Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dreaming Of Cars

Dreaming of Cars

By far, one of the most common dreams is dreams of cars or vehicles. Most folks make the error of attempting to interpret these dreams from a literal standpoint.

This approach will most certainly give you a misleading interpretation. Just like a house in a dream, a car represents, for the most part, the life of someone. In this case, let's look at a few factors concerning car dreaming. The driver's seat of the vehicle always represents a place of control. So, if you dream that you're in a car but not in the driver's seat, the dream indicates that you are not in control. However, whoever is in the driver's seat is in control.

If your car or a car tire is flat in the dream, the dream indicates delay, setback, and hindrances in your life or someone's life. Let's say you're driving, and you decide you want to slow down or come to a stop, but you are pressing the brakes for some reason, but your vehicle would not stop. This indicates a lack of control or an inability to manage specific affairs in your life. Let's look at another scenario. You had a dream, and in this dream, you are driving, but someone is in the front passenger seat with you. Now, whoever is in that passenger seat represents an influence. So let's say the person in the passenger seat was your enemy, then the dream indicates that someone is challenging your control position.

In another scenario, let's say you dreamt of speeding or driving foolishly; then the dream indicates a reckless and selfish life, meaning you only care about yourself. Whether verbal or physical, dreaming about a car accident means clashing with others. What about having dreams where you are driving a convertible car? Driving a convertible suggests that you are uncovered, exposed, or vulnerable. It also indicates that something is left unattended in your life.

Dreaming of yourself reversing in a car indicates backwardness, not progressing. Dreams where your vehicle is not working, or your car cuts off while driving shows you are losing your zeal, which will also accompany frustration in your life. Dreaming of a red vehicle represents a passionate person while dreaming of a black car represents evil, lack, and negative life. Dreams of seeing your vehicle in the repair shop indicate health issues. What about having dreams of someone driving your car or something driving a car, but they're not visible? The dream suggests that a spirit is influencing you. Depending on this person's behavior, it will determine the type of spirit affecting you.

What about having dreams where you're racing with someone? The dream indicates that you or the person you're running is competitive. Are you having dreams of you driving a Jeep or heavy-duty truck? The dream suggests you are well prepared and equipped to handle whatever difficulties appear on your life journey. Have you ever had a dream wherein you were driving, but you ran out of gas? Such a dream indicates that you must prepare or pay attention to your resources. Have you had dreams where you saw your car or a vehicle overloaded? Such a dream suggests that you or that person are weighed down with troubles and problems, which will slow down their progress in life. Dreaming of riding around in a circle indicates that you are about to or currently experiencing the same situation all over again.

If you dream of someone or a wrecker towing your car, the dream indicates that you will receive assistance. Dreaming of a new car means a change for the better, a better life accompanied by new options and opportunities. On the other hand, depending on the car's age, dreaming of an old vehicle represents you being stuck in the past. It also indicates that you are irrelevant regarding where you're currently at in your life. The bottom line is that you need to upgrade yourself. Having dreams where you are positioned in the back seat of a car indicates submission. If the vehicle belongs to you, the dream shows you are out of control and in your assigned position.

In closing, one of the most important things to note in a dream concerning cars is sitting in the driver's seat of that car because the driver's seat always represents a control position. Therefore, if the vehicle in the dream belongs to you and your mother or friend is driving your car, the dream indicates that they control your life. However, if your husband is driving the family car, this is a good dream because it shows he's in the family's head position, which is where he should be. If the dream indicates that both of you have separate cars, but your husband or wife is driving your vehicle, the dream reveals a controlling spouse.

Again, One must remember that the interpretation of dream symbols is often shaped by an individual's cultural background, occupation, way of life, and faith. As such, it is of utmost importance to depend exclusively on the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit when seeking to understand their meaning.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing


  1. I dreamed that I was driving and the car in front of me moved out of the way quickly to avoid an accident. The car moved so quickly that I did not see the wrecked car that was in the front of us and I put on brakes not to run into the wrecked car. I woke up startled trying to put on brakes in the natural.

    1. Could be that the car was nit actually a car but God and he's stopped something from hurting you or something, brakes stop things, so this means that God could've quickly stopped you from getting wrecked and he did it so quickly you didn't even know

  2. Hello, Kevin. I had a very weird dream this morning upon waking up. Here it goes:

    I was in a area with my car that I have now. It is a black car. In the beginning I was walking down the road from someone about to get into my car. I heard someone yell out my name and turn around it was a girl named Amanda and her sister was right behind her and he name is Lindsey.

    Now take note that these two ladies are of my mothers past relationship. The woman who she was with was a witch, a complete Jezebel. It took my mother 7 years to get out of that stronghold. Okay now. I do not associate with none of her daughters at all, but they were in my dream. Sorry to digress.

    I looked backed and they were running my way. Next thing you know it I was in the back seat and Amanda was the driver, while her sister was in the passenger seat. It was weird, because my boy seemed okay with it. At the same time I am like what is going on. I never let anyone drive my car not even my own mother. So why would they be driving my car. As she was driving we were on a road that I am familiar with and its where my dad family is located. Out of no where my mother appear and she was standing in front of the car and was walking from by the drivers side in front of the car to the passenger side. She was socket and mad and disappointed at me that I would let someone drive my car. This is what my mom said in the dream, "Since when did you let other people drive your car?, "You do realizes she is driving your car. After she said that it is like I was aware that she was driving the car, but I wasn't. I got out the car and I was mad at myself that I let her drive the car. Its like my mother appear in the dream to wake me up and to let me know hey do you realize what is going on. I did not realize this at first, but when she appear the atmosphere change and it is like I realized what was going on.

    After that dream I woke up. But I was out of the car and the two girls were still in the car.

    1. I know you said this

      Black car = evil, lack, a negative life
      Drive Seat = Control
      I am in the back = I am not in control and out of position.

      but I am still confused..because

      I cut the ties off I had in a relationship for 3 years. I blocked him and have no dealing with him at all. I do read my bible and pray. I know I am on the right path so how can I lead a negative life if I am seeking the lord?

    2. You need to fast for 3days and pray and rebuke whatever is controlling you. Use scriptures that shows Gods promises and protection.

    3. Could be that, when someone drives a car there in control,you're letting a bad influence or something control you your journey with the Lord, or could be the two sister trying to get back in to your life, pray, fast. And your mother could represent the lord and him trying to make you aware of who you're letting control your life and journey, which us why you were aware but not, he's letting your spirt know but you in waking like aren't fully aware.

  3. What about seeing a car crashing? I didn't see the person, just the car crash and I was not inside the car.

  4. Hi Minister K.

    What does it mean when my car I left at my work place in a dream and had to take a taxi back home ?

    I have dreamed of a similar dream about a month ago where I had to go fetch my car elsewhere this place was very strange....

  5. What if i dreamt i was driving my car in a area of poor lighting and someone tried to stop me then i woke up

  6. Hello Minister Kevin, I have had dreams where I was driving my mother's car, like three times since she got it in 2015. I was fourteen when she got it and now I am eighteen. What does it mean?
    I had a dream this morning where I was begging her to let me drive it to run an errand for her that needed a vehicle. She wanted someone else to do it and she wasted time before she agreed to let me do it but, as she agreed I woke up. Is this a bad thing or a good thing?

  7. I have had a number of dreams where my husband is driving but hes driving on the passenger side and im actually in the drivers seat but the steering wheel is on passenger side where he is. I also had this same dream where my deceased father was driving but i was in the actual drivers seat but the steering wheel was on passengers side where my dad was.

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  9. Hi Minister Kevin,

    I thank God for your ministry. It has been a blessing to me and I am now grounded on God's word.

    I am currently on a fast and I have been praying against covenants, oaths, contracts and other agreements brokered btwn my ancestors, parents and myself wether knowingly or unknowingly. Today I dreamt that I was sitting at the driver's seat of our family car which we already sold over 11 years ago. My mum and a family friend were sitter behind but my dad was standing outside the codriver seat. Then all over sudden the car was moving in circles at what seem to be a parking lot though the engine was not on. I managed to prevent the car from hitting the other cars by blocking and pushing the car with my strength.Then all over sudden the car was parked at the parking lot and my dad was still sstanding outside the codriver side and a mechanic was underneath the bonnet trying to repair the car but my dad insulted him and told him off. But the mechanic kept insisting a wire needed to be fixed and the car will be okay. But my dad would not hear none of it and kept insulting him and so he left. I was angry with my dad for insulting the mechanic and he was not even helping. All this time the car was running and trying to move though the engine was off and I used my strength to prevent it from moving from it's position. I tried to fixed it though I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I notice one of the terminal had come off so I fixed it. All over sudden the car started moving and was out of control and again I tried to veer it off from hitting other cars and managed to stop it though it was still running. I checked the bonnet and was trying to fix it and I managed to remove a wire that was tangled and showed it to my dad who was now standing behind the car trying to prevent the car from moving. I tried to start the car but it couldn't start. I then noticed some parts of the engine were tangled and I knew that was the cause. But all that time my dad was just standing by. While veering off the car from hitting other cars I noticed the floor on the codriver side had a hole and the interiors of the door were stripped off. I found myself trying to retrieve the interior part. I seemed to know where it was but when trying to retrieve it it was no longer there but I still sensed it was somewhere near where I was searching.

  10. Last night I dreamt that I was standing across the street from a barren field and all of the sudden I heard two cars crash. It was a loud intense boom, and it jolted me awake. I didn't see any cars in the dream just heard them crash.
    I had a job interview yesterday for a remote sales position, which is what I am looking for especially now during this pandemic. The interview went really well. The first interviewer scheduled me with another manager for a 2nd interview scheduled for today at 11:00 am. After the interview I told my sister that I am really apprehensive about going further into the interview process, because this job is a remote position, which is what I want, however, I am required to train in a small enclosed classroom at the company for 30 days, with other new candidates, wearing a mask all day of course because of COVID-19. I don't want to be exposed to others during this time. Well my 2nd interview was at 11:00 am this morning like I said, and I never received a call.
    I am wondering if my dream had something to do with not getting a call back?

  11. Dreamt was in my friends car it was red in colour then she stopped the car on the road and went into the mall. Then i drove the car into the parking lot were it was supposed to be

  12. Thanks for your time and sacrifices in this ministry. I dreamt that I was driving a new jeep, two persons were at the back seat, I was driving and at a point I stopped to buy something for them. Then we continued the journey again. I immediately worked up. I need your advice. Thank you.

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  15. Thank you so much for this useful information that you have shared with your readers Minister Kevin. I have started a three day fast today for my family because I believe that somebody is doing witchcraft against one of my children. The dream that I had I dreamt that I was in a bus coach and I was sitting at the front of the bus coach and to the right of me a seat in front there was a couple dressed in black and they started arguing. It was a man and woman. They then started to fight and the bus driver slid out of his seat and tried to seperate them but they were fighting him. The bus coach had stopped. They all became embroiled in such a way that it looked like their coats were wrapped up in each other but the drivers brown jacket he was wearing dominated the clothes of the couple that were in black. It was a very violent fight. When I looked back at the other seats on the bus coach to try and sit somewhere else there were coats on the seats and I was going to remove one of the coats to sit down and I decided not to. However I could not get off the bus coach because of the fighting as the doorway was blocked. I suddenly found myself on the street and I was going down a very narrow alleyway and as I was going down the narrow alleyway it was as if I was on an invisible bicycle that I could not see but I knew I was on. I wasn't even pedaling the bicycle but I could feel the bicycle moving. I looked behind me and saw a man in black motorbike gear with a black helmet which had a silver line across the front of the helmet on a black motorbike that had the front light on that looked like he was chasing me as though he was going to run me down and I moved quickly out of the way to the right hand side wall of the alleyway. I don't know how he didn't run me over as the alleyway was so narrow that two people couldn't walk side by side. I was going forward and reached the end of the alleyway very fast. I had no control then stopped. I saw an estate where there were lots of high rise flats around me about 15 floors in height. In England we call them tower blocks. I didn't know where I was. I was lost and I was confused. And as I thought of the vagabond spirit I said to myself I'm wondering around and I don't know where I am. Then all of a sudden my body was taken backwards very quickly. I shouted I am not going backwards. I couldn't stop myself and I tried to turn around on the invisible bicycle by turning the front bar which I could feel and I stopped suddenly. And then I found myself in a tower block and I saw 2 young children who were sisters standing in the corridor. I don't know what floor I was on. The youngest child wanted to hold my hand and I didn't want to hold her hand. I looked to my left and saw an open door where there was a white narrow staircase. It wasn't the usual wide stepped concrete kind. So I proceeded to go down the stairs and I felt like I was holding the little girl's hand though I could not see her. I felt her prescence as I walked down the stairs. I started to recite Psalm 91 and when I got to the verse - He shall cover me with his feathers and under his Wings I shall take refuge - that's when I woke up and continued the Psalm.
    Bus coach - journey to I don't know where.
    Bus driver - controlling my life.
    Couple in black - strangers who were violent.
    Seats with coats on them? Don't know what that means.
    Doorway of bus coach blocked - spiritual embargo or satanic delays.
    Invisible bicycle - anyone know what it means?
    Man on motorbike - evil pursuer.
    Confused - spirit of confusion.
    Wandering around- vagabond spirit.
    Body going backwards - backward spirit.
    2 young children? - anyone know what it means?
    Open door to white narrow staircase? - anyone know what it means?
    If anyone can help me with the interpretation I would be most grateful. I know some of it but as you can see I don't know all of it. Thanking you in advance for your help in this matter. Yah bless you!

  16. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward to your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!
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  18. So i dreamed that i was in the car with a man from my past. We went one of his family house. We where playing with his family. Then i go outside to sit with his mom and brother only to find he left in my car. This man's mother is dead and the car changed from a man i know to my present vehicle. 

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  20. Hello everyone, my names is rodrigue I would like to understand the answer of the pastor when he said: you are not prepared or you do not pay attention to your resources.

    What exactly is this about?
    And we are not prepared for what?

    Could someone please clarify this for me because I had the dream that the pastor explained about running out of gas.

    I dreamed that my car was running out of gas and that I was being directed to go to a gas station to fill it up.

  21. Not that they asked me,

    I had to go to a station to fill up

  22. At Celebrity Thanks for this amazing content

  23. Every once in a while maybe like 2 or 3 times a year for the past few years, I dream that my car is stolen. Sometimes from my work parking lot, sometimes from in front of a friend or family member's house or just some random place. However for every time I spot the culprit and pursue them and more times than not, recover the car. I find it strange that I keep having this similar dream. What does it mean?

  24. Hello , I dreamt about a brand new red Jeep which was parked at my usual parking spot only that the car wasn't mine but my elder brothers . What does this mean ?

  25. Hello I had a dream I was driving, getting ready to park my car as I backed up my car wouldn't start and I saw a signal of my car battery is low and I was able to move the car forward. I tried to see where the battery was located my alarm went off in the natural and I woke up

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  30. Hi I had a dream that I was the one in the driver seat but an old ex was in the back seat sleep what does that indicate ?

  31. i have the understanding that a car can represent a person's life. Being that you were in the driver's seat and the ex was in the back seat could mean that he or the spirit that he represent is still present. Working in the background of your life. I hope this helps. I'm not an expert on dream interpretation. Just a person that has had a similar dream.

  32. I’ve had a dream of a empty bus the first time I was driving i crashed and it like restarted almost like if it was a video game then I kept driving I hit a bump and I fell off the whole rails then I woke up

  33. I dreamt I was driving a vehicle (maxi) up a hill but somehow it couldn’t go uphill anymore…

    Also, I dreamt of a very tall man like a giant dressed in a blue suit just appearing by my side… not sure what happened next but I awoke. While dreaming I was thinking or wondering if he was an angel.

    Please assist in interpreting these dreams.

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  47. I dreamed that I was in an RV camper that apparently belong to me. I was in the back when I looked up and noticed that we were on the road driving. So I would get in the driver seat and stop the vehicle park and then go back to reading. The vehicle started driving again. This time when I went to the driver seat to stop it I accidentally pushed the gas instead of the break, I got the vehicle to stop and I pulled over. I saw this lady in her house and she said that it was the control module that was broken. That caused it to keep driving on the road by itself. I asked her how is this possible that the vehicle is not wrecking. She stated that because of how t he seats are made in the tv that whenever you turn in the seat the vehicle turns so it’s controlling the steering. I went to this House because I had lost something during the time that I was stopping the RV. When I got to the door, I thought it was my house, but it wasn’t. I open the screen door and there were keys in the door. I went Inside of the house and found a number four. There was more to the dream, but this is what stuck out the most.

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  52. Hi Min Kevin, I dreamed that I was driving and my brother was in the passenger seat. There were two lanes one on my right and the lane that I was in, my lane was also a turning lane were you could turn it go straight. I was at a red light when the light turned green I started to drive a black car on my right side began to turn toward me forcing me to turn the car was turning from the wrong kan but to avoid any accident I turned. All that I could see was that it was a black car but the front end looked like Batmans car if you can remember that with the pointy headlights. I was frustrated so as I turned I continued turning as to make a uturn. I never saw myself come out of the uturn the next thing that I remember was my brother and I stepping up on a buss and the bus driver almost closing the door on my brother. I thought that I should say something to the driver but my brother was okay and on the bus so I went and sat down.

  53. God bless i have been having dreams of being in a car but not in drivers seat. Was in a silver/ Grey car and someone I know in reality, Peter is his name, picked me up the top was down and I got out and realized he didn't look like himself. Then I was picked up by someone else I know nam Jonathan, in a silver car, but I was what would be the driver side here in the states and Jonathan on the other side but he was driving. My brother was in back seat who is 2 yrs younger than I and he says something to a group of people that looked like Texas- Mexican. Jonathan drives on dirt we see the Mexi ans again from afar so drive on one side the group of Mexicans walk on side we are on as Jonathan drives closer to them but slowly then Jonathan crosses over and so do then then Jonathan makes a u turn to dri e away from. Them because they had shot guns in their hand. They began to shoot at us and I only get hit several times which felt like paintball, but my skin wasn't pierced. I may have an idea. Have been going thru some things but thought maybe I would share to get ur thoughts Pastor Ewing.

  54. The blog post titled "Dreaming of Cars" on Kevin Lae Wing's blog reflects on the author's fascination with cars and their cultural significance. Written in a nostalgic tone, the piece delves into how cars are more than just machines—they symbolize freedom, adventure, and personal expression. The author shares anecdotes about growing up surrounded by car culture, from childhood dreams of owning sleek vehicles to memories of road trips that shaped their love for automobiles. It’s a heartfelt ode to the enduring allure of automobiles.


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