Monday, May 24, 2010


You can not handle the truth! Which suggest, one not being able to handle that which is supposedly, genuine or indisputable.

The entire thought of this statement made me question myself, by asking the question, what is truth? The response became a research project for me, and the writing of this article.

What is truth? Well the origin or etymology of the word truth began its roots in the word true, which is defined as being faithful, steadfast, firm in accordance with the facts or what is real. Therefore on that bases truth is the quality or state of being true.

So, if I said I love my wife, coupled with the fact that I do a lot of nice things for her; according to the above definitions of truth I am in essence speaking truth. As a result truth is the consistency of what I say corresponding with what I do, really?

Let’s put a pin in the information thus far, as we ascertain the opposite to truth. The contrary to truth would be a lie, now a lie is defined as a statement that a person is making that is untrue, in essence suggesting that one’s statement does not correlate with facts or that which is real/true. A second meaning states that a lie is something or someone that deceives.

Now, this is where the conflict comes about with the world’s definition with truth, as you would recall the second definition of a lie, is something or someone that deceives, but what does deceive me? Well guess what? To deceive means to make someone believe something that is not true, or to trick, mislead or dupe them. The word deceives got its origin from the Latin word “decipere” which literally means to ensnare or cheat.

So back to my previous example, I said I love my wife and I am doing quite a bit of nice things for her which consequently equate to my words equaling my actions. Except, she has no idea that I have several affairs, and a few outside kids that she has absolutely no knowledge of. The question now is, according to the world’s view of truth outside of the second piece of information that I have added about my wife and I relationship, was I being truthful with my wife even thou seemingly my words matched my actions according to her knowledge???????????

As with all things and so call facts, it is incumbent upon us to always consult with the manual of life to decipher what is reality and what is fiction. So we’ll look at a few scripture to begin the process of exposing what the world’s view of truth is.

Firstly, the revelation of truth is, truth is not necessarily what one say equaling what one does, truth is not necessarily what one writes or places his/her hand on the bible and swear to, truth is not how serious I appear to be when I make a so call statement of truth.

Folks! I hope you’re ready for this, truth according to the manual of life which is the bible, is clear, and that is truth is: “A PERSON” yes you’ve read correctly truth is a person, and if this person is not revealing truth to you, then I strongly suggest you revisit what you have concluded as truth.

To prove this revelation of truth let us look at (John 16: 13), in this passage Jesus is speaking, and here is what he has to say, “However when HE the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come”.

I have capitalize the word “HE” to highlight the emphasis made by Jesus on recognizing the spirit of truth as the male gender, not only did Jesus distinguished him as a male Spirit in the person of truth, but his responsibility being, guiding us into, not some but all truth.

What I’ve discovered to be so amazing about The Spirit of truth, is that he can not speak truth of himself but only what he hears, of which the Father says he can speak, and apart of that truth is to show those that are open to him things to come or future events (I hope you are listening prophets and prophetess).

Secondly, This Spirit in the person of truth, motives are always designed to glorify God; according to (John 16: 14) which states, “For he receives from God and shows what he has received unto us”. This is why no weapon that has been formed against you can prosper, because the spirit of truth is continuously attempting to show you things to come concerning what is for you or against you.

So far we can see where the world’s definition and The Bible’s definition differ. However according to the bible this is expected, (John 14: 17) states that the world in not interested or can not receive the Spirit of truth, because the world can not see him or know him, but we the believers of Jesus Christ have The Spirit of truth dwelling in us.

Have you ever experience an incident where you met someone for the first time, and when you left their presence you said to yourself, “my spirit don’t take to that person” well this is just one of many occurrences where the spirit of truth is trying to guide and direct you into all truth about someone or something.

What is so enlightening is you did not say your feet, hand, arm or any other body part, did not take to this person, but your spirit, because God reveals information and things by his spirit to our spirit. The Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God in an attempt to reveal truth to his people (1Corint 2: 10)

The question now is, how do I get the truth? Well the bible said that God’s word is truth (John 17: 17) Jesus said, the words that he speak they are spirit and they are life (John 6: 63). Therefore One must tie this in with (John 8: 32) which states that, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Jesus is simply saying, if you would know his word which is truth, his word which is also spirit shall make you free, but free from what you may ask? Free from what you were bamboozled in believing what the world offered and defined truth to be.

The bottom line is whenever you want truth from your spouse, children, friends, and relationships, or what deception is going on behind your back at work, pray and ask God for his Spirit in the person of the Spirit of truth to guide you and unveil truth to you. You have tried treats, raising your voice, stop speaking, and the all too common one, becoming physical all in a fail attempt to obtain truth, when it was really the Spirit of truth you needed to consult with to truly satisfy your desire for genuine truth. Again before you confront the person/s with anger consult God with humility for truth.

By: Kevin L. A Ewing

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The science of an enemy

The word enemy will probably almost always be synonymous with the word hater or someone that resist you, or better yet one who is continually fighting against you.

It is odd for us to view those that hate us, as a benefit to our lives. A big mistake that we stumble upon with our enemies is we become an enemy to them. In doing this, we set the stage for flesh and blood battle, which was supposed to be spiritual, and that will ultimately conclude in failure for us. God's word informs us that we wrestle or fight not against flesh and blood, but, against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). 

Principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual wickedness are all spiritual entities (not physical) influencing physical beings (flesh and blood). So, in essence, the person or persons that you have labeled as your enemy was and, if present, is only performers of the influence made on them by one or more of these four evil spirits that are aware of your future greatness.

Now, every enemy that you would encounter in your life has been strategically engineered and purposely allowed by God to enter your life. Surprise right? The reason for this is two-fold. A) God, in his remarkable wisdom, always empowers your enemy with the ability to see in you what you do not see in yourself. B) At the same time, you are being trained and developed through patience, only using the challenges that are continually arising against you to advance you to the next stage of your life.

I mentioned the phrase patients only because it is the only tool that you will possess that will assist in the success and purpose of exposing why this is all happening to you. To bring more clarity to this, let look at the definition of the word patience. Patience is defined as the ability to put up calmly with delay, inconvenience, or annoyance without becoming angry or upset. To further build upon this vital point, let's look at what the scripture has to say about patience and its necessity to us. The Apostle Paul said, "Knowing this, that the testing of your faith is producing patience. Let patience do her complete work so that you could become complete lacking nothing" (James 1:3-4).

To make sense of all that I am attempting to convey to you, you have to see all of this from a spiritual perspective. In viewing it from that angle, you must come to acknowledge that biblical principles will be the replacement for your physical weapons, such as hate envy, cursing, being spiteful, and our personal one, revenge. For the most part, even if you don't read your Bible, the general rule is to do the opposite of what your enemy is doing to you (Matt. 6: 27-28)

Another word that is synonymous with the word enemy is the word adversary. This is an exciting word because one of the definitions of this word is: an opponent. An opponent is one that is on the opposite side of a contest or a war…………… mighty God!

The truth is you are literally in a spiritual battle, clearly one that you are not aware of. This war objective is to distract, delay, destroy, frustrate, confuse, and ultimately annihilate all hope and evidence of the beautiful and carefully planned future that God has already prepared for you.

I mentioned earlier that your enemy has been gifted by God to see in you what you do not see in yourself, which is another indicator that they are not in your life by accident. I am about to show you from a biblical story the evidence of this grand revelation.

In first Samuel, chapter one, we are told of a classic story where there was a man who had two wives. One of the wives had children for this man, and the others could not. The story goes on to say that when the man would return from his yearly worship, he would visit the wife that had kids and gave them an abundance of resources, and then he would visit the barren wife and supplied her with resources.

The story surprisingly continues, by saying that the wife, who had the children and clearly got more in resources than the barren wife, became an adversary to her.

Now, before we proceed further with this story, isn't it ironic that, for the most part, your rivals or enemies are almost always in a much better position than you? A better job, more money, well connected, good job position, has more favor, etc. Now let's look at it logically, why would someone who exceeds you materially and physically in almost everything become an enemy to you? This just doesn't make any sense at all…. Right!

Now let's take a refined look at it, could it be that they see someone great, with tremendous potential, and the ability to outdo them physically and materially if given the opportunity? The word embellish is defined as making something look more significant than what it appears to be, or to improve by adding details to bring about more magnificent beauty. The point I am trying to make here is. It is definitely nothing that you possess materially that has made them your enemy. Instead, it is merely them seeing you greater than you appear to yourself; thus, confirming your future potential and greatness; you are embellishing when they view you. Consequently, unknowing to you, they become provoke through intense jealousy and pool all their resources to oppose you."

The story now continues by confirming my point, God eventually blessed the womb of the barren woman, and she brought forth one of Israel's greatest prophets in the person of Samuel. Also, during the period of her adversary taunting and mocking her, she prayed more, seek God more, became more committed to her God, something she probably would have never done under normal circumstances. So the very area she was being fought in was the very area that God through her enemy was training and developing her to embrace the next level of her life……my God, I love this!

Folks! You have to get this, please do not, and I repeat, do not become an enemy of your enemy…… this is why Jesus himself said, love those that hate you and do good to those that do evil to you. All because they are characters playing their role on your stage of life to advance you, YOU NEED YOUR ENEMIES!!!!

Jesus Christ could not be crucified without Judas; King David could not become Israel's greatest king without Saul. Joseph could not be second in charge of Egypt without his brothers becoming an enemy to him….. are you getting this folk? Good can not be achieved without the opposition of evil, or else you can not determine what good is. There must be opposition.

Please! Stop fighting your enemies; discontinue the pettiness, being angry, bitter, angry, frustrated, and the likes. In doing this, you are lengthening the process. Your enemies are woven into your future greatness; you can not become that person God wants you to become without the resistance by the assistance of your enemy. In fact, the Bible commands us to bless them when they curse us……..

Ok! You still don't seem convinced, so let's dig a little deeper. Now, remember, I have repeatedly mentioned that your enemy's primary reason for fighting you is that they see the potential for greatness in you; of course, they won't tell you that, nevertheless, they do. Even though you are broke! Less educated and the least among your peers, they still find the time to harass you.

Remember Joseph? The young man whose brothers sold him into slavery. The BibleBible said that his brothers were jealous of him. My question would be why when they were in a better position than him. Joseph being almost the youngest, stood to receive the least of his father's estate if his father were to die. So again, why did they choose to be an adversary to Joseph?

The Bible began to tell the story about a few dreams Joseph had. The first dream Joseph said, he dreamt that he and his brothers were binding sheaves in the field, and all of a sudden, his sheaf arose and stood upright; and then his brothers' sheaves stood around his sheaf and paid respect or homage to his sheaf, the dream ended.

Carefully observe his brother's response to his dream, and his brothers said, "Shall you rule over us? Or shall you have dominion over us? The Bible continues by saying they hated him even more.

Joseph never said that he would rule over them. Neither did he say he wanted to have dominion over them. However, through his dream, they saw that Joseph was destined for greatness, to the point that they could not keep the thought to themselves but, their hate for him made them verbally communicate what they really thought of him…….Why are your haters always discussing you???????

So, the scripture has proven that your enemy sees in you what you don't see in yourself. Make no mistake God himself had orchestrated all of this because he needed to train and develop Joseph for the future leader and administrator that he would become. The evidence that this is all God's doing. Psalm:105:17,19-20-21) said that He (God) sent Joseph before them, who was sold as a servant, until the time that his word came; the word of the Lord through his enemies was testing him and developing him for the next level of his life. Then the king set him lose and made him ruler………….mighty God, man you'll get this?

The second dream that Joseph had he shared with his brothers; he dreamt that the sun and the moon and the eleven stars paid homage to him, this time he also shared it with his father, and the Bible said his father rebuked him. The father said, what kind of dream is this, shall myself, your mother and brothers bow ourselves to you?

Joseph's father here represents the leader, now replace Joseph in this dream with yourself, and now ask yourself why is it that your boss, your wife, your husband, your co-worker or better yet those who firmly exist in your circle has become an open or covert adversary to you?

Again, Joseph never communicated to these people that he was better than them or wanted to rule over them, yet they knew inwardly that he was destined for greatness. So the natural response of haters when you share parts of your life with them would be to rebuke, belittle, or discourage you in an attempt to abort what time is advancing you to.

I know you don't want to hear what I am about to say next, but it is indeed a fact. Everyone that achieves greatness made it by submitting themselves in a hostile environment. Whomever or whatever is opposing you can not fight you forever, there is a season assigned to that situation, the situation becomes longer when you become an enemy to the person that's an enemy to you.

The reality is God has placed them there in your life purposely; there is absolutely no other way you can become that world changer without evil always opposing you. That relationship that you're in that seems like some x-box game and feel as if its never going to end with the shouting, yelling, cursing is only enduring this long because you won't submit. The lesson is in your submission.

Stop asking the person or environment to change; it will not happen. The change begins with you. So, in conclusion, the general law that governs everything that I have said to you thus far is found in Romans 7:21, and it reads. I find then a LAW, that whenever I would do good evil is present with me, evil has a legal right to resist you in your efforts to pursue good or greatness, so get over it already.


By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Obtaining God's Direction Through Our Actions

I am always stunned when I observe the behavioral patterns of kids, especially babies. Think about it for a second. A baby enters the world for the first time, yet this newborn is furnished with the ability to control, or should we say, direct adults by their crying. When that baby cries, we immediately run to their aid to comfort by trying several things to achieve that comfort.

We tried feeding, rocking, singing, etc., until we were directed to the right source. At the same time, the baby spoke no language and did no finger-pointing to communicate in any conventional manner. The point is that the direction the child wanted us to attain came only through our actions. We still had the choice to remain still, which would have resulted in an angry child and frustrated parent.

Many folks that have made it into this year 2022 are somewhat frustrated with pastors, religious leaders, and the likes, which open every year with the famous slogans such as, this is your year, this is your season, God has granted you favor this year, etc. However, seemingly none of the above has happened, and you're just not interested in hearing more of it.

They were probably right; the problem manifested when you became inactive to whatever has been said to you by these leaders. Folks are under this terrible illusion that when their leader says to them, God is going to turn things around for them or prepare for a financial breakthrough, they just sit and do nothing and tell others, ""Pastor said God will give me double for my troubles.""

Consider this, whenever a word is spoken over your life, isn't it interesting how everything seems to go wrong or go utterly opposite to what has been said to you? I have news for you; this was God's way of directing you to what he has promised you.

Our bible is clear, and it states that there is a way that appears correct to us, but at the end of our approach is guaranteed failure or destruction (proverbs 16:25). When our leaders speak words over our lives, we then map out how it should happen in our minds. When our expectation has not been met, we become frustrated. Nevertheless, God has made it clear that his thoughts and ways are entirely different from ours and that his word can not return unto to him without accomplishing what he has said (Isaiah 55:8).

God expects you to take action when he gives you a word. Your effort will mysteriously produce the direction to his promise. Now, one might say, why won't God just give me the direction? Then I'll just do it. Again, because he knows all things, he also knows that if he just gave you the direction verbally, you either won't believe it or just ignore him because it's not the way you would do it. His verbal instruction to Adam was not to eat the forbidden fruit; quite simple, right? Well, we all know what the end result of that was.

God's word over your life is consistently confirmed by immediate opposition and challenges to that word, NOT YOU! Remember the parable of the sower (Matthew 13). In the interpretation of the parable, Jesus repeatedly said that the wicked one, which is the devil, comes for the word and not the individual. Please cement this in your understanding; only because of God's word over your life that you are afflicted/challenged. Confirmation of the word spoken over you is validated by the opposition you face after that word has been spoken. These problems, opposition, and challenges will cause you to move or act in ways that you would not have done under normal circumstances.

Let us go to the bible and look at a classic story that will reveal this remarkable revelation to solidify my point.

In Genesis chapter 12, remember God had commanded Abram, who would later become Abraham, to leave all that he was familiar with and that God would not only make of him a great nation but will make his name great and cause him to be a blessing to others. Now, for all of this to occur, Abram definitely needs resources.

Interestingly enough, after God spoke all these words over his life, guess what happened next? In the same chapter, verse 10 reveals a famine in the land, which would be equivalent to a recession. Abram still believed the word over his life in the face of famine and continued.

The famine caused Abram to go into Egypt, something he would have never done under normal conditions or in a good economy. In verses 14- 16, Abram and his wife Sarai deceived Pharaoh, and Pharaoh gave Abram gifts, such as oxen, sheep, donkeys, menservants, maidservants, camels, etc. The point is, God's word over his life was beginning to develop but not the way he would have planned it. Nevertheless, he believed the promise welcomed the challenge of a famine, which directed him to enormous wealth…….. Praise God, Abram saw the bigger picture.

So folks, all I am trying to make unequivocally and abundantly clear here is that behind every challenge, problem, and difficulty resides a directive that requires your action. God has allowed the problem; remember, he is all-powerful, so he could have stopped it. Therefore, God is attempting to achieve two main things here; A) he desires you to trust him and B) follow the direction he is pointing you in.

I would be remiss if I did not include this treasured piece of information. The bible did not say all things were good. Instead, it said that all things will work together for our good if we love God or are called God (Rom 8:28). This is vitally important because we assume this can not be God working for us immediately when bad things happen. We then begin to fight what is seemingly not of God instead of investigating where God directs us. Remember the phrase "All THINGS," inclusive of good and evil, and are all supervised by God to lead us to the promises He has made to us.
Finally, the direction to achieve a God intended result for that lousy marriage, broken relationship, demanding boss, dead-end job, and life that appears to be going around in circles. It all starts with you taking Godly actions and believing that everything must work for your good.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Faith! Is it necessary, and if it is, why?

The world's system is set up so that just about everything requires money in exchange for something else—clothing and homes. Services, even some so-called places of worship, try to convince their followers to somehow exchange money for salvation, healing, deliverance breakthroughs, etc.

Today, I want to teach about faith and its necessity. Most people who attend church do not fully understand its importance. Some follow because of tradition, some believe they'll score brownie points with God, and some just seek a change in their situation.

Whatever the reason a person may attend church, it is essential to understand the Biblical reason for not only attending church but also what God requires of us to please him during our times of attendance.

Please pay close attention to what I'm about to say. It could change your perspective on your faith theology. Our Bible is unequivocally clear: "It is impossible to please God without faith" (Hebrews 11:6). From this, we can understand that whatever we ask from God must be accompanied by faith. We can also infer that faith appears to be the spiritual currency in exchange for what we seek from God.

Considering that it is impossible to please God without faith, it is only logical that we discover the Bible's definition of the word "faith." For Christians reading this, Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” But what does all of that mean? Evidence, substance, hope—is this a cryptic code or a language only Christians understand? To the average person, it is yet to be defined.

To understand faith, one must first understand what it is not. Faith is not just about believing. When asked to define faith, the average person will say that you must believe in something to have faith. This is partly true. However, faith encompasses more than just belief.

Here is the biblical meaning of that scripture: The scripture begins by saying, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.” "Now" indicates something immediate, and "substance" is defined as a material or source of something; "hope" is to expect something. The scripture continues its definition of faith by stating that it is the evidence of things not seen. Evidence of anything is to provide proof that it exists.

So far, we must agree that faith is more than a belief. To understand the entire concept, one must eliminate what one knows faith to be naturally because its meaning is entirely spiritual. So, faith is the actual source of what I am expecting, and this same faith is the proof of what I am hoping for. Wow! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Remember I told you the meaning was entirely spiritual.

Here is the revelation of the spiritual meaning of faith. Firstly, the Bible states that faith comes by hearing God's word. If faith comes only by hearing, then what I hear must be God’s word. So, in essence, faith must be the word of God, folks. So, yes, faith is to believe, but specifically believe the word of God.

Okay, let’s bring it all together now that we understand the definition of faith. Remember, it is impossible to please God without faith or belief in his word. Secondly, faith is the substance, or God's word is the material of things that I am expecting, and the belief in God's word is the proof of the things I don’t see. As a convinced believer of God’s infallible word, I am not focused on what I don’t see but somewhat concerned about what God’s word says about what I expect to see. I love this revelation!

With this valuable knowledge, isn't it clear why the Bible said it is impossible to please Him without faith? Faith is His word—He is the word—the word is faith.

"Jesus said to the man who wanted to be healed from blindness, 'According to your faith, be it unto you.' The Bible says that the just shall live by faith."

"Once again, we are reminded to live according to our faith in God's word rather than relying on what we can see. Everything that we receive or achieve from God is based on our faith in His promises." expecting from him.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who God Bless no man can curse. Really?

I want to discuss today this famous statement that has been rehearsed in our hearing time and time again, "Who God bless no man can curse."

Now, from day to day I come across folks, that claim to be blessed and highly favored, however based on the evidence they appear to be living more under a curse than being blessed.

Many folks have no idea what a blessing is or its purpose. To be blessed is to be empowered, to do something that one could not do under normal circumstances. The bible states that God blessed them (Adam & Eve) then God commanded them; to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and dominate) they could not perform this command without the prerequisite, which was the blessing. A curse is just the opposite; not being empowered (blessed) to be fruitful, multiplying, replenishing, subduing, and dominating.

Based on the above definition of the blessing and the curse,take a few seconds and try to recall in your mind the folks that said they were blessed and apply the definition. Does it equal the blessing?

Well, firstly, I am a strong believer that if God has blessed you, indeed no man can curse you, for obvious reasons and that is, man is not greater than God. So, how in the world can one be functioning as a cursed person, even though God has blessed him?

In order to understand the revelation of this subject, we must look at one of the laws that governs being blessed and being cursed. After discovering this law, you will also understand that literally no man can curse you if God has blessed you. In fact the curse that you are under came not via someone, but by you! yes you!

Let's go back to Adam and Eve, (Genesis 1:26) remember this is where God originally blessed them, this blessing was solely maintained by their being obedient to their creator. So, how did they ended up being cursed, did Satan cause this curse, better yet did he invoke it? No! he did not, it was when they disobeyed God's laws they brought a curse upon themselves. Folks, are you listening? No witchcraft, voodoo etc. can have any effect on you unless you are in defiance of God's laws. Still not convinced?

Remember I told you earlier in this article about the laws that governs the blessing and the curse. Well let's search further. (Deuteronomy 28:1-2) gives the law for the blessing, and it says if we would hearken: meaning to hear, understand, and act upon what is understood, which are the commandments of God, then the blessing will come upon us and eventually overtake us. Again if we hearken to the things God command of us. clear right?

Now, if you look at (Deuteronomy 28:15-16) it will prove to you that no one placed a curse on you but you were a key player on placing it on yourself. Simply but this scripture is saying if you do not hearken to God's laws and do his commandments. Then the curses will come upon you and overtake you. I am sure we can conclude that the blessing and the curse hinges on obedience or disobedience.

Another law concerning the curse, which ties into what we are discussing here is found in (Proverbs 26:2) which states the curse causeless shall not come . Which simply means any curse that is sent to you, can not take effect unless there is a cause or reason, and that reason would be neglecting God's laws and commandments.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Purpose Of Experience

Today we will talk briefly about the word experience, and it is our intent to dig for the revelation of this word in relationship to how God wants us to view it. Firstly, every experience that will ever take place in our lives has been predetermined by God himself. The sole purpose of that experience was to make us better at making future decisions and instruct and counsel others correctly.

Now, the catch would be one must learn from each experience. If not, sooner or later, the experience will repeat itself. You see, the experience is a lesson within itself, and again for the sole purpose of making future decisions.

In bringing this revelation altogether, we must first recognize that we are creatures of comparison. This suggests that we always compare the decision we are about to make before deciding on a personal past experience or someone else's experience. Basically, our minds are computing second by second to make the best decision because the quality of our findings is based on our experiences.

So, each experience has embedded wisdom and understanding, whether that experience is good or bad. Hence, we are responsible for figuring out the lesson. Therefore the more knowledge we attain from our experience, the better equipped we are. We are also better able to navigate our way through life.  

The biblical proof of all that I am saying is found in the book of Proverbs, and it states, " When wisdom enters into the heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul discretion shall preserve thee. WOW!!! This is so awesome; here is the revelation; wisdom is built into every experience and understanding that can be interchangeable with knowledge. The Bible says that when this wisdom/experience is received in the heart, knowledge becomes pleasant to the soul, suggesting that you've learned the lesson of the experience.

Watch this! Discretion shall preserve thee. The word discretion means the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of decision or choice. To preserve means to: keep safe from harm or injury; protect or spare.

So, (Proverbs 2:10-11) confirms the revelation concerning experience and why we must embrace the experiences afforded us. Simply put, the knowledge and wisdom attained from our experiences is conditioning us for what the will of God is for our lives. It is also grooming us mentally to be prudent in our decision-making. 

Therefore, when we resist and complain about life issues. We simultaneously imply we don't want to make better decisions going forward. Of course, this will repeat the same experiences that we are clearly not learning from. Consequently, we are bound to make poor decisions because we have disabled the process explicitly designed to give us the necessary wisdom to correctly decide or judge future events, circumstances, etc.

Written by:

Friday, October 23, 2009


Ok! Maybe I am spending too much time to myself, or it could be that I am too much of an analysis. However in any event I am beginning to appreciate the unadulterated fact that in today’s world principally in relationships, and that is relationships being (work, romantic, platonic, business etc.) People have a difficult time being real to others, or even to themselves for that matter. So therefore I am now left with the question that is suspended in my head, and I’m sure you’re probably wondering the same thing, and that is, what is the reality of being real?

This entire subject is one of frustration for me, frustration meaning; that I am disgusted with the fact that people will deliberately tell you untruths, in a desperate attempt to take advantage of the genuine innocence you display in your desire to believe whatever it is they are telling you. So I guess at times during the reading of this article I can be perceived as being really emotive with some of my wording, but please indulge me for a few minutes so you can get a full understanding of what it is I’m trying to express, and I am almost certain most would agree to the logic I am trying to convey.

As a young boy growing up it was normal as children for your peers to try and impress one another by exaggerating what their parents did for a living, pretending to be someone their not, or even by just lying, claiming to have stuff that they knew they really didn’t have. Now as kids this could be considered normal behavior, because the intent of this “game” so to speak was, to win the favor of the person you were telling this stuff to, so that hopefully you can be friends, or at best you would have made a good impression on them.

Ironically, some people, after I guess, consistent practice at it takes it into adulthood and decide not to view it as a “game” anymore, but as a way of life, or should we say their reality. Interestingly enough this is where it becomes frightening, because at this point it now becomes a question of not their reality anymore, but instead a question of their integrity.

Now before I proceed any further I want to make abundantly clear, that this is not reserve ed to a certain set of people, but to anyone that gives you what I call a false reality or the blatant display of well crafted untruth to ultimately convince you that what they are saying is in fact reality: and they can be preachers, managers, spouses, bosses and even friends. Whoever exhibits this type of behavior in due course falls into this category, and should ask themselves what is the reality of being real?

In my research I have discovered that these people would use their so called “titles or labels” as a persuasive instrument to confuse what you know to be reality. A classic example; you caught your partner with someone else in a compromising position, but yet when you confront them about it, this is their normal response; “as you husband you think I would do something like that to you.” Another example; your boss is a repeatedly telling the staff, how the company believes in family life, and the motto at this company is family first, however if you ask for a day off to attend you child sports day, or some event that your child is participating in during your working hours, that same boss wants to know if you have lost your mind. So here is my point, people would have you believe that because they carry the title of husband, boss, manager, etc. that all of a sudden their title or label made them an intellectual and the person they are trying to sell this stuff to has transforms themselves into a Jackass, and supposedly have no sense of reasoning.

This now takes me into a new arena of reasoning, and that is do these people critically analyze whatever it is that they are saying to you? Or are they that self absorbed that they believe whatever they say you must just lap up and print that in stone as reality?

Well my research has yield that these people see you as one of two scenarios or even both a) they obviously disrespect you as a human being and do not care how you may think or feel regarding the elusive truth that they so eagerly flee when speaking to you or, b) they do not care how you may view their integrity, after all they are the Boss, the spouse, the preacher, whatever, and again these titles are the halos that they hide under to exude some saintly appearance, as to say I would never deceive you.

However the question can be asked, who exactly is to blame? Is it the person that is trying to make you believe something that you know is not a reality, or could it be you, acting as a subliminal co-conspirator to the Inaccuracies of the reality they are attempting to spoon feed you.

Well remember the question I asked as the topic of this article: and that question was what is the reality of being real? Well the reality is you know that these people are being dishonest and untruthful with what they say to you and very little of it has ever truly became a reality, and you know this because there integrity speaks for itself generally. However you must take a stance in a respectful manner and be real with them, by letting them know that you are not a fool and that you did not fall off of the idiot truck. You then need to point out the inaccuracies in their stories, backed up by proof of the inaccuracies you have discovered, and finally letting them know that you would appreciate if they would be more realistic and respectful towards you like you have been towards them.

Finally, I guess we can all agree that after all that have been said, people will only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Their illusion of a reality does not have to be your reality if you would only be real with them, rather than subliminally working with them to your own demise.

BY: Kevin L.A Ewing

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