One of the most annoying things in this world is a person who's committed to being dishonest. More so, these folks have no relationship with the truth and would tell a lie at any opportunity.
I know of many folks that seem to be plagued with this seemingly incurable disease. I have discovered that compulsive, chronic, pathological liars, for the most part, don't really want to tell lies. In fact, sometimes, when they tell a lie, they question why they did what they did.
Now I am aware that this may sound strange to you but let me explain. You see, my friend lying is not a thing but a personality, yes! You read right. Compulsive, chronic, pathological liars are possessed with a lying spirit to which they unknowingly have become a host.
It is essential to become aware of this because you could spend the rest of your life fighting a person instead of the spirit heavily influencing that person. Unfortunately, most folks dismiss such understanding obviously because they can not see the spirit seemingly influencing the person. Many of you right now can identify with what I am writing about as it relates to liars in your life. As usual, let's look to scripture to validate this understanding.
"21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said, I will persuade him.
22 And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and also prevail: go forth and do so.
23 Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee" 1 Kings 22:21-23.
So, as you would have read, lying is not a thing; this is what the enemy would want you to believe so that there would be a division between you and that person who's influenced to telling lies. Instead, you are dealing with a spirit with a stronghold on the individual who is actually a slave to this lying spirit.
Now that we have identified the source of whom you know to be a puppet to a lying spirit, you must now shift your prayer and discontinue praying against that person and begin praying against that spirit that has a stronghold on that person. In fact, ask God by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to remove this lying spirit from your friend, family member, or even yourself and replace it with his Spirit of truth, which is his Holy Spirit, who is responsible for guiding us into all truth.
Interestingly enough, the Bible has provided a clear-cut solution to this stubborn evil. Firstly, when we speak of a stronghold, we're basically referring to a fixed and locked mindset. Basically, a stronghold is where a person is on autopilot to perform or behave in a manner that overrides their will only to institute the choice of whatever that stronghold is over them. With that said, scripture advises that to rid oneself of this stubborn evil, it must be approached with the word of God.
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing and dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" Hebrews 4:12. The takeaway in the above scripture as it relates to the solution to this lying spirit and any other spirit is the word of God dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT. As a reminder, our souls consist of our minds, will, intellect and emotions. Of course, this is the place strongholds are established. Spirits would be those invisible beings or entities attempting or, in most cases, influencing our soul. Amazingly, this scripture suggests that through the application of the word of God, the word of God will literally pierce and divide or cut away that lying spirit from your soul.
We must bear in mind that this entire process is spiritual, outside of us verbally declaring the word of God. Folks, I hope this understanding gives you another reason to appreciate the hidden spiritual knowledge tucked away in scripture, and it's available to all that would take the time to read it. Again, "It will always be through KNOWLEDGE shall the just be DELIVERED." Proverbs 11:9b
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing