Thursday, June 8, 2017

God's Ordained Positions Is Where You'll Find Your Provisions

Position: a condition concerning place, location, or situation. Particularly relating to favorable or unfavorable circumstances.

The favor of God that sets you apart is based on the instructions you follow regarding your current and future positions. After God instructed Elijah to declare a famine over the land, He also directed Elijah that his next position would include his provision during the famine, as recorded in 2 Kings 17:1-5.

Provision is defined as an arrangement or preparation beforehand for the doing of something, the meeting of needs, the supplying of means, etc.

Today, I would like to share some good news with you. God's favor is upon your life, and as a result, provision has been made for that complex, stubborn, and seemingly impossible situation you find yourself in. However, it is important to follow God's instructions to fully participate in this provision and occupy the position assigned to you.

To refresh your memory, even though God instructed Elijah to declare a famine, it did not excuse him from participating. However, God told Elijah to go to the brook Cherith, where he would find his provisions waiting for him. It's important to note that Elijah could accept or reject these crucial instructions. Before we move forward, please say to God, "Lord, please provide me with detailed instructions to my assigned positions where my provisions await me, in the mighty name of Jesus!"

"And it shall be, that thou shall drink of the brook; and I (God) have COMMANDED the Ravens to feed thee THERE!, 2 Kings 17:4.


"Your priority now should be seeking God's instruction for your next position. Ask Him to guide you towards the right place, location, people, or environment to proceed to. Many of you may struggle unnecessarily because you are in the wrong position waiting on God's provisions."

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways, ACKNOWLEDGE him; as a result, He SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS! Proverbs 3:5-6.


Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Spirit Led Folks Are Proactive Not Reactive

Don't be reactive; instead, why not choose to be proactive.
In other words, do not wait for trouble or challenges to visit you, and then respond. Instead, you
must take on a proactive spirit and deal with your future problems and challenges in the spirit realm before they manifest in the natural realm!

Most folks who received an adverse doctor's report or their kids encountered trouble. At this point, they want to rally up their prayer partners to launch a counter-attack on the Enemy's camp. Unfortunately, our response is only because of the physical attack. As human beings who reside in a world we share with spirits, we have the unique advantage of calling things that are not in existence and preventing certain things from manifesting in our lives before they happen. This, my friend, is called being reactive.

Everything originates in the spirit world before its existence in our natural or physical world. We can prevent certain spiritual things and events conceived in the spirit world from entering our natural world.

One of the primary ways we do this is by being "PROACTIVE" in our prayers. We do this by canceling and rebuking all evil devices, schemes, and ploys spiritually implemented by Satan and his kingdom before their happenings in our physical world. We can also cancel the plans of the kingdom of darkness before they manifest on the earth by challenging our bad dreams. Our dreams provide a glimpse of activities being conceived either for or against us in the unseen world. Again, in being proactive, we pray by asking God to destroy everything in the spirit realm that the Enemy has planned and conspired against us so that it can not manifest in our lives.

I know of many Christians diagnosed with a particular sickness, and only at this point did they want to "press into God" for a miracle. We all have the advantage of praying against Cancers, Heart disease, diabetes, and any other disease before their manifestation. These diseases, or any other damaging event such as a divorce, premature death, termination from a job, etc., did not begin when the physical events took place physically. Unfortunately, these adverse events were all initiated spiritually, and what is being displayed physically is its manifestation that was never challenged spiritually.

As Believers of Jesus Christ, we MUST change our methods and strategies for engaging in spiritual warfare. The only way this can be achieved. We must adhere to the laws and rules laid out in scripture, such as We are not fighting against flesh and blood and must gear our attention on the spirit world if we intend to be successful in our natural world, according to Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 4:18.

Why not let this day be the day you change and implement spiritual warfare's biblical strategies? While you may not be divorced or suffering from some terminal disease, it would undoubtedly be proactive in praying against them to ensure that they never take shape in your life later. Therefore, we must choose life instead of death by being proactive instead of reactive.

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." Deuteronomy 30:19.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Living in the spirit will require walking by faith

The Believers of Jesus Christ who live by sight, meaning they're limited to interpreting their five senses as it relates to our natural world, will permanently be restricted if not stagnated in their spiritual walk.

As Believers in Jesus Christ, we are commanded to walk by faith and NOT by sight. In other words, as members of the body of Christ, we directly violate this spiritual law stated in 2 Corinthians 5:7 when we judge or even assess matters from a superficial or physical perspective.

As a body of Believers, our acceptance of Jesus Christ and his works on the cross has to transition us from mere natural men and women (being limited by our five senses) to receiving the Spirit of God, whose purpose is to elevate us to greater spiritual understanding along with limitless spiritual experiences.

Therefore, if the Believer does not see him or herself as a new spiritual creation with the Spirit of God dwelling within them, then more than likely, they will automatically revert to their usual natural way of living, of course, which is limited to their five senses which are governed by fear.

Walking by faith means walking or behaving according to the Holy Bible's laws, principles, rules, and protocols! In doing so, you are positioning yourself to live, walk and even behave in a manner that must exceed your natural human limitations. Moreover, you are also in a better position to receive the things of the spirit. According to scripture, the natural man, in his attempt to obtain the things of the spirit, will always conclude the things of the spirit as foolishness simply because such things are spiritually discerned. On the other hand, the Believers of Jesus Christ, who have been spiritually regenerated, will always see things from their origin no matter how it is presented. The source of all things is spiritually rooted, and it will always be the process of comparing spiritual things with something of a spiritual nature that will unveil the mysteries of our natural problems.

Thus, the following scripture, "13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14 But the natural man receiveth, not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he is judged of no man. 1 Corinthians 2:13-15

Live according to the scriptures if you intend to live beyond your limited and restricted human limitations.

Kevin L A Ewing

Physical Strength vs Spiritual Strength

Revelation will always be the keys to unlocking the mysteries of our lives!

However, the revelations that we need to advance us from the same old, same old will initially require a greater hunger for the word of God. It is impossible to develop in the things of God physically if you're malnourished spiritually.

The scripture advises us that if we faint in the day of adversity our (spiritual) strength is small, Proverbs 24:10. Amazingly, in an earlier verse of this same chapter, Proverbs 24:5 to be exact, we are instructed how to increase our spiritual strength to avoid defeat in the day of adversity obviously. Proverbs 24:5 reads, "A wise man is strong, but a man of "KNOWLEDGE" increases his strength."

The understanding here is, while physical resistance such as weight lifting builds the physical strength of a person the equivalent of building spiritual strength would be by increasing the "KNOWLEDGE" of God to your human spirit. In so doing it is impossible to fail in the day of adversity!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Real Purpose of Our Gifts

If you're sitting on your God-given gifts and talents, then make no mistake there's a whole lot of folks suffering unnecessarily because of you!

The purpose of our gifts and talents is to improve, advance, and simplify the lives of others. This is aside from its primary purpose which is bringing glory to God. Our gifts are not about us, again it will and always be about others.

There are many of you reading this post right now that are excellent singers, teachers, coordinators, etc. however, you're probably wondering why is it that, that grand opportunity hasn't arrived to launch you into what you love and enjoy doing. Well, just maybe, it is because your focus is more on what your gifts and talents will do for you as opposed to what it was intended to do for others.

Speaking from experience, I can say to you that my gifts and talents that I'm on a consistent basis sharing with others have on many occasions open unexpected doors of opportunity for me. I would like to encourage someone this morning who have been wondering when will your gifts begin opening doors for you.

Firstly, you must put aside the wealth and fame that has become your primary thoughts as to what your gifts will do for you. Instead, begin to focus on freely sharing your gifts with others and watch your gifts do to their lives what it was intended to do, while God begins the process of opening those once impossible doors of opportunity for you!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, May 22, 2017

Undoing Spiritual Injunctions Established By False Prophecies

 In the judicial world, an injunction is a judicial process or order that requires the person or persons to whom it is directed to
either do or stop doing a particular action.  

With that said, in the spirit world, false prophets create injunctions in the lives of their victims. In other words, by coercing their victims to agree with false prophecies being levied on and against them, the victims do not know that through their agreement with these false prophets' prophecies, an evil covenant is established spiritually that will literally suspend the victim from achieving physically. Thus, the false prophet has placed a spiritual restriction on the victim. The evidence shows that the victim will undergo ongoing negative changes in their life.

Nevertheless, by the authority and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we break all demonic injunctions that we have unknowingly received, along with evil covenants that were established between us and all false prophets through their deceitful prophecies. We command all demonic ordinances in the spiritual realm that have hindered us spiritually and, consequently, have prevented us from progressing physically to be consumed by spiritual fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! We declare the word of God against these spiritual injunctions that are operating against us, which states, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" (Colossians 2:14).

Father God, let your word that cannot return to you void unseat all hidden injunctions and evil ordinances established in our lives. Father, these spiritual injunctions that have established themselves in our lives through our ignorance be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. Now, Lord, please realign and catapult us to our destinies and restore unto us the years the enemy has stolen, according to Joel 2:25. Father, you said in your word that all things are possible to those that believe. Therefore, WE BELIEVE your word concerning our lives in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Kevin L A Ewing

Someone's being setup for the good that's coming their way!

  In order to understand what will be good for you in the future or to possess the ability to even recognize good when it comes, you MUST go through a period of just the opposite of what you're anticipating in terms of things that are good.

As human being our ability to determine what is good will, always rest in the understanding of comparing whatever it is that we're labeling as good to what is bad. For example if you were to say to me that you have a good man in your life, then based on the laws of life this automatically suggest to me that you've had a bad man before.

I want to point out to someone this morning that the bad that's happening or going on in your life right now if viewed from a positive perspective, it is a gentle head's up to you, that not only will you experience good in the future but what you're going through currently is necessary for you to understand, recognize and decipher what that good is when it comes!

The reality is your situation can not go on forever. In fact the laws of life will not allow it to, because like the law of temporary dictates, there is a "TIME AND SEASON" for "EVERYTHING", Eccl. 3:1.

Therefore, because every situation, feeling, event, matter etc. is temporary we can fairly conclude that its purpose is conditioning us for something else. Those that find themselves repeating temporary matters is a clear sign that they're spending time murmuring and complaining instead of learning to move on to their NEXT!

My words of wisdom for this wonderful spirit filled morning is simply this, those that murmur and complain will always make what was supposed to be a temporary situation feel like FOREVER!

~Kevin L A Ewing~

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