It can be difficult for some people to truly understand their identity. Many believe that their physical body defines who they are. However, it is essential to note that your true identity lies within your spirit, also known as the spiritual aspect of your being.
In fact, the physical part of your being, or what Christians call your flesh, is the part of your being that qualifies you or gives you the legal right to participate and interact in the world's affairs.
However, this right is not automatically extended to the spirits of the spirit realm, such as angels, demons, etc. This is why I have mentioned in so many of my articles that for any spirit to participate in the natural affairs of man, that spirit must be working in harmony with a human being despite the power of that spirit. This is due to the spiritual laws that govern the spirit realm. This is why a demon can not possess a human being at will. There must be a spiritual protocol that must be adhered to for this to be achieved.
Let's say you are facing a financial problem with no natural solution. In such cases, it is common for Christians to pray to God, who is a spiritual being, and ask Him to intervene in a way that can help them physically. As God's word is the ultimate truth, we are commanded to align ourselves with His word, which assures us that "My God shall supply all my need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). By agreeing with God's word, we enter into a partnership with the spirit of God, which empowers Him to work in our earthly affairs to bring about the physical manifestation of His promise.
The opposite of this spiritual principle is also true in that when folks of the Occult/witchcraft, etc, desire to afflict their enemies, it will rarely be through physical means. In fact, the symptoms of what their enemies would experience physically will result from what has been done spiritually against them. The witchcraft practitioner would have followed the protocols in summoning the assistance of their demonic deities. However, as I said earlier, there must be an agreement between humans of the natural and spirits of the spirit realm to achieve their supernatural objectives. This is done for the most part via demonic altars and sacrificial rituals in exchange for demonic assistance in the natural realm.
It is so unfortunate that many Christians have yet to come to an understanding of this spiritual knowledge, and as a result, this lack of knowledge has kept them light years behind the Enemy. If you were to ask the average Christian to define spiritual warfare, I can assure you that their description would be elevating their voices, speaking in "tongues" at a rapid pace, having convulsions, etc. For some reason, the Christians seem uninterested in observing, learning, and implementing spiritual, biblical principles that govern all areas of the spirit realm that will ultimately advance their cause. Amazingly, they seem more interested in fruitless performances and tradition rather than exercising spiritual principles and laws.
For example, the following spiritual law dictates that for a curse to run its course on anyone or anything, there MUST be a legitimate reason. " As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come" Proverbs 26:2. Therefore if a person is being affected by a curse, then this will also indicate that there is a violation of God's law in that person's life that's giving the curse cause for operating in their life. Another way this can happen is even though a person may not be violating any spiritual laws. It could be a case where this person's family is under a generational curse that makes them an open target for other curses to dominate their life.
The bottom line is this: your lack of knowledge is not helping you. In fact, it's securing your captivity and continually keeping you in a defeated cycle. Your bible is a book of spiritual laws, principles, commands, and protocols that the average preacher nowadays rarely preaches or teaches from. I will repeat it: if your religious institution is teaching you everything other than the word of God, the spiritual principles of the spirit realm. Then I advise you to find a church teaching the word of God!
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" Colossians 2:8.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing