Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spiritual Insight Into Witchcraft Dreams

People who are under witchcraft attacks often have dreams where they are challenged or fought against by people, animals, or strange creatures.

In intense witchcraft attacks, the individual might often have recurring dreams of animals, specifically dogs, attacking or attempting to attack them. These dream attacks are caused by evil spirits who take on the form of animals or other creatures and battle against the human spirit of the victim. As a result of these attacks, the victim may feel drained and fatigued even after a seemingly restful night's sleep.

Therefore, the intensity of adversities you encounter in your dreams will be equivalent to the unexpected challenges you face in real life. For instance, let's say you had a dream where a group of strange-looking men attacked you, and there was little opposition from your end. To understand this dream, let's focus on the group of strange men and the victim's lack of response. It is important to note that being attacked by a group of men indicates a more significant issue in your life. These problems may be wider than your daily routine but could have more severe and costly effects. For example, you were awoken by your smoke alarm because of an electrical fire in your home. After handling that emergency, you were involved in a car accident that resulted in the total loss of your vehicle. Upon returning home, you were blindsided by your partner's request for a divorce despite no prior indications of trouble in the relationship.

When examining the dream further, it's important to note that the victim doesn't seem to fight back against the attacker. Instead, they appear to give in to the attack. This is something that we should pay close attention to.

To clarify, the victim in this dream represents their human spirit or soul rather than their physical body. This suggests their spiritual source is vulnerable to the various spiritual forces working against them. According to spiritual law, "If we faint in the day of adversity, our strength is weak" (Proverbs 24:5). Therefore, the strange men appearing in the dream are actually evil spirits of misfortune, stagnation, poverty, and divorce, among others, overpowering the human spirit and, ultimately, affecting one's life.

I have repeatedly said that our spiritual life dictates our day-to-day material life. So, the aid of witchcraft is to assist in undermining the victim spiritually, which will, by default, disable them in their daily material life. The concept of witchcraft involves battling someone spiritually through performing specific rituals and ceremonies that the evil spirit demands to obtain their assistance. Naturally, this requires a spiritual agreement between the practitioner and the spirits, commonly called an evil covenant.

Once the covenant is achieved, the evil spirits must still submit to the rules that govern the spirit world as it relates to the victim. In Lamen's terms, no matter how powerful an evil spirit may present itself, it is still required to have legal cause to attack its victim. The law clearly states, "The curse without a cause shall not come" Proverbs 26:2. Therefore, these spirits observe their victims' lives spiritually, focusing on unconfessed sins, ancestral covenants, curses, or any actions that violate God's law. As a result, I advise people that if witchcraft is present in their lives, they should analyze what is happening in their lives, particularly their dreams that may be causing it, according to spiritual principles.

Many people have experienced dreams where they find themselves running away from individuals, groups, animals, or even unknown assailants. Using Biblical principles as a guide, we can understand that such dreams may reveal the victim's lifestyle and behavior. According to Proverbs 28:1, the wicked flee even when there's no danger, while the righteous are bold and brave like lions. Therefore, the dreamer must contemplate why they were running from their pursuers. If they are truly righteous, why didn't they stand up to their opponents instead of fleeing?"

So, back to dreaming of dogs. As I said earlier, those attacked by witchcraft commonly have dreams about being chased or attacked by dogs. Again, the dogs, in this case, represent evil spirits. However, the type and size of the dogs would also mean the rank of that spirit and the level of attack against you. The experiences depicted in your dreams are actual spiritual occurrences that will affect your daily life. If you've had dreams where puppies were attacking you. Such dreams may define tormenting spirits assigned to cause you distress. As a result, you may notice minor mishaps, such as frequently hitting your toe on the corner of your bed, experiencing "accidents" with breaking dishes, and items slipping out of your hand. This overall behavior of clumsiness could be linked to these dreams. Just a heads up, if you experience recurring dreams where dogs are attacking you, it could be a sign that a family member is behind such spiritual attacks.

In contrast, if the individual dreams of being attacked by a Pitbull dog, it may indicate significant challenges in their day-to-day life. After experiencing such a dream, it is common for the individual to struggle with recalling it. In fact, the more they try to remember the dream, the more fragmented and scattered it becomes. Again, these are all signs of witchcraft attacks levied against the victim. In the victim's day-to-day life, they should expect confusion in almost every environment they enter. Secondly, they will encounter unusual rejection. The spirit of rejection causes individuals to be consistently turned away by those who should provide assistance, support, resources, and opportunities. Afterward, the attack is strengthened by a spirit of abandonment. In such situations, the individual may experience overwhelming feelings of loneliness, confusion, and disturbing thoughts related to death and depression. It's important to note that the person's mental and emotional state (soul) is targeted by these evil spirits of witchcraft rather than their physical being. In fact, whatever is happening to them physically is the result of what is happening spiritually.

In some cases, if a person is bitten by a dog or another animal in their dream, they may experience unexplained illnesses in their physical body. Victims of such dreams may experience unusual swelling in various parts of their body. Additionally, they may start to appear older than their actual age. Other symptoms include discoloration on the face and skin diseases that are difficult to cure. The intention behind these actions is to disconnect the victim from reality by diverting their attention towards witchcraft manipulations instead of the power of God.

As these traumatic experiences continue, the individual may frequently have dreams where they lose or misplace their vehicle. Another common dream involves the victim constantly dreaming about their home's roof leaking or strange men working on it. Instead of fixing the roof, the men working on it seem to be destroying it or unable to finish the repairs. As a side note, when dreaming of a house, it is often interpreted as a symbol for a person. In this context, the roof would represent the individual's mind.

Be attentive; having these dreams is usually a sign that witchcraft or sorcery may be directed toward you. It is also important to remember that this is a spiritual battle you are facing. Any physical harm or negative experiences you may encounter are just a result of what has been achieved against you in the spiritual realm.

To overcome and subdue such evil, it is a must that you subscribe to righteous living. This involves accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and developing an intense relationship with him. You are automatically susceptible to witchcraft attacks if you are not a Believer of Jesus Christ or a Believer of Jesus Christ, but there are unconfessed sins in your life.

People often ask if someone who isn't a believer in Jesus Christ can be delivered from witchcraft attacks. The answer is yes, but it's only a temporary solution. Eventually, those spirits will return because the person doesn't have the spiritual protection believers of Christ have. This protection is explained in Ephesians 6:11-17. It is in the best interest of a person who has yet to accept Christ as their savior to do so to experience the spiritual benefits of being a believer in Jesus Christ.

As a Christian who conducts deliverance, it is crucial to prioritize fasting as a part of your Christian discipline. As we have been taught, evil spirits have varying ranks, and it is equally important to use the proper method to expel them, depending on their level. According to Matthew 17:21, scriptural rules dictate that some evil spirits can only be removed through prayer and fasting. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that prayer alone may not be effective in some instances of deliverance.

Minister Kevin Ewing

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