Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beware Of The Fowler Spirit

A Fowler is a skilled, patient, and experienced hunter who studies his victim intensely and accurately before launching an attack. Nearly one hundred percent of the time, the Fowler is indiscernible or not visible to its victims, and as you read on, the victim has no reason to suspect. The Bible says that God will surely deliver us from the snare or the traps of the Fowler, Psalm 91:3. Only he can because we will only know who the Fowler is once an attack is made. Unfortunately, at this point, their attack is either disabling or fatal. I asked God how to recognize the Fowler and what signs to look for, and he directed me to Psalm 55:12-14. The Fowler is a skilled hunter who plans every move their victim is about to make. They try to convince you that they have your best interests at heart while prying into the intimate details of your life and revealing little about themselves. This allows them to plan against you effectively. Their patient, manipulative, and subtle skill set makes them successful in their harmful plans while you remain unaware of their intentions. So, in Psalm 55:12, we immediately discover that the Fowler is definitely not someone we would classify as our enemy. Neither will they display hate towards us or resist us in any way. In fact, scripture reveals that the Fowler is the one who is equal to us. The one who guides us, the one we are acquainted with, shares all our secrets and personal areas of our lives, Gives details of marital bedroom business, etc. Wow! The ones we call close friends. Always assisting and giving the impression that they are always there for us. The intelligence gathered from their victims makes the perpetrators' plans to destroy them successful. The truth is that the victim unknowingly becomes a co-conspirator in their own demise due to their ignorance of the real purpose of the perpetrators in their lives. Now, it becomes crystal clear that when an attack is launched, the success of that attack is solely based on the quality of information the victim has ignorantly released. Regrettably, these attacks usually result in severe emotional damage to the point the victim finds it almost impossible to trust anyone again. Such an attack is equivalent to what is known as Guerrilla warfare; in Guerrilla warfare, the unsuspecting victim is caught entirely off guard by a surprise attack. Surprisingly, in almost all cases, the perpetrator of this great evil (the Fowler) was always their close friend. Again, the victim had absolutely no reason to suspect otherwise. The research will show that individuals with the Fowler spirit approach all relationships with hidden motives. Sadly, these individuals are highly dissatisfied with themselves and feel the urge to secretly collaborate with others to cause unimaginable suffering to them. The Fowler's concept of happiness involves taking pleasure in the suffering of others while also actively causing that suffering. It's hard to imagine how these people can live with themselves. In reality, they can't live with themselves because they constantly change their personas to manipulate their victims into forming genuine friendships, only to ultimately destroy them. As a reference point, all friends have the potential to be used by this Fowler spirit because the Fowler spirit works with or is initiated by the spirit of Jealousy. So, as Believers of Jesus Christ, we must resort to Biblical laws and rules (the rule book) to address these spiritual forces. The rule book says we are not fighting flesh and blood (Human beings). Instead, our fight is against invisible beings known as spirits, Ephesians 6:12. Secondly, we are admonished by the apostle Paul to focus primarily on the spiritual world instead of our material world, 2 Corinthians 4:18, if it is our desire to be ahead of these invisible entities. Thirdly, we are charged by King Solomon in Proverbs 13:3 to guard what comes out of our mouths because the person who guards their mouth is simultaneously guarding their life.

AGAIN, THE INITIAL SIGN OF A FOWLER SPIRIT BEGINS WITH A SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY. Heavenly Father, once again, I adore you for this divine revelation that you graciously gave me for your people. This revelation is another sign of your promise to pour out your Spirit in the last days. Thank you, Father, for choosing me to receive this tremendous spiritual insight. I command every Fowler spirit, along with its accomplice, the spirit of Jealousy, to be discerned by the people of God and completely exposed of their subtle and evil deceptive plans. Father God, bring their plans to a screeching halt and destroy indefinitely their future plans in the matchless name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen! Kevin L A Ewing ewinglakevin@icloud.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Putting the pieces back together

As a child I can recall when my brother and I would accidentally break one of my mother’s figurines, it would strike immediate fear in us. The fear was two fold a) what she would do to us if she found out and b) how do we put this figurine back together after being broken in so many pieces?

The above scenario is very similar to life, when things become broken in our lives. We take on an immediate fear, that in some cases paralyzes us physically and also solution wise. Secondly our minds amplify the pieces of our situation in terms of making it seem impossible to put things back together.

In today’s teaching it is my intent to renew our minds in this very common area of negative thinking that relates to things being broken that has disable us in the process of moving forward. Things being broken suggest people or things not operating in harmony with their purpose. Purpose being the original intent of someone or something

In the book of Esther, we are told of Queen Esther a Jew, being informed by her uncle Mordecai of a decree that the king was tricked into signing to have all the Jews destroyed. Mordecai further informed her that she needs to make an appeal to the king on the Jews behalf to resolve this matter. In Esther’s mind she began to see and verbally communicate all the negatives concerning the broken pieces that appeared before her, she said, “It is against the law to approach the king without him first summonsing an individual via the stretching forth of his golden scepter which is punishable by death” She further added that she had not been called by the king within the last thirty days.

Esther’s behavior is so typical of when we face situations that appear so grand or unfixable, that it literally sucks the life out of any possible solutions. Our minds become inflated with so much negativity that we leave little to no room to bring about a solution. It becomes convenient to not proceed forward, but just accept thing as presented to us, as if there is no other way out. Well the devil still is a liar, because there is an abundance of ways out awaiting us to act upon them.  

Mordecai had to quickly remind Esther that if she does nothing concerning this matter, she would not escape this pending massacre and that deliverance will arise from else where for the Jews. He then went on to say, “For who knows if you were not called to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Mordecai was making it crystal clear to Esther that apart of her purpose in her earthly kingdom was to exercise spiritual authority, which is the only adhesive in putting the pieces of a broken life back together.

I am saying to you my readers, that the broken areas of your life are indicators from God that you lack spiritual glue. That broken relationship, family, job, finances and the likes is in desperate need of spiritual healing before any permanent coming together can take place. To attempt to put it back together out side of God is to basically place a demand on a repeat action that will continually give the same displeasing results. At best it can only equal a temporal fix. Facts will reveal that after so many temporal fixes discouragement is mandatory.

Maybe you’ve messed up in your Christian walk, you’ve fornicated, committed adultery or whatever. You feel so condemn that you’re not worthy to continue. Here me and here me well! This is absolute non-sense GET OUT OF YOUR SELF ASSIGNED STATE OF DESPIRE AND PROCEED FORWARD. Those that have condemn you are more than likely doing the same thing they’re condemning you for, but have not yet been caught, so they feel the need to appoint themselves as judge jury and prosecutor, HYPOCRITES!

The bible is clear, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:1. In putting the pieces back together there are five points that are a must and they are:
  • Confession and repentance of all sins
  • A made up and determine mind
  • Divorcing yourself from the negative opinions and suggestions of others
  • Begin building your confidence by reading your bible
  • And finally pray with great expectation, that what you’re praying for will happen

As I mention to you earlier, my brother and I began to brain storm as to how we can put this figurine back together again, remember we also had the option of blaming each other, but what good what that do? Putting the pieces together requires one getting a mental visual of the bigger picture and visualizing everyone in that picture benefiting.

My words of wisdom for you this morning is simply this, rather than saying why is this happening to me? Ask yourself what is my purpose in all of this? Begin to see yourself as a problem solver and you being place in this situation at this particular time to bring about a change that could happen no other way and by no other person. Like Esther shrug off that defeated spirit and walk in confidence with a boldness to subdue rather than being subdued.

Say to yourself and convince yourself I AM A WORLD CHANGER I HAVE BEEN CREATED TO EASE, COMFORT, AND BRING DIVINE ORDER TO THIS SITUATION. For I am not alone in this but God is upholding me by the right hand of his righteousness, this is the day that I have made up my mind to be different, think different, perform different all in an attempt to get a different result!

Heavenly Father I bless you for your word, for your word is the power that holds all things together. Your word declares that you are the true vine your father is the husbandman and we are the branches. It is my prayer that you provoke in us your branches the ability to put the pieces back together in our live and the lives of others, only this time with you being the beginning and the end of the process.  We acknowledge that you were the missing ingredient that was giving us failure as an end result. Please forgive us and demonstrate your glory In and through us in the powerful name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L. A Ewing

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The purpose driven relationship

Even though every relationship has its individual purpose for its existence, the success of that relationship is solely based on an ingredient that if not present, paves the way for absolute frustration and ultimate failure. This ingredient is called synergy.

Our teaching today will take us along the part of some biblical principles that if followed precisely, will guarantee us not just success in our relationships with others, but an appreciation and value for that person in spite of their differences. We’ll also discover that it is in the differences of others that if cultivated properly will open to us a deeper admiration as to why we were attracted to that person to begin with and concurrently reveal to us things about ourselves that we were unaware of.

According to our bible, after God was almost completed with his creation, he made mention that it is not good that the man should be alone. Now, prior to this statement God said that everything thus far in his creation was good, meaning it was beneficial or profitable. So when he said that it was not good that the man should be alone it is not to suggest that God had a flaw in his creation. However, the emphasis is that it is not beneficial that the man be alone. This further prompts one’s understanding that nothing in God’s creation was made to operate independent of itself. Nevertheless, all creation including man needs someone or something to join with to produce or increase more than they did individually.

Thus bringing about our first principle in reference to the purpose driven relationship, Synergy is defined as the combined efforts of two or more people or things in an effort to produce or increase more than they would have achieved individually. This being the case, then when applied to a relationship it now places a demand on the relationship through combine efforts to produce or increase more than each party did as individuals.

I think now is a good time to stop right here and begin analyzing mentally your relationships, with a view of identifying if as a couple you’ve increased or decreased. This simple examination can determine whether you’re progressing, which is the original purpose of the relationship or are you digressing, meaning moving about aimlessly with no fixed point or reference accompanied with the warp idea of whatever happens, happens (a retard relationship).

The bible now goes on to say to us that after God had identify that the man can not go beyond a certain level of increase unless he is accompanied by someone, God decided to make a help meet for him, like every other living organism in his creation. A help meet is one that is suitable, proper and fitting whose purpose is to assist in the present and future increase and production of the relationship totally and completely void and depleted of selfishness and self aggrandizement.

This now brings us to our second principle, which really should have been our first. That being divine order ordained by God. What am I saying here? I am saying the head of the relationship must be primarily established. Just in case there is confusion in regard to this statement, the head is the MAN via God’s command. The head is not determined by size, wealth, education or status, but by whom God has determined the head should be from the beginning of creation. As proof of this when Eve ate the forbidden fruit absolutely nothing changed in the Garden of Eden or creation for that matter. It was only when the man (the head of the relationship) ate of the forbidden fruit that everything fell apart. Anything with more than one heads I am told is considered a monster and spells the recipe for disaster. Again I want to make clear these principles are not limited to just romantic relationships but all relationships. Outside of the marital institution and male female relationships, the head is not limited to a male but he or she that is suitable, fitting and has incorporated the mind of a leader. However, if the leader is a female this female ultimate leader should be Jesus Christ.

The opposite of these principles creates the term antagonism. Antagonism is this case would be defined as two or more people or thing in their combined efforts are now producing less than they were doing as individuals….. Wow! This reminds me of the saying, “I can do bad all by myself” The dictionary reveals to us that opposition, resistance, rebellion, aggression, hostility, animosity and enmity give us the sum total of antagonism. Any relationship operating under this order, unfortunately its tenants are delusional as to how a real relationship must function.

However the purpose driven relationship possesses something that no other relationship has outside of it, firstly, respect is a must meaning you do not have the right to change anyone but appreciate their uniqueness and use the synergy of the relationship to compromise with each others differences. Again, it is these differences that if cultivated properly it gives a greater appreciation for the person, and reveals another side of you that show the importance of that person being in your life. This is what synergy does; it manufactures the best in both parties, and does not attempt to create what you want the other party to be according to you. Synergy requires complete and absolute UNITY and had initially established order from the beginning of the relationship. So, as fruits of this relationship, respect literally sets up invisible borders that both parties knows how far to proceed with each other, and if violated apologizes are not only mandatory but immediate.

Scripture now reveals the power of synergy when it said, after the man and the woman became one (Unity) God blessed them. Now, before we proceed lets make clear here what exactly God blessed. He did not bless mess, meaning he blessed a union or institution that had a head, accompanied with a help meet operating on one accord. In fact any relationship where the boss, husband, chief etc becomes subject to the subordinate or made to be inferior, this my friends is a cursed relationship that must produce disaster, pain, grief and perpetual agony and hardship.

After God blessed his understanding of a relationship, five things came about as a result of the blessing. That relationship must now:
  • Be fruitful
  • Multiply
  • Replenish
  • Subdue
  • And finally dominate whatever comes up against it

All of these things as you would have noticed speak to increase, and accomplishing more than they were doing as individuals. This is the power of synergy according to Genesis 1:28.

So my dear readers, I’ve asked you earlier to review your present or past relationship, now, what have you discovered? Did it produce more or less? Did it take away or add to your life? Now before you begin to point fingers as to whom the problem was, just remember a failed relation requires the participation of both parties, in this sense one party wants to assume the head when they’re not or one party is promoting synergy and the other is campaigning for antagonism. In both scenarios failure is the inevitable.

Just before I conclude, I would like for you to indulge me for just a few second more, to show you further the supernatural power of synergy in a purpose driven relationship honored by God. In the building of the tower of Babel according to genesis 11: 1-9 two principles are demonstrated here which will sum up what we’ve discussed so far. A) God said that the rule of synergy dictates that "when folks become one (unity) absolutely nothing will be restrained from them, which they imagine to do" Genesis 11:6. Mighty God! Are you getting this folks? As far as God is concern the mere fact that this couple, group, organization etc. are operating in the law of synergy, if they just imagine whatever it is they decide to do it is a done deal in the sight of God, with no force spiritual or physical being able to restrain them.

The second principle is the principle of division, which dictates that when one or more of the parties involved resist, rebel, oppose etc. the general understanding of the order of the relationship or a misplacing of leadership this conceives confusion and ultimately produces division Genesis 11: 7-8. Thus, giving us the word Babel, which in the Hebrew language means confusion!

Heavenly father, I thank you because you are not the author of confusion. On the contrary you are a God of order. It is my prayer today that you empower my readers and myself to follow your blue print that only produces order. I take authority of any and all bewitching powers that will attempt to bring confusion to us, your people. I also command a spiritual flood similar to the days of Noah that will annihilate any and all spirits that is anti your will for our lives in the matchless and glorious name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L.A Ewing

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Separation is Necessary for Elevation

When a snake advances to different stages of its live, the process of that advancing is the shedding of its skin. Well, the equivalent of that process for us as human beings would be the shedding of environments and people.

The bible said that when God called Abram, who later became Abraham, God did not ask him how his family was, is all well, etc.
Instead, the first thing God said was remove yourself from your country, and kindred. In other words, separate yourself from your environment and those that you are familiar with.

Now, this may seem somewhat harsh, but this is God’s way of separating the sheep from the goats, so that the sheep can hear the Shepard clearly.

One of the initial signs of promotion or elevation to one’s life begins with discord, or challenges with those that are closest to you, or the place that you are presently, seems as if you have either out grown it, or it’s rejecting of you for no apparent reason.

In reality, your season has come to an end for those folks and that place. All that you needed from them has been achieved, and simultaneously qualified you for the next stage of your life.

To bring them along with you, would disrupt this natural growth process that has been specifically designed to elevate you. 

People that are not progressing in life are those that refuse to let go of the people and places that has exhausted its purpose for them. This is why death is necessary, because life gives purpose and death is the conclusion of purpose.

Anyone who resists this natural growth process literally welcomes a life of frustration, confusion and repetition of places and people that they know are hindering them from achieving more that life has to offer.

The chronicles of your life should always read how your experiences (good and bad) with those places and people have made you a solution to someone else’s problem.  Those people and places were God’s chisel at that particular time used to carve you into what he’s called you to be. Meaning they were necessary but not permanent.

So, bid farewell, and proceed forward with the expectation and confidence that better is ahead awaiting your arrival.

By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seeds producing after its kind

It is concretely cemented into my understanding, that no human being, regardless of race, color, or creed has become who they are overnight. In fact I stand in the face of all opposition that, that person is a result of a seed or seeds that was implemented a long time ago that has been natured over the years, and has now produced what you see in this person today.

A few days ago I had the distinct pleasure of assisting my Pastor with a christening ceremony. While waiting to be called on to give words of encouragement to the parents of the infant, I began to look in the audience and wondered if the audience was aware of this grand opportunity that is being presented to us. An opportunity to destroy some thing in this child’s life that would have been passed on from previous generations of both parents that would result in bad relationships, divorce, poverty, sickness and diseases which are all considered ancestral and bloodline curses.

The bible tells us that every seed produces after its kind Genesis 1: 11-12. But what is seed, and at the same time what do we mean by kind? Well, in the natural sense a seed can be considered as a man’s semen, a fertilized part of a plant, capable of developing into a new plant or in simple term, the beginning of anything. As for the word kind it is defined as a class or group of individual objects, people, animals, etc., of the same nature or character, or classified together because they have traits in common.

If every seed produces after its kind, then it stands to reason that we are the sum total of our ancestors. As proof of this, have you ever hear an older relative said that you walk, sound or even behave like your grand uncle, aunt etc? Now this grand uncle/aunt had probably died 20 years prior to you being born. Meaning a) you’ve never met them and b) you’ve never studied their behavior or traits to become like him. So how is it humanly possible for you to imitate this person so accurately whom you’ve never met?

Here is the revelation, that I am certain once understood will change the way you view people and at the same time cause you to re-visit who you’ve considered having children with. In the natural sense of things a man’s seed joins with a woman’s egg to produce a human being. What many folks are not aware of is that at the same time there are spiritual forces such as curses that were never broken off the parent’s life have now passed on to the child. The other two notable times that this occurrence happens would be during marriages where the couples become one, and during sexual intercourse. The general labeling of this process is called transferring of spirits. This is why the spirit in operation must be identified, and removed or broken, instead of attacking the person who is only a puppet to the will of that particular spirit.

Just for a few seconds, indulge me as I make it even clearer to you the science of these actions. For the sake of this teaching I will use a homosexual as an example. A homosexual never went to school to become a homosexual, meaning he did not sit in a classroom with like persons and trained uniformly emulating women’s actions and behavior, right? Then how is it that a homosexual in France, Belgium, The Bahamas, Australia, Japan or any place in the world for that matter, all behave and have identical traits and mannerisms, even though they’ve never met each other, never trained or practiced together, having absolutely no relations? Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the spirit of homosexuality. That person is only an agent of this spirit operating in him. So, again the law says, every seed produces after its kind, this kind in which we speak of here is homosexuals meaning a group, class a particular breed and the seed is the spirit who has invaded the inner man (mind) of this person and causes him to behave and think like every other homosexual without ever having to train or practice to be uniform in behavior. I want to make unequivocally clear; my example is not to bash homosexuals in any way fashion or form, but only using this as an example to bring about a general spiritual truth.

The bible goes on to tell us, “For a good tree can not bring forth corrupt fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit”. It goes on to say, “A good man out of the good treasures of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasures of his heart brings forth that which is evil, for out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks Luke 6:43-45.

Bottom line, you can not consistently be what you are not or what is not in your heart. Your heart/mind is where these seeds have been deposited and because of the abundance or growth of these seeds, you now behave according to whatever those seeds are… wow!

So in embracing this opportunity of christening this child, I carefully explain to the parents and god parents, how the child is not only a result of physical seed but spiritual seeds as well. Seeds nonetheless which they can not see but is just as real as the physical seed that they do see. I was then given the charge to pray for the child. It was at this point, that I realize the reality of my obligation to God and this child to exercise my God given wisdom in breaking the ancestral, generational, and bloodline curses such as cancers, poverty, sexual immoral spirits, sickness and disease and any spirit that will hinder this child from positive progress, achievement and advancement. I then began to loose all spiritual blessing that God has blessed us with in heavenly places Ephesians 1:3.

The thought of this entire episode was quite exhilarating for me, because through the prompting of the Spirit of truth (Holy Spirit) I was able to give this child a fighting chance for a successful life, not being hindered by curses.

My question to you my faithful readers, what curses have hovered over your life that has caused you not to succeed or achieve what God has placed you here for? Ok! Maybe you have difficulty in identifying them, so let me assist you. Grammy, had high blood pressure, mom have high blood pressure now you have developed high blood pressure, as you can see it’s a generational curse. Another example, Grand daddy had kids out of wedlock, daddy had kids out of wedlock now you are following the same pattern of having kids out of wed lock. What about this one? Great grand daddy was broke, grand daddy was broke; daddy broke, and now guess what you’re broke. Let us not forget the all too common one witchcraft. Grammy worked witchcraft to control others; mom did the same thing now you are doing it in an attempt to have your own way and to control others. So far we’ve discovered four generational spirits and they are the spirit of infirmity, the spirit of sexual immorality that resulted in kids being born to unwed parents, the spirit of poverty and finally the spirit of witchcraft one of the nastiest spirits one can encounter.

Now that we’ve identify just a few of many curses that one can possess, what do we do now? Well, we must follow the biblical law for breaking curses and that is, we must first confess our iniquity/sin (which are the curses we’ll call by name) and the iniquity/sin of our fore fathers because the truth is it all began with the fore fathers then we must break each one in the name of Jesus Christ Leviticus 26: 40-42.

So as we’ve understood today, the lives of people and the way they think and behave is a direct result of curses or blessing that have been deposited unknowingly by both parents from previous generations. However, for the most part these children are left defenseless in a world that is saturated by evil orders such as principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places, because the parents lack the knowledge to break or even identify the curses. So now it runs rampant in the lives of the parents and the child and even the children’s, children.

My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, because thou have rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee and I will also forget thy children Hosea 4:6

Heavenly Father, once again I thank you for your wisdom, for your word declares, it is the principal thing Therefore, I decree wisdom, knowledge and understanding over every reader of this article, and simultaneously break every spiritual cord, shackle, and chain of ignorance to your word. I now call on the fire and brimstone of heaven that had once rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah to rain on the bad seeds that have been deposited in the lives of my readers to make repetitious generational curses in their family lineage and that they all be destroy indefinitely it in the name of Jesus Christ.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


“O foolish Galatians who had bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ had been evidently set forth crucified among you Galatians. 3:1.”

These are the words written by the Apostle Paul, in his letter to the church of Galatia. In his letter he used the word bewitched to convey the understanding that the Galatian church had been mislead or placed under some kind of spell in order to cause them to do or believe things that they would not normally agree with, particularly after being witnesses of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 

In our teaching today it is my desire to bring to you this very scenario of being bewitch in everyday living. How it is used as a common tool for control, the science behind it and its affect.

During the seventies there was a popular TV series called bewitched, where Elizabeth Montgomery who played Samantha, a witch in the show, could not resist using her spells or her ability to bewitch others to gain control only to make things turn out the way she desired, totally ignoring the will and desires of others to achieve her objectives.

Now, what does the word bewitch mean? The word bewitch mean to Cast a spell on and gain a magical control over someone or to captivate someone completely without physical restraints. So, if being bewitch does not require physical restraints, then how can a sound minded person be brought under the power or control of another, through the means of being bewitched?

Well, in order to understand this, you must first understand that the process of bewitching requires complete and total deception, meaning convincing one to believe something that is not true. At the same time it requires the victim’s participation by entertaining the one who is unknowingly bewitching them.

An example of this would be as follows: a man is in love with his wife and family, all of a sudden he becomes friendly with a female co-worker that he’s attracted to but, because of his marital commitment he keeps his distance. However she feels the same way about him and pursues him, having zero respect for his commitment to his wife and family. She now expresses her love for him, saying to him how handsome and strong he is etc. He now entertains her and becomes captivated by her and begins to do things that he would not do under normal circumstances. The plot thickens by him leaving his wife and children and moving in with this woman and her children. Neglecting his financial commitments and responsibilities that he is obligated to perform with his family. Not to mention him, faithfully financially providing for the other woman and her children while his wife and children suffers. Is this guy crazy? No! He’s been bewitched, meaning that there is a spirit of control over him manipulating him to believe something that is not true; to the point his family becomes the sacrifice for his lustful desires.

What happened to this man who was once in love with his family? Well, the later part of this man is not the same man that we spoke of originally and I will prove it. In the book of Proverbs 6:32 it reads, “whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding: he that does it destroys his own soul”. Now let’s break this scripture down so we can get a clearer understanding of what is actually being said here.

This scripture explains the spiritual aspect behind this type behavior. It starts by revealing to us that when one breaks a command of God in this case adultery, he is not aware of the sequence of events that will take place over a period of time. If you’ve notice the text did not say he who engages in adultery, instead the word commit is used which means to pledge, bind, obligate or become dedicated to something or someone.

Scripture further reveals that this consistent violating of God’s law, again, in this case adultery is destroying his soul. One’s soul involves their feelings, thoughts; mind etc. basically the administrator of their body. So if his soul is being destroyed, you can now understand why this once sensible man becomes impaired in his judgments and decision making.  His innocent entertaining of this lady that he initially knew was not good for him, somehow convinced him of a lie which he clearly accepted opening the door for not only the spirit of adultery but also deception, soul ties, mood swings, lying, being irresponsible and the list goes on.

Eventually these spirits take over, especially if this couple is active in their adulterous act (transferring of spirits). The end result for this man is he has becomes an entirely different person. For lack of a better word he has becomes a fool! To the point that “when” not if this lady has affairs on him he somehow reasons it out in his mind and eventually accepts it only in an effort to sustain and maintain in his mind this false relationship where he unknowingly is being manipulated.

This scenario is played out in all sectors of our society; unfortunately it frequently ends in divorce, violence, broken homes and sometimes even death. It usually ends this way because those that address it, addresses it from a natural or physical stand point, believing that they can beat sense into the person or try public humiliation to bring about a change of heart. NEWS FLASH YOU CAN NOT BEAT SENSE INTO A SPIRIT, OR EVEN HUMILATE THAT SPIRIT.

Until you address the source which is the spirit that is influencing that person and not the person themselves, you are in fact fighting a losing battle, in which you are guaranteed failure as your end result. In the book of Mark 1:22-26 Jesus encountered a man in the synagogue that had an unclean spirit. The text goes on to say, “And he cried out, let us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth?” Many folks miss this and believe that the man cried out, instead it was the unclean spirit in the man speaking through the man. As proof of this the text further states the unclean spirit said what have “we” to do with thee, which is additional evidence that not only is it one spirit speaking but numerous spirits.

The Apostle revealed in his letter to the Ephesian Church this revelation, “For we wrestle/fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (all four groups being spiritual).

So what am I saying to you my readers? STOP FIGHTING THE PERSON AND BEGIN FIGHTING THE SPIRIT THAT IS INFLUENCING OR HAVE BEWITCHED THE PERSON. That person is under a nasty deceiving spell that they’re not even aware of. This will take more than just your average prayers, because as I’ve explained already you are dealing with a host of evil spirits. Jesus said this kind comes out only through prayer and fasting Matthew 17:21.

Prayer and fasting is the only successful solution because prayer and fasting does the following:
  • Break the bands of wickedness
  • Undo heavy burdens
  • Set the captives free
  • Break every yoke
  • Restores health quickly
  • Causes one understanding to break forth as the morning
These are all the positive results of a genuine fast according to Isaiah 58:6,8. in an effort to get rid of “THIS KIND”.

Heavenly father thank you for giving me the keys to the kingdom, I now bind the prince of the power of the air that rules over these unclean spirits that have bewitched folks to commit habitual sins. I bind the prince of darkness and the power of darkness in Jesus name. I now, by your authority loose these people and break the pad locks off their spiritual cages in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Need Clarity!

Clarity is the state or quality of being transparent and understandable, both visually and conceptually. According to Proverbs 4:7, wisdom is of utmost importance. However, more than the pursuit of wisdom alone is required. To attain clarity in any undertaking, it is crucial to simultaneously acquire a deep understanding of all aspects of the task, in addition to wisdom.

After reading the scripture in question, I began to contemplate its meaning. Upon reflection, I realized that wisdom and understanding are separate entities. However, possessing wisdom and understanding allows for a clearer understanding of any subject.

To achieve clarity, it is crucial to understand the difference between wisdom and understanding. Both are necessary to make sound judgments and decisions. Wisdom is the ability to discern between right and wrong or good and evil. It helps us make sense of confusing and perplexing areas of our lives. Understanding, on the other hand, focuses on how things work, operate, or function. It provides a concise explanation of the mechanics behind a particular concept or system.

Combining wisdom and understanding creates clarity, whereas operating them independently leads to confusion.

As Christians, we often face confusing situations that trouble us deeply. For instance, we may experience persistent adverse outcomes that must be clarified despite our faithful efforts. For example, we may be committed to paying our tithes and offerings yet end up in more debt than before we started. Or we may have felt an explicit confirmation from God that a particular person is our intended spouse, but now it seems like they were sent by the enemy to make our life miserable.
You have prayed and fasted for a job, and finally, you got it. However, you feel you are treated poorly on that job, like something stuck at the bottom of someone's shoe. Maybe you were advised to sow a monetary seed to achieve favor from God to save your home that's up for foreclosure, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough to sustain it, and it was posted in the local daily for foreclosure.

It's hard to deny that, at this point, many of us might feel compelled to ask questions such as, "God, are you toying with me?" or "God, where do you fit into all of this?" Another joint statement from a Christian perspective might be, "God, please grant me clarity!"

In the book of Jeremiah chapter 29, God's prophet, Jeremiah, wrote a letter to the elders, priests, prophets, and all Israelites whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken captive from Jerusalem to Babylon. In the letter, he explained that God had allowed this to happen and advised them to start building homes, planting gardens, getting married, seeking peace in the city, and praying to God that the city would have peace so they, too, could be at peace. Further, God declared through Jeremiah that they would dwell in that land for seventy years.  

The Israelites must have been confused and wondered why God allowed a foreign nation, who did not even acknowledge Him, to remove them from the land He had given to them. They were now being ruled by a foreign king, adding to their confusion and sense of abandonment by God. They needed clarity, which they had not received until Jeremiah's letter. Although they knew they were captive in Babylon, they needed an understanding of their situation, which would produce the required clarity.

Jeremiah's letter brought about that understanding to complement the wisdom they already possessed and eventually gave clarity.

Dear readers, I want to speak to you about your wisdom. This wisdom is only a part of the whole picture, and it may have led you down a path of debt, a failing marriage, foreclosure on your home and business, and more. I understand that you may be feeling frustrated and ready to give up. However, it's vital to gain a deeper understanding of why you are going through these difficult times. These challenges are the result of a confused and distressed state. As a messenger of God, I am here to remind you that God is with you now more than ever, as stated in Psalms 46:1. You may be judging God foolishly based on your wisdom alone without taking into account the understanding that comes from Him, which can bring about clarity. I urge you to seek God's understanding and guidance during these trying times.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinth church, said, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect (complete or whole) comes, then that which is in part shall be done away with 1Corinthians 13:9-10. So, it is evident in this scripture that the confusion about our problem is due to us prematurely judging the entire situation based on parts of the whole that are presented to us.

Please! Before I proceed any further, ask God to forgive you for your misjudgment and the negative words you've said concerning your unclear situations. Now, ask him for the understanding needed to clarify your position.

In Jeremiah's letter, he prophesied that after completing the seventy years of captivity in Babylon, God would visit his people, perform his word towards them, and bring them back to their land. God also assured them that he had good thoughts for them, thoughts of peace and not evil and that he would give them a bright future. As a believer in Jesus Christ, this is excellent news because it means that, despite my current struggles, God has a plan for my life that will ultimately lead to peace, joy, and fulfilling my expectations in Him. I trust in Romans 8:28, which tells us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Therefore, what is happening to me is not happening to me but for my benefit. Praise be to the name of Jesus!

So, what is the reality of all of this? Well, the truth of all this is your crying, frustration, mood swings, fasting, praying, complaining, murmuring, and agreeing with others for God to bring change will not alter, delete, or change the pre-assigned time by God to your trouble. Know that this testing of your faith is producing patience. But only in completing that patience will you become complete or be restored, James 1: 3-4. God is the God of divine purpose, and for every purpose, there is a time and season. We usually classify the original intent of something or someone as its purpose, and only time and season can unveil what God has purposed in and for us.   

Do not allow the size of your problem to frustrate you, but instead, ask God to reveal to you the understanding to bring clarity and peace of mind while you endure the time and season of that trouble that will conclude in good for you. "For we know that ALL things (good and bad) are working in harmony for our good Romans 8:28.

Heavenly Father, thank you again for this word that comforts your people. This is another piece of evidence that amplifies your sovereignty. I ask you now, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, to impart patience and understanding to the wisdom of your people to bring about clarity during their challenges. Finally, Father, I pray for peace that passes all understanding in the matchless and mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L. A Ewing

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