In keeping with my promise on writing about relationships, I want to elaborate today on one, if not the main law that guarantees any relationship staying together. My first article for the year, which was posted a few weeks ago dealt extensively about our topic. In fact, we elaborated on the purpose of synergy and the many benefits that accompany it.
Today we will further explore this law from a relationship point of view and how when one comes to the understanding of this simple but powerful law. Their understanding will provoke not only change, but cause them to look carefully at the folks that are presently occupying their time and determine for themselves whether they’re relationship is working for them or against them.
I want to make abundantly clear, that in order to produce and maintain synergy in any relationship, then the bedrock of that relationship MUST be pedestal on RESPECT!
Now, what is synergy? Well synergy is the combine effort of two or more people combining their resources seeking after the same goal, and with the same mindset. This couple or people will produce more as a team, than they were doing as individuals.
The bottom line, the entire concept of synergy is to always produce more. So before we go any further in this teaching, if your relationship is not or has not produce more than you were doing as individuals, then let me be the first to tell you that there has been a breech in the law of synergy which automatically causes the parties involved to work against each other.
Unfortunately, this breech is always initiated by a lack of respect by the parties involved towards each other. The word respect is defined as holding someone or something in high esteem or in great honor. The sub meaning of this word suggests or gives the idea of an invisible wall between the parties that even though they would feel the need from time to time when in an argument or disagreement to verbally or physically attack each other. The invisible wall called respect will only allow them to go so far simply because the high esteem or honor that they have for each other. Thus, your respect for your partner, places a demand on you to control your anger and your dislike of certain things that the other party would do that upsets you. If what I have just said is depleted in your relationship. Then the foundation in which synergy is suppose to be built has been compromised.
If you are presently involved in a relationship, where your partner behaves as if they’re better than you, belittles you, completely disrespects you, ashamed to be in public places with you and always have you isolated under the disguise that they only want to protect you, my friend these are all signs that, this person is working against you and clearly has no real interest or good intentions towards you but are totally consumed by their selfish pride ridden motives that will always exclude you. Remember the law of synergy, it provokes unity and sees everyone involve as equals making their individual contribution to complete the whole.
My article that was posted in this Colum on the 17th January 2012, “The law of antagonism” spoke clearly about when a team or couple begins to work against each other. Even though they are a team, if they are working against each other, then they must produce less than they were doing as individuals.
It is always God’s purpose that when he put anything together its results are always to produce more. Genesis 1:28 says, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Fruitful, multiply and replenish all speak of increase to any union that God has put together. If this is the case, then ask yourself, “If God has put your union together (be it business or romance) then why is it producing less?” Another scripture says, “And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them” Genesis 11:6.
Wow! God himself said that if the people are one, speaking one language (meaning seeking the same goal and seeing each other as equal) not only will this be the beginning or their success as a team but nothing shall be impossible for them to accomplish…………
Question! Are you producing more in your relationship? Sorry! I didn’t hear that, did you say No? Then why are you holding on to something that is guaranteeing you less? Can’t you see that the world is passing you by, while you’ve been dormant for years all because you refuse to do what you know you have to do. The right person is in search for you even as you read this you’re probably admiring them everyday. They are equip with all that you desire, more importantly RESPECT for you! However it is impossible for them to find you, if you’re saddle down with that selfish, controlling, self centered, arrogant, I’m better than you person you have shackle yourself to. God wants you to live, and living begins with being connected to the right people, places and things that will cause you to produce more……..LIFE IS ABOUT PRODUCING MORE………IT’S CALL SYNERGY!
Heavenly Father, I pray for a complete divide and ripping away of anything or anyone that the readers of this article are connected to that has caused them to produce less for them, than they were doing by themselves. I further pray that you would replace that void with the right people and places in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Written by: Kevin L A Ewing