and convince yourself I AM A WORLD CHANGER I HAVE BEEN CREATED TO EASE, COMFORT, AND BRING DIVINE ORDER TO THIS SITUATION. For I am not alone in this but God is upholding me by the right hand of his righteousness, this is the day that I have made up my mind to be different, think different, perform different all in an attempt to get a different result!

Heavenly Father I bless you for your word, for your word is the power that holds all things together. Your word declares that you are the true vine your father is the husbandman and we are the branches. It is my prayer that you provoke in us your branches the ability to put the pieces back together in our live and the lives of others, only this time with you being the beginning and the end of the process.  We acknowledge that you were the missing ingredient that was giving us failure as an end result. Please forgive us and demonstrate your glory In and through us in the powerful name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L. A Ewing

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