Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dreaming Of Items Being Buried

According to scripture, God has already secured all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (The spirit
realm), Ephesians 1:3. Understanding this powerful truth will reveal to us how Satan, his demons, and human agents manipulate us in our dreams. They not only hijack what God has begun releasing since our conception regarding our spiritual blessings but, more importantly, how Satan has buried it spiritually and exchanged it with a life of struggles, limitations, and frustrations.

Today, we will look at an aspect of our dreams that, for the most part, can seemingly appear innocent and harmless. Nevertheless, demonic manipulation intentionally makes it seem that way to enable the dreamer to be willing to surrender his spiritual blessings in his dream. Once these spiritual blessings are surrendered in the dream (which is the spirit realm), Satan and his agents, in turn, spiritually bury our destinies, which will automatically pan out an unfulfilled life for the dreamer. As you would have read thus far, the initiation of the dreamer's real-life problems, setbacks, delays, disappointments, etc., all began in his dream, with the dreamer being a co-conspirator to his own demise unknowingly via demonic manipulation.

Today, we will discuss dreams regarding buried destinies. Of course, as you know, when something other than a seed is buried, everything about it ends, meaning no more progress, increase, advancement, etc. However, to clearly understand this significant topic of dreams, I must present you with spiritual principles that govern such situations.

Usually, when the term blessing is used, we gravitate toward understanding physical, tangible, or material things. However, in the first two paragraphs of this article, you would have noticed that the word spiritual was used before the word blessing. In fact, the above scripture also makes this distinction. This also proves my point in my previous articles on dreams; all things (visible and invisible) originate in the spirit realm, meaning all things were once spiritual before they became physical.

Consequently, regarding spiritual laws, our spiritual blessings are released at different times and seasons throughout our lives. Ecclesiastics 3:1, this spiritual principle dictates that there is a time and season for everything, including our spiritual blessing, to be released from the spirit realm to become physical. This also clarifies why someone such as an Atheist who wants nothing to do with God can be successful in his business, have a good family, be given great opportunities, etc. When the reality is you've been serving God faithfully, and it appears as if nothing is happening for you. Well, the truth is, his season of spiritual blessings has been released, which has nothing to do with his beliefs, religion, or salvation. Again, the spiritual law declares this in the following passage of scripture, "For he (God) maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust" Matthew 5:45.

I needed to detail the above understanding to you to illustrate, from a spiritual perspective, how Satan and his agents have mastered this understanding, particularly in our dreams, to prevent us from receiving what has been released from the spirit world by God at its appointed season and time. These released spiritual blessings are pregnant with God's best for our lives at those appointed time of its release. Satan, however, intercepts these spiritual blessings via our dreams with the assistance of our ignorance, of course. Then, spiritually buries them all to secure for us in the natural, defeated lives laced with hardship, misery, limitation, and life almost coming to a complete stop with no evidence or future hope or progress.

Have you had dreams wherein your dream you saw someone burying items belonging to you, such as your photo, clothing, especially items like your panties, men's underwear, bras, shoes, etc? If you have such dreams, then the dream indicates that someone employing witchcraft, which is inclusive of hexes, curses, spells, incantations, and the occult, has buried your destiny. Scripture says that when Cain killed his brother Able, The following punishment was issued to him by God. "And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth" Genesis 4:11-12. The spiritual implication of this scripture as it relates to our dreams suggests that the person who was actually burying your items in the dream was not only placing a curse on you, but the curse was particular. This means that the case of Cain mirrors your situation of someone burying your items on the earth. The ground where you saw your items being buried represents the earth, and your personal belongings represent you.
The action of the ground consuming your personal items represents your destiny being consumed. In essence, it doesn't matter where you travel on this earth. If there is no spiritual intervention) it will be difficult for the earth to be a blessing to you. Scripture plainly says you are cursed from the earth), meaning you will never prosper, never increase, there will be no progress, no opportunities, failed relationships, failed businesses, failed marriages, endless frustration, and confusion. In fact, whomever you decide to connect with, no matter how successful the other party may be, be it in business, relationship, friendship, marriage, or whatever, that union is guaranteed to fail just because of you. They will reject and hate you wherever you go on this earth. Your degrees, connections, education, and religion will have zero value. Just like Cane, you will be spiritually marked and singled out and targeted for unfairness and mistreatment. In fact, scripture goes on to say you will become a vagabond on the earth. The word vagabond is defined as a person wandering from place to place without any settled home. It also means moving about aimlessly with no purpose or goal, like a zombie. The bottom line is that your destiny has been buried.

All of the above happened with your permission because you never saw the need to challenge the dream. You never stopped the person burying your items in the dream, and neither did you cancel and rebuke the dream when you awoke from the dream. As a result, your inability to challenge the dream automatically forged an agreement between the spirit world and our world, which manifested the spiritual implication of what took place in the dream, again, all because you gave no resistance. The spiritual law states, "If we RESIST the Devil, he will flee." Now, do you see why God said that his people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. You thought it was just a silly dream when the truth is while your physical body was asleep, your spirit, which never sleeps, was very much active in the spirit realm, as a result of your spiritual ignorance. The enemy manipulated you by operating under the following spiritual principle. "But while men (the dreamer) slept, his enemy (Satan and his agents) came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way (He hijacked your destiny, spiritually buried it, program you to fail and went his way)" Matthew 13:25.

I recall a good friend telling me of a weird dream he had long ago. His dream began when he was walking at the rear of his property. While walking, he noticed that a particular section of his lawn seemed uneven compared to the rest. As he approached the uneven part,  he realized it was tampered with. He then sat underneath the misplaced section of the lawn, only to discover a whitish figurine with the image of a man and a woman slightly holding each other from a frontal position. The dream ended. I told my friend, "I wish you had told me this dream from the day you had the dream." Well, the dream clearly meant that someone had placed a curse on his marriage, and the curse was specific, which was to zap all life and hope out of their marriage and replace it with utter misery and endless torment. The marriage through demonic manipulation had been program to fail, which is what eventually happened, unfortunately, they're divorce today. Again, it was what they did not know; in his case, what he didn't understand secured their divorce. Oh, did I mention that this was a Christian couple? I mentioned that they were a Christian couple to point out to those reading this, who would say, "Well, maybe they weren't saved and caused their marriage to be exposed to Satan and his agents." My friend, please read what I say to you carefully. If you are ignorant of spiritual laws, protocols, and principles. Then, whether you are a Bishop, the Pope, Reverend Dr. So, and So, or whoever or whatever you may label yourself as, your spiritual ignorance of the laws, rules, protocols, and principles of the spirit world automatically makes you a recipient of Satan's manipulations.

Another person revealed a dream to me that they experienced some time ago. This person told me that they had a dream of being in what appeared to be a small cemetery on a church property. He went on to say that all of the tombs were white in color, and he was lying on one of the tombs, and then his dream ended. I asked the young man if he was prepared for what the interpretation was about to reveal; based on how I said it, he was hesitant to say yes. Nevertheless, I explained to the young man that cemeteries and graveyards represent things that are dead, no life, no activity, everything at a standstill, which clearly spoke directly to his life; him being the one in the graveyard also indicated that he was pretty comfortable in his non-progressing position. The tombs are white in color, white representing righteousness and Holiness. However, because the entire scene is in a graveyard, the dream now indicates that, even though this person represents righteousness, Holiness, and the like from the outside, they are depleted of spiritual knowledge. As a result, the enemy has the advantage over them. Aside from all of this, because the cemetery was located in the churchyard, it now suggests that the church he was attending was spiritually depleted with no life, no progress, no move of God, no spiritual power, etc. The young man confirmed that everything I said was right. This particular dream is clear evidence that maybe your drought has nothing to do with your "season" not showing up as yet but everything to do with you being in a synagogue of devils that has suspended the spiritual blessing of God to be released in the earth for you.

Unlike other dreams, buried destiny dreams will require more than just a simple prayer and cancellation. Because they were left unchallenged, such dreams have spiritually bound their victims by what is referred to in the spirit world as the "bands of wickedness." When one is bound, it automatically dictates limitations and restrictions. In fact, the victim is controlled by a principality that has spiritually robbed them of their spiritual blessings and programmed their victim to a life of hopelessness and confusion. Therefore, those once-released spiritual blessings cannot transition into the earthly realm to be manifested. If this person is a Christian, I can promise you they are one of the most frustrated and bitter Christians on this planet. The reason is that absolutely nothing is happening to them, and they don't know why. This person could sow seed from now to glory, the harvest will come but others will eat of it, and they will never be able to participate in it, strangers and their enemies will occupy what should have been theirs. At this point, their finances are entirely consumed by evil spirits assigned to eat whatever increases and trickles in. Nothing will materialize; even if it does, it's a trickle effect because the source of manifestation, which was the spiritual blessing, has been hijacked and buried. The reality is even though this person is a Christian; their ignorance of spiritual laws has created an open door into their lives for the enemy to curse them via their permission, please read Deut 28:15-25. In such a case, it's not God's fault, and God must abide by his principles because he said he has placed his word (spiritual laws, protocols, and policies) above his name.
Additionally, He's watching over his word (his laws) to perform what he has said. So, for those of you who believe a Christian cannot be operating under a curse, well, clearly, you lack spiritual understanding, and you could currently be operating under a curse yourself. I say to folks all the time that if being a Christian was a cure-all and made us devil-proof, then why would God leave us with an entire Bible filled from back to front with spiritual laws, rules, principles, commands, precepts, and protocols as tools to fight in this ongoing spiritual war?

If you desire to be released from this evil, my friend, then you must go into prayer and fasting. This is what Jesus referred to as "This kind" will only come out via prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:21. This kind represents a higher rank, order, breed, and class; the bottom line is this is not your regular demonic resistance. To break this curse, you must pray the word of God; in fact, your prayer must be saturated with God's word. For example, your prayer should go something like this, "Heavenly Father, your word declares that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Lord, your word declares you have become a curse for me, and the curse is anyone that hangs on a tree; lord, your word further states that through you, I am a seed of Abraham, which makes me an heir to the promises made to Abraham. Lord, like in the days of Noah, I decree a spiritual flood to destroy the forces of darkness that have oppressed me, etc. Now, coupled with your prayers, the power punch in breaking this curse will result from your fasting, and here is why. I said to you earlier that, unlike other dreams, buried destiny dreams will require more than just a simple prayer and cancellation because of the power of this principality ruling over you. Such dreams, because they were left unchallenged, have spiritually bound their victims to such a degree that they have been rewired to the extent that they call wrong right and right wrong. This is referred to in the spirit world as the "bands of wickedness." Scripture tells us that the primary purpose of a fast is to initially accomplish four things. The following scripture explains those four things, but more importantly, please focus on the first thing it says. "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To lose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?" Isaiah 58:6. Your regular without fasting can not achieve this. Even more interesting about this scripture is that the prophet Isaiah is talking to the children of Israel, who were God's people of God…… So why would he give the remedy to break a curse if Believers could not be cursed? Also, do you recall me saying that when a person's destiny has been buried, they automatically become a vagabond with no direction, goals, or ambition? Basically, they're like a Zombie. Well, Isaiah 58:8 says, as a result of this fast, "thy light shall break forth as the morning and thy health shall spring forth speedily and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the lord shall be thy reward, please read the entire chapter for spiritual edification. Basically what is being said in this powerful passage of scripture, is that your light which represents your understanding, will be restored like the morning, accompanied with your health, you will also be restore of your honor and glory all of which was affected due to your destiny being buried.

In closing, my friend, I beg of you to put aside the church performances, pageantry, and pretending to be so spirit-filled when the truth is the devils have you tied up like a pretzel. Study the word of God, find a church that is teaching sound doctrine, and educate yourself about God's spiritual principles and laws. Seed time and harvest, contrary to popular belief, is not the only lesson in the bible. Read, read, and then read some more of the Holy Scriptures until you begin to spiritually vomit it up, seek people that can build you spiritually and who reference the Holy Scriptures and not their opinions. If your place of worship is more concerned about material things rather than spiritual things, then let me be the first to say to you that you are spiritually malnourished and in desperate need of a place to be fed. I will leave you with this, "The power of any oppressor or oppression is our ignorance."

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


  1. Wow, this is so very much power loaded. Thank you Minister Kevin for this insightπŸ™πŸ₯Ί

  2. Very powerful and inspiring... appreciate it sir very informative..

  3. That part!!! Amen Amen Hallelujah

  4. Thank God for the revelation he released through your Minister Kevin.

  5. What a word oh!! Thank you Jesus Christ of Nazareth for Minster Kevin LA Ewing teaching

  6. You are blessed and filled with the word of God, we thank God for you be rest assured we are learning.

  7. Wowwww
    Thank you for this insight.

  8. Thank you Minister Kevin for these insight. I thank Almighty God to have found this app.

  9. Wow!!!Amen Amen Hallelujah πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  10. Amen Amen Hallelujah πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ❤️

  11. Amen with my fasting and praying God is revealing everything to me thank you lord for sending minister Kevin la Ewing

  12. Powerful!And thank you for the insight..Amen

  13. I needed this THANK YOU Minister Ewing, may God's continued blessings be with you always. I would love to meet you sometime in the near future.

  14. Amen Amen Hallelujah πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ❤️

  15. Amen πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ™πŸ½

  16. The Word of God, theWholeTruth! AMENPastor KevinπŸ”₯πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦♥️

  17. These are rare teachings. How I wish I came across your site a long time ago. This is amazing I have told God my life shall not the same ago. My new dawn has come.
    Long live Pastor Kevin.

  18. Amen Amen Hallelujah πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  19. Amen. Thank you God bless you Pastor Kevin and your family.

  20. Pastor Kevin Ewing as I read your messages I begin to understand what went wrong in my life . Basically I am a dreamer and this seems to run in the family. And each one of us has to work 4 times more for success! Little did I know what went wrong in our lives. My eyes are opened now. Thank you Minister Kevin Ewing. You are God sent. I see in you manifestation of 2 Timothy 2:15.

  21. So powerful and timely!! In church my whole life and have gotten more from a blog than the services teaching how to be saved through coming to service after service to honor the pastor! I would be upset about time wasted but I’m in the set time for my deliverance! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! He is the One Who guides us into all Truth! He has set this captive free! Thank You, Jesus for doing all the work!

  22. Thank God for spiritual eyes opening re warfare

  23. Through knowledge the just shall be made free and applying the knowledge..

  24. Amen hallelujah received

  25. Its time for me to get serious.

  26. Now I know and feel relieved. I know why now, no longer stuck, my spiritual blessings will no longer be surrendered. Thank you Yahuauh for Rev. Ewing. You are wonderful❤

  27. There is alot that you have shed light upon my life, may I put all into action for deliverance of my spirit. Thank you alot Man of God and may God continue to bless you more and more as you bless us with the Word. Amen

  28. Amen hallelujah

  29. I had been searching for answers and this has brought much clarity. I thank The God of Heaven for you pastor.

  30. Amen hallelujah received

  31. That's so powerful and eye opening we are so edified thank you Minister Kevin L Selepe from SA

  32. Amen hallelujah received

  33. Amen Amen πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™Œ

  34. Amen Amen Hallelujah yes Lord Jesus Christ of πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ❤️

  35. Amen hallelujah

  36. Amen hallelujah received

  37. I received in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen and Amen πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ❤️

  38. Thank you God for the word

  39. Amen πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™Œ

  40. Amen Amen Hallelujah πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ❤️

  41. So Awesome. Love thisπŸ’•

  42. Amen hallelujah received

  43. Amen hallelujah thanks pastor Kevin

  44. Powerful teaching I'm so edified God bless you Minister Kevin πŸ™ ❤️ πŸ™Œ AAL Selepe SA


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