Sleep Waves Of Witchcraft Are Real!
People under witchcraft attacks at work may experience difficulty staying awake and lack motivation to perform their tasks.
Evil sleep waves of witchcraft are evil spirits assigned to a person. Once this person arrives at work, they will experience unusual sleepiness, even though they would have had a full night's rest and probably a cup of coffee just before arriving at work. However, as long as the victim is in their work area, they will continue to battle hours of yawning and doing everything to stay awake.
Secondly, the victim will mysteriously lose all desire and motivation to complete or even perform their job. Depending on the level of witchcraft attacks projected against them, they can also experience frequent forgetfulness, inability to focus or concentrate, and mysteriously lose their train of thought in the middle of a conversation or even presentation. Even more surprising is that the more the victim attempts to recall their ideas, the more it becomes impossible to remember what they want to say next. So, how can a person determine if the witchcraft attacks are reserved just for their workstation or the entire workplace? If the victim only experiences sleepiness at their workstation but not at any other workplace section. Then, it is clear that the witchcraft point of contact would be invisible or visible at their workstation. Of course, suppose the victim were to relocate to another section of the workplace and continue to experience sleepiness. In that case, it can be concluded that the entire property is cursed by witchcraft.
Now, here is where it becomes pretty fascinating. While the victims would have difficulties staying awake at their workplace, amazingly (again, depending on the level of witchcraft attack), they have problems going to sleep at their residence. Yet, the victim is unaware of the spirit of insomnia projected in their life. So the victim will experience tiredness and every other sign that they want to sleep but, for some strange reason, cannot sleep. The idea of such witchcraft attacks is to frustrate and fatigue the victim. To further prove that the victim is being attacked spiritually by witchcraft. The victim will be overwhelmed by dreams where they are chased in their dreams, fighting, swimming, or flying in their dreams. Again, depending on the level of witchcraft attacks, the victim would have repeated dreams where they're either being fed in their dreams, eating in their dreams, or being chased by dogs or strange animals. Nightly nightmares would be expected for them at this point in the victim's life.
It's essential to be aware of the potential for seemingly innocent objects such as necklaces, souvenirs, plants, and unusual scents to negatively affect the workplace. Malicious individuals may use these items to harm specific coworkers, leading to physical symptoms like frequent accidents, strange sickness, headaches, and confusion that can impact job performance.
The victim's illness will escalate to strange pains in their body and discoloration of their skin, especially their face. The victim will begin to age rapidly and slowly lose mobility, such as walking with assistance such as a walker or cane. Despite this person's many visits to the Doctor, their Doctor will be left baffled because the apparent debilitating condition of this person does not match the opposing medical test results conducted on the victim.
Therefore, if you are or have experienced unusual sleepiness while on your job, especially if there was nothing to warrant this strange sleepiness. Then, more than likely, there is witchcraft in your workplace. If you are not a Christian or someone standing in the gap for you in prayer, then more than likely, the one sending the attacks will succeed in the attacks against you. Secondly, if you're a Christian experiencing all the signs mentioned above. Then it is clear that you have unconfessed sin in your life because, according to the rules of spiritual warfare, a curse cannot descend upon you unless there is a reason, Proverbs 26:2! To be clear, the unconfessed sin in your life could be the reason for the success of these attacks. Unconfessed sin is not limited to the victim but also their ancestors. As a result of the ancestor's unconfessed sins, iniquities, and transgressions, it has opened spiritual doors that provided legal, spiritual attacks on future generations. Of course, direct sin would be an active sin in the Believer's life that has not been addressed via confession and repentance.
"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead.
Deuteronomy 18:10-11
Written by: Kevin L A Ewing
Journey into God's word was created and designed specifically to go beyond the surface of the word of God. It is my belief that there is an abundance of revelation that's hidden waiting to be discovered. Join me, as we unveil the secrets together.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Sunday, January 6, 2019
The Churches Of Grand Bahama are under Severe Spiritual Attack
This is a clarion call to all Pastors of Grand Bahama. The
enemy is not outside your ministry but deeply rooted within.
Their assignment is to attack all pastors’ wives and their children while gradually working their evil into the congregation!
Again, the group that's doing this is not on the outside of the church. Unfortunately, most of them have been ordained, authorized and positioned by their pastors. These folks have set up evil altars in your churches to facilitate their well-orchestrated evil, particularly that of strange sicknesses, such as cancers, unexplained swellings about the body, strange odors that only the pastor's wives can smell, etc. In some of the advanced cases, it would appear as if the pastor's wives are losing their minds, talking out of their heads and doing strange things that they would never engage in under normal circumstances. In other cases, the pastor's wives act as if their husbands are their greatest enemy and become rebellious and defiant to their husbands to the point of becoming physically abusive. As a reminder, there are spirits behind these activities that are projected from evil altars unknowing to the pastors. The pulpits and altars of the church are familiar places where witchcraft tokens can clearly be discovered, such as pennies, strange balled up human hair, bottles with certain liquids, photos or concoctions in them pieces of paper with the pastor's name or family names written on them multiple times. In other cases, you will discover strange drawing at the rear of church benches that would appear as if kids were writing or drawing on them. Instead, these are all strategic points of contact to set confusion, sickness, poverty and the like in that church.
According to the word of the lord, the witches and warlock covens of Grand Bahama implemented this evil strategy against the pastor's wives and children years ago, with the collective understanding that if you smite the Shepard, the sheep will scatter. Unfortunately, our Christian community has been influenced by these wolves in sheep clothing to dismiss the notion and awareness of witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, and other occultist activity all of advancing their evil agenda. However, these workers of iniquity who were ignorantly ordained by their leaders that walked by sight and not faith, bullied and undermined their way to the top of their churches only to have proximity to the leaders of those churches to execute their overall plan against the Pastor's family. The more common position that they aspire would be the office of prophet or prophetess of the church, where they have the ear of the pastor. The reason why this position is so coveted by these evil workers is that they get the opportunity to execute their primary reason for occupying the post and that is to make demonic prophecies. For example, many of their so-called prophecies are negative such as, God is revealing to them an increase in cancer in the church, and an increase in job losses, etc. they would usually smooth it off by adding that God is allowing this because of the people's disobedience. The reality is once anyone accepts this evil prophecy the principle of an agreement is still valid and as such what they have said will come to pass, but make no mistake these are evil prophecies directly from the kingdom of darkness and not from God!
If we were to analytically review the churches on Grand Bahama from a physical and spiritual perspective, you would immediately notice the attacks of sicknesses initially, along with unexplained mental conditions levied on the pastor's wives. In some cases, the wives met an early grave. Additionally, the attacks were not limited to the wives of the pastor's but viciously continued in the lives of their children. Secondly, you will notice the division and subsequent splitting of members who eventually form their own churches only to repeat the same process all over again. Thirdly the fall in membership and lastly the financial impact it has had both personally among the pastor's families and by extension their ministries. It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that something is spiritually wrong!
The primary weapon of choice that has proven to be hugely successful in this demonically composed exercise to disgrace the church is the weapon of "IGNORANCE."
As scripture has clearly and repeatedly advised us the believers of Jesus Christ, "We perish because of a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. Again, as long as the pastors downplay or dismiss the reality of witchcraft and sorcery by not educating themselves and members, then the reality is they have become co-conspirators of their own demise. Again, the enemy is not outside, instead, the enemy is within the house of God sitting comfortably carrying out their evil plans with the co-operation of those spiritual leaders who make their assessments or judgments from a physical perspective while being spiritually blind to the spiritual slaughter right in their midst. Grand Bahama, please awake from your sleep in particular pastors who most have been bewitched and are unable to discern the wolves around them. The Apostle Paul said to the church of Galatians who have had similar circumstances, "O foolish Galatians, who have "BEWITCHED" you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth and crucified among you" Galatians 3:1. The word bewitched used in the text is a witchcraft term which means to place someone under a spell, charm or to mislead.
The solution my friend is that the pastors must repent asking God forgiveness for making priority their agenda over God's plan while at the same time elevating members that will submit to the pastors as opposed to carrying out the will of God. Secondly, they must ask God to amplify their spirit of discernment and abandon being led by their feelings. And lastly asking God to give them the spiritual ability to pick Genuine men and women of God to engage in a genuine seven (7) day fast praying specifically against evil altars of witchcraft, disorder, sickness, poverty while asking God to release these workers of iniquity into the vengeance of God because it is ultimately God that's responsible for levying vengeance upon our enemies and not us according to Romans 12:19-20.
Written by: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Understanding Protocols To Breakthrough
It is natural for individuals to long for a significant breakthrough in their lives and resorts to prayer to obtain it. However, one may question whether prayer alone is sufficient for God to fulfill their request.
The word of God serves as His law. If we ask something of God, He will always guide us toward following His law to fulfill our request. Dismissing His laws that enable us to achieve His provision would be interpreted as, "I want Your provisions, but I want You to do it my way."
The word of God serves as His law. If we ask something of God, He will always guide us toward following His law to fulfill our request. Dismissing His laws that enable us to achieve His provision would be interpreted as, "I want Your provisions, but I want You to do it my way."
According to Proverbs 11:24, those who give will receive an increase, and Luke 6:38 states that if we give, we will receive in return. Of course, these are Biblical principles of life. If you have been praying for a financial turnaround and to be blessed abundantly so that you never have to experience unfortunate circumstances again. In that case, these laws may be worth considering.
After your morning prayer, do you find it interesting how people reach out to you for help with their needs? What is even more interesting is your dismissal of these folks who are in need, yet you repeatedly request that God meet your needs. What about your friend you saw on social media with a "GoFundMe" account seeking help for medical financial assistance? Yet you scroll past without ever considering to help. Don't you realize by now that these were opportunities for you to engage the laws of God to release your breakthrough? This is why Scripture insists that we not only hear the word but also act upon it if we desire to see God's promises materialize in our lives, James 1:22-25.
The lesson that can be gleaned from this understanding is that while it is acceptable to beseech God for a financial breakthrough, it is also crucial to adhere to His divine laws to witness our prayers' manifestation. Simply put, it is not enough to merely ask for help; one must also try to live by God's laws to receive His blessings. To make it plain and straightforward, "WE. MUST HELP OTHERS SO THAT GOD CAN HELP US."
Regarding the above scenario, God wants us to pray, but he also wants us to participate in his law. I promise that if you ask God for financial assistance, you will receive a call or a request from someone seeking aid. This is not a coincidence. Instead, it is the same God you've been begging for a breakthrough. In fact, he heard you from the first time you made your request. He sent your answer to the person who solicited you for some spear change. Had you given it to them, it would have been the protocol for releasing your financial breakthrough? Again, the law says, "Give and it "SHALL" be given." The law further states, "If you give, you "SHALL" increase.
Your breakthrough has been delayed because you haven't been giving. Remember, faith without works is dead. Now that you've prayed, fasted, joined hands in agreement, and so on. Now, it's time to finally practice the laws of God that will ultimately release His promises.
Kevin L A Ewing
Sunday, August 27, 2017
A greater revelation concerning the spirit of poverty
Dreams Revealing The Spirit Of Poverty
Throughout my interactions with numerous individuals, a recurring concern that arises is their inability to comprehend why their diligently acquired possessions tend to elude them. Often, these individuals approach me with a plea to offer up prayers on their behalf, requesting that they be bestowed with financial abundance and liberty.
Before I go into today's teaching, I want you to know that experiencing financial losses does not necessarily mean you need a miraculous economic intervention. Instead, the root of your problem may lie that you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. This spirit is responsible for sabotaging your spiritual blessings, preventing them from manifesting as physical blessings. It is not that God has not blessed you; instead, you may be unaware of the presence of this spirit that is consuming your spiritual blessings and hindering your physical blessings.
According to scripture, God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Everything is already in place to succeed in all areas of our lives, including our finances. Satan and his demons are spirits who understand spiritual laws and know that the spirit realm is the origin of all things. Therefore, if they can disrupt or misplace your spiritual blessings, it will result in physical losses.
Specific dreams indicate you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. These dreams reveal how the enemy is stealing from you spiritually, leading to real-life financial losses.
If you often dream of walking barefoot or wearing worn-out clothing or shoes, it could signify a spiritual attack from the spirit of poverty. Additionally, dreams, where you or others are constantly begging or seeking financial assistance could indicate that poverty has infiltrated all areas of your life. I'd like you to please take note of these dreams, as they may reveal more profound issues.
Dreams, where you are shopping or spending money lavishly, indicate that this spirit influences you to spend your money foolishly and wastefully. The consequences of such dreams can be seen when a person struggles to account for their spending and has nothing to show for their transactions.
Some dreams may appear promising on the surface but, when analyzed spiritually, reveal that the enemy is robbing you of your financial blessings and causing economic losses. For example, dreams of owning luxury items like private jets, luxury cars, or mansions, especially when financially struggling. It may seem like a sign of impending wealth. However, these dreams indicate that the enemy is influencing you to spend beyond your means, leading to financial difficulties and obligations that prevent you from enjoying any increase in your future finances.
Dreams of selling your possessions or finding strangers in your home. In that case, it may be an impending financial ruin, such as foreclosure or the loss of valuable assets that would be difficult to recover from financially where you cannot access a bank or when the bank is closed, symbolizing financial blockages and restrictions. The manifestation of such dreams would be when people owe you money but cannot pay, or you cannot collect on a financial settlement or judgment.
If you dream of losing money from your wallet, purse, or bag, or if you hide money in a dream and it goes missing when you try to retrieve it, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is involved in projects that will not yield any returns. Missing money in dreams signifies that this spirit is stealing your spiritual and financial blessings, preventing them from manifesting in your life.
Dreams, where your finances are withheld or delayed, signify a delay in your real-life finances. For example, suppose you dream of being at an ATM machine and it malfunctions, or the power goes out when you try to withdraw money. In that case, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is delaying or hindering your spiritual finances, which will result in financial losses if not addressed.
Dreams of rats, cockroaches, and missing properties also indicate the presence of the spirit of poverty in your life. Dreams where money is stolen, or you find yourself picking up cash, coins, silver, or gold suggest the influence of a pauper spirit supervised by a ruling spirit of poverty.
If someone gives you money in a dream, be cautious and discerning. While some dreams of receiving money may indicate a genuine financial increase, others can be deceptive. If the person giving you money is someone you do not know or is an enemy in reality, it is an evil dream, and the money represents cursed finances. Similarly, if the money is old, dirty, torn, or a mixture of foreign currency, it signifies confusion and disorder in your finances. These dreams require immediate spiritual resistance and cancellation upon waking.
Suppose you experience repetitive dreams related to these financial losses. In that case, it is essential to engage in fasting, as led by the Holy Spirit, and pray with relevant scriptures to break the curse of poverty over your life. Scriptures such as Philippians 4:19, Psalm 115:14, and Deuteronomy 28:12 can be used to declare God's provision and blessings in your finances.
Based on spiritual laws, the spirit of poverty can only access your life through a covenant. Unfortunately, most folks are of these evil agreements. Therefore, renouncing and revoking any evil demonic covenants in your life, whether generational curses or established through dreams, is crucial. Ask God to reinstate His original plan for your life, particularly in your finances, in the name of Jesus Christ.
It is crucial to keep in mind that the meaning of dream symbols can be influenced by factors such as one's cultural background, profession, lifestyle, and religion. Therefore, relying solely on the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction is essential when interpreting them.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Throughout my interactions with numerous individuals, a recurring concern that arises is their inability to comprehend why their diligently acquired possessions tend to elude them. Often, these individuals approach me with a plea to offer up prayers on their behalf, requesting that they be bestowed with financial abundance and liberty.
Before I go into today's teaching, I want you to know that experiencing financial losses does not necessarily mean you need a miraculous economic intervention. Instead, the root of your problem may lie that you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. This spirit is responsible for sabotaging your spiritual blessings, preventing them from manifesting as physical blessings. It is not that God has not blessed you; instead, you may be unaware of the presence of this spirit that is consuming your spiritual blessings and hindering your physical blessings.
According to scripture, God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Everything is already in place to succeed in all areas of our lives, including our finances. Satan and his demons are spirits who understand spiritual laws and know that the spirit realm is the origin of all things. Therefore, if they can disrupt or misplace your spiritual blessings, it will result in physical losses.
Specific dreams indicate you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. These dreams reveal how the enemy is stealing from you spiritually, leading to real-life financial losses.
If you often dream of walking barefoot or wearing worn-out clothing or shoes, it could signify a spiritual attack from the spirit of poverty. Additionally, dreams, where you or others are constantly begging or seeking financial assistance could indicate that poverty has infiltrated all areas of your life. I'd like you to please take note of these dreams, as they may reveal more profound issues.
Dreams, where you are shopping or spending money lavishly, indicate that this spirit influences you to spend your money foolishly and wastefully. The consequences of such dreams can be seen when a person struggles to account for their spending and has nothing to show for their transactions.
Some dreams may appear promising on the surface but, when analyzed spiritually, reveal that the enemy is robbing you of your financial blessings and causing economic losses. For example, dreams of owning luxury items like private jets, luxury cars, or mansions, especially when financially struggling. It may seem like a sign of impending wealth. However, these dreams indicate that the enemy is influencing you to spend beyond your means, leading to financial difficulties and obligations that prevent you from enjoying any increase in your future finances.
Dreams of selling your possessions or finding strangers in your home. In that case, it may be an impending financial ruin, such as foreclosure or the loss of valuable assets that would be difficult to recover from financially where you cannot access a bank or when the bank is closed, symbolizing financial blockages and restrictions. The manifestation of such dreams would be when people owe you money but cannot pay, or you cannot collect on a financial settlement or judgment.
If you dream of losing money from your wallet, purse, or bag, or if you hide money in a dream and it goes missing when you try to retrieve it, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is involved in projects that will not yield any returns. Missing money in dreams signifies that this spirit is stealing your spiritual and financial blessings, preventing them from manifesting in your life.
Dreams, where your finances are withheld or delayed, signify a delay in your real-life finances. For example, suppose you dream of being at an ATM machine and it malfunctions, or the power goes out when you try to withdraw money. In that case, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is delaying or hindering your spiritual finances, which will result in financial losses if not addressed.
Dreams of rats, cockroaches, and missing properties also indicate the presence of the spirit of poverty in your life. Dreams where money is stolen, or you find yourself picking up cash, coins, silver, or gold suggest the influence of a pauper spirit supervised by a ruling spirit of poverty.
If someone gives you money in a dream, be cautious and discerning. While some dreams of receiving money may indicate a genuine financial increase, others can be deceptive. If the person giving you money is someone you do not know or is an enemy in reality, it is an evil dream, and the money represents cursed finances. Similarly, if the money is old, dirty, torn, or a mixture of foreign currency, it signifies confusion and disorder in your finances. These dreams require immediate spiritual resistance and cancellation upon waking.
Suppose you experience repetitive dreams related to these financial losses. In that case, it is essential to engage in fasting, as led by the Holy Spirit, and pray with relevant scriptures to break the curse of poverty over your life. Scriptures such as Philippians 4:19, Psalm 115:14, and Deuteronomy 28:12 can be used to declare God's provision and blessings in your finances.
Based on spiritual laws, the spirit of poverty can only access your life through a covenant. Unfortunately, most folks are of these evil agreements. Therefore, renouncing and revoking any evil demonic covenants in your life, whether generational curses or established through dreams, is crucial. Ask God to reinstate His original plan for your life, particularly in your finances, in the name of Jesus Christ.
It is crucial to keep in mind that the meaning of dream symbols can be influenced by factors such as one's cultural background, profession, lifestyle, and religion. Therefore, relying solely on the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction is essential when interpreting them.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Good morning, family, friends, and followers. As usual, many dreams are sent to me for interpretation on an ongoing basis. However, my attention was drawn to another Facebook friend whose recent dream I thought would be not only a teachable moment but also exposing how intense things are spiritually and why we need to become more serious about our faith.
Dream by: Telecia Dawson
I had a dream. It was night time. I saw people walking around and hanging out, minding their own business. As I looked up, I saw a flood of gorillas fall from the sky on the earth. In complete darkness, they were attacking and killing the people who didn't have a flashlight light. I heard the screams and cried for help. I was able to save some of the people with my flashlight. But I couldn't save them all. End. We are living in the last days. A new level of demons released on the earth. Armor up. People of God let your light shine!!!! My God. Not enough lights shining. Only light can get rid of darkness.
My Interpretation:
Very Interesting dream Telecia Dawson, and I must say that your interpretation is on point! Your dream started off where you were observing people moving about, hanging out minding their own business. This portion of your dream would be symbolic of everyday life for folks, and they're completely unaware of what is about to happen next as it relates to things of the spirit world. The next part of your dream, you said that you looked up and observed a flood of Gorillas falling from the sky on the earth. Of course, this section of the dreams is revealing that God has a) Given you spiritual insight (Prophecy) of events pending for our world, which is in line with Amos 3:7, which states that God will not allow anything on the earth unless he reveals the secrets to his Prophets first. So b) clearly, you're one of those Prophets God has chosen to show things from the spirit world that's pending for our natural world. The next part of your dream, you said that in complete darkness these Gorillas were attacking and killing the people that did not have a flash light.
This section of the dream is solemn because the darkness represents two things in this dream and they are 1) Ignorance and 2) Wickedness. Additionally, the folks with the flash light would be symbolic of Christians. The Bible clearly states that we the Believers of Jesus Christ are the light of the world, Matthew 5:14. So in essence, the Gorillas which represents a greater level and power of demonic infestation will be released spiritually to attack those that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ (of course these would be the ones without flashlights).
The tragedy for these folks will increase tremendously along with great wickedness, but the folks without flashlights will be ignorant to the fact that the source of their calamities is of a well calculated spiritual nature. Now here is where your dream becomes even more interesting and why it should be taken seriously. You said that you hear screams and cries for help and that you were able to save some with your flash light but you were unable to save all.
Amazingly, this part of your dream is not only revealing the level of demonic activity but also some demonic spirits that are pending to be released. The scriptures inform us, the Believers that one of us are able to put 1000 to flight and two of us would be able to put 10,000 to flight. Of course, this represents the spiritual power of unity and our ability to challenge quite a large number of demonic forces at one time. It is also revealing the fact that there were more folks without flash lights as opposed to those that did have flash lights. Again, this is a reflection of Biblical prophecy when Jesus said in Luke 10:2, "Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest." I strongly suggest you engage in a fast seeking God for more detail and also to increase the workers.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
A teachable moment
It is always my desire to share the spiritual knowledge that God
has blessed me with. I am also tremendously blessed when I read the many testimonies
of so many of you that have actually made my teachings practical and have
witnessed the life changing result of those lessons.
As usual, there are some dreams that I single out as teachable
moments that I felt would be a benefit as you seek to gain more spiritual
insight. The dream below is just another one of them:
Dream by Cathryn Mouzone:
My dream was that the gorillas were in a battle with huge birds
look to me to be the Phoenix if I spelled that right. And I also keep dreaming
of the statue of liberty falling on her head out of the sky on to the lawn of
the white house in a lot a lot of snow
My Interpretation:
Fascinating dream, that as usual revealing much spiritual insight
and revelation concerning everyday mysteries. You mentioned that you saw
Gorillas in battle with Phoenix birds. Now, to the average person, such a dream
could seem insignificant. However, once we apply spiritual principles, we are
not only better able to understand such a dream but also what our response
should be as a result of the understanding gained from the dream. Your dream is
explicitly revealing two types of demonic spiritual orders fighting for
supremacy in your life. For example, the Phoenix could represent a generational
curse while the Gorillas would represent demonic spiritual orders of
manipulation, this would usually come about as a result of witchcraft being
projected at you. Combating such spiritual warfare would require fasting incorporated
with your prayers.
As it relates to the statue of liberty falling on her head, we
must again focus on the symbol of the statue of liberty, which represents
FREEDOM! Therefore, Observing the statue of Liberty falling on her head would
either be pointing to restrictions on freedom or and end of freedom altogether
for America. Secondly, because the statue fell on the lawn of the white house,
it is representing that those restrictions will be instituted by your
Government. The white snow symbolizes a time of “coldness” meaning there will
be no compassion or sensitivity towards the people by the government. This
could be considered the epitome of spiritual wickedness in high places. PRAY
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
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