Monday, September 27, 2010

The royal law!

The Royal law! Immediately our minds gravitate toward relationship to a king or a queen. This type of thinking is a correct way of thinking because the word royal is defined as pertaining to a king, queen or sovereign rule or monarchy.

This being the case, having set our foundation for this teaching, we will explore the royal law of the bible. James 2:8 says, “If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well”.

Again, as a reminder the word royal in this particular law has made this a kingdom law because royal deals directly with kingdom living, and according to the bible if we complete or achieve this law we are doing well or better yet doing well in the kingdom, so let us dissect this law and attempt to get a better understanding as to why it’s labeled a royal law.

The royal law states that we should love our neighbor “AS” we love ourselves. Now many of us when reading this statement ignore the full understanding as to what it is saying to us. The meaning of the word as implies: to the same degree, amount, or extent, similarly, or equally to something or someone.

So, in essence the royal law is suggesting that I love my neighbor according or similarly to how I love myself, which clearly indicates that I have to master or at least understand how to love me before I can honestly exercise loving someone else. Most folks believe loving themselves means to buy a new outfit, treat yourself to a vacation etc. however this misunderstanding of loving one self is entirely superficial and is void of any form of root or substance.

Based on the above understanding, the next question that should be asked is how do I love myself? Of course outside of being egotistical or self centered? Well! The first thing I have to do in achieving this objective would be observing what the biblical principles states concerning this matter.

The biblical principle states, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Prov. 23:7. The bible goes on to suggest to me that all matters begin from my heart which includes love Matt. 15:18-19. so, now that I have an understand of these principles I must determine that in order for me to love me and others for that matter it is a must that I revisit the present condition of my heart in terms of what I have defined love to be or not be, because this heart condition directly impacts how I will demonstrate love towards others.

According to scripture it tells me the original state of my heart before transformation, that is my heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jer 17:9)….. Wow! To deceive mean to make someone believe something that is not true. So in terms of my heart’s present state it is convincing me of things that are not true, especially the reality of love. Secondly, I’m told that it is desperately wicked, meaning that it is conjuring up evil continually. So it is made even clearer why I must revisit its condition.

Now, as a believer the kind of love that I should be practicing here, aught to be an agape love: meaning a love that comes with no conditions, the one that does not require something from someone else in order to be activated. I must review my heart and ask myself the question, do I love myself in spite of what has happened in the past? The second question I must ask myself, have I forgiven myself for what I or someone has done to me in the past? And thirdly, am I truly happy. If you’ve answered no to any of the above questions my suggestion to you, is that you presently have a heart condition, which is in urgent need of repair. Unfortunately, this condition has disabled your ability to love with out condition (agape love). What does this all mean? Well it indicates that what ever age you are now, let’s say your thirty years old, well for thirty years you’ve been loving yourself and others with conditions.

Firstly, to begin the repairing of my heart/mind, so that I can begin loving myself and exercising agape love, I must begin casting down any and all imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5). An example of this would be, the knowledge of God says to me love my enemies; however my imagination immediately fights Gods command by resisting, with the excuse that my enemies have done me wrong. At this point your thoughts are being exalted above the knowledge of God, which now make this a stronghold in your mind.

The truth is you must bring this and any other like thoughts into captivity to the obedience or order of Christ according to scripture. This activity is classified as spiritual warfare and the battlefield for this is your heart/mind. This is an on going fight, your renewed spirit in Christ is saying love those that hate you, your natural mind is saying absolutely no, because they’ve wrong you or they don’t deserve it.

This is indeed a stronghold, strongholds are literally mind sets. A determine way of thinking with no compromise, consistently fighting against anything that resist it.

Please don’t be discouraged, because there is hope. The Apostle Paul, through his divine revelations, offers hope to those who desires to be successful in this on going battle. Paul said, “Be not conformed or in harmony to this world, but instead be “TRANSFORMED” by the renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2).

The word transform comes from the Greek word metamorphoo, which is where we get our English word metamorphosis which is defined as a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function through process. An example of this would be a tadpole transforming into a frog or a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. The bottom line folks, is the old identity must, die to bring about the new identity; we must relinquish our way of thinking to embrace the new way. God’s word says there is a way unto us that seems right, but at the end of that way is destruction (Prov. 16:25).

So renewing my mind suggests that I must read and study God’s laws or his word, which will begin the process of destroying what I have determined to be love. That love came with conditions, which is the old way of thinking. The word of God will simultaneously transform me into my new way of thinking, and that new way is there are no conditions to loving me or others. The royal law is a way of life, better yet a mind set that supersedes my natural five senses. Meaning I love myself and others in spite of whatever challenges that love.

in order to maintain and sustain The royal law, I must guard my transformed heart/mind with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Prov. 4:23) Maintaining my newly transformed heart indicates that I must guard and monitor what my eyes see and my ears hear, because these are the points of entry to my heart, which when left unchallenged caused the original pollution.

Only Agape love can cover a multitude of wrong.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are you commanding your mornings?

As a young boy growing up on the island, I would be awaken every morning by my grand mother’s early morning prayers. Having little to no knowledge as to why she was doing what she did, it somehow placed a fear in me, due to her crying and the intensity of her prayer. The question that stood out in my mind was why would she and so many like her place such a command on their morning through prayer?

Coupled with this real life experience, I’ve discovered through the study of the bible that the bible is saturated with men and women of God not only addressing God early in the morning, but God performing great works during the early morning periods. Again, what is so significant about the early mornings spiritually?

A few Biblical accounts of early morning activity would be when the angels hastened Lot and his family early in the morning to leave Sodom. Also In this same biblical account it states that Abraham stood before the lord early in the morning (Gen. 19:15, 27). The bible also states that Jesus went to the temple and taught the people early in the morning and that Martha and Mary visited his tomb early in the morning. At this point I was arrested by the thought that there must be some biblical proof that correlates between praying and the early mornings.

Now, the bible states that there is death and life in the power of our tongue, and that we ought to call those things that do not exist now as though they do exist now. In essence, God has given us power via our mouths to command things into existence through prayer and confessions. I now began to partially see why my grandmother was praying with such passion (almost as if she was in a battle) and why she prayed for folks, individually and corporately. However, God through his wisdom pointed out to me in his word the necessity of these prayers and confessions being addressed early in the morning. I must say it was indeed a profound revelation that I’m sure you’ll agree with.

In the book of Job (38:12-13,15), God in this text in speaking to his servant Job said, “Have you commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know “HIS” place; that “IT” might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? God is basically asking Job whether or not he had taken authority or command of his mornings. What is so interesting here is not only the fact that God asked about the commanding of the morning by Job, but he further asked Job if he had caused the dayspring to know his place.

His place! Of course I’m now compelled to wonder if the morning and dayspring are personified as forces working against my day, beginning early in the morning. If this is the case, then I am responsible for putting these forces in their place by commanding what I desire of my mornings via the power of my tongue (Prov. 18:21). However the question still lingers, who is this person that is working in opposition or as an opponent to me during the early morning periods?

Now, before we unveil who this person is, let us look at the consequences of not commanding our mornings and causing the dayspring not to be put in his place. Remember what God originally asked Job? He said, “Have you commanded the morning since thy days or since you were alive? The result of commanding his morning is found in verses 13&15. By commanding the morning and causing the dayspring to be put in its place, this will shake the wicked out of the earth or disrupt his plots, plans, ploys and schemes against you. Additional in verse 15 it states that the light of the wicked will be withheld. The word light in this verse got its origin from the Hebrew word “Or” which is literally defined as morning or day break.

So in essence, God is saying that when we command our mornings and cause the dayspring to be put in its place (which has been personified as the male gender) simultaneously we restrain or restrict his morning… wow! To not do this principle we open our lives to curses. A curse is to be spiritually bound, not able to succeed, prune for failure, disempowered, open to the powers of witchcraft, spell, incantations etc. but this can only happen if we disobey God by not commanding our morning. Deuteronomy 28: 45-46, makes this abundantly clear, and it reads, “Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and pursue thee, and overtake thee, until thou be destroyed; because thou did not listen unto the voice of the lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statues which he commanded thee. They shall be upon thee for a sign and a wonder and upon thy seed for ever. Not only will I be affected by not commanding my morning but my seed or children also…… wow!!

Now let’s see who our early morning opponent is and what gives him the right to oppose us for the morning. Again, you will recall that God asked Job if he commanded the morning and caused the dayspring to be put in his place. Isaiah 14: 12, makes the identity of our opponent abundantly clear; it reads, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, SON OF THE MORNING!

Wow! What a revelation, Lucifer whom we know to be the present day Satan is in fact the son of the morning, so when God asked Job if he had put him in his place, he was referring to Satan.

As a result of this revelation it is not only clear but important why the bible places emphasis on us not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan being the head over this evil kingdom, allot his evil ambitions through his evil spirits to wage war on us in the early morning because he is in fact the son of the morning.

The words of wisdom for today is begin commanding your morning very early in the morning, decreeing that you are above only and not beneath, the head and not the tail. Blessed going out and blessed coming in, highly favored of the lord, with a host of Angels that has been given charge over you to keep you in all your ways and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Conclude by binding all of Satan’s and his host plans that has been assigned against you and all that concerns you and that he and his host are under your feet in Jesus name.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Am I being forced to walk by faith?

It seems to be a struggle to live every day, especially with this severe economic crisis looming over our heads.

Yet, I have observed two distinct occurrences that have enlightened my understanding of a greater reality. The first one is; Christians are suffering the same fate as everyone else during this economic downturn, such as home foreclosures, bankruptcy, marital problems due to finances, insufficient or lack of funds and the list goes on.

Christians have practiced tithing, giving, offerings, etc. it would appear as if the biblical principles have either failed them, or it seems as if they're doing something wrong that's causing the principles to be of no effect.

My question to God and to myself, for that matter, was what is happening? Aside from the above, some don't serve God, seemingly practice none of his principles, yet they prosper and live in abundance during this dire economic crisis. Something is fundamentally wrong here, and clearly, there must be an answer.

The Bible commands that we walk by faith and not by sight (2Cor. 5:7), a general command to all Christians. God revealed to me that everyone destined for greatness will have to walk by faith rather than be given the option of leaving the walk of faith to the individual's discretion.

At first, this was confusing because I was told that God does not violate one's freedom of choice. Nonetheless, as he began to show me through the scriptures, the mystery was immediately transformed into a revelation that made me appreciate and accept what others and myself are presently going through, with an understanding that there is purpose fueling all of this without violating anyone's freedom of choice.

Now, to walk by faith literally means to walk in harmony with God's word as it pertains to our circumstances and daily living. For example, when others wrong us, walking by faith dictates that we should deal with them in love, and despite what they have done to us, we should pray for them. Of course, this is more easily said than done. Therefore most Christians compromise in areas such as these because there are no demands on them regarding walking by faith.

On the other hand, the Christian that has been chosen for greatness does not have a choice in the matter. For example, the tithe paying, always giving, putting others above self Christian, has been faced with financial difficulty. However, there is no one to help him, and all the sources of help that were once available to him have either been shut down, or these same sources are in a similar position.

Now, the reality is, does this Christian become confused? Yes! Does this Christian get angry with God? Yes! Does he feel as if this Christian walk produces more problems than solutions? Yes! Does he feel as if everyone is getting ahead except him? Again yes!

However, what sets this Christian apart from the others, is that when (not if) all of the scenarios mentioned above become expired in his mind, this Christian, without delay, categorize them as mere feelings, and he is cognizant of the fact that walking by faith has zero to do with his emotions. To this end, there is no option for him, so he is forced to continue walking by faith and not by sight or what he feels, without his freedom being violated.

Remember, walking by faith and not by sight is to walk according to God's instructions or his word and not how things appear or how we feel. Therefore this Christian who is forced to walk by faith because he is destined for greatness has been apparently equipped with the knowledge to see the bigger picture of his situation, and that knowledge is GOD IS IN CONTROL!

God being in control, as is frequently stated, but very few understand its meaning, implies that he is supervising the good and the bad in our lives. Let's read the biblical proof of this. The book of (Psalms 66:10-12) reads: "For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou have tried us, as silver is tried. Thou brought us into the net; thou laid affliction upon our loins. Thou have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou brought us out into a WEALTHY place."

Wow! What an eye-opener; as you've read, folks, God is the one in control here. No devil, demon, witchcraft worker, etc., is doing this to you, and if they are, they're only tools God uses to perfect you. Scripture says, 'Thou,' meaning God himself is the one testing, proving, and allowing others to ride over you, only to bring you, who is being transformed into the greatness that he has called you to be through these challenges into your wealthy place or place of abundance and limitless resources.

Folks, the words of wisdom for today are simply this: God will not put new wine into old wineskins (Matt. 9:17). This hints that he will not bring you to that prepared, wealthy place without transforming your mind from that old mindset through life's challenges and difficulties, which he is undoubtedly in control of.

By: Kevin L. A Ewing

Monday, June 28, 2010

The phenomenon of change

The word change is used frequently in our society, with little or no regard as to how or why a particular change came about, better yet, who or what were responsible for the change.

If asked, the average person would tell you that change is doing something different, or rearranging something or someone, which clearly places the responsibility of change from their prospective at the feet of someone else. In observing the dictionaries view, it states that change is to make something different or to become different.

The latter meaning of the dictionaries view began to spark my curiosity, in that the definition placed the responsibility of change to the one that desires the change.

The truth is one can not change what one tolerates! Because in essence, you are literally fueling the very thing or person that you desire to see change in by accepting, tolerating or entertaining whatever it is they’re doing that you feel needs to change. In actuality your behavior makes you a co-conspirator to the very thing you desire change in.

Therefore, we are the principle ingredient in whatever it is that we think needs to change. We’ve been armed with a vision (a better way of doing something) that others don’t see, only to become the reckoning force to bring about the change that they will see.

True change is not dependent on people, situations, circumstances, or how you think others should behave to satisfy the change that you want to see. However, the contrary would suggest that genuine change is dependent on the modification of your view, attitude, position, response and most of all your perception of the situation, which are all initiated from your “MIND” again which clearly indicated change begins with you.

The facts are, situations and circumstances will not change because you feel it should change or because you feel as if you’ve had enough of whatever and others must conform to your anger, abusive language or behavior. You must take the vision of change from your mind coupled with humility and convert it to action (beginning with you) to produce change. The phenomenon of change is observing where change is needed, adjusting your perception and behavior towards it by being constant in your action, and patiently waiting to see the change you desire in the person or situation.

Now, for those that refuse to become the change that they want to see, have simultaneously volunteered for the position that they’re probably not even aware of, and that is the “STATUS QUO” mentality. Status quo is defined as: the existing state of condition or affairs. So, the status quo mentality would be one who accepts their present condition (even though they don’t like it) with the delusional thought that someone or something would change it, with no input from their end.

Folks, God’s word is abundantly clear, he said that we must be transformed or changed by the renewing of our minds (Romans. 12:2). The word renew means to repair or restore. To repair or restore anything strongly suggest that its present condition is damaged or out of order, which now makes change the inevitable for it to operate in its proper functioning state.

The thoughts of wisdom for today is, bring to a standstill, attempting to change others that will only produce a false change to satisfy you. Instead begin repairing and restoring your mind towards that person or thing which will automatically convert to a change in your action and behavior towards them which in turn will cause them to change towards you.

“The change we want to see in others is normally a reflection of God pointing out, the change he want in us”.

By: Kevin L. A Ewing

Friday, June 4, 2010


Life is a beautiful thing, which I truly thank God for, especially when one learns from their mistakes. However it is unfortunate for some of us that we have to make several mistakes to get the full understanding of whatever it is we should be learning.

This article is about making what should have been a temporary relationship into a permanent one. My aim and object is to show you the purpose of a temporary relationship, why it should not be a permanent one, the damage it does when it becomes one and finally the signs of a temporary relationship.

The majority of us at one time or another have had more than one relationship, and for the most part when we take a glance back in time we thank God that we did not make those people whom we thought, we were in love with our lifetime mates. Nevertheless some of us do marry the temporaries and are presently living unhappy lives or should I say incomplete lives.

Like my previous articles it is my desire to use biblical principle as the foundation, and build my points upon that. The scripture that I will be using is (2cor 2:18) in this scripture Paul is preaching to the people in Corinth and this is what he had to say, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Every relationship that you would have encountered throughout your life should be viewed as building blocks to your ultimate relationship, which would be your husband or wife. For the most part, people that jump into relationship and immediately get married, without considering if that relationship was suppose to be permanent or temporary, they are possibly in for a rude awakening.

I make the comparison of relationships to schooling. Just like school, each class gives you enough information for that particular time, because no one class teaches you everything. It prepares you for the next class you will eventually move to, and at the end of all your classes you will then hopefully graduate. Well, relationships are no different, each one was intended for you not only to enjoy, but most importantly to learn from, and prepare you for your life long relationship with your husband or wife.

History will show that people with little to no experience in relationships are more likely to make poor decisions as opposed to people that have more experience with relationships. I want to place importance on experience here because it is vital to what I am about to say next.

You see because we are creatures of comparison it is crucially significant that we gain much experience or knowledge in whatever it is that we are about to venture into. What I mean by creatures of comparison is simply this: whatever decision we select in life we’ve compare it either to a former experience or someone else’s experience, then we make a decision, it is almost like we go into our memory archives and pull out a file that is remotely close to whatever it is we are dealing with at that time and go from there. For instance, if you had a bad relationship where your partner cheated and you decided to end that relationship and go into another, if your new partner does anything that remotely reminds you of what your ex did to you, immediately you throw yourself into a defensive mode. Why? Because again you automatically begin to compare your past experience with you present relationship.

So my point here is; that the quality of your decision making is purely based on the experiences that you have had in that particular area which you are making a decision on. If you have ample experience, chances are you would make a more sound decision as oppose to no experience, your judgment is more likely to be impaired.

People are normally entrapped by their temporary mate’s permanently, because of what they see on the outside. They are caught up by the surface, they are bound or should we say held hostage by their five senses (see, smell, taste, hear, touch) which when left unchallenged can place us in a state of misery. This is why Paul said, “set not your eyes on the things that you see” or things that are governed by your five senses, because these things are subject to change and are in fact changing before your very eyes, but focus on what you don’t see, or what is possibly being kept from you such as that person’s character, which is permanent or eternal like Paul said.

A person’s character should be the deciding factor as to whether or not a person is just a temporary. One might possess a radiant smile, mannerly, a good shape, of even loving from the outside, which are all good but at the same time it is only a superficial image. However with character, even after they would have displayed all the nice outward stuff, are they that same person when they leave your presence? What are they like when they are alone, or better yet when they are in the company of others whom they are familiar with?

Do they maintain that same nice behavior? Or do they possess a Jekyll and Hyde type character? My mother told me sometime ago that a little can tell you what a lot will be like, and I am truly influenced by this statement. The little things that appear to be insignificant in the relationship are a clear sign that there is a lot more where that came from.

A person can not hide who they truly are; the true person always exposes themselves. For example a person may appear to be the sweetest person you have ever met, and then all of a sudden they display a real evil temper, and spew a heap of profanity when they become upset. This is just a sample of the real person on the inside trying to get out and his name is (Mr. Character), the one Paul said you should concentrate on, remember the things you do not see, because he is sometimes very difficult to notice in the beginning, due to what I call the impressing stage.

Mr. Character is usually kept in the dark until that person has achieved their objective with you, whatever that might be (most likely sex). They might give excuses like I don’t really curse like that, or I didn’t meant to hit you or I did not mean to shout at you and the list goes on, what about this one? I did not mean to sleep with him/her it just happened.

If you are the kind of person that does not tolerate the above examples, and you have a certain standard that you have for relationships, then these are the clear signs of a temporary, the sole purpose of these people are for you to learn from them indirectly, because their lives are crammed with deceit and inconsistencies. To remain in this temporal relationship, spells noting short of disaster and unhappiness. These relationships were never ever meant to be permanent; it was just another class, painfully grooming you for the ultimate relationship.

So take a few minutes and look back on your past relationships that did not work out, you know, the ones that hurt so bad you couldn’t eat, you couldn’t think straight, and the all to common ones, being consumed by unnecessary worry and fear. We all have sometime or another experience it, but now that some of us overcame it, we should thank the folks that put us through it because they unknowingly played a hand in preparing us for the ultimate relationship……of course those of us who choose to learn from them.

Friends I would like to add, no relationship that you were a part of was by accident, or mistake. That particular person whom you probably can’t stand to this day, like I said it was all building blocks for what you have now or what you are about to come into soon.

Remember this, in order to know what good is one must experience bad, so all the bad relationships or temporaries as I would call them, were all in an unknowing effort to make you not only appreciate, but recognize what good really is.

The principle of the bible did not say all things were good, but all things work together for good to them that love God and for them that are the called according to his purpose (Rom.8:28).

So as I have clearly shown you the relationship was no mistake, the mistake was trying to make something permanent that was only suppose to be temporal, but in an effort to make us appreciate and prepare us for the next exciting stage of our lives.

Written by: Kevin L.A Ewing

The Synergy of Healing

Ok! So synergy is the combined efforts of two or more things or people to produce more than they would have individually, but what does this have to do with healing?

Consequently, nothing in God’s creation was made to operate or work independent of itself.

If we take a quick review of the account of Creation the understanding carries the under tone of cause and effect, Suggesting that everything that was mentioned in the creation benefited or complemented something else.

It is no different with healing, healing requires combine efforts, and as we are about to go into this teaching on healing, we will look at healing from an unusual perspective, with a view to identify some of these combined efforts.

In most cases of healing, we see the laying on of hands, one being anointed with olive oil, the joining of hands, prayer of agreement and the list goes on which are all correct, but what about confessing my faults to receive healing????

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that you may be healed (James 5:16)…… wow! Are you saying that my healing or lack thereof can be due to me not admitting my wrong? Yes! This is exactly what I’m saying.

To confess implies one admitting, declaring or acknowledging something. Fault on the other hand advocate a defect, imperfection or being responsible for failure or wrong doing. Finally, to heal is to restore, make whole, to complete or to bring to an end or conclusion.

So, in this scenario we can achieve healing by acknowledging or admitting our defects, imperfection, or just being responsible for our failures or wrong doings to each other, combined with praying for one another.

These combine efforts or synergy will produce more for the individual in healing whatever area of their lives are affected, than any one of the single ingredients would have done alone.

Confession + imperfection + to one another + pray for each other = HEALING

By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Revelation of Faithlessness

A man’s son is possessed with a devil, the man is so frustrated with not being able to bring relief to his son’s condition that he desperately seeks and finds the followers or students of Jesus (Christians).

He now begs the Disciples/Christians to deliver his son from this tormenting Devil. However the Disciple/Christian FAILED!!!!!!!

In his relentless pursuit to bring relief to his son, he now turns to the leader, being Jesus, complaining about the failure of his so called Disciples/Christians to fix what they were being trained to do.

Jesus’ response carried not only the tone of chastisement but embedded in his response was the revelation of why Christians systematically fail at the plots, plans and ploys of their adversary the devil.

Jesus said, “O FAITHLESS and PERVERSE generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him here to me (Matt 17:14-20).

This scenario is displayed just about everyday in the life of the believer; the believer will continue to fail repeatedly until he discovers why he’s failing. To fail at anything, would suggest that something is lacking, that will normally bring about completion or order.

If I were to turn on my car and it fails to start, then something is lacking or out of order, and I must start the process of elimination to discover the point or points of failure, that once corrected will produce success or restore the person or thing to its proper functioning state.

Jesus used two words to identify the points of failure, faithless and perverse. Faithless is defined as: not having faith, faith is the word of God received, believed and acted upon. Perverse is defined as: to willfully determine to go counter or opposite to what is expected or desired or to deliberately turn away from a command, instruction or order.

So in essence this is what the revelation of what Jesus was saying, “You have failed because you lack confidence in God’s word which made you faithless, further more you willfully turned in the opposite direction of faith by desiring to do it your way which eventually produced fear, because the opposite of faith is fear, which made you perverse, which when concluded produced failure or a dysfunction.

Folks lets not make no mistakes here, Jesus is not talking to non believers, Satanist, witchcraft workers or folks who just don’t believe in him. Jesus is talking to you and me the Christians who are suppose to be fortified with the word, who were bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, equip and armed with the person of The Holy Spirit and surrounded by an Angelic host whom have been given charge over us.

Interestingly enough, Jesus isn’t just making this stuff up as he goes along. His statement is literally a principle. King Solomon in the book of proverbs 16:25 made it abundantly clear, he said, there is a way that seems right to a man, but at the end of his way he is guaranteed failure.

In conclusion folks, review the things God has asked you to do that you’ve failed at miserably. Now apply the law of faithlessness and being perverse. Ok! You seem to have a hard time with this, so let me help you, God said bless your enemies, but you cursed them, God said pay your tithes, but you didn’t, God said do good to those that hate you, instead you rendered evil for evil, God said that is not the mate I desire for you, but you willfully did the opposite, now you are divorced, God said stop worrying about tomorrow, but deliberately like with everything else you do the opposite of whatever God said, and because his word can not return to him void, and he is watching over his word to perform it……….. Then failure will be your guaranteed end result in your decision to travel in the opposite direction of his word.

By: Kevin L A Ewing

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