Showing posts with label Faithfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faithfulness. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The law and reward of faithfulness

Faithfulness is defined as being faithful to one's word, promises, vows, etc. Someone steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant, reliable, trusted and committed.

I needed to provide a detailed understanding of the word faithfulness in an attempt to highlight the understanding of the following spiritual law:

"A "FAITHFUL" man shall abound with blessings," Proverbs 28:20. In this profound passage of scripture, it is revealed that a person who is committed and stands true to not only his word but to the promises and allegiance he has made to others will abound or exist in significant quantities of blessings.

This passage of scripture is very much encouraging simply because it doesn't matter what negativity is being projected or hurled towards the one that is being faithful. Still, the true reward of faithfulness can never ever be withheld or dismissed by anyone simply because God is the one that provides the blessings at the end of that particular tenure of faithfulness. I have personally witnessed case after case of folks that were taken advantage of, ridiculed, placed at the back of the line, and even spoken evil of despite their faithfulness. Nevertheless, time will always prove and reveal this scripture to be true.

You see, my friend, faithfulness to the word of God, will always place a demand on you, the faithful one being blessed in the end. In fact, this scripture clearly says that your blessings won't be your average blessings, but instead, you will overflow in the blessings (abound).

I honestly do not know who this post is for today, but I was inspired to post it specifically for that person who feels as if it's a waste of time doing the right thing or being faithful to someone or something because it appears as if faithfulness just doesn't pay off. Make no mistake, the devil and his agents understand in detail what your faithfulness will pan out once the time has expired on whatever it is that you're going through. They are fully aware that only you can divert and dismiss the bountiful blessings that are ahead of you if you cave in to their temporal comforts of being unfaithful!

God is observing your matter, and the day is quickly approaching when He will judge. All parties involved in your issue will be rewarded, some to blessings as a result of their contribution, while others to a reward of disgrace and reaping the evil they have sown.

I say it all the time, and that is absolutely nothing lasts forever. Everything has a beginning date and an expiration date. The good thing is God knows the end from the beginning. Be encouraged, my friend, for this to will pass with an end result of you being rewarded for your FAITHFULNESS!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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