It can be difficult to understand how a fellow Christian fails to appreciate God's work in the lives of others. It's even more perplexing when a Christian, blessed and elevated by God, becomes an oppressor, particularly towards others.
It's disheartening to see how jealousy can change someone who was once humble and level-headed. I have observed this transformation, and seeing a side of a person you never knew existed is surprising. Additionally, I've noticed how entitlement can make someone covertly demanding, easily offended, and a skilled manipulator when seeking the help of those who have achieved success. It's interesting how they were content with the friendship when you were both in a disadvantaged position, but their true colors emerged once you were elevated ahead of them.
Again, as long as you guys were singing the same old sad complaining song together, then it was perfectly normal for these same folks to make statements to you such as, "God will soon turn it around for you," "God is going to bless you one day for your faithfulness," "God will reward you one day for all the hell you've been through," etc. Now that God has done that, these same folks you figured would rejoice with you have become the chief force and contrary wind against you.
Discovering that some of your friends react negatively to your achievements is challenging. They enjoy hearing bad news about you and are not interested in anything positive concerning you. However, now that you've been blessed, those who used to say things like "I'm praying for you" may secretly hope for your failure or say something like "You think You're better than us." Such behavior and comments are unpleasant, and it's clear that God has not promoted these people for this reason. It's a relief to know that God sees the actual content of our hearts and makes judgments based on that rather than outward appearances.
I write this article to speak to those who identify as Christians but struggle with feelings of jealousy and entitlement. These emotions can hinder your ability to celebrate the blessings that God bestows upon others. This would explain why you're stuck in a cycle, repeating the same patterns yearly without making any progress. Unfortunately, this has led to continued failure to achieve your goals and missed opportunities. It's essential to look at your heart and intentions and clear out the negative actions and thoughts towards those who have been successful. If not, this may hold you back even further. Remember that God has assigned everyone their time and season for elevation; comparing yourself to others will only hinder your growth. If you continue on this path and don't work on improving your heart, you may see others who started later than you surpassing you in success.
It is abundantly evident that whoever God has promoted has clearly met his qualifications for promotion. The spiritual law of advancement dictates, "For promotion comes neither from the east, the west nor the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one and setteth up another" Psalm 75:6-7.
Who are we to oppose the promotion of others by God? Speaking against it is going against the order of God. It seems that you are being consumed by the spirit of jealousy, which is a severe heart condition. Spiritual law warns that jealousy is as cruel as the grave, Songs of Solomon 8:6. It is also important to note that the Bible defines jealousy as a spirit (Numbers 5:14). Those who are possessed by it have the potential to become cruel towards others, particularly those who are advancing ahead of them.
My word of wisdom to you is simply this. Divorce yourself from the Puppet Masters of Jealousy and entitlement. This can be initiated by seriously doing a self-introspection by asking yourself why you feel jealous of others and that you're entitled to the benefits of their success. Carefully review your life and observe how these two emotions were consistent with everyone else getting ahead except you. It has made you bitter, angry, and frustrated. Nevertheless, you've unknowingly committed to maintaining the same behavior while foolishly expecting a different result. I highly recommend prayer and fasting to end the unwanted services of Jealousy and Entitlement!
Kevin L A Ewing
My word of wisdom to you is simply this. Divorce yourself from the Puppet Masters of Jealousy and entitlement. This can be initiated by seriously doing a self-introspection by asking yourself why you feel jealous of others and that you're entitled to the benefits of their success. Carefully review your life and observe how these two emotions were consistent with everyone else getting ahead except you. It has made you bitter, angry, and frustrated. Nevertheless, you've unknowingly committed to maintaining the same behavior while foolishly expecting a different result. I highly recommend prayer and fasting to end the unwanted services of Jealousy and Entitlement!
Kevin L A Ewing
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