There are things that you do not know, that God is fully aware of. Unfortunately, it is what you don't know that is securing and ensuring your defeat, failures and confusion. The above scripture is in essence an awesome promise from God simply because he isn't setting any requirements for you to receive wisdom from him all he's asking you to do is just ask him whether you're saved or unsaved.
This spiritual laws explains just why some unbelievers are running circles around Believers. The reason is, the unbeliever knows how to cry out to God in term of requesting wisdom from him to aid them in their advancement. The Believer on the other hand thinks that because he's a born again believer, wisdom is automatic for him or her.
The book of Proverbs, clearly stated that wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom, Proverbs 4:7. If you're being asked or commanded to get something, then it would indicate that some effort must be made on the part of the one being commanded to get whatever, right? Secondly, it would stand to reason that whatever it is that you're being asked to get, will not automatically come looking for you.
Therefore, whatever it is that you feel you do not have the missing pieces to. Ask God for wisdom so that you can begin the process of putting the piece together to ensure clarity. "Lord give me the wisdom for my marriage", "Lord give me the wisdom for my job", Lord give me the wisdom for my ministry". "Father, give me the wisdom to make better decisions". "Lord, give me the wisdom to be a better, Boss, Father, Mother, Pastor etc." Father your word declares that you do not discriminate when it comes to distributing wisdom. All you require is that we ask for it. Therefore, tonight we ask for wisdom in every area of our lives in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Amen. Pastor Ewing, thank you for clarification.