Showing posts with label counsel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label counsel. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2016

You Must Discover To Recover

"Our ancestors sinned. Now they are gone, [but] we have to take the punishment for their wickedness" Lamentations 5:7

Wow! The minute we're conceived, we're strapped with generational curses that automatically set limitations and restrictions on us. "Indeed, I was born guilty. I was a sinner when my mother conceived me" Psalm 51:5.

Isn't it amazing how you spend the majority of your life fighting for what's due you on your job, fighting to have a good relationship, fighting with your family members, fighting for peace, fighting for contentment, just fighting, fighting, fighting!

Interestingly, our fights result from our ancestors' ancestral baton handed down to us. You see, even though they've passed on, we still carry the burden of the known or unknown covenants they've made with the powers of darkness.

The bottom line is that the root cause of most of your problems originates in our past generations. "The LORD is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. But he does not excuse the guilty. He lays the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected--even children in the third and fourth generations" Numbers 14:18

TO RECOVER, YOU MUST DISCOVER! DISCOVER WHAT YOU MAY ASK? DISCOVERING THE SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEM. This vital piece of neglected information have you going around in circles year after year. You've prayed, fasted, spoke in tongues, anointed with oil, prayed the prayer of faith, and came into agreement with others, but absolutely ZERO happened!

Ask Mamma and them, what was that concoction in a bottle they kept behind the door for "protection," What was their reason for mopping the floors with turpentine, what was the purpose of sprinkling salt around the house? Why were they wearing pieces of garlic, going to bed with their underwear on the wrong side? Why was there a particular room in the home that no one was allowed to enter? In fact, it was always locked with a strange smell emitting from it? Well, my friends, these are, but some of the events you were not made privy to are more than likely the source of your stubborn harmful matter. 

What about when your parents said to you, with such passion, "you'll never amount to anything" "You'll suck the seeds of sorrow," "You will regret these days" "You are so dumb, stupid, ignorant, foolish" My friend, it is these types of saying that was said and done out of anger and frustration that we're living in today.

Based on the way our ancestors lived, the reality is they were writing the scripts to our lives when they performed and spoke these evils in and over our lives ignorantly. Many of them, through their greed, revenge, competitiveness and their quest to seek a better life outside of Jesus Christ, etc. made the life-changing foolish decision to consult these destiny destroyers, such as witchcraft and Voodoo practitioners, to perform sacrifices and forge evil demonic covenants, which automatically enslaved their entire family bloodline to these evil altars. This, in turn, programs the life of that family, particularly their future generations, to a life of hardship, failed marriages, barrenness, sickness, anti-progress, failure, depression, etc., all in exchange for temporary and selfish comforts.  

The scriptures were transparent when it said, "Our Ancestors have sinned, and now they are dead, but we the current generation are left to carry the burden of what they've done" Lamentations 5:7. God further warned that anyone that chose to worship Idols (witchcraft, Voodoo, etc.), that he will visit the iniquities of their ancestors on the children and up to the third and fourth generation, Exodus 20:3-5, "Father reveal to me the origin of this endless cycle of defeat and failure that has been going on in my life. Father, just like your servant Nehemiah, I confess my sins and the sins of my ancestors, Nehemiah. 9:2. Lord, I stand in agreement with your word which says in Leviticus 25:40, "But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers in their treachery that they committed against me, and also in walking contrary to me" Lord, please forgive the iniquities of my ancestors and break the wicked covenants, contracts, and agreements that were forged in the past. Father destroy by fire every evil voice, every evil word, and every evil sacrifice that has been speaking against my destiny in the name of your son and my savior Jesus Christ! 

So, for the older folks, who love to speak so condescendingly about the present generation, make no mistake this same generation of which you speak so negatively, are the fruits of the seeds you planted in your time...........


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Hey You! Stop Worrying God Is in Control

 I tell folks," If you don't learn and seek God for yourself, then any clown can give you their version of him."

I have attended many churches, and unfortunately, a vast majority of them are of the erroneous belief that the bad things in life are of the Devil and the good things are of God. If you have been led to view life from this perspective, I can also promise you that you've been missing God quite a bit.

You see, my friend, it would be considered an oxymoron statement (seemingly self-contradictory) if you say to me God is in control on the one hand, but the Devil has done so and so to you on the other hand. If God is in control like we say he is (which I most certainly believe), then we must also conclude at the very least that he's supervising whatever is taking place in our lives, be it good or bad! In other words, more than likely, Satan's intrusion in your life may be a part of God's plan for your life at that particular time. As if he can stop the plans of God.

To be in control suggest having absolute power and authority. At a minimum, everything and everyone must seek your approval or permission to operate or function in whatever it is that you're in control of.
Case and point! In Genesis 12:1-9, God not only called out Abram (later called Abraham) from among his relatives but also made him a stack of promises concerning his seed despite having no children at age 75. Now one would think it would be smooth sailing for Abram after such grand promises. Interestingly enough, beginning in verse 10 of the chapter mentioned above, things began to go south for Abram in that the land started to experience a famine (recession in today's world). This caused Abram and his wife to go into a heathen land for support and resources.

At this point in the story, most "Bible-carrying Christians" would see this circumstance as the Devil's work to hinder God's plans for Abram's life. Well, if you continue to read the story, you'll read where what appeared to be an obstacle literally brought an increase in the time of famine (recession) to the life of Abram. Question! What is it that you're labeling as a disappointment, but it's a part of God's plan for what he's promised you?

My friend, the above biblical account is a candid example of the term "God is in control." Whatever appears to be disappointing, depressing, unfixable, a waste of time, or constant limitations, I promise God is indeed supervising these events all to provide good as your end result, just like he's promised in Romans 8:28.
As a reminder, Romans 8:28 clearly states that "ALL THINGS" (suggesting the good and the bad)are working to produce good for those who love God and those who are called to his purpose.

Whoever this understanding and revelation is for today, know that God is fully aware of your disappointments, constant struggles, depression, fatigue, confusion, and frustrations. However, God wants you to know that even though the Devil is working aggressively against you. Make no mistake, God is undoubtedly in control. With their limited knowledge of God's ultimate plan, Satan and his cohorts are a part of the mystery of developing you into what God has called you to and to become.

God said to remind you and that you must ponder his word, "IN EVERYTHING (GOOD AND BAD) GIVE THANKS; FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR YOU! 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

This setback is just a setup for your comeback…………

Kevin L A Ewing

The mistake of making them permanent

"Everyone in your life has a purpose, whether they advance or delay you. No one is there by accident, chance, or luck, regardless of how you feel about them."

The people who enter our lives, whether intentionally or by chance, often significantly impact our experiences and the paths we take. I firmly believe that each person we encounter plays a specific role in shaping our journey through life, even if their presence may, at times, present challenges.

The problem with that specific individual arose when you made what was supposed to be a temporary stay into a PERMANENT one!

Stop insisting on making permanent what was only meant to be temporary. After the lifespan of anything, the next stage is death.!!!!!!!!!

I don't know who this is for, but the source of your life's stagnation is that what you're holding on to has exhausted its stay with you! Accept the signs for what they are and move.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Your lack of self-control and rotten attitude has cost you friends, promotions, favor, opportunities, and once open doors.

Your famous sayings such as, "This is who I am, take it or leave it," "I don't care what others think about me," "My haters are jealous of me," and "They can talk all they want" has caused you not to advance and remain anchored in your current dislike position. You have convinced yourself that because you're loud, arrogant, boisterous, and demanding, folks must honor and respect you.

My friend, if God were to show you the many opportunities you've missed out on because of your lack of discipline and self-control, you would probably hate yourself. Your attitude has clearly been determining your altitude, and based on where you are in life right now is a direct result of your unwelcome attitude.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself. While others appear to be laughing with you, the truth is they're laughing at you, and for the most part, they're spellbound by your immaturity and your inability to display respect for yourself and others.

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls" Proverbs 25:28. A city whose walls are broken down suggests that there are no forms of protection, anything or anyone can traffic in and out, no law, rule or principle to be guided by. It is equivalent to one who has no authority over their own spirit. Their lives are in complete and utter chaos..............

They believe life's rules, laws, and principles do not apply to them. However, the end result of their rebellious spirit has left them bitter, angry, and frustrated. In fact, no one wants to deal with them.

Friends, if you feel your life is going nowhere, or everyone else is progressing except you, before you place the blame on anyone, please, take an inventory of your attitude!


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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