Monday, January 7, 2013

The Curse of Backwardness

As individuals, it is our fundamental responsibility to constantly strive toward fulfilling God's plan for us and his kingdom. Our lives are a continuous journey of growth and development, with our ultimate destiny waiting for us ahead. We must keep progressing toward our intended purpose, as ordained by God. Many of you reading this right now are lost as to what is this curse of backwardness and does such really exist? Well, the curse of backwardness is the inability of a person to mature, develop, progress, go forward and increase as designed by God for them to do.

In the Bible, mankind was given dominion over all creatures on earth. This means they were empowered to subdue and control everything that move on land, in the sea, and in the air. However, to have this authority, a person must first receive a blessing from the Creator.

Conversely, if someone is cursed, they will be unable to perform these functions and will be in a backward or reverse state. This spiritual curse will prevent them from being fruitful, multiplying, replenishing, subduing, or having dominion over anything.

It is important to note that blessings and curses significantly impact a person's abilities and quality of life. By receiving a blessing like the one given to Adam and Eve, people can be empowered to do things that were once impossible.

The concept of backwardness has two main objectives:

1. To establish a stronghold in the victim's mind, causing them to repeat patterns of failure and backward behavior that may seem normal to them.

2. To spiritually bind or cage the victim's spirit, preventing them from maturing, developing, increasing, or progressing physically.

I understand that what I'm about to say may seem hard to believe, but unfortunately, it's a reality we witness daily in our society. Take a moment to think about the young individuals who may be begging for money or dressed poorly, aimlessly wandering the streets. Or think about those who stay home all day without the ambition to work. Additionally, some neglect their responsibilities at home, such as cleaning or cooking, and see no issue with living in an untidy environment. Even highly educated individuals may settle for mediocre jobs due to procrastination and laziness. All of these behaviors are concerning signs that something is wrong.

Let us explore a little deeper. If you have experienced dreams about returning to places from your past, such as your previous jobs, schools, or childhood home, it may indicate that you're not progressing. This is a common occurrence, and the book of Ecclesiastes 5 offers insight into this phenomenon. King Solomon noted in verse 16 that it's a terrible evil for someone to enter and leave this world without making any form of progress.

The curse of backwardness operates on the law that says, "So as he thinks in his heart, so he becomes" Proverbs 23:7. The heart in this text symbolizes your mind, so who or whatever controls or influences your mind literally controls you; and has made you a prisoner to the curse of backwardness. In fact, Ecclesiastes 5:17 (NIV version) clearly states what this cursed individual life will be like, "Moreover, all his days he eats in darkness in much vexation and sickness and anger."

It's easy to feel like you're not making any progress i" life. But as the television character GI J" e once said, "KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE." Now that you know, it's time to take action! Start by confessing to God that you feel like you're under a curse of backwardness. Remind Him of His promise in Galatians 3:13 that "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree."

Let God know that you have had enough of living a life of defeat and backwardness, and ask Him to break every stronghold, chain, and cord holding you back. I want to support you by praying with you, asking God to release you from conforming to this world and renew your mind so that you can prove God's good, acceptable, and perfect will for your life according to Romans 12:2.

Pastor Kevin L A Ewing

Is that who they really are?

"YOUR" Problems are clear indicators in determining how you think and process what your five senses gather or observe. 

This fact is worthy to note and severely important to consider because what your senses observe and your way of processing it or your way of thinking can erroneously conclude something as a problem when it could very well be an opportunity.

At the end of the day, the error did not initiate in our senses, because they are doing the job God intended them to do, such as eyes for sight, ears for hearing, nose for smelling etc.

Instead the source of our conclusions will always be, how we were trained to think. You see my friend, whatever you do consistently, you are in fact training yourself to think that way. Therefore, that (rehearsed) way of thinking becomes right to you! 

What is even more interesting, the human being is wired in such a way that whatever they have labeled as correct or incorrect to themselves, they automatically justify and defend it, in spite of how it may appear to the majority.

Where am I headed with this you may ask? Well, ask yourself the question, What have I been labeling and agreeing to, as right all these years, when the reality of the matter is and always was and will be, that it was wrong???? Who or what was the source of your influence that erroneously enabled you to label what was clearly wrong as right? 

Well more than likely it was someone or something that you honored and respect or spent a considerable amount of time with, that according to the biblical laws concerning human behavior, has automatically influence your beliefs and behavior by altering the way you think. Which will always manifest its conclusions in your actions

One of the Biblical laws in support of this crucial point states the following, "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise" Proverbs 13:20. Suggesting that we don't have to sit and take note or record everything they are doing. Instead according to this principle we automatically glean from them which conditions the way we think. Simply put if they're wise we'll become wise and if they're foolish we'll become foolish.

The second biblical law states, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7. I find this to be yet so simple in words but very powerful and realistic as it relates to everyday living. I am led to believe that a person's consistent actions is not an act, it's not an attempt to annoy you, it's not an attempt to impress you, their not under a spell. Instead it is clear evidence of how they think and what they really believe and subscribe to.

God wants me to tell someone this wonderful day, that you must make great effort and discontinue in allowing the consistent behavior of others to upset and disappoint or annoy you. For these folks are knowing or unknowingly displaying who they really are and the way that they have programmed themselves to think. So the reality is, they see nothing wrong with what they are doing, because to themselves what they are doing is right!

The truth is, be it your Dad, Mom, Husband, Wife,children, Pastor, Boss, Supervisor that is constantly hurting you, disappointing you belittling you etc. for the most part they see nothing wrong with what they are doing. Due to the fact that they have done it for so long, that it has now, not only become their pattern of thinking, but in their minds it's the correct way.

God said to tell you, let this be the year where you change your strategy by shifting your prayer from against that person and instead begin praying against the spirits and things that has influence that person/s to think and behave the way that they do. If you continue to tolerate, play the victim role or condone such behavior it will only be a matter of time before you become the very thing you hate, that's being done to you.

It is said that insanity is doing the same thing, the same way all the time and expecting a different result........... Well you have just been given the antidote to insanity my friend!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

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