Friday, May 23, 2014

Dreaming of Snakes Part 1

Are you having dreams about snakes? Wow! these are some of the most evil dreams you could experience. A snake represents evil, wickedness, witchcraft, deceit etc.

Scripture tell us that the serpent (snake) was more subtle than any best of the field, Genesis 3:1. The word subtle is defined as being incognito, never revealing one's true identity always hiding behind someone or something else. "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" Rev. 12:9

Black snakes represent pure evil, while the size and type of snake in your dream will determine the level of evil that is challenging you. For example, let's say you dreamt about a black cobra and you saw this black Cobra coming out of the water to attack you. Well, the dream is indicating that the spirit of witchcraft has been sent against you and because it's a Cobra it further indicates that this is not your regular attack instead a top ranking spirit, specifically a principality.

The black Cobra coming out of the water now speaks to the branch of witchcraft attacking you, which is the marine spirits aka, water spirits.

It is vitally important to understand the details of your dreams because the specific details will determine how you will respond. In this particular case your prayer must be specifically against witchcraft from the spiritual marine kingdom and because you're dealing with a principality you must advance your counter attack with fasting. As a side note, fighting principalities must include fasting along with prayer.

In Daniel chapter 10, it was as a result of Daniel's prayer and fasting that the prince of Persia (A demonic spiritual principality) was subdued by Michael, who is a chief Prince Angel of the Lord's Angelic host, Daniel 10:13. So as you would have read this type of spiritual warfare will require reinforcement, in fact I advise you to call on Michael the angel of the lord during your prayer time to assist you, providing you're on a fast of course.

This is nothing new, if you would recall Jesus himself said that certain types of evil spirits will only leave via prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:21.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


  1. I have susupected a person in my life of being a covert witch yesterday I prayed for her and bound amaleck and ashtorath and a few others....there is no ovidence that shes still witching except for someone who knew her at a young age saw her practicing...shes supposed to be a Christian...anyway last night I dreamt that someone fell into the water and a snake that had a head and shoulders grabbed that person...I was also bitten on the foot and it swelled up in the dream and it was just snakes anyone.....any advice or prayer is welcome

  2. My boyfriend had dream he was in India and a big snake sliddered in front of him and I came out of the snakes mouth

  3. Minister Ewing,

    After reading your information on this page as well as Youtube, I realize that my efforts through prayer and fasting(its a struggle) may need some help. I am under serious spiritual attack. I have had awful dreams which i immediately rebuke, renounce and denounce upon waking. In the Last two weeks, I had maggots, I cleaned them all up. Then two days later, i had flies. I killed more than 50 over the next 3 days. Two days later i opened two boxes of pasta that had dried bugs inside.

    So i experienced a dream the other night where i was in a room with seven strangers eating at a table. There were 2 cats on the floor. One black the other black and white. There was a tan dog as well. The strangers offed me pizza that was in 4 separate boxes. All had pepperoni. I declined and drank water or juice. ( stupid me). Suddenly, i was at the banks of a river. I saw a humongous tan crocodile swim to the edge of the bank in front of me. A giant snake began to burst through its back. The snake was dark with spots on it.

    Help me gain understanding. I Realize (I think) that the 7 men at the table were at an altar. I believe since there were seven that 1 brought the others back. (Dry places) The Food was demons. The cats are witches. The crocodile with the snake coming out are demons, witches. I don't know. The muddy river was the marine kingdom. I am praying, rebuking, fasting ( unsuccessfully to me). I need another perspective. Please help.

    Thank you in advance.

    God ,Bless You


  4. The snake in my dream was in the yard on the porch / varandah.Where would this source be ? Since it is on land.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I dreamed that my son and I were cleaning up my bathroom. A guy came over that my son had hired to help him renovate a house that he is working on. My son said momma I got to go back outside cause I seen a snake on the roof. The guy went over to the vent and said I see it and he pulled out a very small thin black snake. I ran to hide in another room because I don't like them. What does this mean? Thank you, Theresa

  7. At Celeb Thanks for this amazing content.


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