Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spiritual Insight Into Witchcraft Dreams

Individuals who are under the influence of witchcraft often experience dreams wherein they are pitted against challenging foes, be they human adversaries, animals, or otherworldly creatures.

In intense witchcraft attacks, the individual might often have recurring dreams of animals, specifically dogs, attacking or attempting to attack them. These dream attacks are caused by evil spirits who take on the form of animals or other creatures and battle against the human spirit of the victim. As a result of these attacks, the victim may feel drained and fatigued even after a seemingly restful night's sleep.

It's important to remember that the intensity of the challenges you face in your dreams can symbolize the unexpected difficulties you may encounter in real life. For instance, if you dream about being attacked by a group of unfamiliar men without much resistance, it could represent significant issues in your waking life. These problems may extend beyond your daily routine and have more severe consequences. For example, a dream like this could foreshadow events such as waking up to a fire in your home, getting into a severe car accident, or experiencing a sudden breakup in a seemingly stable relationship.

When examining the dream further, it's important to note that the victim doesn't seem to fight back against the attacker. Instead, they appear to give in to the attack. We should pay close attention to this.

To clarify, the victim in this dream represents their human spirit or soul rather than their physical body. This suggests their spiritual source is vulnerable to the various spiritual forces working against them. According to spiritual law, "If we faint in the day of adversity, our strength is weak" (Proverbs 24:5). Therefore, the strange men appearing in the dream are actually evil spirits of misfortune, stagnation, poverty, and divorce, among others, overpowering the human spirit and, ultimately, affecting one's life.

I've emphasized that our spiritual life impacts our daily material life. Witchcraft aims to weaken a person spiritually, ultimately affecting their daily life. It involves engaging in rituals and ceremonies as demanded by evil spirits to battle someone spiritually. This typically involves making a spiritual agreement with the spirits, often called an evil covenant.

Once a covenant is established, even evil spirits must follow the rules governing the spiritual realm when interacting with their victims. Simply put, no matter how powerful an evil spirit may be, it must have a valid reason to attack its victim. The law clearly states, "A curse without cause shall not alight" (Proverbs 26:2). Therefore, these spirits closely monitor their victims' lives on a spiritual level, paying attention to unconfessed sins, ancestral covenants, curses, or any actions that go against God's law. As a result, I advise people that if they suspect witchcraft is affecting their lives, they should carefully evaluate what is happening, especially paying attention to their dreams, in line with spiritual principles.

It is common for people to dream of running away from others, whether they are individuals, groups, animals, or unknown assailants. By applying Biblical principles, we can interpret these dreams as reflections of the dreamer's lifestyle and behavior. According to Proverbs 28:1, the wicked flee when there is no danger, while the righteous are bold and brave like lions. Therefore, the dreamer should consider why they were running from their pursuers. If they genuinely embody righteousness, why didn't they stand up to their opponents instead of fleeing?

When it comes to dreams about dogs, those affected by witchcraft often dream of being chased or attacked by dogs. In this context, the dogs symbolize evil spirits. The type and size of the dogs in the dream can indicate the spirit's rank and the threat level against you. These dream experiences are believed to have genuine spiritual implications that can impact your daily life.

For instance, if you've dreamt of being attacked by puppies, it could signify the presence of tormenting spirits seeking to cause you distress. This may manifest in minor accidents such as frequently stubbing your toe or breaking dishes. This pattern of clumsiness could be connected to these dreams. If you often dream of dogs attacking you, it might be a sign that a family member is associated with these spiritual attacks.

The following text discusses the significance of dreaming about being attacked by a Pitbull. This type of dream may symbolize significant challenges in the dreamer's everyday life. Individuals who have such dreams often struggle to remember them, and their attempts to recall the dream may result in fragmented and scattered memories. These difficulties are believed to be signs of witchcraft attacks targeted at the dreamer.
As a result of these attacks, the individual may encounter confusion in various settings and experience unusual rejection. This rejection may manifest as consistent turning away by people who should offer help, support, resources, and opportunities. The attacks may also be associated with feelings of abandonment, leading to overwhelming sensations of loneliness, confusion, and disturbing thoughts regarding death and depression. It's important to note that these attacks primarily target the individual's mental and emotional well-being rather than their physical state. The physical symptoms experienced by the person are seen as a reflection of the spiritual attacks they are facing.

In some cases, if a person is bitten by a dog or another animal in their dream, they may experience unexplained illnesses in their physical body. Victims of such dreams may experience unusual swelling in various body parts. Additionally, they may start to appear older than their actual age. Other symptoms include discoloration on the face and skin diseases that are difficult to cure. The intention behind these actions is to disconnect the victim from reality by diverting their attention towards witchcraft manipulations instead of the power of God.

As these traumatic experiences continue, the individual may frequently have dreams where they lose or misplace their vehicle. Another common dream involves the victim constantly dreaming about their home's roof leaking or strange men working on it. Instead of fixing the roof, the men working on it seem to be destroying it or unable to finish the repairs. As a side note, when dreaming of a house, it is often interpreted as a symbol for a person. In this context, the roof would represent the individual's mind.

Be attentive; having these dreams is usually a sign that witchcraft or sorcery may be directed toward you. It is also important to remember that you are facing a spiritual battle. Any physical harm or negative experiences you may encounter are just a result of what has been achieved against you in the spiritual realm.

To overcome and withstand such evil, you must embrace righteous living. This entails accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and cultivating a deep relationship with him. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ or if you are a believer with unconfessed sins in your life, you may be vulnerable to witchcraft attacks.

Can someone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ be delivered from witchcraft attacks? Yes, they can, but it's only a temporary solution. The spirits will eventually return because the person doesn't have the spiritual protection believers in Christ have. This protection is explained in Ephesians 6:11-17. It is in the best interest of a person who has yet to accept Christ as their savior to do so to experience the spiritual benefits of being a believer in Jesus Christ.

As a Christian involved in deliverance, it is essential to prioritize fasting as part of your Christian discipline. Evil spirits have different ranks, and using the appropriate method to expel them based on their level is necessary. According to Matthew 17:21, per scriptural rules, some evil spirits can only be removed through prayer and fasting. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that prayer alone may not be effective in some deliverance situations.

Kevin Ewing


  1. Good Morning Kevin.

    I was just awaken to hearing the word German shepherd… I honestly don’t recall anything about my dream. Soon as i open my eyes i heard go buy a german shapherd from this unknown person in my dream (a lady)

    After reading all your post… I don’t know if this mean someone trying to put wichitwichit on me by saying go by a dog? I will be fasting for the next few days for protection against me and my family and a better understanding!

    I pray you see this message and help me make sense of this!


  2. Hello Mr. Ewing!

    I try to confess my sins daily. There's been issues in my life. Things coming from my family (legal matters) and my church. The thing is someone close to me had a sexually perverted dream about our pastor in the church near the alter. They believe now that it's witchcraft in the church since having th dream and could be coming from the pastor itself. I have a ministry there but I'm not going to lie ever since coming to this church there has been significant attack. I thought it is because of my ministry and because what God wants to do in my life there but now its affecting me, and my relationship with this person. I don't know what to do but to pray and repent. I have fasted before and I would now but I know I can't fast from food because it wouldn't be considered be healthy for me but I don't know. God is more than able to sustain me. I need deliverance and my family needs deliverance. Please what should I do? Leave the church and don't look back?

  3. Always dreaming that my roof is leaking.....oh God have mercy on me..

  4. Good day Mr Ewing I pray that you can assist me with this dream where I cannot find my bags when it been placed a particular place. This happened more than once. This also happened when I caught myself in an unkempt house engulfed by fire but was escaped

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