Sunday, June 12, 2011

Simple joys

The joy of life is simply this: appreciating what we don't have, but at the same time causing us to focus on what we do have. For there are those that wish they had what we have, but in our desire to want more we lose our ability to focus on what is more important, such as simply living!

God's  Blessings, can easily become overlooked when we murmur and complain about finances, jobs, family, friends and the list goes on, but what about those who wish they were as blessed as those of us who have a little money, friends, a family and most of all a piece of mind. Someone without legs wish they had legs, someone right now only wish they had $5.00 on their bank account or a car to experience the gas guage being on empty. Someone without hearing oh! so wish they had the ability to hear. The question could be asked, did these folks appreciate these things while they had the use of them? Our taking for granted of these seemingly insignificant amenities invokes an ungrateful attitude on our end when we discount the fact that there are others who only wish they had what we have........ in particular, THE GIFT OF LIFE!

Genuine living is enjoying what we presently have to work with, like a bank account with only a few dollars. A car that decides to work sometimes, the chance of having loved and lost, rather than never loving at all. Not to mention the more simple pleasures such as the sound of the ocean waves, airplanes being airborne, birds flying, gentle breeze whispering pass our ears. A couple holding hands, kids playing with absolutely no care at all as it relates to life challenges and difficulties (honestly! I wish I could be a kid again sometimes).

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life (meaning: we must choose to live, living isn't automatic), so that you and your children may live Deut. 30:19.

The above scripture clearly indicates that life or living is not automatic, but an actual choice that one must conciously make. A person, place or thing is NOT the cause of us not living life to the fullest, it was our choice to cause whatever it is to be the source of our non-living or should we say unhappiness. Our ability to be sad, happy, curse or blessed is solely dependent on us. As a matter of fact, we became the co-conspiritor with one or more of what I've just mentioned that has provided our present end result. ONLY YOU CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY OR SAD, IT IS A STATE OF MIND, IT IS YOUR CHOICE. Your are deceiving yourself if your conclusion for your present state is to blamed  someone or something. YOU ARE THE BEGINING AND THE END OF IT BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE MAKING THE DECISIONS ON ALLOW WHAT IS CAUSING YOUR HAPPINESS OR SADNESS.

Take note, we can become so use to being blessed, that we can unknowingly speak curses to that which God has blessed us with (such as a small bank acount, a car in spite of its challenges,  being under paid etc.) As a reminder these things are only temporary, and change is always on the horizon for some area of our life. Everyday that you exist is necessary for the change that will occur tomorrow.


Heavenly Father, once again thank you for the closed doors, disappointments, backstabbers, little money, a broken car and things just going bad. It is your sovereignty that makes us understand that even in these things we must also appreciate your purpose being  exercise  in what is seemingly grim that must produce good at the end for us. We bless you and ask these thing in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Provision has been made

Every parent prepares or secures in advance for the well being of their children. In fact it is considered a basic human response in terms of providing for that child well in advance of their needs.

In today’s teaching we will determine that it is the will of God that provision is made for his children. It is also his will that his children remain confident in him (his word) and wait patiently for him while time is advancing them to that provision. Isaiah said it best when he said, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall (not might) renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31.

Provision is characterized as furnishing, supplying, preparing, delivering or providing resources in advance or beforehand of its happening. Now, this understanding is interesting to note because it implies that whoever is making the provision must have some degree of intelligence as it relates to future events and simultaneously would have calculated the time, season, people, groups, environment and place as to how this provision will be executed precisely.

As far as God is concern all of our needs has been provided for already, even the ones that we’re not aware of as yet. As evidence of this the Apostle Paul made the following profound revelation, “Blessed be the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians 1:3-4.

The above revelation written by the Apostle Paul, speaks to events and happenings prior to our existence, as a matter of fact before the foundation of the world. He’s clearly stating that God has made provision for his people with spiritual gifts, however these provision are calculated according to how he’s chosen us in him or according to his purpose as it relates to us. Before I endeavor to proceed further I need you to cement into your understanding THAT GOD HAS ALREADY MET YOU PENDING AND FUTURE NEEDS! (That court case, unpaid bills, foreclosure, trouble marriage, your debt and the like)

A perfect example of this mystery would be Abraham. As most of you would probably know, God had asked Abraham to kill his son Isaac, Abraham obeyed God and took the boy to be sacrificed. Isaac having no knowledge that he was the sacrifice, said to his father, “Behold I see fire and wood, but where is the lamb?” Genesis 22:7. Now, watch carefully Abraham’s response, “My son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering”. Isn’t it interesting to note that even though God commanded Abraham to kill his son, in spite of the challenge he was still carrying out the command anyway and at the same time with confidence that God had provided in advance a lamb to replace his son?

The revelation here my dear readers is, you are not convinced that God has (past tense) furnished your needs in advance of your troubles, lack and the like. If you were convinced you would behave exactly like Abraham did, he continued doing what God asked him to do, without complaining and murmuring but at the same time persuaded that God had made a way out for him. As a matter of fact Abraham and Isaac had passed the provision which was the lamb stuck in the fence. Eventually Abraham was stopped by an angel when he was about to kill his son, and Abraham called the name of that place JEHOVAH- JIREH! Jehovah-jireh or Yahweh-yireh is defined as THE LORD WILL PROVIDE or "Jehovah will see it," or "Jehovah will provide," or "Jehovah will be seen." We are offered a variety of interpretations, but the exact idea is that of seeing and being seen. For God to see would be automatic for him to provide. As a reminder he knows the end from the beginning, he is the Alpha and Omega, he is Omniscient, meaning he’s all knowing.

Our God is not an improviser to improvise would be the opposite of provision. Provision is to provide or furnish in advance of events and circumstances. To improvise is to make up as one goes along suggesting they have no plan or knowledge as to what is about to happen. OUR GOD DOES NOT, AND I REPEAT, DOES NOT IMPROVISE, HE ALWAYS PROVIDES IN ADVANCE OF OUR CHALLENGES.

Your situation is not unique; your challenge is not the first of its kind. In fact your situation is proof that provision has (past tense) bin made. I am aware it is challenging, and not to mention frustrating, but know without a shadow of a doubt that time is advancing you to what God has already provided.

Your story and circumstances are about to change, and change in such a way that neither you nor your oppressors could have ever imagine. As of this day get yourself several pieces of paper and write on those papers the following words “I am on my way out because God has made provision for me” stick this up in your car, home, work place etc. You must be convinced like Abraham. Remember, Abraham kept doing what God had asked him to do in spite of the craziness of it. Which suggest we must continue paying our tithes, helping others, praying and seeking God. Overall doing what is right in spite of what is happening to us for the negative; because just like night follows day and Sunday follows Monday your days of adversity will follow your days of prosperity and change.

Job made it clear when he said, “All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come……..CHANGE MUST COME!

Heavenly Father my prayer is simple today, and that is thank you in advance for the provision you’ve made in advance for the readers of this article and myself, we come in agreement with our brother Job when he said he will wait till his change come, we ask this in the matchless name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, May 30, 2011

We need people in order to advance

One of the beauties of life is calculating the purpose of everyone that has ever entered our lives. Every person that will ever be a part of our life, sole purpose is to make a contribution to our existence in an effort to fulfill our purpose, whether we are aware of it or not. No human being purpose can be accomplished without the integration of others, all things are relative, meaning someway somehow there is a connection to someone, a place or an environment.

The core of their contribution whether it’s good or bad carries the seed of developing US! This makes the journey of life quite interesting, because for the most part we cannot predict what a particular individual will offer in terms of their contribution, nevertheless, they are necessary for our development. Meaning their contribution can either consist of adding to us or taking away from us; however what we do know is that during our time with them or even after their departure there will be a change in us via the association. The quality of that change will reflect in our attitudes, mindsets and beliefs, which equals their contribution.

Our bible tells us that all things are working together for our good, Romans 8:28, which also indicates that all things are indeed necessary and more so relative, and nothing was design by God to work independent of itself but must connect with someone or something to produce something else, again speaking to relativity.

We need people, and not just some people but all people, especially those that hate us, despise us detest us undermine us etc. I know this probably makes no sense to you, but watch the spiritual principles. God said that everything in his creation was good except that the man should NOT be alone Genesis 2:18. Many of us when reading this scripture connects this only to marriage. When viewed carefully, scripture is placing emphasis on the word good, meaning, it is not beneficial for a man if he's alone, he profits less in being by himself if he desires increase. King Solomon said, "two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fail, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls for he has no one to help him up" Ecclesiastes 4:9

Man always needs someone, something, or some environment to assist him in advancing in spite of how these people or places present themselves. The corporate world calls this process synergy. Synergy, is the combine efforts of two or more things or people to produce more than they were doing as individuals (note: synergy is not based on who like you or do not like you it’s about putting aside differences and focusing on a common goal to advance or produce more). So, in understanding this spiritual truth, it is only fitting to determine that we need haters, we need back stabbers, we need folks that love us, appreciate us etc. The truth is these people have been predetermine to our lives for the sole purpose of advancing us (again, in spite of their character, attitude or behavior). These folks came equip with what God knows to be a necessity for us concerning present and future events, again, in spite of the packaging that they come in.

Simply put our lives are a divine setup. The primary difficulty in this revelation, is grasping, the fact that we have to accept the undesirables for who they are, because it is in who they are that is teaching us directly or indirectly and at the same time preparing us for future progress.

So, in essence our enemies, friends and environments are in fact our teachers and our appointed times with them would be the class room of life that is making us better through these awesome experiences be it good or bad.

Therefore once we would have put aside our personal views we can now see more clearly the purpose for these folks presence in our lives. Thus, no matter who was, is or will be a part of our existence here on earth, we must thank God in advance for choosing them to advance us, and to make us better through the many experiences they've afforded us.

Scripture sums this entire process up with the following statement, “For whom he (God) did foreknew he also did predestine, to be conformed to the image of his son” Romans 8: 29. Simply put, because God knew us in advance of our earthly existence he also knew in advance who and what it would take to change us to the likeness of his son Jesus Christ. Bottom line: We need people to advance us in the process of becoming like Jesus!

My words of wisdom for today my wonderful readers are simply this, we need to urgently dispel the ideology of what is good is God and what is bad is of the Devil, because untimely God is Sovereign, which suggest that he is the one supervising over the good and the bad that enters and exit our lives as his method of developing us( as a reminder, all things are working together for our good). Further more biblical principle clearly states that wherever good is evil has a legal right to be present Romans 7: 21.

Father, I now understand why you've commanded us to bless and not curse those that curse us, To pray for those that use us and say all manner of things against us. Thank you for the revelation of the necessity of all people that enters our lives and how they are needed to advance us. I pray that the eyes of every reader of this article will begin to illuminate to the greater reality that you've designed every person, place and environment to advance us. We bless you and praise you for your wisdom in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Freedom, for most of us can easily but erroneously be defined as being free from any form of physical restriction, such as shackles, a prison cell, cords, chains, hand cuffs or another human being for that matter. The above understanding can be labeled as a visible form of freedom. However there is a freedom that we cannot physically see, but is by far more reaching than any other type of freedom and that is mental freedom.

The bible says, “Whom the son sets free is free indeed”. The bible is not speaking about a physical freedom here, instead it speaks to freedom from habits, ideologies, and thoughts (strongholds) that have caused us to become enslaved physically and mentally to whatever has us bound or restricted in certain areas of our lives.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (which is the true power of God) main purpose is to repair, renew and restore our minds (destroying those strongholds). Therefore we can conclude that true freedom is A STATE OF MIND! A state of mind speaks to the condition of one’s mind. Now, that condition is dependent on the word of God or the lack thereof. If God’s word is lacking in your life, then the evidence of that would be depression, confusion etc. Scripture further explains that wherever the spirit of God is there is liberty. Another word for liberty is also freedom. So, God who is his word has provided us freedom in our minds through us meditating on his word. Scripture elaborates even further, when it says that God is not the author of confusion. So clearly he’s not the one causing your confusion but in fact the antidote for your confusion.

Therefore, the Spirit of God, which is also the word of God which in turn is the freedom of God made available to us, is consistently trying through our five senses and our spirits to communicate this freedom to our minds. The reason for this is because our mind is the administrator to our bodies. What is the benefit of this you may ask? Well, so that the individual can decipher the will of God for his life and to free himself from bondages and strongholds that has caused him to behave contrary to the will of God. The flipside to this revelation, is one cannot comprehend the will of God for their life outside of the renewing of their mind which comes only by the word of God (Romans 12:2).

Bottom-line: We are the sum total of our most dominant thoughts, so in order to be free from whatever has us physically or mentally bound it must begin from the mind via the changing or altering of our thoughts by the word of God. “As a man thinks in his heart/mind so he becomes (Proverbs 23:7).

That relationship that is going nowhere is difficult to release because of the way you think, your life seems miserable only because of the way you think. You have difficulty in saving your money, not because you don’t make enough money, but all because of the way you think. Your thinking which has enslaved you is simply because you lack the meditating and application of God’s word to your mind that ultimately changes your life.


Father, I break in the name of your son Jesus Christ the spirit of unbelief, your word declares that because of our unbelief the god of this world has blinded our minds 2corinthians 4:4. I further bind the prince of the power of the air who is presently working in the children of disobedience Ephesians 2:2. I speak freedom to the minds of my readers in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!  

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Mystery Behind Confidence

"Cast not away your confidence, for it has great recompense of reward" (Hebrews 10:35). Confidence is a state of being sure or firm about a particular person, belief, or situation. It's important to remember that excessive assurance or presumption towards anything can be detrimental.

In today's lesson, we will explore the concept of Confidence from a biblical perspective. Through this exploration, we will discover that the word confidence, in the biblical sense, goes beyond being sure, firm, or confident about any matter. We will uncover a unique revelation or mystery concerning Confidence. By the end of this article, you will understand that Confidence comes with payment, compensation, or reimbursement for the things you may have lost during your journey as a believer in Jesus Christ.

Many believers in Jesus Christ find it challenging to connect with God's promises during this global economic downturn despite their experience. Moreover, as a Christian, experiencing losses is expected, not only in financial matters but also in other aspects of life.

Many religious individuals may have experienced significant losses such as their car, job, home, finances, or family, especially as they continue to deepen their faith. This can be confusing as it contradicts the promises of God that are often preached in churches. For instance, the Bible says that "we are the head and not the tail" and "we are above only and not beneath." It also states that all the silver, gold, and cattle belong to God, our Father, and we are His children. So, it can be perplexing when believers lose their jobs, homes are foreclosed, and marriages fall apart, even though God owns everything.

"I will be presumptuous and ask a few questions. When will the wealth of the wicked be transferred to the righteous? When will we experience being the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath? Does losing everything make you the head, or is it preparing you to be the head?"

Our opening scripture, "Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, for it has a great recompense of reward," speaks to this mystery and the necessity of why the Christian must suffer loss before he increases. However, the compensation or restoration of his repetitive losses is tied to his Confidence.

Let's carefully examine this scripture and uncover the revelation and mystery of this perplexing issue. Firstly, we are instructed not to throw away our Confidence. The Bible states that the Lord is our Confidence (Proverbs 3:16). If the Lord is our Confidence and the Lord is also his word (St. John 1:1), then it's reasonable to assume that the word "confidence" in this text refers to God's word. In other words, whatever we believe God for and the scriptures we stand on as evidence of that become our Confidence. Therefore, we are told not to throw away this Confidence (the word of God) because it has a great reward or compensation. This is where it gets interesting - "recompense" means to pay or compensate someone for an injury or loss.

The word "recompense" in this scripture implies that there must have been some losses beforehand. Compensation can only be possible when there is a prerequisite loss. Therefore, the scripture assures us that there is not just recompense or compensation for our losses but a great one. This suggests that the reward is higher than what we initially had. We must suffer losses such as homes, cars, money, etc., which should not surprise us. Some may say these losses happen because of hidden sins or we are not living right. However, this is due to their ignorance of the laws governing this situation. In any case, we are still commanded to hold on to our Confidence because this Confidence carries payment for the losses we have experienced.

It is essential to understand that sometimes, we experience loss to grow. This principle holds true in the kingdom of God: to increase, we must give and let go. The law of giving states that those who give, scatter, or share will see an increase, while those who hold on to more than they need will eventually experience poverty (Proverbs 11:24).

The qualification to all of this is YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP, TOSS, OR DISMISS THE WORD OF GOD FROM YOUR LIFE, WHICH IS YOUR CONFIDENCE, WHICH HAS BUILT INTO IT An excellent COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT, OR RECOMPENSE AS A REWARD FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS. As you can see, you were and are being set up through your losses for a better life, and time is advancing you every day to that appointed time. What I love most about this law is that you can not receive equal or less than you initially lost; it must be greater than you originally had….. Glory to God!

Believers in Jesus Christ, do not despair if you have suffered losses. This may be the beginning of your restoration and compensation. For example, if you were searching for a compatible partner, losing that unsuitable person may actually be a blessing in disguise. Similarly, if you were hoping to increase your income, setbacks like losing your job, a pay cut, or reduced hours may be necessary. However, always hold on to your Confidence in God's word. The Bible says, "If I give, it shall be given unto me in great measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over." These laws apply not only to finances but to all aspects of our lives. So trust that things will work out for your benefit, and keep the faith. Scripture also reassures believers that all things, good and bad, work together for their benefit (Romans 8:28).

"We were unaware of the spiritual protocol before, which caused us to feel frustrated and confused. We wondered if God was playing a game with us. The truth is that we cannot master something we do not understand. So, let us start by thanking God for providing us with this insight to help us overcome the obstacles that have been overwhelming us through the knowledge of his word."

From the Christian perspective, losing is good because it is a divine attempt to give more to the one who suffered the loss. In other words, when Christians suffer losses, they should be excited because God is about to do something great in their lives. Let's see what scripture says about this.
The righteous shall be recompensed in the earth, much more the wicked and the sinner Proverbs 11:31

Heavenly Father, I am now beginning to understand your word when you said to us that we must give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God concerning us in Christ Jesus. Thank you for this spiritual insight of Confidence, which suggests we must release to increase. I bless you, Father, because you've given the readers of this article and me an incentive to continue pressing forward despite our losses. We understand now that you were not taking from us but enabling us via your law so we can have more. We bless and praise you in the matchless name of your precious son, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Managing our thoughts

Managing our thoughts as of late seems to be one of the most challenging events ever. Specifics would reveal that our thoughts are managing us as oppose to us managing our thoughts. Unfortunately, this can be quite challeging, particularly if we give no resistance to this very common activity.

In our teaching today, we’ll discover that, in not managing our thoughts, we become slaves to our thoughts in a negative way that will automatically result in negative actions and most importantly we are in direct violation of God’s word concerning this very important issue. “Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” Proverbs 4:23. The word heart here speaks of our mind, and the scripture here is suggesting that we monitor and scrutinize what we allow to traffic in and out of our minds (through thoughts via sight, sound, and environment), because it is in our minds where all our issues originate.

Most of us have little control over the thoughts that are basically ruling us. For example you have a Doctor’s appointment tomorrow and presently your mind is flooded with the worst that could happen. Even if you share these thoughts with someone and they say to you it will be ok, this means nothing to you because your ruling negative thoughts has already determine that only bad can come out of this. It is almost as if you can not stop the thoughts from coming. You’ve literally become a slave to these negative non-productive thoughts. What’s even worst, you’ve become so frustrated because you want these evil negative thoughts to stop, but it seems hopeless because as quickly as one leaves another is waiting to invade your mind to further frustrate you.

What we don’t realize is that we are giving these negative thoughts the legal right to not only dominate us, but leave us with the oppressive spirits such as depression, hopelessness, anxiety and panic attacks and worst case scenario suicidal thoughts.

Now I know you’re probably screaming in your mind right now saying how in the world do I over come this mental torture Kevin? Well I am happy that you asked, because I am about to instruct you biblically how to switch from being managed by our thoughts to managing our thoughts.

Firstly let’s look at the law that governs this situation and the authority we have concerning this that we have not been applying. The Apostle Paul told the church of Corinth in his letter to them that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (physical) but mighty through God to the PULLING down of STRONGHOLDS 2Corinthians 10:4-5. Now the Apostle Paul here is speaking about thoughts trafficking in and out of our minds unchecked to the point that they have set up strongholds. A stronghold in this sense speaks of a thought process that has become contrary to God’s word and has set up its own belief system that has superseded the laws and knowledge of God which ultimately ends in frustration to its victim. As a result of this the victim will exhaust every form of relief except the spiritual weapons provided in the word of God for them.

The Apostle further goes on to say that we must cast down imagination (imagination: meaning negative mental images that we’ve conjured up through uncontrolled thoughts) and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ. So the law here which is God’s word commands us to bring our thoughts and anything that exalts itself against his knowledge into captivity to the obedience of Christ, this is not a suggestion but a command. To be commanded in bringing something into captivity by God clearly suggest that it is roaming about illegally, and we have been given the charge to subdue and dominate it.

So what is the revelation here? The revelation here is we’ve allowed negative thoughts to run rampant in our minds without policing them or bringing them into captivity. Captivity, meaning to restrain these thoughts and exchanging them with what God’s word says about them, which is bringing them under the obedience of Christ. As an example of this you’re sitting up every night worrying about your financial crisis or that broken marriage and every thought is negative. To the point it has consume every form of hope or solution that you’ve had previously. You need to begin reversing this process and begin speaking to these thoughts just like they are speaking and dictating to you. These thoughts are spirit entities constantly speaking to your subconscience  conjuring up anything negative and hopless and ultimitly suppressing God's word that is in you, which is the only thing that has any influence on them .

Begin saying to these thoughts, I bind these evil thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ. This is the beginning process of controlling your thoughts by exchanging the evil thoughts with the word of God. Say to fear, “God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind”. Say to the negative thoughts of worry, “I must be anxious for nothing but through prayer, supplication with thanksgiving I will make my request known to God”. Say to confusion, “God has given me a Peace that passes all understanding, and great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them. Again, we’re replacing evil thoughts with the word of God. This is the only way you can bring these thoughts into captivity and redeem your piece of mind.

In doing this you will eventually regain control through consistent practice by knocking down unwanted thoughts by the power of God’s word (God said to remind him of his word). You have failed previously in this area because you tried doing it your way and by your words, and God word is clear when it says we can do nothing without him (God)……..

I want to make mention of a very important scripture that directly relates to what we’re discussing and it reads, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also Matthew 6:21. Now, the word treasure here is symbolic of things that are of importance or of great value. So our thoughts will always be consumed by things that are important to us. However it is the quality of those thoughts (positive or negative) that will determine the state or condition of our heart/mind. Meaning negatives thoughts produce depression and anger and positive thoughts bring encouragement and an overall good feeling.

Jesus said in his teaching, that the thing that proceeds out of a man’s mouth comes from the heart and it is these things that defiles him. For out of the heart proceed evil THOUGHTS such as murder, adulteries, fornication, theft, false witness etc. Matthew 15:18-19. So again all of this began with thoughts that were never monitored and brought into captivity and as a result has placed this person in bondage, and has shackle him mentally to a state that he would prefer not to be in.
Unfortunately for this person, the condition of their mind is exactly how they view life in general, and that is they see life as frustrating and confusing with no evidence of hope at all. These people are very unhappy with themselves and overtly and covertly spew this evil venom in their present environment. Their minds are saturated with bitterness, rage and anger, and they will make every attempt to convince others that this is the way life is. The truth is this is the way they perceive life to be because of their obsession to think negatively. I have also observed that folks that are overwhelmed by negative thoughts posess two very distinct characteristics and they are selfishness and insecurity. These are the two dominating spirits that feed their minds with negativity.

The bible has provided us with the ability to diagnose this evil when it said, " For as a man thinks in his heart/mind so is he, Proverbs 23:7. The reality of this scripture is displayed in all of us everyday, because we are the products of our most dominant thoughts. The change in any human being begins with the altering or changing of the way he thinks. A change in our thought process automatically changes our perception of anything. Our adversary wants us to believe we can not change our uncontrolled negative thoughts, but contrary to what he says God says that all things are possible to us that believe.

My dear readers, my words of wisdom for you this morning is, be transformed or changed by the renewing (repairing, fixing or restoring) of your mind and that can only be done by replacing your unwanted thoughts by the life changing word of God. However this requires you reading God’s word and meditating on it day and night and to do all that is in it. For then shall your way be made prosperous and then you shall have good success Joshua 1:8.

Heavenly Father you've done it again with your revelatory insight. I thank you for affording myself and the many readers of this article the understanding of the power of our thoughts and the necessity of renewing our minds to master our thoughts. It is no accident the readers of this article has stumble upon this read for it was all apart of your divine will, so I thank you and bless you for everything you’re doing in our lives, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, April 15, 2011

Letting go of the inevitable

As painful as it is sometimes, it is never easy when it comes to letting go of someone that has become such an integral part of your life, regardless of the time spent together. Truth be told, for the most part, the letting go was never premeditated from either end, but through unexplained circumstances, these were the cards that life dealt you.

Funny thing is you knew that this day would come, and the emotions, disappointments and the feelings of lost, were just that the inevitable. Be it knowingly or unknowingly this person has become so woven into the fabric of your life that this letting go process begins to highlight their real value and some of the beautiful experiences they’ve afforded you.

It isn’t that you didn’t notice their value before, but the extent of their value during this letting go process begins to unveil roots that you could not have possibly imagine were there. Those origins became challenging to observe, because as we all do,  through no coercion of others decides to enter this unrealistic world believing that what we have with them will always be forever……..

It is almost similar to death, in that the memory of that person becomes amplified to you, due to the finality of them not existing in your life anymore. Such as their smile, their voice, their touch their laughter and the very thought of the precious times shared with them. Unfortunately, it is these events and moments that have been transformed from an actual experience to archives now tucked away in the memory banks of our minds that repetitiously without warning invade our thoughts, making the letting go process that much difficult.

Sometimes I sit and wonder clandestinely, why it is that life will finally allow you to have something that you’ve waited on for so long. Something so precious, promising and conjuring up so much joy, knowing sufficiently well that there was an expiration date attached to it from its beginning. One must ask, what is the purpose of this? What was the purpose of the wait, and fantasies when the time of having it is so brief?


In spite of this seemingly grim view, I have simultaneously discovered that the love that was once shared between two people by far outweigh the letting go process. How you may ask? Well, the love factor was the primary ingredient that altered the course of both parties. It was this love that took these individuals from two entirely different paths of life, which may have not been what they wanted it to be. However, this same desire amazingly brought them together and provided something so special, unique and unimaginable that even the thought of letting go of the inevitable was at best a distant fantasy.

Just try to imagine for a moment you’re on a beach or a quiet golf course walking with that significant other, expressing your dreams, aspirations, what you think of each other. A magnificent sunset, a gentle breeze with a complementing cloudless sky. To sum it all up, an unveiling of a utopia type experience. You smile, you hug, you kiss and just begin to envelop into each other's love while gradually coming to a complete stop in your walk. Looking at each other face to face and just absorbing the beauty of this person that you care so much about, knowing the reality that no matter how beautiful this moment is. Eventually, the letting go process will always be the inevitable via by death or by other means.

I am sure we all wish we had a magic wand to somehow zap the unwelcome things out of our lives. Nevertheless, reality stands as a guard peeking at his watch making sure no one and I mean absolutely no one goes into overtime as it relates to their assigned times in their being together.

Letting go of the inevitable, also means that you can not have the pleasure of the one that changed the course of your world anymore, it requires you to pretend as if what you created together was fictitious and at best an extended dream. For those that will experience the letting go process by means other than death. Have to painfully watch from a distance while others fulfill and enjoy what they thought would have been forever for them.

In my view, I see this as torture, and as an undeserved punishment that has zero justification! Letting go of the inevitable clearly says to us, this is a reality that is in living color, and we are apart of a cycle in which we have little say. Why? Because life is just that a cycle that everyone who enters this world automatically becomes apart of this cycle and have no other positive options other than the instructions provided to us by God concerning these delicate matters. King Solomon said that all things happen to all alike. Suggesting no one is exempted, but for some odd reason everyone when falling in love believes that they can challenge this process and that they would successfully achieve the forever syndrome.

King Solomon in his proverbs said, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9 suggesting everything including relationships has its assigned time to exist, from being tangible to becoming intangible. Solomon compounds his point by saying, “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. Again he’s placing emphasis on time and purpose rather than the fantasy of forever. Job who was stripped of everything that he valued, cherished and adored also knew that one day the reality of losing it all would manifest itself when he said “For the thing, I greatly feared has come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me” Job 3:25. Clearly, Solomon and Job had an insight or should we say accepted the reality of life and that is nothing is forever, and all things are changing even as we are presently intertwined with it.

I believe the agony and torment of letting go intensify the thought that you now have to return to your former life without that person who became responsible for pulling you away from it all, facing the uncertainty of being alone, when you were well adjusted before their entrance into your life. Everyone’s question in this scenario is “What do I do now? Not to mention the thought of, “Should I risk doing this all over again?” Solomon again speaks to this reality when he said, “A wise man sees the evil (The reality of things) beyond where he’s at presently and prepares himself, however the foolish walk into it (his unrealistic world of forever) and is punished Proverbs 22:3,  or issued with the notice that reads, “The inevitable of letting go”

Guess what? After intense pondering, I believe I finally got it, yes! That’s right I got it. No one ever promised us that love was forever or the one we share or shared our love with was forever. This was our making, and understanding we were the ones that told each other “I will love you forever, I will be with you forever, and nothing will ever separate us. Everyday building on a fantasy that both parties knew would crumble eventually.

Truth is letting go of the inevitable was always a reality from the beginning, we just did what we still do, and that is creating our own realities to sugar coat the inevitable of letting go.

Heavenly father thank you once again for your word and wisdom, also for the clarity that your word has brought to these perplexing areas of our lives. It is my prayer for all readers of this article that they would realize and understand that the only thing that has forever attached to it in this world is the things that we do for you. I also pray that you give us the wisdom to focus more on the time and purpose than the thing or person so that your divine plan can run its course in our lives. I ask these things in Jesus name. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

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