Monday, December 20, 2010

Your Comfort Zone Is Destroying You!

Can you explain what a comfort zone is? Simply put, it's a state of mind where a person feels at ease and content, disregarding any warning signs of potential danger. They become complacent and relaxed in their mental state of comfort, despite knowing that it may negatively impact their physical, spiritual, financial, mental, and emotional well-being.

It is disheartening to witness individuals capable of achieving great things settling for situations, people, and environments that hinder their progress and deplete their motivation. As I researched this topic, I pondered how one attains the mental fortitude to overcome such challenges. Moreover, how can one convince themselves to persevere despite facing discomfort and adversity?

As I was seeking answers to this puzzling question, I stumbled upon a scripture passage that expanded my comprehension to a higher level. In his book of Proverbs, King Solomon made a profound observation about this issue. Here is what he stated:

"I went to the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. Then I saw and considered it well: I looked upon it and received instruction. Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep. So shall thy poverty come as one that traveleth and thy want as an armed man" Proverbs 24:30-34?

In King Solomon's opening sentence, he isolates two contributing factors that initiate this comfort zone process. These factors are: being slothful and being void of understanding. The word slothful is being reluctant to make an effort, sluggish or inactive. On the other hand, being void of understanding suggests that one needs help to grasp the importance and significance of anything.

Solomon's observation about the destructive nature of comfort zones was particularly insightful. He noted that those most often affected by this phenomenon are people of means who have the resources and ability to do better. He supported this claim by referencing the FIELD of the slothful and the VINYARD of the man void of understanding, which suggests that these individuals had the means to improve their situation.

According to Solomon, this mentality or limited thinking can negatively affect all aspects of a person's life. These consequences may include loss, depression, frustration, fatigue, and, ultimately, a complete deterioration of everything related to them.

Solomon noted that the neglect of resources, such as education funding and basic common sense, results from these individuals' slothfulness and lack of understanding. However, the more concerning issue is the breakdown of their walls. This signifies their vulnerability and inability to defend themselves, making their lives easy targets for exploitation. As a result, they become complicit in their own mistreatment with no resistance to those taking advantage of them.

With the above understanding in mind, it somewhat makes sense why a woman would choose to stay in an abusive relationship. Similarly, why would a husband tolerate disrespectful behavior from his wife, whether in private or public? And why would someone with a good education settle for a job below their potential? Finally, why continue to invest time and energy into a relationship - whether it's romantic, business, or platonic - that isn't going anywhere?

The answer is quite simple: they've found a comfort zone in their mind. In fact, they have secured a place of comfort in their world of discomfort.  They have convinced themselves that it's ok to be this way, and by being this way, it requires little to no effort on their end to resist anything or anyone, thus providing their destructive comfort zone. Wow, how sad!

Experts in psychology and psychiatry have concluded that denial is typically the initial indication of a problem. Ignoring or denying the existence of a problem does not resolve it or lead to self-repair. This aligns with the wisdom of Solomon, who warned that neglecting responsibilities and avoiding action can result in adverse consequences such as poverty and frustration.

 As you may have gathered, this harmful state of comfort did not arise suddenly. It resulted from a gradual process that required perseverance, understanding, and support from oneself and possibly others who enabled this destructive behavior to lead to your downfall.

Solomon clarified it when he said; he saw and considered both conditions well and received instructions from his observation. He's hinting here that you can use his analysis as a reference point to how not to become a victim of this vicious behavior.

To those who can relate, I urge you to wake up and break free from the destructive comfort zone that has held you captive for years. Take a moment to remember what God has said to you: You were made a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and honor. You have been given dominion over the works of God's hands, and He has placed all things under your feet, Psalms 8:5-6. Ask God to help you break free from your limitations and reach your full potential. 

You are a child of God with immense potential and purpose. Allow God's guidance to lead you toward greatness and fulfillment. Do not let the enemy's lies keep you from achieving all God has planned for you. Trust in Him and His promises, and you will see blessings in your life. Remember, you are not a failure but a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Keep pushing forward, and never give up on your dreams.


Dear God, I ask that your word acts as a tool to uproot any negative patterns and habits in the lives of your people. May your word carve away at these harmful mindsets and replace them with a proper understanding of their identity and purpose. I stand with those who seek to break free from their spiritual limitations, and I speak life into every aspect of their existence impacted by these destructive patterns. I pray all of this in the powerful and holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Hurt! The silent killer

 Emotional hurt, by far is one of life’s most destructive blows to a person. In most cases I am sure all would agree that physical hurt would be preferable over emotional hurt.

Can there be anything more painful to a person than emotional hurt? Better yet have you ever experienced a relationship where you felt or knew that you were just not being heard emotionally? Now the age old argument is, “I am no mind reader, neither am I a psychic, how am I suppose to know what’s going on in your head”

Well, guess what, it is your duty and concern to have an Idea when something is not right with your partner emotionally. (View my article on the law of association)

Now, before you attack me here, let us look at the wisdom of God’s word. Solomon the author of the book of Proverbs gave a very simple, but profound proverb, he said, “Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock and look well to thy herd. For riches are not forever, and the crown will not endure to every generation.

It would appear as if there is a mix up here, what does hurt have to do with flock, heard, crown or riches?  Well, absolutely nothing but let us insert the points of this proverb into the emotional part of our relationships.

The word diligent means to put care and effort into what you do. The word state is defined as: the condition of someone or something. So here is the revelation: it is both parties responsibility to place care and effort on the emotional condition of each other particularly when there is a noticeable change that signals emotional hurt.

Ignoring such hurts sets the stage for the much to common silent wars between couples. Caught in its infancy can avoid a whole lot of future apologies and forgiveness.

He then goes on to say that riches does not last forever, and the crown will not be passed to every generation……what does this mean?

To continue this revelation Solomon is advising that the emotional condition that you appreciate in him/her right now will not last forever, they will not be the same everyday.  He is also subliminally suggesting that we be very cognizant of any variation of the emotional aspects of our partner.

So in other words, put aside being self absorbed, remove the lime light off ourselves for a moment and begin to silently hear the emotional pains and hurt of our partner. Put aside how we may feel and seriously consider the feelings of our significant other, if only in an effort to meet the emotional needs that has been silently crying out unnoticed by us.

Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Breakthrough is Here, Now What!

"Glory to God! Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Finally, it's my season! God is good all the time, all the time God is good". These are just a few phrases one would hear when others or themselves would have experienced a breakthrough.

Just imagine, for a brief moment, for years, you've waited patiently for a turnaround in your marriage, finances, family, or promotion on your job. During this wait, you've experienced shame, embarrassment, pain, tears, and not to mention being the topic of many conversations about whether or not you've missed God, there is sin in your life, or you're simply cursed.

Before we proceed any further, let us define the term breakthrough so that we'll all be on the same page and not assume its meaning. Breakthrough is defined as breaking the invisible walls and cages of delay, hindrances, denials, repeat missed opportunities, and disappointments.

Being clear on the above understanding of a breakthrough, I want us to put aside our religious mindsets for a few minutes and look at the reality of a genuine, successful breakthrough. I have decided to take this approach because when some religious folks hear the term breakthrough, they immediately condense it to mean no work from their end. In fact, they're convinced that waiting on their breakthrough suggests that they should continue doing things as usual, and at God's set time, everything will change, and there will be no more problems, or at least not that present problem anymore.

To the contrary, my friends, a genuine breakthrough requires quite a bit from your end. Many religious leaders have misled their congregation into believing that those waiting on their breakthrough have no part to play before their breakthrough other than simply waiting on God. This is, at best, false teaching, setting those folks up for significant disappointment.

In providing evidence that this type of instruction is erroneous and dangerous, my question to you, my readers, is, what are you doing differently before your breakthrough to ensure you'll never experience your disliked situations again?

If you've never had a plan before your breakthrough, chances are you'll return to your present condition sooner than later. Your current circumstances ought to make you despise what has caused you to be in this disliked position in the first place. That can only happen if you plan to never pass this way again before your breakthrough.

 Some folks won the lottery, winning millions of dollars. After a few years, they're back to where they originally started in debt. I am sure this differed from their plan after having so much money. So what does this tell us who are waiting for our breakthrough? Well, it says that if we FAIL TO PLAN, THEN WE ARE, IN FACT, PLANNING TO FAIL. Again, the need for more planning has placed us in our current rough position. People who plan have decided not to travel that old defeated road any longer. In fact, their goal is to keep them off of that path altogether. Yet again, I ask. What are you doing now that will make your future different from your present?

Is money the area of breakthrough that you're waiting on? Well, if you didn't have a plan before your breakthrough, money will only accelerate what you always did before your breakthrough. "A breakthrough does not make you more intelligent than you were before it occurred.". IT IS THE PLANS/CHANGES THAT YOU HAD IN PLACE Before THAT BREAKTHROUGH THAT WILL SUSTAIN AND MAINTAIN THAT BREAKTHROUGH.



When Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage (Ex 14:10-15), they began to complain and murmur. Why, you may ask, shouldn't it be a time of rejoicing and excitement? Well, the truth is they never prepared mentally to be freed, so amazingly, during their breakthrough, they did what they always do: complain and murmur even while they were smack dab amid their breakthrough.

Could it be your constant complaining that's preventing you from recognizing your breakthrough?

The children of Israel could not comprehend the term "GO FORWARD" because I am sure they spoke of freedom daily and complained to one another about being held captive against their will. They became pretty comfortable being slaves to their Egyptian masters for four hundred years. You see, even though they spoke freely, they never took freedom seriously mentally, thus mentally accepting their way of life even though they complained verbally.

Take note of what they said after being freed from their masters, and the Egyptian army pursued them. "And they said unto Moses because there were no graves in Egypt, thou has taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore has thou dealt thus with us, to carry us out of Egypt" (Ex. 14:11).

As you have read, those who were unprepared for their breakthroughs almost always reverted to what they always did and returned to where they initially began. Only this time, they have the resources to do it faster. These people were physically freed, but mentally, they were still enslaved, always willing and able to be ruled by their oppressors, the very people they complained about.

Many of you who are currently reading this article can relate to this. God has already set you free, and you are actually experiencing your breakthrough. However, your mindset may not have caught up with what God has already accomplished. This is simply because you may not have prepared yourself mentally for what you had been praying to see physically.

You've been blessed with a spouse you've prayed for, but here you are cheating on them. You've been granted that promotion you've prayed and worked so hard for, yet you oppress your colleagues the way you were once oppressed. You've finally got the vehicle you've prayed for, but you now ignore your neighbor walking on the same road you once did, hoping for a ride. These are all clear examples of when a "MINDSET" refuses to merge with the individual season of breakthrough.

Let's try self-introspection. Have you dealt with hate, bitterness, and your inability to forgive others? Do you think your breakthrough will change all of that? No! It won't; you have perfected what you have practiced while waiting. "May I suggest that the worst kind of blindness is not physical, but rather being blinded by hate, bitterness, and an inability to forgive others? This behavior can lead people to repeat the same mistakes and return where they started despite their efforts to move forward. It's important to mentally prepare ourselves to accommodate the changes we seek, rather than just focusing on the physical aspects of the situation."

I am told that insanity is doing the same thing the same way all the time and expecting a different result. In some of our local churches, we believe change comes when the breakthrough comes. I beg to differ; change should have been the prerequisite to change. So, please discontinue the self-deception by telling friends, family, co-workers, and the like what you'll do when that million-dollar comes, that husband/wife, that new car, when the reality is you are not making the changes now, to accommodate your expectations in terms of your breakthrough.

Heavenly Father, I am convinced that those reading this article, you have positioned them to be a partaker of your truth. Your word is the truth. I pray that this read would have provoked change. May you give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge so that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened to recognize and prepare well in advance of their breakthroughs in Jesus' name. Amen!

Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Wheat and the Tears, How is this applicable to me?

The bible gives us a very fascinating account of a parable in which Jesus gives a comparison to the kingdom of heaven. In this account we’re given a snap shot of the importance of everything being relative in our lives, and at the same time the necessity of it being there.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like when a man plants good seed in his field. But while he slept his enemy came and planted tares among the wheat and went his way.

However, when the wheat began to grow and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. The servants of the house then said unto the owner of the field how can this be, you planted good seed in the field? So where did the tares come from?

The owner of the field eloquently said to the servant, an enemy has done this. The servants in response to the owner suggested, should we go and pull up the tares? The owner of the field said no! For in doing so you’ll root up the wheat with the tares. In fact allow both to grow together until the harvest. During the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn".

The understanding portrayed here, is in the field of life there are many that do their best to life a decent and godly life. However, they become naive in believing that because they see things as black and white this constitutes the perception that others see life this way also. Of course this would be the part in the parable where it mentioned, while men slept.

During this sleeping/naïve mind set, folks begin to cunningly enter their lives and begin to plant tares into their field of wheat, with them having absolutely no knowledge of what’s going on, simply because their under the illusion that these folks mean them well.

The mystery here, is when these folks and their diabolical plans are discovered, the revelation of this parable tells us not to remove them or stop them from what they’re doing. For in doing so we run the risk of up rooting the good with the bad.

So, what does this tell us? This tells us that these folks/tares are necessary for our advancement. It is clear to me in this scripture that the tares were not planted by chance but in fact carefully allowed so that the wheat can benefit from them. This is why the owner said not to up root them now; least you will cause damage to the wheat while attempting to remove the tares.

God will allow folks in your life that will cause eternal hell for you, only in an effort to reveal something to you that you were ignorant to before. These folks/tares carry with them your solution to pending and future situations. The moment you stop viewing them as tares, but instead viewing them as a benefit to you the wheat. Eventually, you will begin understanding why they had to be apart of your life. I make mention to my readers all the time, and that is in order to appreciate good one must experience bad, if not one can not distinguish what good is. There must be a comparison. So in order for a comparison to be made “TARES ARE UNEQUVECOLLY NECESSARY”.

Whatever it is that is causing you discomfort right now, ask God to reveal to you the purpose of this discomfort. I can biblically guarantee you there must be a purpose. Every problem has a purpose attached to it. One may not be able to see the purpose, but that does not discount the fact that there is purpose. The word purpose is defined as the original intent or meaning of a person or thing.

The owner of the field said to the servants, “Allow the wheat and the tares to grow together until the harvest”. This is so powerful, because the owner sees beyond what is seemingly a problem, he sees purpose. In seeing the purpose of anything one begins to focus more on the benefit of what the purpose will produce as oppose to murmuring, complaining and trying to remove his/her enemy prematurely.

The mere fact that the owner said, let them grow until the harvest clearly indicated that the duration of this problem is only but for a season. That season will activate the separation of wheat and tares. This is why some folks walk away from you or for some reason you can’t see eye to eye. You have garnered all you needed to advance you to the next level of your life…….. IT IS TIME TO GO FORWARD WITHOUT THE TARES, THE TARES HAS ALREADY SERVED THEIR PURPOSE!

To make certain that those tares don’t become a problem anymore and that the use of them has been exhausted, the owner will say to the reapers first bind the tares, suggesting restriction and limitation of their movement, also suggesting that they can not go where you’re going. Then burn them, meaning punish them for all the hell they gave you. Whatever a man sows he must reap, therefore the tares must pay for their evil…. PAYDAY IS PENDING FOR THE TARES IN YOUR LIFE!

So as you can see, all problems/challenges have embedded in itself purpose. You only see it as a problem because you don’t understand the purpose. The biblical principle says, “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Eccl 3:1).

Your problems/challenges are inclusive of the word everything. Therefore your problem has a season and time. The word season in this text is defined as an appointment, time suggest the duration of that problem that will reveal its purpose. The mystery of all problems are, if you focus on the problem and not the purpose you are literally extending your season and time that has been assigned to that problem/challenge. The quicker you discover the purpose the quicker you see the light and move forward to the next stage of your life. That same problem that has plagued you for the past 5,10,15,20 years clearly suggest to me you have a learning problem that has been causing you to repeat this class for the past years when you should have moved forward already. This problem has placed you in a spiritual cage, with your cooperation of course. In a caged life you can see freedom and opportunity and things happening for others, but not for you, because you refuse to learn the purpose and discontinue focusing on the problem.

When Moses successfully took the Hebrew people out of Egyptian bondage, and proceeded towards the Promised Land (Canaan) they were followed by the Egyptian army in an effort to bring them back to slavery. Directly in their forward path stood the Red sea. In response they began to complain and murmur, clearly viewing their situation as a problem and totally neglecting its purpose.
In their inability to not see the purpose of the problem, but became disillusioned by the problem itself extended the season and time of their journey, to what should have bee an eleven day trip from Egypt to Canaan, ultimately took them forty years wondering in the wilderness, some even died there because they never understood the purpose of what was seemingly a problem.

For those of you who love to say, “I am waiting on my season”. Re-evaluate the season that you’re in right now and try to determine based on what you’ve just read if you haven’t allowed this present season to extend beyond its time, causing you not to recognize and enjoy all of the good seasons that were made available to you.

Heavenly Father, I pray right now that you would open the spiritual eyes of every reader of this article. I pray that you would cause them to see beyond the surface of what they are faced with. Father, the prophet Elisha, said to you open the eyes of his servant so that he may see, and your word says that he (the servant) saw spiritually, that there were more that were with them, than those that were with their enemies. I speak the life of God coupled with the spirit of knowledge, wisdom and understanding over this people in the matchless, mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ!

Written by: KEVIN L A EWING

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Mystery of Restoration.

A few months ago, I experienced the displeasure of having my home broken into, with the culprits taking a few laptops and other personal and expensive items with them.

Outside of everything that was stolen. My laptop with all my writings, photos, etc., could not be replaced. Aside from that, the laptop was recently given to me as a gift.

Many questions revolved in my head, one of them being why God would allow this, especially when I continually asked for his protection for my home and family. Nevertheless, when the police officers were at the house doing their investigation, I recalled a teaching I did called, "Give thanks in all things for this is the will of God concerning you. At this point, I stepped outside, raised my hands to the skies, and began to thank God even though logically it did not make sense, and I could not understand how this could possibly be God's will for my life.

It would be months later that the same episode happened to a good friend of mine, and it was at that time God released the answer, or should I say mystery, to me that I was so desperately seeking.

In an attempt to bring comfort due to the things my friend had lost. I was reminded of a passage of scripture in (Proverbs. 6:30-31) that blew the lid off of everything for me. The scripture reads, "Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; but if he is found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

The lord began to point out to me that another law of increase supersedes the law of sowing and reaping when it comes to quantity. The sowing and reaping principle states that whatever I give, I shall receive in return (Gal. 6:7. On the other hand, the mystery of restoration dictates that if I discover the thief that has been stealing my goods, I now possess the right to demand restoration, no less than sevenfold of my original goods and all he has.

In this text, we've discovered the purpose of the thief. The word says that the thief's sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. However, Jesus came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly (Jn. 10:10. At the same time, Jesus' mission is to cause restoration by the thief of all that he's stolen, again no less than sevenfold, which is considered giving life and abundant living.

So, for you out there that have been in a state of confusion and perplexity. In terms of why would God allow that foreclosure, bankruptcy, folks to break into your home and remove your stuff you've worked so hard for, the loss of a job, the loss of friends, etc.

Just for a few seconds, review what's really been happening to you. The facts are the thief has been robbing you. God's desire is to increase you, but for an extraordinary increase, he must permit the thief to relieve you of some stuff that not only needs to be replaced but multiplied. At the same time, you must recognize who the thief i. The original thief is Satan, not the person they're hauling off to some court or prison. Remember, our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces that tirelessly work against us (Eph. 6:12. The truth is that for this law to be activated, the thief must alleviate goods. The truth is the thief is unknowingly working for us in this increased formula, but only if we recognize him and what he's doing.

Now that the mystery has been revealed begin by giving God thanks for losing that home, job, business, and money. Thank him for the closed doors, bank rejections, and disappointments. You're doing this because he said to give thanks in all things, including good and bad, for the word says that this is his will concerning you (1 Thess. 5:18. Scripture further reminds us that "ALL" things work together for our good (Romans. 8:28. For too long, Christians have purposely deceived themselves by categorizing good as God and bad as the Devil. No! not so, because God is sovereign. He rules over the good and bad that happen in your life. This is why he could boldly say in his word that the good and the bad must equal good for you, and the word good is beneficial or profitable to you.

However, last but most importantly, now that we've discovered that we've been robbed by Satan operating through flesh and blood (Humans), we have a spiritual, legal right to make a demand on him according to the law of God to return unto us the sevenfold minimum and give all the substance of his house in the glorious and matchless name of Jesus Christ.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, September 27, 2010

The royal law!

The Royal law! Immediately our minds gravitate toward relationship to a king or a queen. This type of thinking is a correct way of thinking because the word royal is defined as pertaining to a king, queen or sovereign rule or monarchy.

This being the case, having set our foundation for this teaching, we will explore the royal law of the bible. James 2:8 says, “If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well”.

Again, as a reminder the word royal in this particular law has made this a kingdom law because royal deals directly with kingdom living, and according to the bible if we complete or achieve this law we are doing well or better yet doing well in the kingdom, so let us dissect this law and attempt to get a better understanding as to why it’s labeled a royal law.

The royal law states that we should love our neighbor “AS” we love ourselves. Now many of us when reading this statement ignore the full understanding as to what it is saying to us. The meaning of the word as implies: to the same degree, amount, or extent, similarly, or equally to something or someone.

So, in essence the royal law is suggesting that I love my neighbor according or similarly to how I love myself, which clearly indicates that I have to master or at least understand how to love me before I can honestly exercise loving someone else. Most folks believe loving themselves means to buy a new outfit, treat yourself to a vacation etc. however this misunderstanding of loving one self is entirely superficial and is void of any form of root or substance.

Based on the above understanding, the next question that should be asked is how do I love myself? Of course outside of being egotistical or self centered? Well! The first thing I have to do in achieving this objective would be observing what the biblical principles states concerning this matter.

The biblical principle states, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Prov. 23:7. The bible goes on to suggest to me that all matters begin from my heart which includes love Matt. 15:18-19. so, now that I have an understand of these principles I must determine that in order for me to love me and others for that matter it is a must that I revisit the present condition of my heart in terms of what I have defined love to be or not be, because this heart condition directly impacts how I will demonstrate love towards others.

According to scripture it tells me the original state of my heart before transformation, that is my heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jer 17:9)….. Wow! To deceive mean to make someone believe something that is not true. So in terms of my heart’s present state it is convincing me of things that are not true, especially the reality of love. Secondly, I’m told that it is desperately wicked, meaning that it is conjuring up evil continually. So it is made even clearer why I must revisit its condition.

Now, as a believer the kind of love that I should be practicing here, aught to be an agape love: meaning a love that comes with no conditions, the one that does not require something from someone else in order to be activated. I must review my heart and ask myself the question, do I love myself in spite of what has happened in the past? The second question I must ask myself, have I forgiven myself for what I or someone has done to me in the past? And thirdly, am I truly happy. If you’ve answered no to any of the above questions my suggestion to you, is that you presently have a heart condition, which is in urgent need of repair. Unfortunately, this condition has disabled your ability to love with out condition (agape love). What does this all mean? Well it indicates that what ever age you are now, let’s say your thirty years old, well for thirty years you’ve been loving yourself and others with conditions.

Firstly, to begin the repairing of my heart/mind, so that I can begin loving myself and exercising agape love, I must begin casting down any and all imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5). An example of this would be, the knowledge of God says to me love my enemies; however my imagination immediately fights Gods command by resisting, with the excuse that my enemies have done me wrong. At this point your thoughts are being exalted above the knowledge of God, which now make this a stronghold in your mind.

The truth is you must bring this and any other like thoughts into captivity to the obedience or order of Christ according to scripture. This activity is classified as spiritual warfare and the battlefield for this is your heart/mind. This is an on going fight, your renewed spirit in Christ is saying love those that hate you, your natural mind is saying absolutely no, because they’ve wrong you or they don’t deserve it.

This is indeed a stronghold, strongholds are literally mind sets. A determine way of thinking with no compromise, consistently fighting against anything that resist it.

Please don’t be discouraged, because there is hope. The Apostle Paul, through his divine revelations, offers hope to those who desires to be successful in this on going battle. Paul said, “Be not conformed or in harmony to this world, but instead be “TRANSFORMED” by the renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2).

The word transform comes from the Greek word metamorphoo, which is where we get our English word metamorphosis which is defined as a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function through process. An example of this would be a tadpole transforming into a frog or a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. The bottom line folks, is the old identity must, die to bring about the new identity; we must relinquish our way of thinking to embrace the new way. God’s word says there is a way unto us that seems right, but at the end of that way is destruction (Prov. 16:25).

So renewing my mind suggests that I must read and study God’s laws or his word, which will begin the process of destroying what I have determined to be love. That love came with conditions, which is the old way of thinking. The word of God will simultaneously transform me into my new way of thinking, and that new way is there are no conditions to loving me or others. The royal law is a way of life, better yet a mind set that supersedes my natural five senses. Meaning I love myself and others in spite of whatever challenges that love.

in order to maintain and sustain The royal law, I must guard my transformed heart/mind with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Prov. 4:23) Maintaining my newly transformed heart indicates that I must guard and monitor what my eyes see and my ears hear, because these are the points of entry to my heart, which when left unchallenged caused the original pollution.

Only Agape love can cover a multitude of wrong.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are you commanding your mornings?

As a young boy growing up on the island, I would be awaken every morning by my grand mother’s early morning prayers. Having little to no knowledge as to why she was doing what she did, it somehow placed a fear in me, due to her crying and the intensity of her prayer. The question that stood out in my mind was why would she and so many like her place such a command on their morning through prayer?

Coupled with this real life experience, I’ve discovered through the study of the bible that the bible is saturated with men and women of God not only addressing God early in the morning, but God performing great works during the early morning periods. Again, what is so significant about the early mornings spiritually?

A few Biblical accounts of early morning activity would be when the angels hastened Lot and his family early in the morning to leave Sodom. Also In this same biblical account it states that Abraham stood before the lord early in the morning (Gen. 19:15, 27). The bible also states that Jesus went to the temple and taught the people early in the morning and that Martha and Mary visited his tomb early in the morning. At this point I was arrested by the thought that there must be some biblical proof that correlates between praying and the early mornings.

Now, the bible states that there is death and life in the power of our tongue, and that we ought to call those things that do not exist now as though they do exist now. In essence, God has given us power via our mouths to command things into existence through prayer and confessions. I now began to partially see why my grandmother was praying with such passion (almost as if she was in a battle) and why she prayed for folks, individually and corporately. However, God through his wisdom pointed out to me in his word the necessity of these prayers and confessions being addressed early in the morning. I must say it was indeed a profound revelation that I’m sure you’ll agree with.

In the book of Job (38:12-13,15), God in this text in speaking to his servant Job said, “Have you commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know “HIS” place; that “IT” might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? God is basically asking Job whether or not he had taken authority or command of his mornings. What is so interesting here is not only the fact that God asked about the commanding of the morning by Job, but he further asked Job if he had caused the dayspring to know his place.

His place! Of course I’m now compelled to wonder if the morning and dayspring are personified as forces working against my day, beginning early in the morning. If this is the case, then I am responsible for putting these forces in their place by commanding what I desire of my mornings via the power of my tongue (Prov. 18:21). However the question still lingers, who is this person that is working in opposition or as an opponent to me during the early morning periods?

Now, before we unveil who this person is, let us look at the consequences of not commanding our mornings and causing the dayspring not to be put in his place. Remember what God originally asked Job? He said, “Have you commanded the morning since thy days or since you were alive? The result of commanding his morning is found in verses 13&15. By commanding the morning and causing the dayspring to be put in its place, this will shake the wicked out of the earth or disrupt his plots, plans, ploys and schemes against you. Additional in verse 15 it states that the light of the wicked will be withheld. The word light in this verse got its origin from the Hebrew word “Or” which is literally defined as morning or day break.

So in essence, God is saying that when we command our mornings and cause the dayspring to be put in its place (which has been personified as the male gender) simultaneously we restrain or restrict his morning… wow! To not do this principle we open our lives to curses. A curse is to be spiritually bound, not able to succeed, prune for failure, disempowered, open to the powers of witchcraft, spell, incantations etc. but this can only happen if we disobey God by not commanding our morning. Deuteronomy 28: 45-46, makes this abundantly clear, and it reads, “Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and pursue thee, and overtake thee, until thou be destroyed; because thou did not listen unto the voice of the lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statues which he commanded thee. They shall be upon thee for a sign and a wonder and upon thy seed for ever. Not only will I be affected by not commanding my morning but my seed or children also…… wow!!

Now let’s see who our early morning opponent is and what gives him the right to oppose us for the morning. Again, you will recall that God asked Job if he commanded the morning and caused the dayspring to be put in his place. Isaiah 14: 12, makes the identity of our opponent abundantly clear; it reads, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, SON OF THE MORNING!

Wow! What a revelation, Lucifer whom we know to be the present day Satan is in fact the son of the morning, so when God asked Job if he had put him in his place, he was referring to Satan.

As a result of this revelation it is not only clear but important why the bible places emphasis on us not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan being the head over this evil kingdom, allot his evil ambitions through his evil spirits to wage war on us in the early morning because he is in fact the son of the morning.

The words of wisdom for today is begin commanding your morning very early in the morning, decreeing that you are above only and not beneath, the head and not the tail. Blessed going out and blessed coming in, highly favored of the lord, with a host of Angels that has been given charge over you to keep you in all your ways and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Conclude by binding all of Satan’s and his host plans that has been assigned against you and all that concerns you and that he and his host are under your feet in Jesus name.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

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