Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The law of synergy

In keeping with my promise on writing about relationships, I want to elaborate today on one, if not the main law that guarantees any relationship staying together. My first article for the year, which was posted a few weeks ago dealt extensively about our topic. In fact, we elaborated on the purpose of synergy and the many benefits that accompany it.

Today we will further explore this law from a relationship point of view and how when one comes to the understanding of this simple but powerful law. Their understanding will provoke not only change, but cause them to look carefully at the folks that  are presently occupying their time and determine for themselves whether they’re relationship is working for them or against them.

I want to make abundantly clear, that in order to produce and maintain synergy in any relationship, then the bedrock of that relationship MUST be pedestal on RESPECT!
Now, what is synergy? Well synergy is the combine effort of two or more people combining their resources seeking after the same goal, and with the same mindset. This couple or people will produce more as a team, than they were doing as individuals.

The bottom line, the entire concept of synergy is to always produce more. So before we go any further in this teaching, if your relationship is not or has not produce more than you were doing as individuals, then let me be the first to tell you that there has been a breech in the law of synergy which automatically causes the parties involved to work against each other.

Unfortunately, this breech is always initiated by a lack of respect by the parties involved towards each other. The word respect is defined as holding someone or something in high esteem or in great honor. The sub meaning of this word suggests or gives the idea of an invisible wall between the parties that even though they would feel the need from time to time when in an argument or disagreement to verbally or physically attack each other. The invisible wall called respect will only allow them to go so far simply because the high esteem or honor that they have for each other. Thus, your respect for your partner, places a demand on you to control your anger and your dislike of certain things that the other party would do that upsets you. If what I have just said is depleted in your relationship. Then the foundation in which synergy is suppose to be built has been compromised.

If you are presently involved in a relationship, where your partner behaves as if they’re better than you, belittles you, completely disrespects you, ashamed to be in public places with you and always have you isolated under the disguise that they only want to protect you, my friend these are all signs that, this person is working against you and clearly has no real interest or good intentions towards you but are totally consumed by their selfish pride ridden motives that will always exclude you. Remember the law of synergy, it provokes unity and sees everyone involve as equals making their individual contribution to complete the whole.

My article that was posted in this Colum on the 17th January 2012, “The law of antagonism” spoke clearly about when a team or couple begins to work against each other. Even though they are a team, if they are working against each other, then they must produce less than they were doing as individuals.

It is always God’s purpose that when he put anything together its results are always to produce more. Genesis 1:28 says, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Fruitful, multiply and replenish all speak of increase to any union that God has put together. If this is the case, then ask yourself, “If God has put your union together (be it business or romance) then why is it producing less?” Another scripture says, “And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them” Genesis 11:6.

Wow! God himself said that if the people are one, speaking one language (meaning seeking the same goal and seeing each other as equal) not only will this be the beginning or their success as a team but nothing shall be impossible for them to accomplish…………

Question! Are you producing more in your relationship? Sorry! I didn’t hear that, did you say No? Then why are you holding on to something that is guaranteeing you less? Can’t you see that the world is passing you by, while you’ve been dormant for years all because you refuse to do what you know you have to do. The right person is in search for you even as you read this you’re probably admiring them everyday. They are equip with all that you desire, more importantly RESPECT for you! However it is impossible for them to find you, if you’re saddle down with that selfish, controlling, self centered, arrogant, I’m better than you person you have shackle yourself to. God wants you to live, and living begins with being connected to the right people, places and things that will cause you to produce more……..LIFE IS ABOUT PRODUCING MORE………IT’S CALL SYNERGY!

Heavenly Father, I pray for a complete divide and ripping away of anything or anyone that the readers of this article are connected to that has caused them to produce less for them, than they were doing by themselves. I further pray that you would replace that void with the right people and places in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The law of antagonism

All relationships are governed by laws whether we admit it or not. As a matter of fact I would further my point by saying everything, be it seen or unseen meaning physical or spiritual has its boundaries or limits set by laws that governs or control its behavior.

With the above being said, then it would be wise in an attempt to better understand the nature of someone, we must first ascertain the laws that control or govern them or at least the principles and rules that they knowing or unknowingly subscribe to.

Now, what exactly is a law? Well, a law is defined as any set of rules or principles that regulates, govern or control the behavior or actions of anyone or anything, it is also the determining factor as to what the end result will be concerning someone or something based on the laws applied in that situation.

This now brings us to the law of antagonism which is one of a series of teachings that I will be writing on in the coming weeks concerning relationships. The law of antagonism dictates that anyone or anything that you have joined yourself to (in this case a relationship) however find yourselves consistently working against one another. This relationship according to this law is pre-destine to always produce, manufacture or result in less as a union than you were producing as individuals.

So, as you can see, this law whether you are aware of it or not once activated will determine a negative outcome it was designed to produce. However this is no newly discovered law. Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself SHALL not stand” Matthew 12:25. So, it is clear that we are guaranteed less in any relationship as long as we knowingly or unknowingly participate in this law. Make no mistake, laws do not wait on your approvals in fact it is waiting on your decision to be activated.

As an example, the law of gravity dictates that whatever goes up must come down. Again, this law is not seeking our opinions In order for it to perform what it was designed to do. Meaning, it is a rule and is applicable and dictates to everything and anything. It will not change based on how we feel but must always give the determined end result  based on its purpose of making things come down that goes up.

As it relates to relationships it is always God’s purpose for a relationship to produce MORE! Genesis 1:26 makes this crystal clear when it said, "And God blessed them (union or relationship) and said unto them, "Be FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY and REPLENISH the earth" Each of these words not only represents increase, but it suggests a continual  increase as long as this couple focus on working in harmony with each other and not against each other.

Based on everything that I have said so far I am sure you would agree that a prophet or committee is not necessary to conclude for you that your present relationship is in full swing of the law of antagonism if the continued results of that relationship has been and still is producing, manufacturing or concluding in, less joy, less peace, less love, less communication, less understanding, less respect, less romance and less of everything. Especially if you know within yourself that you were producing more of these things while you were by yourself.

My friend, please! Discontinue with the game playing, quite procrastinating the inevitable, stop the “I’m waiting on God line”, when you are fully aware that based on your recurring past and present circumstances as it relates to your relationship, God has spoken to you based on Matthew 12:25. That relationship will not and can not work. God will not bend or break his rules for you. The rules and laws of God are designed for you to see clearly in the mess of confusion that you’ve fond yourself in so that you can make a sound godly choice that will conclude in a God end result.

Ask yourself the question! Why would God desire to keep you in a relationship that is obviously producing less, if his purpose, intent and design for a relationship is to produce more? Well, like I always say, in order for you to know, recognize or even decipher what good is you must experience bad. Therefore the sole purpose of that temporary designed antagonistic relationship was to condition and prepare you for the one that he has chosen to connect you to, in an effort to produce more and not less.

My words of wisdom for you this marvelous morning is simply this; your past or present antagonistic relationship was and is a temporal season of conditioning and changing the way you think for the better, to embrace the good that is about to be presented to you. If you are bitter and not better as a result of it, then clearly you’ve not learned so get ready to experience it all over again. If you are better and not bitter as a result of it, then get ready because better days are ahead anxiously awaiting the arrival of your conditioned mind.

It is time to let go! God will only release the one that he has purposed for you to produce more with, when you decide to release that one that has been guaranteeing you a constant end result of less!

Heavenly Father, I speak a spirit of release accompanied with peace and the severing of every soul tie for those that have finally made up within their minds to move forward with the expectation of better awaiting their arrival, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, April 15, 2011

Letting go of the inevitable

As painful as it is sometimes, it is never easy when it comes to letting go of someone that has become such an integral part of your life, regardless of the time spent together. Truth be told, for the most part, the letting go was never premeditated from either end, but through unexplained circumstances, these were the cards that life dealt you.

Funny thing is you knew that this day would come, and the emotions, disappointments and the feelings of lost, were just that the inevitable. Be it knowingly or unknowingly this person has become so woven into the fabric of your life that this letting go process begins to highlight their real value and some of the beautiful experiences they’ve afforded you.

It isn’t that you didn’t notice their value before, but the extent of their value during this letting go process begins to unveil roots that you could not have possibly imagine were there. Those origins became challenging to observe, because as we all do,  through no coercion of others decides to enter this unrealistic world believing that what we have with them will always be forever……..

It is almost similar to death, in that the memory of that person becomes amplified to you, due to the finality of them not existing in your life anymore. Such as their smile, their voice, their touch their laughter and the very thought of the precious times shared with them. Unfortunately, it is these events and moments that have been transformed from an actual experience to archives now tucked away in the memory banks of our minds that repetitiously without warning invade our thoughts, making the letting go process that much difficult.

Sometimes I sit and wonder clandestinely, why it is that life will finally allow you to have something that you’ve waited on for so long. Something so precious, promising and conjuring up so much joy, knowing sufficiently well that there was an expiration date attached to it from its beginning. One must ask, what is the purpose of this? What was the purpose of the wait, and fantasies when the time of having it is so brief?


In spite of this seemingly grim view, I have simultaneously discovered that the love that was once shared between two people by far outweigh the letting go process. How you may ask? Well, the love factor was the primary ingredient that altered the course of both parties. It was this love that took these individuals from two entirely different paths of life, which may have not been what they wanted it to be. However, this same desire amazingly brought them together and provided something so special, unique and unimaginable that even the thought of letting go of the inevitable was at best a distant fantasy.

Just try to imagine for a moment you’re on a beach or a quiet golf course walking with that significant other, expressing your dreams, aspirations, what you think of each other. A magnificent sunset, a gentle breeze with a complementing cloudless sky. To sum it all up, an unveiling of a utopia type experience. You smile, you hug, you kiss and just begin to envelop into each other's love while gradually coming to a complete stop in your walk. Looking at each other face to face and just absorbing the beauty of this person that you care so much about, knowing the reality that no matter how beautiful this moment is. Eventually, the letting go process will always be the inevitable via by death or by other means.

I am sure we all wish we had a magic wand to somehow zap the unwelcome things out of our lives. Nevertheless, reality stands as a guard peeking at his watch making sure no one and I mean absolutely no one goes into overtime as it relates to their assigned times in their being together.

Letting go of the inevitable, also means that you can not have the pleasure of the one that changed the course of your world anymore, it requires you to pretend as if what you created together was fictitious and at best an extended dream. For those that will experience the letting go process by means other than death. Have to painfully watch from a distance while others fulfill and enjoy what they thought would have been forever for them.

In my view, I see this as torture, and as an undeserved punishment that has zero justification! Letting go of the inevitable clearly says to us, this is a reality that is in living color, and we are apart of a cycle in which we have little say. Why? Because life is just that a cycle that everyone who enters this world automatically becomes apart of this cycle and have no other positive options other than the instructions provided to us by God concerning these delicate matters. King Solomon said that all things happen to all alike. Suggesting no one is exempted, but for some odd reason everyone when falling in love believes that they can challenge this process and that they would successfully achieve the forever syndrome.

King Solomon in his proverbs said, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9 suggesting everything including relationships has its assigned time to exist, from being tangible to becoming intangible. Solomon compounds his point by saying, “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. Again he’s placing emphasis on time and purpose rather than the fantasy of forever. Job who was stripped of everything that he valued, cherished and adored also knew that one day the reality of losing it all would manifest itself when he said “For the thing, I greatly feared has come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me” Job 3:25. Clearly, Solomon and Job had an insight or should we say accepted the reality of life and that is nothing is forever, and all things are changing even as we are presently intertwined with it.

I believe the agony and torment of letting go intensify the thought that you now have to return to your former life without that person who became responsible for pulling you away from it all, facing the uncertainty of being alone, when you were well adjusted before their entrance into your life. Everyone’s question in this scenario is “What do I do now? Not to mention the thought of, “Should I risk doing this all over again?” Solomon again speaks to this reality when he said, “A wise man sees the evil (The reality of things) beyond where he’s at presently and prepares himself, however the foolish walk into it (his unrealistic world of forever) and is punished Proverbs 22:3,  or issued with the notice that reads, “The inevitable of letting go”

Guess what? After intense pondering, I believe I finally got it, yes! That’s right I got it. No one ever promised us that love was forever or the one we share or shared our love with was forever. This was our making, and understanding we were the ones that told each other “I will love you forever, I will be with you forever, and nothing will ever separate us. Everyday building on a fantasy that both parties knew would crumble eventually.

Truth is letting go of the inevitable was always a reality from the beginning, we just did what we still do, and that is creating our own realities to sugar coat the inevitable of letting go.

Heavenly father thank you once again for your word and wisdom, also for the clarity that your word has brought to these perplexing areas of our lives. It is my prayer for all readers of this article that they would realize and understand that the only thing that has forever attached to it in this world is the things that we do for you. I also pray that you give us the wisdom to focus more on the time and purpose than the thing or person so that your divine plan can run its course in our lives. I ask these things in Jesus name. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The quintessence of love

I am always in awe as a Christian when I hear preacher, teachers and Ministers of the gospel speak on the topic of love. My amazement is due to our well choreograph and articulate speeches concerning God’s love towards us, how we aught to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, love our wives as Christ love the church and gave his life for it, and to always love our enemies.

As we all know most of these teachings are more easily said than done and of course I am not discounting them in anyway. However my concern is how the church has abandoned the reality and the myriad of issues that face the love between a man and a woman. Loving one’s wives as Christ love the church and a woman being submissive to her husband in reality does not happen without major challenges. This is no new revelation, Even from the beginning after God blessed the union of Adam and Eve the evidence of walking together as a couple but not being on one accord began to emerge in their relationship when Eve decided to submit to the will of Satan rather than the will of God and her husband.

In the quintessence of love teaching today it is imperative that I not only take this love between a man and a woman from a realistic point of view, but make inclusive what our teachers have shun away from, that has left the average believer or person for that matter with no answers to the difficulties and challenges that faces their relationship.

The word quintessence is defined as the pure and concentrated essence of a substance or the most perfect embodiment of something. In simple terms it speaks to the heart and soul of a person, matter or thing.

So my initial approach to this is how a couple transforms from being so much in love, endless hours on the phone, the I love you, can’t wait to see you etc. to can someone please explain to me once again how in the world did I end up with this person?

Now the bible is clear and it says, “How can two walk together except they agree” Amos 3:3. Now most folks are under this grand illusion that because two are walking together (being married or in a relationship) they are in fact in accordance with one another. For those of us that are in a reality based relationships we are fully aware that the agreement that is understood in this passage of scripture speaks not of the walk but the role and support of each other as it relates to goals, vision and ultimately the future direction of the relationship. This agreement would have also deciphered the male as the head and his wife of partner being his support or help mate.

The quintessence of love, most importantly speaks primarily to the whole idea of being proactive in the relationship as opposed to being reactive. To be proactive is to initiate change in advance of events, rather than reacting to events or things that are impromptu, suggesting that our teachers and counselors became involve after the fact. This is a reactive behavior. The truth is when a man and a woman agree to be exclusive in a relationship there are really four parties involved. The primary party obviously would be the male and female that agreed to have this relationship. The additional parties would be the desires and fantasies of both individuals that have yet to be communicated between each other, however these desires and fantasies somehow becomes imprisoned in their minds with the assumption that telepathically they would be communicated.

This seemingly insignificant scenario if left unchallenged provides the breading ground for confusion that results in frustration and ends in separation. Again this provides a partial answer to the transformation from “I am so in love with you” to “How the hell did I ever become involved with you”. Unfortunately as Christians when these inevitable problems arise our leaders saturate us with a multitude of scriptures coated with a seasoning of prayer and believe the problems are solved, Again which I do not discount, however the origin of the problem has yet to be addressed.

The second scenario speaks to feelings generated by one or both parties, not towards each other but directed to persons outside of the relationship. In simple terms being in love with someone else other than your partner. These are the types of issues that are suppressed in our churches and plastered with “wives be submissive and husbands love your wives”. Yet, never addressing the reasons as to how or why these feelings came about. I want to make clear that I am not placing a stamp of approval on adultery or anything related to it, but to address these very common matters from a realistic point of view.

The conception of these problems began in the minds of these individuals and the birth was the display in their actions. Of course as you would realize this now produces confusion, because it appears as if you’re saying one thing to me (I love you) but your actions (lying , cheating, mood swings etc.) speaks to something entirely contrary to your words………..  How did we get here?

Well, getting there was simple and the simplicity of it was a major lack of understanding between both parties. Jesus made a profound statement to his disciples in Matthew 13: 13-15, he was quoting the prophet Isaiah, “For by hearing you will hear and not understand and by seeing you will see but not perceive”. He now begins to explain by first addressing the heart (mind) because all issues originate from the heart/mind of man. Jesus elaborates that their ears have become dull of hearing and their eyes have bin closed. Now, for clarity he is not just speaking about physical eyes and ears here but the ability to comprehend effectively what is being communicated to you. As proof of this he further elaborates, “Least at anytime they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should UNDERSTAND with their HEART thus resulting in a conversion or change.

So this basically dispels the old adage that most separations or differences between couples are due to a lack of communication. Communication is the impartation or interchange of thought, opinions or information by speech, writings or signs. It is also the means of exchanging information between two or more parties. So here is where the problem comes in, that is so frequently overlooked by preachers, teachers, advisors etc. Let’s use for an example a wife says to her husband that she doesn’t like the way he speaks to her in public settings, the husband responds by saying he doesn’t see anything wrong with the way that he speaks to her in public setting.

Now, according to the definition of communication, this couple has communicated, however both individuals have an entirely different UNDERSTANDING of what is being communicated. The wife is expressing how she “feels” concerning how her husband speaks to her. On the other hand the husband categorizes her complaint as an issue of what is right or wrong. So, as you can clearly see how understanding becomes the crux cause in the quintessence of love between a man and a woman. It is only when this root cause is addressed that we can then apply the applicable scriptures and prayers.

As a result my dear readers, I strongly suggest to you that you carefully analyze your relationship and review those original desires and fantasies that you once had concerning your partner and begin transferring those thoughts from your head and verbally communicating them to your partner with a concentrated effort of developing an understanding of how you feel, what you desire etc. Our error begins by believing that our partners should figure out what’s going on in our heads and when this doesn’t happen we begin to lose focus and  look else where for these desires and affections and exchanging them with others outside of the relationship.

As you would recall Jesus said, “You have ears but you can not hear, you possess eyes but you can not see, therefore your end result is a tragic lack of  understand. There is a song called “For the first time” by the singer Rod Stewart, In his song he begins to say to his wife that he’s been looking at her forever but has really never seen her, for the first time he’s looking in her eyes. He then ask her is these her hands, is that your smile, suggesting that he never took the time to understand this person that he has been with for so many years…… Could this be a clip from your life?

My words of wisdom for this wonderful Tuesday morning, put aside the past, do away with the assumptions, kick to the curb what should have, could have happened, and make up in your mind to discover what has been hidden in your relationship for so many years that was either overlooked or un-forgiveness has deprived you of it. We only live once my dear readers, and I am told that it is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved before. Do not allow fear to control you. The bible says that there is no fear in love and perfect or complete love do away with fear. So if your life is saturated with fear then I suggest to you according to biblical principles you have a serious love deficiency.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for this wonderful morning that you have decided to grace us with the impartation of your wisdom. It is my prayer that you open the eyes and ears of every reader of this article, and super naturally empower them with understanding. Your word declares that wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom, and in all thy getting we must get understanding. I now come in agreement with your word and call these things done in Jesus name. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The purpose driven relationship

Even though every relationship has its individual purpose for its existence, the success of that relationship is solely based on an ingredient that if not present, paves the way for absolute frustration and ultimate failure. This ingredient is called synergy.

Our teaching today will take us along the part of some biblical principles that if followed precisely, will guarantee us not just success in our relationships with others, but an appreciation and value for that person in spite of their differences. We’ll also discover that it is in the differences of others that if cultivated properly will open to us a deeper admiration as to why we were attracted to that person to begin with and concurrently reveal to us things about ourselves that we were unaware of.

According to our bible, after God was almost completed with his creation, he made mention that it is not good that the man should be alone. Now, prior to this statement God said that everything thus far in his creation was good, meaning it was beneficial or profitable. So when he said that it was not good that the man should be alone it is not to suggest that God had a flaw in his creation. However, the emphasis is that it is not beneficial that the man be alone. This further prompts one’s understanding that nothing in God’s creation was made to operate independent of itself. Nevertheless, all creation including man needs someone or something to join with to produce or increase more than they did individually.

Thus bringing about our first principle in reference to the purpose driven relationship, Synergy is defined as the combined efforts of two or more people or things in an effort to produce or increase more than they would have achieved individually. This being the case, then when applied to a relationship it now places a demand on the relationship through combine efforts to produce or increase more than each party did as individuals.

I think now is a good time to stop right here and begin analyzing mentally your relationships, with a view of identifying if as a couple you’ve increased or decreased. This simple examination can determine whether you’re progressing, which is the original purpose of the relationship or are you digressing, meaning moving about aimlessly with no fixed point or reference accompanied with the warp idea of whatever happens, happens (a retard relationship).

The bible now goes on to say to us that after God had identify that the man can not go beyond a certain level of increase unless he is accompanied by someone, God decided to make a help meet for him, like every other living organism in his creation. A help meet is one that is suitable, proper and fitting whose purpose is to assist in the present and future increase and production of the relationship totally and completely void and depleted of selfishness and self aggrandizement.

This now brings us to our second principle, which really should have been our first. That being divine order ordained by God. What am I saying here? I am saying the head of the relationship must be primarily established. Just in case there is confusion in regard to this statement, the head is the MAN via God’s command. The head is not determined by size, wealth, education or status, but by whom God has determined the head should be from the beginning of creation. As proof of this when Eve ate the forbidden fruit absolutely nothing changed in the Garden of Eden or creation for that matter. It was only when the man (the head of the relationship) ate of the forbidden fruit that everything fell apart. Anything with more than one heads I am told is considered a monster and spells the recipe for disaster. Again I want to make clear these principles are not limited to just romantic relationships but all relationships. Outside of the marital institution and male female relationships, the head is not limited to a male but he or she that is suitable, fitting and has incorporated the mind of a leader. However, if the leader is a female this female ultimate leader should be Jesus Christ.

The opposite of these principles creates the term antagonism. Antagonism is this case would be defined as two or more people or thing in their combined efforts are now producing less than they were doing as individuals….. Wow! This reminds me of the saying, “I can do bad all by myself” The dictionary reveals to us that opposition, resistance, rebellion, aggression, hostility, animosity and enmity give us the sum total of antagonism. Any relationship operating under this order, unfortunately its tenants are delusional as to how a real relationship must function.

However the purpose driven relationship possesses something that no other relationship has outside of it, firstly, respect is a must meaning you do not have the right to change anyone but appreciate their uniqueness and use the synergy of the relationship to compromise with each others differences. Again, it is these differences that if cultivated properly it gives a greater appreciation for the person, and reveals another side of you that show the importance of that person being in your life. This is what synergy does; it manufactures the best in both parties, and does not attempt to create what you want the other party to be according to you. Synergy requires complete and absolute UNITY and had initially established order from the beginning of the relationship. So, as fruits of this relationship, respect literally sets up invisible borders that both parties knows how far to proceed with each other, and if violated apologizes are not only mandatory but immediate.

Scripture now reveals the power of synergy when it said, after the man and the woman became one (Unity) God blessed them. Now, before we proceed lets make clear here what exactly God blessed. He did not bless mess, meaning he blessed a union or institution that had a head, accompanied with a help meet operating on one accord. In fact any relationship where the boss, husband, chief etc becomes subject to the subordinate or made to be inferior, this my friends is a cursed relationship that must produce disaster, pain, grief and perpetual agony and hardship.

After God blessed his understanding of a relationship, five things came about as a result of the blessing. That relationship must now:
  • Be fruitful
  • Multiply
  • Replenish
  • Subdue
  • And finally dominate whatever comes up against it

All of these things as you would have noticed speak to increase, and accomplishing more than they were doing as individuals. This is the power of synergy according to Genesis 1:28.

So my dear readers, I’ve asked you earlier to review your present or past relationship, now, what have you discovered? Did it produce more or less? Did it take away or add to your life? Now before you begin to point fingers as to whom the problem was, just remember a failed relation requires the participation of both parties, in this sense one party wants to assume the head when they’re not or one party is promoting synergy and the other is campaigning for antagonism. In both scenarios failure is the inevitable.

Just before I conclude, I would like for you to indulge me for just a few second more, to show you further the supernatural power of synergy in a purpose driven relationship honored by God. In the building of the tower of Babel according to genesis 11: 1-9 two principles are demonstrated here which will sum up what we’ve discussed so far. A) God said that the rule of synergy dictates that "when folks become one (unity) absolutely nothing will be restrained from them, which they imagine to do" Genesis 11:6. Mighty God! Are you getting this folks? As far as God is concern the mere fact that this couple, group, organization etc. are operating in the law of synergy, if they just imagine whatever it is they decide to do it is a done deal in the sight of God, with no force spiritual or physical being able to restrain them.

The second principle is the principle of division, which dictates that when one or more of the parties involved resist, rebel, oppose etc. the general understanding of the order of the relationship or a misplacing of leadership this conceives confusion and ultimately produces division Genesis 11: 7-8. Thus, giving us the word Babel, which in the Hebrew language means confusion!

Heavenly father, I thank you because you are not the author of confusion. On the contrary you are a God of order. It is my prayer today that you empower my readers and myself to follow your blue print that only produces order. I take authority of any and all bewitching powers that will attempt to bring confusion to us, your people. I also command a spiritual flood similar to the days of Noah that will annihilate any and all spirits that is anti your will for our lives in the matchless and glorious name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L.A Ewing

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