Showing posts with label provision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label provision. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2015

God has made a way for you

Scripture says to us that God spoke through his Prophet Isaiah, that he would raise up a heathen king by the name of Cyrus. God said that he would do the following for king Cyrus:

" I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in pieces the bars of iron:

And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou may know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel" Isaiah 45:1-3

Well, it is my prayer today that this same God that did the above for a heathen king, will go before whoever is reading this post and make the crooked paths in their lives straight. It is also my prayer that God Almighty, will break in pieces the spiritual gates of brass and cut in half the spiritual bars of iron that has withheld your spiritual blessings and as a result advance you to where you should have been at this point in your life.

Father, Just like you did for king Cyrus, Please! Release to us the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places that the enemy has stolen from us, so that we would be even more convinced, that you O' Lord who have called us by our names, that you are the God of Israel.

I want to say to someone today, that the God of all glory has position others to catapult you to where you should have been at this point in your life. All that the enemy has stolen from you spiritually and hid in his treasury, must and will be release. The physical manifestation of what God has done for you spiritually will be revealed in the uncommon help that's about to come your way.

God advanced Abraham, God advanced Moses, God advanced Isaac, God advanced Jacob, God advance Joseph and so many others. NOW HE HAS DECIDED THAT IT'S TIME TO ADVANCE YOU!!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Provision has been made

Every parent prepares or secures in advance for the well being of their children. In fact it is considered a basic human response in terms of providing for that child well in advance of their needs.

In today’s teaching we will determine that it is the will of God that provision is made for his children. It is also his will that his children remain confident in him (his word) and wait patiently for him while time is advancing them to that provision. Isaiah said it best when he said, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall (not might) renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31.

Provision is characterized as furnishing, supplying, preparing, delivering or providing resources in advance or beforehand of its happening. Now, this understanding is interesting to note because it implies that whoever is making the provision must have some degree of intelligence as it relates to future events and simultaneously would have calculated the time, season, people, groups, environment and place as to how this provision will be executed precisely.

As far as God is concern all of our needs has been provided for already, even the ones that we’re not aware of as yet. As evidence of this the Apostle Paul made the following profound revelation, “Blessed be the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians 1:3-4.

The above revelation written by the Apostle Paul, speaks to events and happenings prior to our existence, as a matter of fact before the foundation of the world. He’s clearly stating that God has made provision for his people with spiritual gifts, however these provision are calculated according to how he’s chosen us in him or according to his purpose as it relates to us. Before I endeavor to proceed further I need you to cement into your understanding THAT GOD HAS ALREADY MET YOU PENDING AND FUTURE NEEDS! (That court case, unpaid bills, foreclosure, trouble marriage, your debt and the like)

A perfect example of this mystery would be Abraham. As most of you would probably know, God had asked Abraham to kill his son Isaac, Abraham obeyed God and took the boy to be sacrificed. Isaac having no knowledge that he was the sacrifice, said to his father, “Behold I see fire and wood, but where is the lamb?” Genesis 22:7. Now, watch carefully Abraham’s response, “My son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering”. Isn’t it interesting to note that even though God commanded Abraham to kill his son, in spite of the challenge he was still carrying out the command anyway and at the same time with confidence that God had provided in advance a lamb to replace his son?

The revelation here my dear readers is, you are not convinced that God has (past tense) furnished your needs in advance of your troubles, lack and the like. If you were convinced you would behave exactly like Abraham did, he continued doing what God asked him to do, without complaining and murmuring but at the same time persuaded that God had made a way out for him. As a matter of fact Abraham and Isaac had passed the provision which was the lamb stuck in the fence. Eventually Abraham was stopped by an angel when he was about to kill his son, and Abraham called the name of that place JEHOVAH- JIREH! Jehovah-jireh or Yahweh-yireh is defined as THE LORD WILL PROVIDE or "Jehovah will see it," or "Jehovah will provide," or "Jehovah will be seen." We are offered a variety of interpretations, but the exact idea is that of seeing and being seen. For God to see would be automatic for him to provide. As a reminder he knows the end from the beginning, he is the Alpha and Omega, he is Omniscient, meaning he’s all knowing.

Our God is not an improviser to improvise would be the opposite of provision. Provision is to provide or furnish in advance of events and circumstances. To improvise is to make up as one goes along suggesting they have no plan or knowledge as to what is about to happen. OUR GOD DOES NOT, AND I REPEAT, DOES NOT IMPROVISE, HE ALWAYS PROVIDES IN ADVANCE OF OUR CHALLENGES.

Your situation is not unique; your challenge is not the first of its kind. In fact your situation is proof that provision has (past tense) bin made. I am aware it is challenging, and not to mention frustrating, but know without a shadow of a doubt that time is advancing you to what God has already provided.

Your story and circumstances are about to change, and change in such a way that neither you nor your oppressors could have ever imagine. As of this day get yourself several pieces of paper and write on those papers the following words “I am on my way out because God has made provision for me” stick this up in your car, home, work place etc. You must be convinced like Abraham. Remember, Abraham kept doing what God had asked him to do in spite of the craziness of it. Which suggest we must continue paying our tithes, helping others, praying and seeking God. Overall doing what is right in spite of what is happening to us for the negative; because just like night follows day and Sunday follows Monday your days of adversity will follow your days of prosperity and change.

Job made it clear when he said, “All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come……..CHANGE MUST COME!

Heavenly Father my prayer is simple today, and that is thank you in advance for the provision you’ve made in advance for the readers of this article and myself, we come in agreement with our brother Job when he said he will wait till his change come, we ask this in the matchless name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

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