Saturday, December 24, 2011

What does it mean; God will not put more on us than we can bear?

Every challenge that we face, which seems to have no solution, would always appear to be more than we can bear, particularly when all answers seem exhausted. When reading the above topic, which is quoted so frequently. I wonder if those quoting it consider who is responsible for giving this load to bear. Could all human beings have assigned burdens to challenge them at different seasons of their lifetime? Nevertheless, a spiritual understanding of why God allowed this load to be placed on us would be necessary to understand how better it is to bear it. The truth is that whatever load we are carrying, we're not shouldering it physically. For example, the unexpected death of a loved one; I am sure you are not physically taking that deceased loved one across your shoulders every day, right? Therefore the load must be of a spiritual and emotional nature that has placed that person in such a depressed grieving state that it seems impossible to shake off. Again, burdens are carried by our spirit and not our physical being. Even though our physical being can show evidence of carrying a load. Let us see how God requires us to deal with it. Whenever God addresses man, it is always initiated by spiritual things; why you ask? Well, let's look back at creation related to man's makeup. According to Genesis 2:7, when God, a spirit (John 4:24), breathed into the nostrils of this physical man he made from the earth's dust (which became man's flesh), he became a living soul. The word soul in this text comes from the Hebrew word "Nephesh," which means spirit. It is understandable why our flesh would quickly fail us and not maintain peace of mind when facing life's difficulties and unchangeable circumstances. Our flesh was not designed to sustain what our spirits were made to carry. Someone is facing the most tremendous burden or trial of their life. Their flesh superseded the authority of their spirit by whispering to their spirit the following, "it isn't worth it," "You should commit suicide." "Just give up," "Life is meaningless." "I wish I was never born," "you must not forgive." My friend, these are all signs that your spirit is not in control. In fact, the weakest part of your triune being is in control, which is your flesh. During the Apostle Paul's time, the Galatians church was experiencing problems (flesh ruling spirit). The Apostle Paul had to say to them of this all too common problem to clarify how we comprehend the term "God will not put more on us than we can bear. To dismiss what our flesh is trying to make a reality to us from a negative standpoint, we must instead "Walk in the spirit (the term walk in the spirit is to literally live what the word of God is saying to you), and we SHALL NOT fulfill the lust or desire of our flesh. Paul said that during life's inevitable challenging days, be it the unexpected loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or even a dissolved relationship. So, isn't it clear what we must do? So we would not succumb to the negativity our flesh dictates to our spirit? Therefore when God allows these seemingly unbearable burdens to be placed on us. He never intended us to bear it physically because we will always fail physically. It would still seem too great, and 2) The more difficult it becomes, he requires us to dig relentlessly in his word so that we would not fulfill what our weak flesh demands, which is ninety-nine percent negative or against the will of God. Based on this understanding, we must conclude that THE WORD OF GOD PRACTICED IS THE ONLY GENUINE ANTIDOTE TO OUR BURDENS AND LOADS! The Apostle Paul advised what walking in the Spirit of God's word would produce if we're walking in it during our assigned times of heavy burdens. I mention the phrase assigned times because every human being will eventually have to walk this lonely road. Paul said, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law Galatians 5:22-23. My friend, with these results of walking in the spirit, it is impossible not to be able to bear the load that you've been ordained to carry if you're walking to the spiritual protocols of God! Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The science of a prophetic word!

Have you ever Wondered, why is it that whenever you are given a prophetic word it seems as if all hell breaks loose? Better yet, whatever it is that was prophesied to you it would appear as if you're currently experiencing the opposite.

I want to share with you this evening the understanding as to why this happens and to further educate you that this is not happening by chance, accident or even coincidence. However, it is indeed a confirmation that the word spoken to you prophetically is not only true, but the beginning of the process of the manifestation of that prophetic word

The bible says to us in Genesis 37:8, that Joseph’s brothers hated him yet the more for his dreams, AND FOR HIS WORDS”

Please, I want to pull your attention to the phrase “his words”. “His words” would be the dream that Joseph shared with his brothers, which they interpreted that spoke about his future, and because it was revealed via the dream it can now be labeled a prophetic word.

Now, the spiritual implication behind the manifestation of a prophetic word is revealed in the following scripture. “Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him”, Psalm 105:19. In this passage of scripture king David whom I believe is the author of this scripture is speaking about Joseph. Yes! This same Joseph whom his brother hated him for his dreams and HIS WORDS.

Here is the revelation; according to this scripture it is clearly telling us that UNTIL THE APPOINTED TIME OF THAT PROPHETIC WORD TO BE MANIFESTED INTO JOSEPHS’ LIFE, THE WORD OF GOD TRIED HIM! The word tried means to test or challenge, BUT AS YOU WOULD HAVE READ IT WAS GOD DOING THIS!

So, for those of you that are frustrated and confused about the prophetic word that has been spoken over your life. Make no mistake, from the time that word was spoken until the reality of that word comes to pass. It is God himself, not the Devil that is testing, trying and conditioning you via your adversities all in an attempt to prepare you for the manifestation.

As I mentioned earlier, the evidence of the reality of that word, is everything in your life is traveling in the opposite direction of that spoken word or your whole world has turned upside down.

Heavenly father my prayer is simple this evening and that is LET THERE BE LIGHT UNTO YOUR PEOPLE in Jesus name. Amen!

Written by: Kevin LA Ewing

Exchanging of Spiritual Burdens

Purpose = original intent or reason for creation.

It's essential to not let anything you don't understand go unmastered. Ignorance of its purpose can lead to it mastering you instead.

To properly study the Bible, it's essential to understand what's being communicated, to whom it's directed, and why it's being said. The words of God contain laws and principles, so comprehending their purpose is critical to engaging in spiritual warfare with a clear understanding of how to apply them.

 The following Scripture I have provided below is evidence of how a Christian can be spirit filled but "LIMITED" because they're unaware of the spiritual rules of engagement. Again, what we fail to master will eventually rule or master us.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that "HIS" burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and "HIS" yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing" Isaiah 10:27.

The words burden and yoke are defined as carrying a load or difficult weight. A device attached to the neck of an animal or person to oppress, burden, or enslave. The revelation in this Scripture, my friend, is that these burdens and yokes you've been carrying were NEVER YOURS!

This Scripture is clear, and that the initial purpose of your Anointing is to destroy HIS yoke (the burden and yoke the enemy has convinced us was ours that he has deceitfully placed upon us). Worries, fears, anxieties, panic attacks, insanity, poverty, broken homes, failure, and the like are burdens and yokes; the Devil has bamboozled us into receiving them as our personal burden and yoke.

It's important to understand that simply believing in Jesus Christ is not enough to gain knowledge of spiritual rules, laws, and principles. This requires your full attention and dedication to studying the word of God. As Scripture reminds us, we must study to show ourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). Spiritual wisdom is not automatically given to us. We must work to receive it. As James 4:2 says, "You have not because you ask not." Hosea 4:6 also reminds us that a lack of knowledge can lead to destruction. By studying and implementing God's principles, we can activate the weapons we need for spiritual warfare. Many of our challenges stem from spiritual ignorance, but as we study the scriptures, we can better understand how the Devil exploits this ignorance.

I would love for you to join me in taking Jesus up on His offer when He said. "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light Matthew 11:29-30

Heavenly Father, I pray in Jesus Christ's name that you will enlighten your people's understanding through your word and inspire them to confidently, boldly, and precisely follow your laws. Additionally, I pray that you remove any scales from their eyes that prevent them from seeing things hidden due to their lack of knowledge in Jesus. Amen.

Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is there a prescription for distraction?

Distraction: to disturb or trouble greatly in mind; to draw the attention of (a person) away from something. Also to disrupt the attention of someone, preventing the ability to focus or concentrate. 

With the above meaning in mind, there are so many of you reading this right now that have become greatly distracted. It has become almost impossible to remain focus on anything or give the important things in your life the attention that it needs.

My friends I want to inform you tonight that you are not dealing with the definition of a word, instead your adversary is that of a spiritual nature, WHICH IS THE SPIRIT OF DISTRACTION! The average person has been faced with this nasty spirit but have adapted to it because of its subtle nature. The following signs will conclude if you are indeed oppressed by this spirit.

Have you been feeling overwhelmed, easily confused, the simplest things seem so hard, frustration and fatigue seems to be the order of the day, extremely impatient particular if you have to wait in a line or in traffic? What about uncontrollable anger, to the point of exhaustion when you would have calmed down. Then finally a sudden and intense feeling of depression and uncontrollable crying that follows? My friend’s make no mistake; if you are experiencing these symptoms then you are clearly being tormented by the spirit of distraction whose ultimate goal is to disable you mentally. 

Well tonight I have come equip with the spirit of the lord to bring you spiritual and physical relief. Firstly, we are in fact dealing with a spirit, therefore in order to defeat a spirit we need spiritual weapons. So what are the spiritual weapons made available to us? Well, Jesus said that the words that he speak, they are SPIRIT AND LIFE, John 6:63.  

If the words that Jesus speaks are spirit, then clearly it is these words that we need to fight these evil spirits with. So far we understand that God's word is spirit, right? So, where is the proof in the bible that his words can heal our minds from this spirit of distraction? I am happy that you asked, scripture says, "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction, Psalms 107:20. Wow! Does this mean that this word can heal my mind from this spirit of distraction and my in ability to focus? YES! Do I use any scripture? No! You must use specific scriptures that relates to your healing.

So, for all of you having challenges in your mind with this spirit repeat the following scriptures everyday to yourself or out loud even now,

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee", Isaiah 26:3 and also, "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them, Psalm 119:165. Search the bible for all scriptures relating to your mind, one of my favorites, “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and SOUNDNESS OF MIND.

As you repeat these scriptures begin to visualize in your mind the word acting as a sword, because that is exactly what it's doing according to scripture in the spirit realm as you SPEAK THE WORD!, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, Hebrews 4:12. I promise you, just be patient and you will experience your ability to regain your focus and mental stability. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER KEY FROM THE KEYS YOU’VE BIN GIVEN TO THE KINGDOM, BE FREE! 

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing 

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Power To Exceed!

It is always God's desire to exceed our highest expectation. Whatever it is that you're believing God for, HE WANTS TO EXCEED YOUR GREATEST DESIRE! The word exceed is defined as going beyond the limits of what is allowed or permitted. However, for this to happen, God certainly needs your full corporation. What do you mean, Kevin?

Well, scripture tells us that God will do exceedingly abundantly, and above all that we could ask or think ACCORDING to the power that works in us. Again, exceedingly means going beyond a determine mark or position, to go beyond the limits. Abundantly, on the other hand, means to be richly supplied or having something in great quantity. So far, we see that God wants to exceed our desires. However, the scripture goes on to identify our part by using the word "ACCORDING." The word according is defined as being in agreement or in harmony with someone or something.

Scripture further states, "according to the power that works in us," Now what is this power that the Apostle Paul speaks of? Well according to the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16, he says, that he is not ashamed of the GOSPEL (The good news or the word of God) for it is the POWER unto salvation.

Let's bring it all together. God, who wants to take us beyond our limits, will not perform the exceedingly, abundantly and the above all that we could ask or think unless we are in agreement with his word, which is the power that resides in us. This simply means we must agree with his word, for example, "The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children" Psalm 115:14. Do you believe this word, are you behaving and speaking as if this word has already happened, do you repeat this word when you see the opposite of this word taking place in your life? Well, this is the understanding of the word working in us.

As proof of this revelation, Jesus said, "If ye abide in me and my WORD/POWER abides in you ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. The key to this remarkable revelation is the fact that God will not respond to your tears, situation, or challenge...... HE RESPONDS TO HIS WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, here are the keys to not only getting your prayers answered quickly but to exceed your highest expectation:

1) Search the scriptures as it relates to your challenges and give God back his word as it relates to those challenges. As an example, you are praying to God for a debt-free home, well his word says, "I will give you houses you did not build, I will give you land that you did not labor for, Deuteronomy 6:11 and Joshua 24:13. Make your request to God and support your request with his word, which is the evidence that he will do what he has said.

2) Now conclude your prayer, by asking God to exceed whatever you are asking for. If you are asking for wisdom, don't just ask for wisdom ask him to exceed the wisdom that you presently have, ask him to exceed the love in your heart, ask him to exceed your love for others, ask him to exceed your knowledge and understanding and most of all exceed your joy in the midst of whatever is challenging you emotionally.

Heavenly Father, we believe your word, and we come in agreement with your servant king David who said, “Thy word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. It is my prayer, Father, that your word will break down every barrier that has caused your people to feel limited in their walk with you. I decree that as of this day that they will make their request to you with the confidence that you will do exceedingly, abundantly and above all that they could ever ask or think according to your word that works in them. We ask these things in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing 

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'v Made The Decision To Do Things Different Today!

Thank you, Jesus, this is such a wonderful Morning. Friends, I just want to give a little insight on this blessed morning. I mentioned earlier in my statement that this was a wonderful morning. Now, I am aware that many of you would probably believe I said that because I might be feeling good this morning or grateful that God has extended me the gift of life once again, which of course, are all true and good.

However, this morning is even more remarkable for me because I have decided that come what may in or during this day, IT IS A DAY THAT I HAVE DECIDED AND MADE UP IN MY MIND THAT IT IS INDEED WONDERFUL. Friends, we must grab ahold of the understanding that if we depend on our feelings to determine that our days should be excellent, then that tells me that a day can be filled with incredible opportunities and joy. Still, depending on our feelings, it can dictate otherwise. I encourage you to ask God this morning to assist you in abandoning all negative emotions contrary to this beautiful day that he has blessed us with. Ask him to assist you in lining up your thoughts to appreciate and embrace this day despite what may be going on in the life you dislike. The truth is there will always be things going on in your life. So, say to those negative thoughts that are attempting to dictate your day for the negative.................. NOT TODAY!

Do something different today, take a walk on the beach this morning, and begin to pray silently as you walk and just thank God for helping you renew your mind and even maintaining the soundness of your mind. Don't tell him about the problems you've been doing that, and he's fully aware of them. Say to God, please grant me stability in my mind to focus on Him, and then remind Him of his word, which says, "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee." Ok, so maybe you may not be near a beach, jump in your car and drive somewhere you have never gone before. However, while you're driving, put aside your issues for a moment. Begin praying internally or even aloud for others going through problems similar to yours. Consider those things you are going through. Ask God to provide a solution in the lives of those folks you've decided to pray for. Maybe you're on your job, then take a few minutes and walk outside or go to the restroom and just begin to silently pray. Again do not focus on your problems but focus on what you've been missing due to concentrating on your issues, and that is life screaming at you saying, "LIVE, LAUGH, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT, MAKE THE DECISION THAT YOU WILL BE DIFFERENT TODAY."

If you are going through a marital or financial problem, ask God to heal someone else's marriage or finances. Maybe you are unemployed. I strongly encourage you this morning to talk to God and pour your heart out to him with a concentrated effort of praying for someone else who's in the same position as you. I CAN NOT REPEAT IT ENOUGH, AND THAT IS YOU MUST DETERMINE TO BE DIFFERENT TO SEE DIFFERENT! REMEMBER WHAT YOU SOW; YOU WILL MOST CERTAINLY REAP! WHAT YOU MAKE HAPPEN FOR OTHERS, GOD WILL CERTAINLY MAKE HAPPEN FOR YOU………

Lastly, while preparing for work or wherever you have decided to do this morning. Determine right now in your mind that you expect an encounter with God, and even if where you're going, they chose to remain the same and do things, as usual, you must determine YOU WILL BE DIFFERENT BEGINNING WITH THE WAY YOU THINK.


Thank you, Father, for those that have decided to receive your inspired words of encouragement this morning. I pray that in this day, that the spirits of selfishness, pride, arrogance, and every other spirit that's causing these readers to place you on the back burner, to be removed permanently in Jesus' name. Finally, I pray for a renewed mind with positive thoughts that will equal a positive outlook on life despite the negativity around them. Your word says to give thanks in all things. Therefore, I thank you for restoring marriages, restoring financial situations, and every other challenge they might face. Most of all, I give you thanks to every reader of this article who decided to be different in this day in the name of your Son and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why is it so hard to read the bible?

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 2Timothy 3:16.

What an awesome passage of scripture, it has become so difficult for me just to accept the surface of any scripture. It isn't that I don't believe what it says but Scripture being God himself, I am always compelled to think that there is so much more that is being said under the surface of what ever scripture that I may be reading at that particular time. Secondly, scripture is always addressing the spirit of man. Just as food meets the nutritional needs of the human body, likewise the word of God meets the spiritual, nutritional needs of the human spirit.

With that being said, the scripture mentioned above begins by telling us that all, not some, scriptures are given by inspiration of God.  Based on that statement I have to believe that whatever Scripture that pops up in my head or whatever scripture that is repeated into my hearing or understanding IS NEVER EVER BY ACCIDENT OR CHANCE. In fact, the above scripture says that God is the one that has inspired it. What is an inspiration? Well the word inspiration comes from the word inspire. To inspire means to influence or to produce or arouse a feeling or thought. Therefore inspiration from a theological understanding is a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul of someone.

 Now, does God provide inspiration to all men or just Christians? The truth is whether you're a Christian or not reading this article right now, you are in fact being inspired by God. The Manuel of life which is the inspired word of God (The bible) which is also filled with life's solutions, but for some strange reason there is this invisible force that keeps us away from this book but promotes our interest for any other book.  Make up within your mind right now, that when you leave work today or wherever you are, you’ll make it your business that when you arrive at home you will devote at least thirty minutes to reading the bible. I can assure you that someone you haven't seen in a long time will visit you, television will distract you, your kids or spouse will prevent you or tiredness will overtake you. What about this one, do you have difficulty sleeping? Then pick up your bible and observe how sleepy you become. Believe me when I say to you no other book has this effect on the human mind and body. 

 You have to ask yourself, why is it that a book that only has good in it for me just so happens to be the most difficult book in the world to read, and even when afforded the opportunity to read it, it now becomes the most difficult book to understand?.  Someone reading this article right now have experienced the lost of a love one and feel the need to get closer with God through the bible, you’ve said to yourself during the funeral and perhaps even after the funeral, “ I must find time for God before it’s too late” but again finding the time to read or study has become one of the most grueling task ever, why? Well it’s all because there is a real Devil fighting you! And if you don’t believe me then makeup your mind to accomplish any other task after work today and observe how hassle free it becomes when compared to reading the bible.

There is no new revelation here! The Apostle Paul said to the Church of Rome, that he was always challenged with the desire to do good but for the most part would end up doing opposite to the good that he desired or set out to do. However through the inspired revelation of God, Paul discovered that he was apart of a law or principle when he decided to do good. “I find then a law, that when I would do good, evil is present with me, for I delight in the law of God (bible) after the inward man ( his spirit) but I see another law in my members (physical being), warring (fighting) against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members” Romans 7:21-23.

So, as you can see there are forces beyond your physical understanding that are and will do everything within their power to prevent us from being inspired to do God’s will via his Manuel, which is his word. My advice to you my dear readers, now that you have been made aware that there is an opposition against our efforts to read and study the word, ask God to assist you with his Angelic host and his spirit to overcome the distractions of your mind. Also ask God to eradicate your mind of foolish thoughts that will interrupt your thinking process as you read his word and finally ask him to give you the spiritual strength to make your reading habit forming and life changing.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that passes all understanding, secondly, thank you for opening the spiritual eyes of your people and inspiring them with your word that can not return unto you unaccomplished. It is my prayer Father that every opposing spirit of your word that has been successful in disabling your people from reading your word be rendered powerless in the name of Jesus Christ!  I decree and declare over every reader of this article might, power, determination, consistency and an insatiable desire to know more of you via your word without delay, hindrances or procrastination in the matchless name of   Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

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