Sunday, January 19, 2014

You Have Held Yourself Back!

I have commented that I would rather be physically imprisoned than physically free but mentally bound. To be physically imprisoned would suggest I am aware of the physical restraints that have restricted me simply because it's visible to me.

On the other hand, constantly thinking in the same destructive non-progressing patterns is SELF-MENTAL IMPRISONMENT! In reality, no one is doing to you. Instead, you are doing this to yourself.

Every dislike situation or circumstance you've found yourself in, I can promise you at least 50% of it is due to how you process your thoughts towards it. In fact, you enabled your situation by agreeing with what you DISLIKE. Of course, this is achieved by making comments based on what you see and not speaking or thinking according to what you'd like to see.

Many are in worse situations but have decided to think the best about the situation. As a result, they've positioned themselves to manage what they've been given instead of allowing what they have been given to manage them! To change your situation, you must ignore, dismiss, or revisit the sum total of your thoughts that brought you to this point.

This is why scripture makes challenging statements like bless those who curse you, pray for those who spitefully use you, and say all manner of things against you. Love them that hate you....... The whole idea of these seemingly crazy statements is to CHANGE THE WAY THAT YOU THINK! Which, of course, is opposite to these statements.

Wrong patterns of thinking equate to SELF IMPRISONMENT! In other words, you will continue to circle the mountain of offense, bitterness, unforgiveness, and the like. Life will not get better if you're not prepared to think better. You will not be financially stable if you're committed to a poverty mentality. You will not be healthy if you're constantly mentally processing the thoughts of sickness. Your physical life will always display the fruits of your thought life.

Nelson Mandela endured 27 years of physical imprisonment and never held anything against his oppressors. He achieved this by simply concluding that while he may be in a physical prison which, he had no control. He refused to be a prisoner to depressing, negative, hateful, and unforgiving thoughts! Thus, Nelson Mandela was freed mentally before his physical freedom was ever granted.

I am led to say to someone this morning that unforgiveness, hate, bitterness, pride, selfishness, and the like have held you captive all your life. What folks have done to you is nothing compared to what you've continued doing to yourself. Not only is it self impose mental incarceration. It is also self-imposed mental abuse. I strongly advise you to release yourself from the mental prison you have created for yourself by letting the hurts, disappointments, pain, and whatever else of the past go! Life is short. I beg you to please begin living by releasing those that have hurt you............


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Is your method of prayer causing a delay?

 If you're believing God for something to materialize in your life and the foundation of your belief is focused more on the actual thing rather than the word of God that will manifest that thing, then sad to say you're in for a very, very long wait.

The word of God which is the POWER OF GOD will only be manifested based on the belief of his word. The apostle Paul said it this way, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is THE POWER OF GOD unto salvation to EVERYONE that BELIEVE!, Romans 1:16. Therefore the power in which we need to make things happen will always be "THE WORD OF GOD"

With the above being said, I strongly suggest you revisit your method of praying. For example, Is it a house or a piece of property you're seeking God for, then search the scriptures in regards to what God has promise us in this area, such as, " I will give you land which you did not labor for" Joshua 24:13 or "I will give you houses filled with all good things which you did not fill" Deut. 6:10-11.

The manifestation of your physical house or property would be as a result of you praying and believing these scriptures and many more like them back to God. In fact he said that we must remind him of his word, not that he forgot his word, instead it is his word that he responds to. The object of your prayer MUST always be God's word, while the subject of your prayer would be whatever it is you're believing the word for.

So your pray should be as follows: Father, I am believing you for a home and your word says that you have already blessed us with ALL SPIRITUAL blessings in heavenly places, Eph. 1:3. Therefore I am asking you to manifest my spiritual blessing to physical blessing according to your word that says you'll give me houses I did not built and land that I did not labor for. I thank you because I know your word can not return unto you void but it must accomplish what it was sent out to do and also that you're watching over your word to perform it. Father, it is these promises (which is your word) that I am believing for the manifestation of my home in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Again, if your prayers to God is centered more on that person, place or thing instead of his word that is embedded with the power to change or manifest that thing, then don't expect change or manifestation anytime soon.

"Therefore I say unto you, that whatsoever you desire when you pray, you must BELIEVE that you have RECEIVE them and you shall have them" Mark 11:24.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Understanding Faith!

The just shall live by faith, Romans 1:17

 The just shall live by faith, Galatians 3:11

 The just shall live by faith, Hebrews 10:38

Why would the bible repeat itself in three separate books that the just shall live by faith? Well, clearly it's something important due to its repetition and something that we seriously needs to look into.
Firstly, what is faith? Well,
most folks will repeat Hebrews 11:1 as the answer to that question, "Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen". However, this still does not explain what faith is.

Scripture tells us that Faith comes by hearing, but not just hearing anything. In fact it was specific as to what we aught to be listening to in an effort to receive faith and that is listening to or reading the WORD OF GOD! Romans 10:17

With the above understanding in mind we can safely and confidently conclude that FAITH is indeed THE WORD OF GOD! So the "JUST", which are the believers of Jesus Christ are repeatedly being asked in the above scriptures to live by the word of God, which is FAITH!

This is why scripture strongly expresses that it is impossible to please God without faith or his word, Hebrews 11:6.
Let's take this revelation a step further. In regards to Hebrews 11:1, which states that, "Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen". Let us substitute the word "faith" with the revelation of faith being "The word of God".

"Now the word of God is the substance or material of things that we are in expectation of and the word of God is also the evidence or proof of that expectation that has not manifested itself as yet!

Friends! Please, you must use your faith or the word of God in your prayers, in fact you must make a conscious effort to live by faith or the word of God, why you may ask?, well because the word of God or faith, is the POWER OF GOD TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE! Romans 1:16. Therefore whatever your request is to God it must be accompanied by FAITH which is the same as his word....... God I need you to heal me, then your faith will be, "Because of his stripes we are healed", Isaiah 53:3 or "He sent out his word and heal them" Psalm 107:20, For they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength" Isaiah 40:31.

Find the scriptures that supports your request from God, for it will be those scriptures that acts as spiritual currency in exchange for your request from God. As a reminder, it is impossible to please God without faith/his word!

According to your faith (the word of God) be it unto you, Matthew 9:29.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

It Shall Come To Pass!

The word "shall" is a word that is frequently used in the bible. However, little attention is given to this word despite the authority and determining outcomes it speaks to.

The word "shall," for the most part, is always indicating DETERMINE FUTURE EVENTS, suggesting what one's intent, plans, or expectation is concerning future events. In other words, it speaks ...
Of a determine or establish end or result. Unlike words such as may and might that suggest or detains an uncertainty, the term "SHALL" indicates what will happen or what will be.

Amazingly, the etymology or origin of this word is of an old English origin, which means to "owe." It goes even further back to a prehistoric Germanic word skal or skul, which means "debt."

It is used in English as an auxiliary verb, denoting future time with such phrases as intends to, plan to, or expects to, must, ought to, etc. The bottom line is when this word is used, it speaks directly to a future obligation.

To owe someone or be in debt to anyone suggests that the indebted one had to, at some point, borrow from the one they're obligated to. So the revelation of the word "shall" will always be accompanied by the understanding that the future owes you, but for the most part, that owing is conditional.

For example, scriptures say, "And it SHALL come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I commanded thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth, Deut. 28:1

So for what is being promised to come to pass, we must lend our belief to whatever the biblical command may be, and as a result, the future now owes us the promise.

Further proof of this revelation extends to Deut 28:2, which says that ALL these blessings "SHALL" (OR WILL BE OWED TO US) come on us and overtake us if we shalt harken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.

So rather than being so caught up on the Prophet/prophetess saying that it "shall come to pass," you ought to be more concerned about the INSTRUCTIONS, which if followed will cause it to come to pass.

"You can not be owed anything if you've not invested something."

Written BY: Kevin L A Ewing

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