An embargo is a restriction imposed on a country, community, business, organization, or individual to prevent them from participating with others to achieve prosperity.
Cuba can be seen as an example of the negative impact of an embargo. The country has abundant natural resources and talented people who could help them achieve success internationally. However, the embargo imposed by America prevents any trade or commerce between the two countries. As a result, Cuba cannot take advantage of its potential for success and economic growth. The restrictions and prohibitions on Cuba prevented it from participating in international trade, at least with America, which was a crucial factor in its wealth and progress.
"It's the same with a spiritual embargo. You may have a college degree, everything that a man or woman wants in a partner, and the qualifications a job requires, but you have been rejected by every job, and your relationships are doomed to fail. These occurrences indicate a spiritual embargo preventing you from progressing or advancing in life."
Spiritual embargos are typically executed via the protocols of witchcraft. The witchcraft protocols would require a witchcraft practitioner to visit an evil altar and establish an evil covenant sealed with a sacrifice to program the victim's life for failure, defeat, difficulty, and hardship. The spiritual order that has been altered over the victim is, in fact, evil spirits that were assigned via curses on the victim to see to it that they fail in specific areas of their lives.
"It's the same with a spiritual embargo. You may have a college degree, everything that a man or woman wants in a partner, and the qualifications a job requires, but you have been rejected by every job, and your relationships are doomed to fail. These occurrences indicate a spiritual embargo preventing you from progressing or advancing in life."
Spiritual embargos are typically executed via the protocols of witchcraft. The witchcraft protocols would require a witchcraft practitioner to visit an evil altar and establish an evil covenant sealed with a sacrifice to program the victim's life for failure, defeat, difficulty, and hardship. The spiritual order that has been altered over the victim is, in fact, evil spirits that were assigned via curses on the victim to see to it that they fail in specific areas of their lives.
This explains why no matter how beautiful or handsome these persons may be, no one wants them, and if they do manage to achieve a relationship, it's short-lived and filled with the same troubles as the former relationships. This also explains why you are always overlooked for promotions, advancements, etc. Someone has you programmed that way, employing witchcraft, and until that curse of setback has been broken off of your life, you will only be able to observe freedom and prosperity but never able to participate in them...... Mighty God, help us!
I can share many stories of highly educated people with brilliant minds who will not be hired for jobs in their field of study. I am telling someone this morning if you choose to listen: If you are going through a repetitious cycle of defeat despite your qualifications and ability, and things are just not making natural sense, then I submit to you that there is a spiritual embargo on your life.
Now, another way that this can be achieved outside of witchcraft is consistent negative words that you speak against yourself or someone speaking against you, be it in public or private. Demonic forces such as spirits of failure, destruction, anti-progress, frustration, and the like are attracted to negative words. This becomes the soil for our spiritual embargo whenever we speak such words, especially consistently. Statements such as, "Nobody loves me," "My degree doesn't mean anything," "There ain't no more good men or women out there," "I'm only working to pay bills," "Every time I put one foot forward I have to take two backward."
As you would have read in the above negative statements, the spiritual law of Proverbs 18:21 opened the door for your spiritual embargo: "Death and life are in the power of our tongue, and those that love the Death or life of which they speak shall participate in it.
STOP! Now, say to God right now, "Lord, I recognize that something is just not right with my life, and based on the revelation you have just provided, I am convinced that there is a spiritual embargo on my life that clearly explains the physical limitations in my life. Therefore, Lord, I confess and cancel all negative words I have said against myself and all negative words spoken against me and my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ! Father, your word declares that you are a consuming fire; therefore, Lord, I am asking you to consume by your fire all witchcraft injunctions imposed on my life that have created spiritual and physical restrictions. Lord, I pray that you permanently dismantle all demonic orders, counsel, and ordinance against my spirit and destiny in the mighty name of your son, Jesus Christ!
Friends always be mindful of scripture as it relates to deliverance; scripture says, "IT IS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE SHALL THE JUST BE DELIVERED" Proverbs 11:9
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
I can share many stories of highly educated people with brilliant minds who will not be hired for jobs in their field of study. I am telling someone this morning if you choose to listen: If you are going through a repetitious cycle of defeat despite your qualifications and ability, and things are just not making natural sense, then I submit to you that there is a spiritual embargo on your life.
Now, another way that this can be achieved outside of witchcraft is consistent negative words that you speak against yourself or someone speaking against you, be it in public or private. Demonic forces such as spirits of failure, destruction, anti-progress, frustration, and the like are attracted to negative words. This becomes the soil for our spiritual embargo whenever we speak such words, especially consistently. Statements such as, "Nobody loves me," "My degree doesn't mean anything," "There ain't no more good men or women out there," "I'm only working to pay bills," "Every time I put one foot forward I have to take two backward."
As you would have read in the above negative statements, the spiritual law of Proverbs 18:21 opened the door for your spiritual embargo: "Death and life are in the power of our tongue, and those that love the Death or life of which they speak shall participate in it.
STOP! Now, say to God right now, "Lord, I recognize that something is just not right with my life, and based on the revelation you have just provided, I am convinced that there is a spiritual embargo on my life that clearly explains the physical limitations in my life. Therefore, Lord, I confess and cancel all negative words I have said against myself and all negative words spoken against me and my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ! Father, your word declares that you are a consuming fire; therefore, Lord, I am asking you to consume by your fire all witchcraft injunctions imposed on my life that have created spiritual and physical restrictions. Lord, I pray that you permanently dismantle all demonic orders, counsel, and ordinance against my spirit and destiny in the mighty name of your son, Jesus Christ!
Friends always be mindful of scripture as it relates to deliverance; scripture says, "IT IS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE SHALL THE JUST BE DELIVERED" Proverbs 11:9
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
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