Showing posts with label Spiritual Restrictions. spiritual warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Restrictions. spiritual warfare. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A greater revelation concerning the spirit of poverty

Dreams Revealing The Spirit Of Poverty

Throughout my interactions with numerous individuals, a recurring concern that arises is their inability to comprehend why their diligently acquired possessions tend to elude them. Often, these individuals approach me with a plea to offer up prayers on their behalf, requesting that they be bestowed with financial abundance and liberty.

Before I go into today's teaching, I want you to know that experiencing financial losses does not necessarily mean you need a miraculous economic intervention. Instead, the root of your problem may lie that you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. This spirit is responsible for sabotaging your spiritual blessings, preventing them from manifesting as physical blessings. It is not that God has not blessed you; instead, you may be unaware of the presence of this spirit that is consuming your spiritual blessings and hindering your physical blessings.

According to scripture, God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Everything is already in place to succeed in all areas of our lives, including our finances. Satan and his demons are spirits who understand spiritual laws and know that the spirit realm is the origin of all things. Therefore, if they can disrupt or misplace your spiritual blessings, it will result in physical losses.

Specific dreams indicate you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. These dreams reveal how the enemy is stealing from you spiritually, leading to real-life financial losses.

If you often dream of walking barefoot or wearing worn-out clothing or shoes, it could signify a spiritual attack from the spirit of poverty. Additionally, dreams, where you or others are constantly begging or seeking financial assistance could indicate that poverty has infiltrated all areas of your life. I'd like you to please take note of these dreams, as they may reveal more profound issues.

Dreams, where you are shopping or spending money lavishly, indicate that this spirit influences you to spend your money foolishly and wastefully. The consequences of such dreams can be seen when a person struggles to account for their spending and has nothing to show for their transactions.

Some dreams may appear promising on the surface but, when analyzed spiritually, reveal that the enemy is robbing you of your financial blessings and causing economic losses. For example, dreams of owning luxury items like private jets, luxury cars, or mansions, especially when financially struggling. It may seem like a sign of impending wealth. However, these dreams indicate that the enemy is influencing you to spend beyond your means, leading to financial difficulties and obligations that prevent you from enjoying any increase in your future finances.

Dreams of selling your possessions or finding strangers in your home. In that case, it may be an impending financial ruin, such as foreclosure or the loss of valuable assets that would be difficult to recover from financially where you cannot access a bank or when the bank is closed, symbolizing financial blockages and restrictions. The manifestation of such dreams would be when people owe you money but cannot pay, or you cannot collect on a financial settlement or judgment.

If you dream of losing money from your wallet, purse, or bag, or if you hide money in a dream and it goes missing when you try to retrieve it, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is involved in projects that will not yield any returns. Missing money in dreams signifies that this spirit is stealing your spiritual and financial blessings, preventing them from manifesting in your life.

Dreams, where your finances are withheld or delayed, signify a delay in your real-life finances. For example, suppose you dream of being at an ATM machine and it malfunctions, or the power goes out when you try to withdraw money. In that case, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is delaying or hindering your spiritual finances, which will result in financial losses if not addressed.

Dreams of rats, cockroaches, and missing properties also indicate the presence of the spirit of poverty in your life. Dreams where money is stolen, or you find yourself picking up cash, coins, silver, or gold suggest the influence of a pauper spirit supervised by a ruling spirit of poverty.

If someone gives you money in a dream, be cautious and discerning. While some dreams of receiving money may indicate a genuine financial increase, others can be deceptive. If the person giving you money is someone you do not know or is an enemy in reality, it is an evil dream, and the money represents cursed finances. Similarly, if the money is old, dirty, torn, or a mixture of foreign currency, it signifies confusion and disorder in your finances. These dreams require immediate spiritual resistance and cancellation upon waking.

Suppose you experience repetitive dreams related to these financial losses. In that case, it is essential to engage in fasting, as led by the Holy Spirit, and pray with relevant scriptures to break the curse of poverty over your life. Scriptures such as Philippians 4:19, Psalm 115:14, and Deuteronomy 28:12 can be used to declare God's provision and blessings in your finances.

Based on spiritual laws, the spirit of poverty can only access your life through a covenant. Unfortunately, most folks are of these evil agreements. Therefore, renouncing and revoking any evil demonic covenants in your life, whether generational curses or established through dreams, is crucial. Ask God to reinstate His original plan for your life, particularly in your finances, in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the meaning of dream symbols can be influenced by factors such as one's cultural background, profession, lifestyle, and religion. Therefore, relying solely on the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction is essential when interpreting them.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, May 22, 2017

Undoing Spiritual Injunctions Established By False Prophecies

 In the judicial world, an injunction is a judicial process or order that requires the person or persons to whom it is directed to
either do or stop doing a particular action.  

With that said, in the spirit world, false prophets create injunctions in the lives of their victims. In other words, by coercing their victims to agree with false prophecies being levied on and against them, the victims do not know that through their agreement with these false prophets' prophecies, an evil covenant is established spiritually that will literally suspend the victim from achieving physically. Thus, the false prophet has placed a spiritual restriction on the victim. The evidence shows that the victim will undergo ongoing negative changes in their life.

Nevertheless, by the authority and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we break all demonic injunctions that we have unknowingly received, along with evil covenants that were established between us and all false prophets through their deceitful prophecies. We command all demonic ordinances in the spiritual realm that have hindered us spiritually and, consequently, have prevented us from progressing physically to be consumed by spiritual fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! We declare the word of God against these spiritual injunctions that are operating against us, which states, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" (Colossians 2:14).

Father God, let your word that cannot return to you void unseat all hidden injunctions and evil ordinances established in our lives. Father, these spiritual injunctions that have established themselves in our lives through our ignorance be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. Now, Lord, please realign and catapult us to our destinies and restore unto us the years the enemy has stolen, according to Joel 2:25. Father, you said in your word that all things are possible to those that believe. Therefore, WE BELIEVE your word concerning our lives in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Spiritual Limitations and restrictions will be lifted in 2015

It is my genuine prayer today, that the God of all revelation in the name of his son Jesus Christ will
reveal and expose to you via his spirit everyone and anything that Satan has assigned in this year 2015 to overtly or covertly WASTE YOUR TIME!

Everyone with the assignment to delay you from connecting with what God has put in place to advance you, I come in agreement with you that their devices and counsel against you become utter foolishness and never reach manifestation in the name of Jesus Christ!

Every evil counsel, every evil voice along with all demonic altars speaking and devising consistent evil against your God ordain destiny, let those voices be silenced and destroyed by the eternal fire of the living God!

Every spiritual stumbling block that has hindered your spiritual  progress with the end result of causing you not to produce and progress physically, I speak and command spiritual cages to imprison those spiritual stumbling blocks so that your assigned blessings will flow without delay to you in 2015!

I speak specifically to the spirit of barrenness, that has caused you not to produce what God has called you to produce, we command this spirit to become barren in the name of Jesus Christ!

Every spirit husband and spirit wife that has either caused you to connect with the wrong mate, marry the wrong person or has delay you from being married, it is my prayer that God will send spiritual fire and brimstone, like he did physical fire and brimstone in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and destroy every calculating and deceitful spirit that has pulled you off course in connecting with whom you were suppose to be connect with.

Let every Devil sitting on your destiny, sitting on your potential, sitting on your favor, sitting on your opportunities, sitting on your LIFE! Be consumed by the fire of God right now in the name of Jesus Christ!

I decree and declare by the authority of God that this year, 2015! Will be like no other year for you because the restrictions and limitations have been lifted spiritually so that you can flow in the assigned blessings of God physically. God will restore you seven fold of everything that the enemy has stolen from you, let Proverbs 6:31 be your promise from God as it relates to your restoration in 2015, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!!!


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 18, 2014

Your real restrictions are and will always be spiritual

Many folks believe that because there are no visible restraints holding them back such as handcuffs, chains,
cords, shackles or a prison cell, then they erroneously  assume or convince themselves that they're free......

The reality is, if you're as free as you think you are then why isn't anything happening for you, why do you feel stuck or it appears as if life is just passing you by while others are advancing? How come you have been working for X-amount of years and have achieved absolutely nothing other than hardship and struggles? Why is it that your children are repeating the same hardships and resistance you did when you were their ages?

You see my friend spiritual restrictions on your life is far worse than physical restrictions on your life. At least with physical restrictions on your life you can actually see what's hindering or delaying you. While spiritual restrictions will cause one to believe that because there are no visible physical restrictions in place then as mentioned earlier we erroneously make the all too common mistake of assuming that nothing is holding us back or there are no limitations set on our lives.

Spiritual knowledge brings to light that which we can not visibly see which is and has been holding us back from progressing in life. For example, generational curses are deeply rooted in families but because we can not see the spiritual origin or forces behind their physical consistent negative cycles that's ensuring a consistent real life negative cycle, then we in turn sum it up as normal behavior and everyone experiences it, what's the big deal?

The reality is there are always invisible forces working behind our physical circumstances, the question is what is that invisible force and what is it doing to us spiritually to secure a specific physical end result?

Spiritual manipulation seems to be the order of the day to ensure successful demonic attacks against those that want more out of life. Therefore, having this knowledge of demonic deception to secure demonic victory, we must ask God to give us the gift of discernment to spiritually see and sense what is spiritually behind what is being physically revealed.

This is important because Satan's victory over those that desires to go forward will always be in seeing to it that those that want to progress remain ignorant as to what's spiritually keeping them anchored to one place in their life.

Lord! In the name of your son Jesus Christ, I am asking you this morning to open the spiritual eyes of those that desire to progress in life like you did for Elisha's servant in 2 Kings 6:17. Father, reveal unto them the real restraints which of course is spiritual that has set limitations on their lives. Also Father God, I pray that you would, at the same time provide them with the spiritual solution to eradicate that vexing consistent evil that has plagued them and their love ones for years in the matchless name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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