Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I can not emphasize enough throughout my teachings, how everything, every place and everyone is governed, ruled, controlled or influenced by laws. In fact the entire earth is controlled and influenced by laws.

Every action, reaction, performance, behavior etc are all as a result of laws. The reality is, the behavior of anyone or anything gives clear evidence of the laws that's influencing them.

Firstly, what are laws? Well, laws are written or verbal commands, rules or principles set by some form of authority that dictates or influences a certain course of action or behavior of a person place or thing.

For example the law of gravity states that whatever goes up must come down; the law of reciprocal dictates that whatever goes around comes right back around. Now, whenever we participate or activate these laws, be it knowing or unknowingly to us, then whatever the end result of that particular law dictates, we automatically become participants of it.

Meaning, if you decide right now to jump up, the law of gravity that is already keeping you in place, will automatically force you back in position. So, as you can see once a law is activated, our opinions, feelings and what we think can not change what the law was designed and intended to do.

I want to minister specifically to someone this morning. You are just sick and tired of doing good for others or just simply being a door mat for others, especially family members, friend and those that you hold very dear to you, only to discover and at the end of the day your good is challenged by ungratefulness, complaints and murmuring by those you go out of your way to assist.

My friend, read very carefully what I am about to say to you next because it is God speaking directly to your spirit in an effort to re-new your mind in this very important area of your life.


Scripture says the following concerning this, “I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me” Romans 7:21. In other word my friend, the law was activated that every moment you decided to do that which was good. As a result evil now has the legal right according to the law, to challenge the good that you are about to do or have done. It is the same as attempting to read the bible, because it’s a good thing, what usually happens? You become sleepy, irate, bored or decide to do something else. Again, you are being challenged by a law! Not people, an environment or a thing.

Therefore, in order to challenge this law when doing good, you need a greater law, and the law that supersedes this law states the following, “Death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love it (the death or life that is spoken) shall eat the fruit of their words (or become participants of what they have said)” Proverbs 18:21.

So, my words of wisdom to you this morning, whenever you set out to do good, begin your counter attack against the evil that will come by speaking life over the person, place or thing you’re about to execute that good upon. Say out loud or to yourself, “Lord as I am about to bless “so and so” with this money or whatever, create in them a grateful heart and an appreciative spirit, remove all negativity, complaining and murmuring from their spirit and mind and enable them to do likewise for others in JESUS NAME. AMEN!


Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Imagination! Is it working for me or against me?

Whatever thoughts were bombarding your mind first thing this morning, were the thoughts that was attempting to create the blue print for your day.
For example, if you woke up this morning filled with thoughts of happiness, then more than likely you were being programmed to have a happy day. Of course the opposite is also true.

The understanding I am trying to convey to you is, our thoughts create the vision or images of what we will do next or in the future. Like I said earlier it is literally the blue print for our lives. Therefore, a person’s behavior is as a result of a pattern of thoughts, which when broken down are patterns of images, pictures/vision that is guiding him throughout the course of his life.

I said all of that so that it would be easier for you to digest the biblical principles I am about to share with you, so that you can apply them for your advantage and manage the blue prints for your day to be a benefit to you.

Scripture which is biblical law says the following to us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18. The word vision here is defined as a sequence of images or pictures in one’s mind. The word perish means to; die, to be destroyed or to expire.

With the above understanding in mind, this law is saying to us that without the mental images that bombard our minds we do not have a plan to go about our lives. In fact the minute those images/vision or pattern of thoughts cease we become immobile, directionless or moving about aimlessly with zero progress and eventually die.

Simply put, vision causes us to mentally see the beach before we get there, vision causes us to mentally see success before  we ever arrive there, vision also causes us to mentally experience failure, defeat or depression prior to the reality of it actually happening. So, this indicates that we have the power through our minds to construct our days mentally to benefit us or not benefit us. If you claim that someone messed up your day, then what you are really saying is that you allowed someone to alter the blue print you desired for that day.

Now, let me give you the second biblical principle that will show you how to manage your thoughts/vision/images, which will ultimately give you better days and a better life.
Let us analyze the following scripture in an effort to extract this powerful revelation. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5.

Wow! Isn’t this interesting? The principle here is, we must make a conscious effort to cast down (to literally throw down or toss aside) all negative images/visions/thoughts and anything that is or gives the appearance of being above the knowledge or wisdom of God. It goes on to say that we must not only throw it out of our minds but to bring it into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ. The word captivity means to restrain, confine or to imprison something or someone.

Based on the instructions that we must cast down negative images/vision/thoughts and to simultaneously imprison or restrain these thoughts. Then it is fair to say, that to not do so, then these negative thoughts/vision/images are roaming about illegally in our minds. These illegal thoughts/vision/images now simultaneously become the seeds that will result in negative days and by extension a negative unhappy life.

Question! Who or what environment you’ve allowed to alter your blue print? Who or what have you unknowingly allowed to pollute your once positive mind? Well, who or whatever it is I strongly suggest you re-visit the principles I have mentioned with a view of making some correction and alterations to the administrator of your being, which is your mind.

Heavenly Father, Let every pattern, and sequence of evil negative thoughts, images and vision of these readers be destroyed by you in the name of Jesus Christ! Father God, let every blue print in their minds that is not of you, let it be dismantled indefinitely and replaced by your original blue print for their lives. Lord let there be a complete separation between them and that person/s or environment that has been feeding their minds with things that has exalted itself above the knowledge of you and we bring it all under the captivity of the obedience of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Curse of Backwardness

As individuals, it is our fundamental responsibility to constantly strive toward fulfilling God's plan for us and his kingdom. Our lives are a continuous journey of growth and development, with our ultimate destiny waiting for us ahead. We must keep progressing toward our intended purpose, as ordained by God. Many of you reading this right now are lost as to what is this curse of backwardness and does such really exist? Well, the curse of backwardness is the inability of a person to mature, develop, progress, go forward and increase as designed by God for them to do.

In the Bible, mankind was given dominion over all creatures on earth. This means they were empowered to subdue and control everything that move on land, in the sea, and in the air. However, to have this authority, a person must first receive a blessing from the Creator.

Conversely, if someone is cursed, they will be unable to perform these functions and will be in a backward or reverse state. This spiritual curse will prevent them from being fruitful, multiplying, replenishing, subduing, or having dominion over anything.

It is important to note that blessings and curses significantly impact a person's abilities and quality of life. By receiving a blessing like the one given to Adam and Eve, people can be empowered to do things that were once impossible.

The concept of backwardness has two main objectives:

1. To establish a stronghold in the victim's mind, causing them to repeat patterns of failure and backward behavior that may seem normal to them.

2. To spiritually bind or cage the victim's spirit, preventing them from maturing, developing, increasing, or progressing physically.

I understand that what I'm about to say may seem hard to believe, but unfortunately, it's a reality we witness daily in our society. Take a moment to think about the young individuals who may be begging for money or dressed poorly, aimlessly wandering the streets. Or think about those who stay home all day without the ambition to work. Additionally, some neglect their responsibilities at home, such as cleaning or cooking, and see no issue with living in an untidy environment. Even highly educated individuals may settle for mediocre jobs due to procrastination and laziness. All of these behaviors are concerning signs that something is wrong.

Let us explore a little deeper. If you have experienced dreams about returning to places from your past, such as your previous jobs, schools, or childhood home, it may indicate that you're not progressing. This is a common occurrence, and the book of Ecclesiastes 5 offers insight into this phenomenon. King Solomon noted in verse 16 that it's a terrible evil for someone to enter and leave this world without making any form of progress.

The curse of backwardness operates on the law that says, "So as he thinks in his heart, so he becomes" Proverbs 23:7. The heart in this text symbolizes your mind, so who or whatever controls or influences your mind literally controls you; and has made you a prisoner to the curse of backwardness. In fact, Ecclesiastes 5:17 (NIV version) clearly states what this cursed individual life will be like, "Moreover, all his days he eats in darkness in much vexation and sickness and anger."

It's easy to feel like you're not making any progress i" life. But as the television character GI J" e once said, "KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE." Now that you know, it's time to take action! Start by confessing to God that you feel like you're under a curse of backwardness. Remind Him of His promise in Galatians 3:13 that "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree."

Let God know that you have had enough of living a life of defeat and backwardness, and ask Him to break every stronghold, chain, and cord holding you back. I want to support you by praying with you, asking God to release you from conforming to this world and renew your mind so that you can prove God's good, acceptable, and perfect will for your life according to Romans 12:2.

Pastor Kevin L A Ewing

Is that who they really are?

"YOUR" Problems are clear indicators in determining how you think and process what your five senses gather or observe. 

This fact is worthy to note and severely important to consider because what your senses observe and your way of processing it or your way of thinking can erroneously conclude something as a problem when it could very well be an opportunity.

At the end of the day, the error did not initiate in our senses, because they are doing the job God intended them to do, such as eyes for sight, ears for hearing, nose for smelling etc.

Instead the source of our conclusions will always be, how we were trained to think. You see my friend, whatever you do consistently, you are in fact training yourself to think that way. Therefore, that (rehearsed) way of thinking becomes right to you! 

What is even more interesting, the human being is wired in such a way that whatever they have labeled as correct or incorrect to themselves, they automatically justify and defend it, in spite of how it may appear to the majority.

Where am I headed with this you may ask? Well, ask yourself the question, What have I been labeling and agreeing to, as right all these years, when the reality of the matter is and always was and will be, that it was wrong???? Who or what was the source of your influence that erroneously enabled you to label what was clearly wrong as right? 

Well more than likely it was someone or something that you honored and respect or spent a considerable amount of time with, that according to the biblical laws concerning human behavior, has automatically influence your beliefs and behavior by altering the way you think. Which will always manifest its conclusions in your actions

One of the Biblical laws in support of this crucial point states the following, "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise" Proverbs 13:20. Suggesting that we don't have to sit and take note or record everything they are doing. Instead according to this principle we automatically glean from them which conditions the way we think. Simply put if they're wise we'll become wise and if they're foolish we'll become foolish.

The second biblical law states, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7. I find this to be yet so simple in words but very powerful and realistic as it relates to everyday living. I am led to believe that a person's consistent actions is not an act, it's not an attempt to annoy you, it's not an attempt to impress you, their not under a spell. Instead it is clear evidence of how they think and what they really believe and subscribe to.

God wants me to tell someone this wonderful day, that you must make great effort and discontinue in allowing the consistent behavior of others to upset and disappoint or annoy you. For these folks are knowing or unknowingly displaying who they really are and the way that they have programmed themselves to think. So the reality is, they see nothing wrong with what they are doing, because to themselves what they are doing is right!

The truth is, be it your Dad, Mom, Husband, Wife,children, Pastor, Boss, Supervisor that is constantly hurting you, disappointing you belittling you etc. for the most part they see nothing wrong with what they are doing. Due to the fact that they have done it for so long, that it has now, not only become their pattern of thinking, but in their minds it's the correct way.

God said to tell you, let this be the year where you change your strategy by shifting your prayer from against that person and instead begin praying against the spirits and things that has influence that person/s to think and behave the way that they do. If you continue to tolerate, play the victim role or condone such behavior it will only be a matter of time before you become the very thing you hate, that's being done to you.

It is said that insanity is doing the same thing, the same way all the time and expecting a different result........... Well you have just been given the antidote to insanity my friend!

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, January 4, 2013

The law of common denominator!

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. And Abram took Sarai his wife, and "LOT" his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; Genesis 12:1,5. 

 Is this not the story of our lives? God specifically asked that you leave a certain place or person but for some reason you see the need to bring these same folks along with you, who were the main reason as to why he'd asked you to leave in the first place. 

 Indulge me for a few minutes as I present you the law of "common denominator" every time you're in trouble it's because of person x, every time you're broke its because of person x, every time you're feeling miserable and confused it's because of person x, no gas in the car, person x, no food in the house, person x, no money in the bank, person x. Better yet why is it that when ever you discuss the future concerning person x you use the word "WE" but when person x speak of future events they use the word "I". Can't you see how much your life has digress since person x has been factored into your life? 

Well my friend the law of common denominator suggests that whenever the same thing or person pops up every time hell breaks loose, then identifying the problem becomes quite easy. In this case, it's clear that it's person x......... The grim reality my friend, is that some folks are anointed by Satan to prevent you from progressing, they are gifted in making sure that you do not make progress and hinder and delay you at every point in your life. STOP! Making excuses and sever the root of what you very well know to be your problem, the few tears you will shed now, will be nothing compared to the heartaches that's awaiting you in the future if you continue to tag along with person x! 

The story of Lot and Abraham is a perfect story as to what the end result would be when you pollute your destiny with what you should have left behind. lot caused Abraham to become involved with unnecessary matters that he should have never become involved with. The bottom line, person x is damaged and tainted goods, that possess the seeds of unhappiness. If you don't believe me then take a look at their lives, it is littered with destruction, confusion and a consistent pace of going absolutely no where. 

 I don't know who you are this morning, but you have overstayed your time with someone or something you should have tossed a long time ago. As a result of your delay it's making you bitter, miserable, angry and most of all frustrated, not to mention your precious time that you can not re-gain. The real danger my friend is that if you do not heed to this advice now, you will never be able to recognize God's intended place or person for you because you'll be to busy beating them with what person x did to you in the past.......... 

 Many of you reading this note right now, have God's choice for your life even as I declare this word to you, right now but again, because you refuse to release what has happened in the past or you've released too late, bitterness and anger has superseded your ability to recognize and appreciate what is presently good in your life. 

 Ask God right now to release your mind, spirit and soul from the curse of the law of "COMMON DENOMINATOR". 

 It is my prayer that God will not only heal your heart, but spiritually open your eyes that you many see clearly physically and spiritually and that the obstacles that the enemy has set on your path of destiny be consumed by the fire of God Almighty. 

 Father I pray you release those that desire to be released, from the choke hold of Satan now, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen! 

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Companies such as Mercedes Benz, Land Rover, Rolex, Tiffany's, Gucci, and the like all have a certain standard related to the quality of their products, goods, and services.

In reality, even though these companies manufacture and produce different goods and services. It will always be the quality of their goods and services that will reflect their name and, more importantly, set the standard in their particular industry.

Standards in any company or organization are set by its leaders. These leaders, whomever they may be, establish a point of reference to test the quality of whatever they offer to their consumers. This is known in business and manufacturing as "benchmarks."

A benchmark is any standard or reference by which others can be measured or judged and a criterion by which to measure something. It can also be considered a point of reference to test (something) to develop or establish a standard. Folks, I want you to allow the definition of this word benchmark to soak into your mind. Reason being where we are about to venture into with this article most religious folks turn a blind eye to.

We are clearly in the swing of things for this year. Most of you would agree that the previous years seem to be a walk in the park compared to this year. Let us review some things prophesied by the many Pastors, Bishops, Prophets, etc., at the beginning of this year because the decrees and declarations they made have now become the benchmark to the reality of what is actually taking place. Meaning the prophetic words, slogans, rhymes, clichés, and the like that have been rehearsed into our hearing. Prophetic words such as, "This is the year the saints' rule," "Kingdom rule," "There is a shift," "The year of restoration," "The year of release," "Ending strong," "Millionaire and billionaire anointing" and finally the illustrious "This is your year of Restoration."

Here comes reality, where most of you would probably be challenged. How much, if any, has been declared over you actually materialized? Did any of it become tangible for you? For example, did your finances turn around? Was your marriage restored? Was the foreclosure canceled on your home? I am sure if Gucci sold you a watch claiming it was waterproof. However, the minute some water splashed on it, the watch stopped working. You would be front and center at the Gucci store to not only complain about what is clearly a false claim, but you would probably consider not purchasing from them again.

Well, this is where the confusion sets in for me. How is it that year after year, conference after conference, prophetic word after prophetic word, and you are still at the same place and position as you were the year before, and more than likely, you're in a worse state? Even more perplexing is that after every prophetic word, it is conveniently accompanied by the Lord saying to the "Prophet" to His people. "Whatever situation you're faced with right now, the Lord said if you step out in faith and sow a seed of $2022, $222, or $22, of course, the latter being rarely asked for, the lord is going to turn it around for you". Can I be real here for a moment? Why does it seem like I have to pay God to turn my situation around? Whatever happened to the biblical principles that say whatever I sow, I will reap? Suggesting that if it were monies I was seeking God for, then I agree I should sow money to reap money, but why should I have to sow $2022, $222, or $22 as a symbol of the year 2022 if I have Cancer, AIDS, or Diabetes, etc. if I desire to be healed of these diseases?

Why not INSTRUCT US TO SOW GOD'S WORD? Such as "because of his stripes I am healed" Isaiah 53:5 or "he has sent his WORD to heal us" Psalm 107:20. Why, for the love of God, do we always have to financially satisfy the Prophet, for God to turn our situations around? What if we don't have what they claim God is asking for? Does this mean God won't provide for his people because we don't have the money to pay them? Did God go broke? Is he running short on funds? Okay! So you've been pressured to the point of guilt and handed over your money. Did you get the healing, money, deliverance, etc., that they claim would happen?

Where are the benchmarks? Did you go back to the "Prophet" with a record of what they said and demand answers like you did with the Gucci folks? Or did you again pretend that he did not say what he said, and you're back in line for another round of false misguiding promises and prophecies? The bottom line, folks, is gone are the days when we volunteered to be fooled and succumbed to the pomp, pageantry, theatrics, and the annoying begging for money after every so-called "prophetic word" that yields zero results. These people need to be held accountable for the many disasters they have caused to so many lives.

Let this be the year you finally awake out of your deep comatose sleep and realize how these folks have held you back, hindered you, delayed you, and misled you. The origin of these false non-God-inspired words amounted to nothing more than curses placed on you the minute they spoke them over your life. The evidence of these curses you agreed to (by receiving it) displayed itself throughout the year via disappointments, delays, denials, setbacks, failures, etc. In reality, THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WAS SPOKEN TO YOU CAME TO PASS. Let this year be where you set benchmarks, meaning record everything declared, especially when it was declared to pass, and make the comparison and demand an explanation from the one that made the declaration if it did not manifest. Do not let this be a year where you become so desperate that you allow anyone to prophesy anything to you and not give an account for it.

These folks will continue to do what they do as long as "we," their manipulated audience, accept it and set no benchmark for them. Due to their false prophecies, we have been delayed, hindered, and misrouted regarding our seasons, times, and blessings. They have single-handedly hijacked our destiny and left us in a tailspin, directionless and lost as it relates to the genuine things of God. So many marriages and homes are destroyed because of these people's false words and un-anointed hands. They are controllers, telling you who you should marry, where you should live, and how much money you should give. You must consult them if you desire to travel, give them your itinerary, tell them when you'll be back, etc. You can only visit another church if they say so. You are not allowed to minister to another church on a Sunday or a bible study night because it's either their tradition or a display of their illegal control. Did not Jesus command us to go out into the WORLD and preach the gospel? So why is the "servant" of Jesus hindering the sheep from performing Jesus' command? Who do these people think they are?

Nevertheless, at the end of the day, we have caused this by not setting benchmarks again. The first benchmark is that our leaders, such as Prophets, Pastors, evangelists, etc., are our "SERVANTS." Jesus Christ established this benchmark by saying, "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant" Matthew 23:11. The question is, are we holding them to this benchmark? The second benchmark is why these people dominate you as if you don't have a mind of your own or you're some kind of animal. It was never God's intent for human beings to dominate one another. In fact, this was a result of the fall of man. Here is the proof, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" Genesis 1:26. Correct me if I am wrong here, but did you read anywhere in there where we were commanded to dominate one another?

Servants of God, I am begging you to discontinue being a puppet to these puppet masters and use the word of God as your benchmark and as your standard concerning these Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, and the like. Stop pretending, sugar coating, or ignoring the empirical evidence that they said did not come to pass. The Lord himself said the following concerning these folks, "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the (false) prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord" Jeremiah 23:16.

Scripture goes on to say, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him" Deuteronomy 18:22. Again, these are all benchmarks for you, the Believer of Jesus Christ, to hold these folks too.

Anyone who anoints you with oil prays for you, prophecy over you, and you're not sure if they're authentic or not. Say out loud or to yourself, "LORD IF THIS IS OF YOU, I COME IN AGREEMENT WITH YOUR WORD, HOWEVER, LORD IF THIS IS NOT OF YOU, I COMMAND IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THAT THESE WORDS AND ALL CURSES ATTACHED TO IT BE DESTROYED BY FIRE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!

Friends, I don't want to sound harsh here, but the reality is we're talking about your life, which has produced little to no fruit up to this point. Another benchmark Jesus stated in his word when he said that any branch that does not bear fruit, his Father cut's it off, John 15:2. If that leader is not producing fruit related to the declarations made by them, you need to cut them off! The reality is they are holding you back; take a good look around you and be honest with yourself. How many have died listening to these folks waiting on the promises and prophecies, and absolutely nothing materialized?

So, whatever church, conference, revival, or prayer meeting you attend this year. Say to the Lord, Lord, if this is of you, let the change take place in my life, and if it is not of you, let it have no effect on me nor that which concerns me and lose me from this spiritual cage and place me where you desire for me to be at this point in my life........

Let this be the year the Lord opens our spiritual eyes so you can truly SEE! 2 Kings 6:17.

Written by: Kevin LA Ewing

Saturday, December 29, 2012

False Prophets!

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves" Matthew 7:15

I cancel every false prophecy that has been spoken over your life from the beginning of 2012 and in times past. 

Every one that has placed their hands on you and anointed you that was not of God I command their words and the curses that accompanied them to be destroyed by spiritual fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

Friends, please here me this morning as I speak to your spirit. Do not allow what happen to you this year and in years past happen to you next year. The source of who or what has delayed you this year has its beginnings in the one who has spoken false prophesies over your life............... If it was from God then it should have come to pass like it was prophesied to come to pass in 2012.

The moment you submitted to a word spoken over your life or the laying on of hands, that was not of God then that was the very moment you submitted to a curse. The evidence of this curse you agreed to displayed itself throughout this year in your life via disappointments, delays, denials, set backs etc. In reality THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WAS SPOKEN TO YOU CAME TO PASS.

Woe to whom you are receiving a so called prophetic word from because you could be receiving a curse......... If you don't believe me, then realistically review and compare the time of the prophecy and analyze how your life has changed up to this point, was it for the better or did it get worse?

"Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the (false)prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord" Jeremiah 23:16

"I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied" Jeremiah 16:21

"Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord" Jeremiah 16:32.

You see my friend, every word or prophecy from God is vital because it speaks specifically to your destiny, in fact it is the D.P.S (Destiny Positioning System) to your destiny.


"When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him" Deuteronomy 18:22.

Anyone who anoints you with oil, prays for you, prophecy over you and you are not sure what the deal is with them, say out loud or to yourself, "LORD IF THIS IS OF YOU I COME IN AGREEMENT WITH YOUR WORD, HOWEVER LORD IF THIS IS NOT OF YOU I COMMAND IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THAT THESE WORDS AND ALL CURSES ATTACHED TO IT TO DIE!

Friends I don't want to sound harsh here but the reality is we're talking about your life. So, whatever church, conference, revival, prayer meeting you decide to attend, say to the lord, lord if this is of you let the change take place in my life and if it is not of you let it have no affect on me........

God said to tell someone this morning, "BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEP CLOTHING"

Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing

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