Saturday, April 12, 2014

God will always confirm his word

God will always confirm his word that he has internally or externally communicated to you.

Is he the one, is she the one? Is this the right home, the right job, should I be at this church? Am I doing the right thing, was this the right choice?

Scripture says the following: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for

 Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16. Scripture which is God's word to us is never by accident or chance when we come into contact with it. In fact, scripture clearly indicates that God is indeed the one inspiring us at that moment. The word inspiration comes from the word inspire which means to produce or arouse a feeling or thought. It also means to be influenced or motivated by something or someone

2 Timothy 3:16, started off by saying "All scriptures is given by inspiration of God" meaning there is no scripture that you come into contact with that God isn't trying to motivate, inspire, confirm or instruct you concerning His will for your life at that particular time of your life.

Have you ever just opened your bible and the first scripture you set your eyes on spoke specifically to your situation? What about driving in your car and some preacher was preaching specifically to your position? What about being at a particular office and there is a tract sitting on the table speaking about a situation you're currently faced with? Again, these are not just mere accidents of coincidence. It is God instructing you, leading you, coaching you, advising you, counseling you with the purpose of leading you to the right person, the right place, the right job, the right home, the right decision and ultimately navigating you to achieve the best life!

What did God say to you while reading his word today? What did he ask you to do or not to do while praying this morning, whose face did he flash before you while reading his word? What did he confirm to you concerning that person, that place, that thing? What did that still small voice explicitly say to you and just when you opened your Bible that passage of scripture you read confirmed exactly what that still small voice said to you?

You did not read or hear, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" by accident, It was not by coincidence you saw on a billboard, "If God be for you who can be against you." It was not by chance that you found what appeared to be a piece of trash on the floor but when you looked at it closely it read, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide thee with mine eyes" Psalm 32:8

I don't know whose spirit this post is speaking to today but what I do know is that you're not reading this post by chance, accident or coincidence...... God is again confirming his word to you, my friend!

"Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why does it appear as if God is promoting and advancing my enemies over me?

I am always excited for others when it is their time to advance in life. The reality is their advancement is a sign
that I just could be next in line.

Once we come to an understanding of spiritual law concerning promotion and demotion, we quickly comprehend the fact that it is God and God alone that promotes and demote all people. So in actuality our promotion isn’t necessarily based on our hard work, our education, our being connected to important people etc.

How many folks that you know that have the advantage of the above mentioned but still are at the back of the line? My friend please read what I am about to say next very carefully. Promotion for all people (good and evil) is solely based on God’s calendar of promotion and demotion. One of the many attributes of God is that he’s omniscient, which simply means he’s all-knowing, all-seeing and there is nothing that escapes his knowledge of things past, present and future. Therefore one’s promotion or demotion is based on God’s greater plan for mankind as opposed to the glory of any individual.

For example, it may be surprising to you if I said that it was God that elevated Adolf Hitler, Saadam Hussein, The Pharaoh of Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar, King Herod, Muammar Gaddafi and other tyrant oppressive leaders. It was this same God that elevated peace makers such as a Dr. Martin Luther King, Guandi, Mother Theresa and so many others like them that brought peace to the world. Nevertheless, religion would mislead you to believe that God only elevates good people and demotes bad people when the truth is scripture clearly says otherwise.

“For promotion comes neither from the east nor from the west, nor from the south but God is the judge: He is the one that ultimately puts down one and sets up another” Psalm 75:6-7.

“The LORD makes poor, and makes rich: he brings low, and lifts up” 1 Samuel 2:7.

"For he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust" Matt.5:45

“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings” Daniel 2:21

“The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” Job 1:21

“And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it” Ezekiel 17:24

“I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me” Jeremiah 27:5.

"This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers And the decision is a command of the holy ones, In order that the living may know That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, And bestows it on whom He wishes And sets over it the lowliest of men." Daniel 4:17. Please read Job 12:12-25 for an in-depth understanding of God’s supervision of all promotions and demotions.

Absolutely no where will you find in the above scriptures where God said he will only demote those that do evil and promote only those that do good! Instead, the overall understanding of the above scriptures is that God who is all knowing chose whom he will to promote and advance his agenda according to his divine will. Scripture is saturated with such evidence. In fact the entire book of Judges is basically littered with such occurrences, where through the disobedience of the children of Israel God would raise up their Enemies to oppress them until they confess and cry out to him. Then he would rise up a leader among the children of Israel while demoting their opposition.

God’s plans are far more complex and far more reaching than our limited desire to be the Boss, the manager, a supervisor or even president of a company instead like I have pointed out to you via scripture those promotions and demotions in life will solely be based on God’s will for our lives at those times of our lives according to his calendar of his divine plan. This now explains why that person who only has a high school education is your Boss even though you’ve dome 4 years of college and holding a Master’s degree. This also explains why the children (God’s chosen people) of Israel were enslaved to Egypt for over 400 years in Egyptian bondage, all because God said it would be so according to his plan, Genesis 15:13-14.

Okay! So you didn’t get the promotion, you didn’t get the raise you expected neither did things advanced like you though it would have. Now let me ask you this question, are you upset and depress because your plans didn’t pan out or because God plans did?

I speak from experience and that is, when you name comes up on God’s calendar for elevation in whatever area of your life there is absolutely no one that can prevent that from happening. Just like how no one could have prevented the elevation of that wicked, illiterate or oppressive person from becoming your Boss. The bottom line is simply this, God knew what they were all about from day one, it was no surprise to him how wicked, mean and oppressive they have become to you and it was because of who they were, good or evil that he had calculated them into his plan to achieve his ultimate will. Wicked leaders as well as good leaders are all a part of God’s plan and no one can overturn the plans of God Almighty. Scripture plainly says, “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD” Proverbs 21:30

My friend, begin to meditate on this word today and put aside your agenda and ask God to reveal to you as to where do you fit in his agenda. Say to God, “Lord I am now aware that it is you and only you that promotes and demote, now remove from my heart that hate and bitterness I’ve developed because I felt so and so should not be elevated over me. Help me to see your way of doing thing as opposed to my limited view in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thank God for my troubles

Believe it or not, the day will come when you'll look back on this seemingly messed up situation and thank
God that it actually happen to you!

Most negative situations that we encounter during the course of our lives, we automatically feel as if God should have intervened and vindicated us from those challenges. In fact it would appear as if he'd left us to be devoured by our enemies. The truth is, because we didn't know the plans of God concerning us at those stages of our lives we erroneously and prematurely judge God foolishly. This explains why we are commanded to give thanks in all things (good and bad); for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:18. As a reminder, the will of God does not mean that things will always run smoothly or have a happy ending. Instead, the will of God is just that, his will being fulfilled however he chooses it to be.

Hear the words of wisdom today! Your current non pleasing, disappointing matter has been allowed by God to help and condition you mentally for the wonderful things that's about to unfold in your life.

I speak from a position of experience and life experiences has consistently demonstrated to me that in order to decipher, recognize and appreciate good, it is a must for us to encounter the opposite of good which is BAD!

The bottom line my friend; your seemingly bad experiences are indicators that good is ahead awaiting your arrival, however there is always a conditioning or renewing of the mind prior to arriving at your destiny. The reality is your current way of thinking and handling of matters now are also clear indicators that you're not ready to embrace what's ahead. Just like any good company, it is their desire to train you for the position that they’re positioning you for.

Again! These bad or displeasing occurrences from a spiritual perspective are stepping stones to "BETTER" that's awaiting the completion of your life's lessons. Please, be patient and allow God to be God! 

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Accepting Jesus Christ will "NOT"Give You a Better Quality Of Life

Becoming a Christian will not give you a better quality of life. Instead, it will always be the application of the Word of God as a believer of Jesus Christ that will ultimately improve and advance your quality of life.
Many folks who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will quickly discover that what was promised to them by their religious leaders did not pan out exactly the way their leaders made it out to be.
In fact, as it relates to the quality of their lives, things have apparently gotten worse, despite Jesus being Lord of their lives.
The reason for this is simple, and that is, they were taught wrong. And as a result, disappointment, confusion, and giving up on Jesus became the order of the day.
Making Christ your Lord and Savior reconciles your relationship with God and secures you a seat in Heaven when you die. Unfortunately, this act alone will do absolutely nothing for you regarding your quality of life while on Earth.
More than likely, if you depend on this act alone to produce favor, healing, defeating of your enemies and the like, then you are in for a massive disappointment, confusion, and just plain giving up on Jesus Christ altogether.
Your quality of life, my friend, regarding being debt-free, being healed, having a successful marriage, and whatever else constitutes a better quality of life, will hinge on the application of His Word.
I use to rehearse the religious jargon that they told me, such as, "Call on Jesus and everything will be all right."; "What God has for me is for me"; "No weapon formed against me shall prosper"; "God will give me double for my troubles," and of course, the list goes on.
The problem with the above statements was no one bothered to inform me that I would have to apply the Word of God for the above phrases to manifest in my life.
For example, I was told that I was the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. I'm blessed going out and coming in. However, my quality of life was not reflecting these statements even though I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.
Amazingly, as I began to study the Word for myself to ascertain what was wrong. I discovered that to be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, blessed going out and coming in, I had to obey and live by the principles, laws, protocols, and commandments to qualify for this better quality of life.
"And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the Earth: And all these blessings shall come upon thee, and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.
And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail, and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearkens unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them." (Deut. 28:1-2,13.)
The emphasis is on the word "of God. If you study this chapter carefully, Moses wasn't talking to sinners or those alienated from God. In fact, he spoke to the children of Israel who already had God as their Lord and leader. However, it was made clear that their quality of life will not change because he is their God. Instead, the quality of their lives will be a direct reflection of their obedience and application of his Word.
My words of wisdom are simply this: stop allowing these charlatans to replace the Word of God with money, miracle cloths, oils, and the like. The above teaching has made it abundantly clear that with obedience and application of God's Word, the quality of your life will improve and advance.
Sorry, no $1,000 seed offering will work here.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Time and Opportunity will always be the keys to true success

 It is so easy to become depress and frustrated when you see others your equal seems to be so far ahead than you currently are.

 You sit in awe as you observe your peers and their kids graduate from college, start a family, create their own business and just simply making tremendous progress with their lives. At the same time it appears as if life is just passing you by and absolutely nothing seems to be working out for you.

 What can be even more frustrating is the fact that your kids just seem to be going backward instead of forward. Either they didn't finish high school, never went to college, their marriages are not working out, they just seem to be just hanging around wasting their lives. At some point you must ask the question, “Where did I go wrong, how am I any different than anyone else?” These thought can become even more aggravating knowing that you started out ahead of the folks that are now ahead of you.

 While reading yesterday, I came across a very interesting passage of scripture that actually spoke to these very common scenarios and here is what it said from the King James Version of the bible:

 “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all” Ecclesiastes 9:11

 However, the New Living translation bible says it this way, “I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time”

 With the above being said let’s look at a few common observation in our communities that will bring the reality of these scriptures to life. How many folks do you know that have a college degree but may be you and others make a lot more money than they do? How many folks that you are aware of that are wise but not rich? How many folks that you know have great understanding concerning how things work and operate but no one gives them favor? I can go on and on and on but I am sure you go the point already.

 Here is what I see in this passage of scripture and I would add that my observation is indeed a spiritual law. King Solomon in his wisdom clearly understood that riches, understanding, being swift, being strong, wise, or whatever else we constitute as giving us an advantage in life will not “GUARANTEE” success and prosperity.

Instead, spiritual law clearly states that TIME AND OPPORTUNITY is distributed among all human beings. Armed with this understanding this should automatically change the way that we pray. Meaning instead of asking God for wealth, riches, favor, promotion, a husband, a wife, a home or whatever, ask God to divinely position us at HIS


“Father, your word declares that you have already blessed us with “ALL” spiritual blessings in heavenly places, Eph. 1:3. Therefore lord I am convinced that everything has already been put in place by you for me to succeed. I believe this with all my heart and as a result I am humbly asking you to direct my path according to your set timing for those opportunities you’ve made available just for me according to Eccl 9:11. Father I am reminding you of your word like you have asked me to do, and your word clearly says, “That I must trust in you with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding but in all my ways I must acknowledge you and you promise that as a result of me doing this YOU WILL DIRECT MY PATH TO MY TIME AND OPPORTUNITIES” I ask this in Jesus name amen!

 Friends, I am feeling this one this morning, join me in declaring and decreeing that God has set aside a specific time along with a season for a specific opportunity for us today and every other day for the rest of our lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Curses Obtain Through Cursed Property

Scripture says, "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."
Luke 16:18

"I am completely confused by the statement above. Even though believers in Jesus Christ have been filled with the Holy Ghost and saved for many years, they are still struggling with limitations, setbacks, and a reduced quality of life. Meanwhile, I have noticed that non-believers, whether knowingly or unknowingly, are operating by spiritual principles and enjoying the benefits that come with them.

Those who do not believe in Jesus Christ may not be eligible to spend eternity with him after death. However, they can still lead a good quality of life by following spiritual laws, regardless of their awareness of such laws.

In today's teaching, we will discuss cursed properties and the curses that can be acquired through them. Although this may seem unbelievable, the knowledge shared in this session will help you better understand spiritual matters and change your perspective.

Is there such a thing as a cursed property? It is said that a property can be cursed, and various stories in the Bible support this belief. One such story is about Joshua, the leader of the children of Israel, and Jericho. After the walls of Jericho fell, Joshua stood before the land and declared, "May the curse of the LORD fall on anyone who tries to rebuild the town of Jericho. At the cost of his firstborn son, he will lay its foundation. He will set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son" (Joshua 6:26).

Although it may seem at first glance that Joshua's words were just a meaningless rant, their spiritual implications profoundly impacted the land of Jericho. Almost 600 years later, a man named Hiel, who was from Bethel and had no knowledge of the curse placed on Jericho by Joshua, attempted to redevelop the city. According to the Bible's account, while Hiel was constructing the foundation of Jericho, his first son Abiram passed away. Similarly, as he was about to set up the gates of Jericho, his youngest son, Segub, also passed away. The Scripture clearly stated that this was the result of what Joshua had spoken over Jericho 600 years prior, as mentioned in I Kings 16:34. This raises the question - is it possible that someone's negative words over your property, life, etc., be the cause of the chaos you are currently experiencing?  

In the book of Jeremiah, God instructed the prophet not to marry or have children in the land where he was living. Specifically, God warned that the children, parents, and grandparents would face terrible deaths. They would suffer from famine, their bodies would be eaten by birds, and no one would mourn for them. Instead, they would be like waste on the face of the earth. This is described in Jeremiah 16:1-8.
God told Jeremiah in no uncertain terms that any connection to that land that was apparently under a curse would bring utter misery to him or anyone who associates with that land. Scripture further records that God said to Jeremiah that the day would come when the inhabitants would ask why all this evil had come upon us. 
God said to tell them that this evil is the result of their ancestors who abandoned the Lord and decided to serve other gods. Additionally, he said that this current generation has done worse than their ancestors. Question! Isn't it strange how everyone from a particular state, community, village, Island, or country exhibits specific negative behavior? Such as Adultery, dishonesty, sexual perversion, lying, etc.?

Based on these teachings, have you ever wondered what occurred on that land that has secured a consistent negative cycle for all the inhabitants there? Don't you find it strange that all the men and women from "a certain place" have either been diagnosed with cancer or died from cancer? Let's bring it home to you. How come everyone from your town or settlement has financial difficulties? Why do most women from a particular place during their first and second pregnancies end with a miscarriage? What about all the men from a specific part of your state who seem to have mental issues?

In Judges 6, it is recorded that the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and consequently, the Midianites took over their land. The Midianites literally made them a stranger in their own land. In fact, it was almost as if the promised land was working against the children of Israel. It would be discovered later that Gideon's father had erected an altar in his home and was serving other gods. As a result, the land became cursed for the children of Israel. Question! Which family member has planted whatever on that land that has caused the ground to become unfruitful, no one wants to purchase it, and impossible to rent. Better yet! How is it that everyone who resides on that land experiences sickness, confusion, fatigue, and non-progress, which have become a way of life for them?

In Deuteronomy 7, God warned the children of Israel as they were about to enter Canaan. He cautioned them against marrying or making covenants with the inhabitants of Canaan. God also instructed the children of Israel to destroy the Canaanites' images, jewelry, altars, and groves by fire. The land was cursed, and its inhabitants served other gods and dedicated everything they owned to these gods. Anyone who made covenants or shared possessions with them would be cursed. 

Therefore, it's essential to consider the origin of your jewelry and any items you may have acquired from yard sales or elsewhere. If you bring in items from a cursed place, your home may become a place of torment. Similarly, it's essential to be cautious in your relationships and avoid those with a controlling attitude, as this may stem from their origins and the gods they serve.

 I would like to remind you of the quote I began this article with, which is from the Scripture: "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light" (Luke 16:18). I believe this is true because most unbelievers realize that everything originates from the spiritual world. As a result, they focus their attention on this area to achieve their desired outcomes. However, believers tend to concentrate on the physical realm, thus resulting in their consistent non-progress.

In Joshua 9, the children of Israel made a covenant with the Gibeonites, whereby the children were not to harm or even kill the Gibeonites. Years later, King Saul killed the Gibeonites and, as a result, brought evil upon the land of Israel, resulting in a famine for 3 years during King David's reign. Therefore, the land was barren and unable to be produced then. Again, the ground itself was cursed, and so were its inhabitants because of what King Saul had done in the past. Question! What evil covenant was established on your property via witchcraft, and due to the demonic sacrifices offered to other gods, all hell has broken loose on that property.

Some of the signs that would identify generation curses acquired through cursed properties are:

-Never able to complete projects on that property

- Constant sickness among the inhabitants of that property

-You are never able to prosper while on that property

- Almost impossible to married or have children while on that property

- While on that property, you're plagued with confusion and frustration

- Strange noises in the buildings of that property, along with strange odors

- Almost impossible to maintain relationships while on that property

- Vehicles, machinery, and electrical equipment are always in need of repair

- The inhabitants of that property are pruned for mishaps and misfortune.

- Suffer from significant bouts of depression and anxiety

- Children will not excel educationally, will always face trouble, etc.

The above signs are just a few of the myriad issues one will experience while residing on a cursed property. Please! Take a moment and ask God to clarify if the property you own, rent, or occupy is under a generational curse and, as a result, you're being challenged by it. Ask God to provide you with the necessary knowledge to deliver you from this position you've found yourself in. This is necessary because Scripture says, "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9.

My friend, if there is one thing that I know about deliverance, it is that you must first want to be delivered. Stop suffering unnecessarily and begin to fight back with the spiritual knowledge that God has provided for you in this article.

Kevin L A Ewing

Ignorance Empowers & Renews the lease on Generational curses

Spiritual laws will quickly point out to us that in order for a generational curse or any curse for that matter to exist or run its course, there must be legal ground to establish and begin its destructive cycle.

The first spiritual law of generational curses dictates that a curse that has no cause cannot come upon anyone or any family, Proverbs 26:2. This law quickly dispels the notion that someone can curse anyone at will or a generational curse just automatically passes on from generation to generation. In the case of a generational curse, it will be the “INIQUITY” that must be sustained throughout the generations to support or give cause for the generational curse to run its course, Exodus 34:7and Exodus 20:5.

Secondly, the law of ignorance plays a pivotal role in the oppression and progression of generational curses. A generational curse cannot perform its full impact without the full cooperation of its victim. How is this you may ask? Well, the victim is unknowingly working towards his own demise via his ignorance that they are not only under a generational curse but ignoring all the visible signs of it.

Scripture points out to us in Ephesians 6:12, of  four ranks of demonic activity that we are wrestling against, and they are:

1) Principalities
2) Powers
3) Rulers of the darkness of this world and
4) Spiritual wickedness in high places

The above orders/ranks are all spiritual, meaning they are not visible to the human eye, thus, places us at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, for the sake of this teaching, I would like for us to focus on the third order which is, “RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD.” Rulers are those that govern, supervise or exercise control. Darkness in this text symbolizes “ignorance.” Therefore, this specific order of demonic activity is solely responsible for keeping us “IGNORANT OF THE SPIRITUAL LAWS.”

Due to these forces being spiritual/invisible they work through human agents such as religious leaders and Charlatans, who subscribe to traditions, philosophy, ideology and everything else that moves us away from the bible which contains the spiritual laws that we need to combat these stubborn evil forces. My friend, please read carefully what I am about to say to you next. Any church, religious institution, religious leader or whomever that insist on substituting the laws, principles, commandments, and protocols of God with money, miracle water, miracle oils, etc. are agents of the Devil assigned to your life only to tie you up spiritually so that it would be impossible for you to make progress physically.

Anyone that understands laws understands that everything is governed by some type of law. Therefore, the spirit realm is no different. Like I have said so many times before, the spirit world is where it all begins, simply because it's the origin of all things. As a result of this understanding, it is understood that to achieve or succeed with anything physically, then it must be established spiritually first! Friends! Please understand that absolutely everything that is experienced in our natural world was conceived in the spirit realm. With this being said, you must focus on the spiritual things of your life and begin making corrections and adjustments in those areas if you desire to maintain and sustain any victory in your natural life. The spiritual areas of your life would be your words, thoughts, dreams the word of God, voices that are not accompanied by a physical body, etc. As a reminder, the Apostle Paul warned us when he said, "Set not your eyes on the things that are seen for what is seen is temporal (subject to change). Instead, focus on that which you cannot physically see with your eyes for these things are eternal, whatever it is that we can not see with our eyes are indeed spiritual, 2 Corinthians 4:18.

As a reminder, In Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13 the common phrase used in both scriptures is "My people are in bondage or are being destroyed due to their lack of KNOWLEDGE." It did not say that the people of God were being destroyed because they lack miracle water, miracle oils, miracle cloths and the like. Scriptures stick a pin in the following point by saying that it will be through "KNOWLEDGE" that the just will be delivered, Proverbs 11:9. Again, if they're not giving you the spiritual knowledge of God which is the only thing that can deliver us, then they are simply misleading you.

Again, generational curses are real, and for the most part, your life has been shackled with limitations and setbacks due to your ignorance of the obvious generational curses that are upon your family. Stop qualifying the curse to remain in your family with the fuel of ignorance and begin fighting with the word of God!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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