Monday, October 5, 2015

Dreaming Of Frogs

Dreaming of frogs will almost always equate to a bad dream. Now, depending on how the dream is presenting itself can provide many revelations to the mystery to the strange happenings that are taking place in the dreamer's life.

Firstly, frogs in a dream are implications of evil spirits. If you see these frogs coming out of the mouth of someone, it could be revealing a lying spirit but more importantly, a false prophet!
As usual, let's research scripture to support this revelation: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet" Revelations 16:13.

If you had a dream where you saw a person or even yourself being covered by frogs, then the dream is revealing that that person life is being controlled and dominated by false prophecies and demonic activity.

If you see a person in your dream manifesting frogs via some sort of ritual etc. then the dream is revealing that that person is of the kingdom of darkness. Again, let's support this with scripture, "And the magicians did so with their enchantments and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt," Exodus 8:7.

Amazingly, folks become confused when they have dreams of observing their spiritual leaders transforming or manifesting into frogs, especially when the dream setting is in the church. Unfortunately, such a dream reveals the spiritual source of that spiritual leader's power, and it is clearly not of God but very much from the kingdom of darkness. Again let us observe scripture to unravel this mystery. The book of revelations has revealed to us that John saw in his vision three unclean spirits that look like frogs in Revelations 16:13. However, in verses 14, it clearly says that these frogs were the spirits of devils working miracles.

So, if you experienced a dream where a prophet, prophetess, pastor, priest, or whatever title a religious person goes by, and that person is in activities affiliated with frogs, then please know for sure that your dream is revealing to you from a spiritual perspective what you could not prove physically in the lives of these folks, and that is they're being inspired by the forces of evil. As a result, their prophecies, miracles, miracle cloths, water and whatever else they claim is of God is in reality from Satan. If you've given any monies to these people, please ask God to break the curse of poverty off your life that has unknowingly established by these agents of Satan.

Frogs also represent sickness and plagues. As you would recall, the second plague levied upon Egypt was the plague of frogs. A plague is defined as any widespread affliction, calamity, or evil, especially one regarded as a direct punishment by God, which was clearly the case in Exodus 7:25 and Exodus 8:11. Thus, observing someone or even yourself in a dream, either being covered or attacked by frogs, would indicate spiritual sickness or curses more than likely brought on by witchcraft attacks. In fact, scripture tells us in the book of Exodus that the plague of Frogs that were brought on Egypt by God through Moses was also mimicked by Pharaoh’s Magicians, sorcerers, and enchanters, which were, of course, folks of the occult.

The bottom line is this, dreaming of frogs is never a good dream and must be met with spiritual force via prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:21.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The spiritual law of association

Many folks have little to no idea that it was

and will continue to be the connections with others that they encountered throughout their lives that would clearly explain how they ended up where they're at presently.

Think about it for a minute. Before meeting certain folks in your past life or even the person, you're currently with now. Did you notice a change in your attitude, your emotions, etc.? Why don't you make a comparison as to what your life was like before meeting that person and now what is your life like after having met them? Do you see the difference? I am sure you have noticed some changes on your end as a result of the connection.

You see my friend, there is so much more to a person than just their physical existence. There are so many things that you can not see that are by far more real and influencing than what you do see. Unfortunately, it is these invisible forces that are attached to these folks and even yourself that are shaping the course of your union, be it friendship, marriage, business, etc.

For example, if a person has a curse of backwardness on their life then your relationship with that person exposes you to that curse. Let us look at the spiritual law to not only prove but highlight this critical, overlooked spiritual point. Scripture says, "A person that associates himself with wise men shall become wise and he that becomes a companion of fools will not only become foolish but shall be destroyed, Proverbs 13:20. In other words, the victim was not placed in a classroom and taught how to be wise or foolish. Instead, it was the invisible spiritual connection with its influencing agents that is causing this,

Therefore, demonic forces that are attached to a person be it a spirit of poverty, a spirit of backwardness, a spirit of anti-progress, etc. are the invisible forces influencing the human spirit of the other party to conform to its will. So it's just a matter of time before the traits, behavior, and patterns of the cursed person begin to manifest in the person that was never this way before meeting this curse person.

Think about a person that you know that never used profanity before. However, after they connect with a particular person, it is almost as if they can not stop using profanity. I am attempting to reveal to you that things such as the above example are not happening because it could happen or the person just changed. Well, I will agree with you they have changed, but the reality is it was a calculated changed influenced by the enemy. Unknowing to the victim, it was Satan that caused this connection to devalue, halt and re-route the destiny of this person.

Trust me when I say to you that the source of every connection in your life will either be from God or from Satan. The whole idea behind this is to manifest the will of God in your life or the will of Satan.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Could it be you're being prepared?

No challenge in your life comes about by mere chance or accident. In fact, what is going on with
you is not happening to you instead it's happening for you.

I would venture to say that every difficulty that life has been tossing at you was literally attempting to change the way you think as it relates to your destiny. Entering your destiny with your current way of thinking is fatal. Every level of life you experience will always require a new way of thinking. The day this process stops, will be the day you become irrelevant as it relates to your destiny.

From a human and religious perspective, this is known as renewing of the mind. My friend, believe me as one who speaks from experience. Allow the changes that are being produced from your dislike experience. It feels challenging and long because you hate the change it's producing, but this is the change that you are in desperate need of and don't even know it. Meaning, continue to do good even though evil and unfairness is being hurled at you. It is developing you into a better you for the better future that eagerly awaits you.

Pay no attention to the mockers, and nay-Sayers and those who are trying to convince you that you're a fool in all of this by allowing and tolerating this non-sense and unfairness. Trust me their experience will come one day also, they all have their temporary role in your development, so don't be angry with them, for they are only fulfilling their assigned role in your life that God Almighty has allowed.

I promise you, my friend, scripture encourages us that, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning" Psalm 30:5.

I don't know who this is for today (most certainly me), but you are about to experience the greatest turnaround in your matter like never before. What is about to take place in your life can only be categorized as supernatural.

In this, you will see an igniting of your human spirit, which will sever the spirits of depression, defeat and that evil presence of inadequacy that has covered you with a coat over the past months and years.

As a bonus, God will reveal to you in detail why you had to experienced what you did, why it felt as if there was no hope, why it felt as if even he was against you. My friend God said to tell you that you will get a detailed understanding of the purpose and set times because of this situation.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, October 2, 2015

We are guaranteed failure doing things our way

 The scriptures clearly says to us the following, "For there are many plans in a man's heart but it will
only be the counsel of God that shall prevail" Proverbs 19:21.

The above mentioned scripture just so happens to be one of my most favorite scriptures in the bible and here is why. The word counsel is defined as advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another. Therefore in essence, the above scripture is literally revealing that even though our minds are consumed with what or how we would like for things to pan out for us; the reality is it will only be the advice, opinion or instructions from God regarding our matters that will prevail or have any value at the end of the day.

Now based on this understanding this aught to change or at least challenge the way that we pray or the things we are about to do. So rather than giving God a grocery list of our desires and wants; what we should be saying to him is the following: "Father as much as I desire or want a certain thing or as much as I desire to do a certain thing, please Lord in the name of your son Jesus Christ, reveal or expose your counsel to me in this situation that I desire to make myself a part of. Father because I am aware that only your counsel shall and will prevail in the end; I don't want to waste my time or attach myself to anyone or anything that will come up fruitless at the end of my pursuit".

In an effort to bring more clarity to this revelation, the scriptures has warned us well in advance of the guaranteed destruction and failures we will experience if we continue to do things outside of the input or counsel of God. Here is what the scriptures has prophesied when we do thing our way and exclude God's counsel.

"There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" Proverbs 14:12 & Proverbs 16:25. My friends, the mere fact that this same scripture is recorded in the Holy scriptures twice, reveals the dangers of approaching and engaging in matters based on our limited knowledge alone.

As usual and as with all my postings, the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of truth, responsible for leading us into all truth has just released and reveal God's position on what you're involved in or what you're so determine to become attach to. Your first question to self should be, did I seek the counsel of God on this matter that I desire so desperately or this is something that I want so bad and labeling it as a God thing?

Whomever you are reading this post today, know for sure it is not by accident. Now compare the Godly wisdom and understanding embedded in this post to what you are about to do in this day and in days to come, now please! Keep at the forefront of your calculations, that doing things your way outside of God's counsel will guarantee you utter failure and destruction in the end even though it may not appear so in the initial phase of what you may have determine as the right way.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Positive out comes are never created by a negative tongue

Yes, another month, where everyone is basically pulling their hair out of their head as to how they're going to make ends meet, such as schools fees, car notes, mortgages, etc.

Well, I want to say to someone today who has made worry, anxiety and fear a three course meal for their life; to believe and speak more of what it is that you desire as opposed to your consistent repetitious negative talk of what you do not desire.

Many years ago as a young Christian, I understood quite early the power of my words, unfortunately there were and are many folks that I have encountered on this Christian journey who have yet to correlate the things that they say and what is consistently being manifested in their lives as a result of what they have said.

Yes! Just like you I am always being tempted to speak the negative that I see or to join in with other with their negative conversations. However, I am fully aware that our words are always activating or deactivating things in the spirit realm and as a result, re-packaging and re-routing our destinies. I have met folks that have said to me, "I only wish I could see life as positive as you do". But like I would say to them I wasn't always this way. I literally had to think and choose what I wanted to say in regards to how it will adversely affect my future. In most cases I was forced to keep my mouth shut while I contend and subdue my overwhelming negative thoughts.

Unfortunately, I discovered that it was much easier to speak evil and negativity as opposed to declaring good things. This is so because our practice of speaking negative over the years has made us perfect in it. Therefore, there must be a concentrated effort on our end to renew our minds in this very vital area of our lives.

As I am writing this post today, I am literally living some very good thing that I have been confessing in the past, trust me initially it wasn't easy until I observed how quickly my negative words were manifesting. Yes! It seemed foolish in the beginning, probably even impossible to others but I confessed it in spite of how things looked or even appeared. I also understood very early in my Christian journey that if I am not seeing what I am confessing then whatever it is that I do see is nothing more than a mere distraction of what I would like to see. Now today I can reveal that I am an active participant of what I believed and continually confessed during the days I had every reason to speak negative rather than positive.

Please! Someone hear me on this day, your life is a sum total of what you believe and have been confessing. The reality of this understanding is quite evident if you choose to be real with yourself. Meaning, your life is overwhelmed with negativity because your focus and daily confessions is comprised of so much of what you don't want, with the illusion of what you do want will come to pass. Folks like to use the phrase, "Well I'm not being negative, I'm just calling it how I see it of I'm keeping it real". Well, the reality is my friend, this does not change the law that says, "Repetitious Confessions will bring possession". Why not change your way of thinking and begin the process of calling things the way you would like for them to be. Trust me, I am quite aware that this is not an easy road but I can also say from experience the effort will be well worth it in the end.

It is impossible to have a positive life, if you chose to hold on to a NEGATIVE tongue!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Benefits Of Walking Uprightly

No good thing would be withheld from those that walk uprightly, Psalm 84:11.

The word upright is defined as honest, honorable, or just. Also, one with integrity and whose primary instinct is to always do what is right and proper. On the other hand, the word "good" in the above scripture is defined as something beneficial, or that will work in the best interest of self or others.

I needed to dissect both words to better understand what this particular scripture was suggesting to us. In essence, we're being told that God will not suspend, withhold, delay, hinder, or stop those things that will advance, prosper, promote, increase, or simply benefit us "IF" we make the decision to be honorable, honest, and just in our daily dealings.

Things may not work out simply because you refuse to be honest with others. Finding a suitable mate seems so difficult because of your jealousy and evil speaking of the relationships of others.

As a reminder, according to the above spiritual law, "No good or beneficial thing would be withheld "IF" you're doing what is right." In other words, despite paying your tithes, despite attending church regularly. Despite sowing a $1000 offering etc., this does not change THE LAW!

Do what is right continuously, and the exchange is the things that will benefit you during your life will not be withheld from you.

Kevin L A Ewing

When the praises go up the blessings come down, is this scriptural?

Listen! Stop allowing these destiny blockers to mislead you. If they are not feeding you sound
doctrine (the word of God), then, REJECT THEM NOW!!

God is never pleased with the sins of mankind and while many of us use the phrase, "Sin is sin" the reality is there are certain sins that God literally has utter hatred for.

In fact the word that God uses to describe such sins is the word "Abomination". The word abomination is defined as expressing a feeling of disgust, hate and repugnance. In essence it's really the advance stage of something or some act from displeasing to not being able to stomach or tolerate.

I came across a very interesting passage of scripture sometime ago, that, I am certain will bring much needed clarity as to why your prayers are offensive to God. Here is what that scripture says, "He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination" Proverbs 28:9.... Wow! Did you get that?

We are being advised in this scripture that if we make the decision to ignore what God says which is his law, it goes on to say that even our prayers becomes something he hates, despises and ultimately rejects!

Question! What are your spiritual leaders telling you to do that is NOT found in the scriptures or the laws of God, that you foolishly obey and follow, that has now converted your prayers to an offense to the creator of the universe?

Did God really say sow a $1000 seed? Did the scripture really say that if you were to pour salt around your homes it will remove or cause evil spirits not to come near your home? Where is it in scripture did it say when the praises go up the blessing come down? Better yet, is it a spiritual law or a human saying that says, "If we put one foot forward God will put two". Could someone please point out to me anywhere from Genesis to Revelation where I can find the scripture that says, "God helps those that help themselves". You see my friend, it is nonsensical unscriptural statements such as what I have just mentioned that makes your current prayers an abomination to God

Yes! It sounds good while the music is playing and someone is hurling from the pulpit, "sow that $1000 seed and God will perform a special blessing. But you must pause for a second and ask yourself, is what this person saying in accordance with the LAWS OF GOD? Because if it's not and your decision was to reject the true laws of God for the lies of men, then you are now a manufacturer of abominable prayers whenever you do pray.

Breaking the curse off of your prayers will begin with you obeying the laws of God as opposed to the deceptive erroneous false teachings and willful lies of men.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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