Friday, December 12, 2014

The exact protocols to fasting

The word "then" is a great indicator regarding pointing to something that's going to happen next. It is also a term that refers to something being added, for example, "I love my job, but then it pays well also."

In today's teaching on fasting, we will explore this word in regards to fasting to reveal that when we participate correctly in fasting, it will be "THEN" that things will begin to happen or change for us.

Scripture admonishes us that during our times of fasting, the things that we took pleasure and comfort in before fastings, such as our food, home, and other comforts, we must now distribute or share it among those that are in need of it. In fact, this particular protocol of fasting is a must if we desire to inherit the benefits that come as a result of it. Let us read below what the prophet Isaiah had to say about this to the children of Israel:

"Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house—when you see the naked, that you cover him, and that you hide not yourself from [the needs of] your own flesh and blood?" Isaiah 58:7. As you would have read, a part of the process of fasting is to share what we would have normally been comforted with before fasting, he insists that we do not hide from the need of others during this very critical period during our fasting.

In verse 9 of this same chapter, it begins with our word, "THEN," "Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, Here I am. If you take away from your midst yokes of oppression [wherever you find them], the finger pointed in scorn [toward the oppressed or the godly], and every form of false, harsh, unjust, and wicked speaking,

10 And if you pour out that with which you sustain your own life for the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in darkness, and your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday" Isaiah 58:9-10.

Again, I have to point out the fact that the prophet is not speaking to sinners or people that serve other gods. In fact, he is talking to people that have identified and was at that time serving the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the God of heaven and earth. He was revealing to them that to realign themselves with the purposes of God and bring them back spiritually as to where they should have been at that point they had to follow the complete protocol of the fast. What I found to be rather interesting was the fact, that the scripture started by saying:

"Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say. Here I am" which is a clear indicator that God was not doing this before and whatever it was that they were doing wrong that caused it would have taken the protocol of this fast for him to not only hear them and their cry but to also respond to them.

My friend, please listen to God speaking to you through this article today. Have you been feeling as if God has forgotten you or he's just not listening to you? Do you feel as if everyone else prayers are being answered except yours? Have you been tossing to and fro in your mind the thought that you have been a Christian for so long and there has been no signs, wonders, miracles or the power of the Holy Spirit demonstrated in your life? Are there particular problems in your life that no matter how much you pray they refuse to move? Is your health failing, are you just right out confused about everything?

Well, this, as you know, is the last month of the year and if you have answered yes to any of the above questions. Then I must say to you, that you are in desperate need of a fast with a view of following the exact instructions provided above that I meticulously laid out for you according to scripture. I speak from much-accumulated experience, and I strongly advise you to complete a fast before 2015 if you do not want to repeat 2014.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Three day dry fast-to eliminate spiritual sickness

I have written quite a number of articles speaking specifically about spiritual sickness. At the same time I have received, and I am still receiving numerous emails as to how to combat and defeat such sickness.

In today's teaching on fasting, we will be focusing on the 3 days dry fast to eliminate spiritual sickness. Firstly, a three-day dry fast is a fast where one will not consume any liquids or food at all, there are no exceptions to this and it must be for 3 days or 72 hours. It is highly recommended that time is set aside specifically for this fast where there will be no form of distractions of any kind. Before this fast, scriptures concerning cleansing, purity, righteousness and the like should be written down in advance to be repeated during prayer time during the fast. I also strongly advise that the person engaging in such a fast MUST BE SIN FREE DURING THIS PERIOD! Meaning, there must be a confession of all sins particularly unforgiveness, sexual sins, etc. before the fast. Again, this will not work IF THERE IS UNCONFESSED SIN IN YOUR LIFE!

The reason for this specific fast is to eliminate the body of any and all points of contact that has become the source of the spiritual sickness that is now resident in the victim's body. For example, let's say an enemy has placed witchcraft contamination in some food that has been consumed by the victim. Of course, it will always look and appear as regular food. However, the spiritual items in that food which is not visible to the human eyes are spiritual contamination set to pollute the spirit of that person. Some of the physical symptoms the victim will experience would be unexplained swollen legs, various unexplained skin diseases such as lesions, rash, bumps, and lumps about the body. The victim will also experience strange things or objects crawling or moving throughout their body. They will also experience seeing things on their body that is not visible to others. The victim will be flooded with strange thoughts of fear and death, massive headaches and an overall feeling of sickness, that again cannot be explained, and no Doctor can identify its cause naturally. There are cases where the victim has had this evil in their system for so long that certain limbs either become disfigured or the victim becomes so sick that their appearance changes to something other than who that person use to look like. I personally know of cases where when such a person dies, with a distorted sickly appearance, the minute they pass away their features and appearance resume to who they looked like initially.

This is just evidence of the spirit of infirmity that had their spirit oppressed and in turn manifested in their physical appearance but again, once the body dies or the spirit is cast out everything returns to normal. I always use the story in Luke 13 as an example of when Jesus cast the "spirit of infirmity" out of the woman who was bent over for 18 years and immediately when Jesus cast the spirit out, the lady that was bent over for 18 years was able to stand up erect like everyone else.  Just for clarity, the human body becomes the host for the spirit of infirmity that becomes responsible for changing the appearance of the human host to a distorted figure, Matthew 12:43-45.

The interesting thing about this particular type of spiritual contamination is that whatever ingredients that this contamination was mixed with is what will fuel this evil once consumed by the victim. For example, let's say this spiritual contamination was placed in the victim's food of beans, rice, chicken, etc. Well, the water, salt, seasoning, butter and whatever else was used to mix this meal which included the spiritual contamination is all a part of that contamination.

Therefore, as long as the victim consumes anything in the future that is remotely related to the ingredients that made up the spiritual contamination their sickness will become worse. Of course, this will naturally sharply decrease the victim's quality of life and eventually kill the victim if not challenged by prayer and fasting. Thus, a dry fast is designed to starve the spiritual and physical contamination by not consuming anything for 3 days. Of course,  specific prayers laced with relevant scriptures must be violently prayed.

This explains why the victim has been praying for years to be delivered from their sickness and absolutely nothing changed for them. Some folks have given up on God simply because they did not understand the nature or root cause of their illness. Unfortunately, such spiritual challenges and many others like them will require prayer and fasting. Jesus himself said that this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:21. The reason why 3 days is required for such a fast because; the number 3 biblically speaking represents completion, perfection, etc. and if followed as prescribed you will see changes. The following prayer is to be recited 7 times every 12 hours of the fast until the fast has ended:

Heavenly Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, I confess all sins that I have committed against you in word, deed, thought and in action. Lord, I repent of all evil that I have done and, if there is any evil within me that I'm not aware of, I ask your forgiveness of those sins and pray that you cleanse me of all evil in Jesus name.

Lord, your word says that my body is the temple of the Lord and that I must also present my body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto you. Lord, I am asking you during this fast in which I am surrendering my body as a living sacrifice unto you that you spiritually and physically remove all evil contamination that has been subtly deposited into my body that has caused unexplained sickness in my spirit and body.

Father, I firmly stand on your word that will bring about my healing. Lord, your word says, "Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness" Isaiah 41:10. Lord, I bind myself to your word that says, "Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou [art] my praise" Jeremiah 17:14. Father God, your word says that death and life is in the power of my tongue. Therefore I speak death to all spiritual and physical contamination in my body and, I command all residue of it to be passed out of me in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ. Lord, you said that we should remind you of your word, therefore, I am reminding you of your word that says, "Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth" Jeremiah 33:6.

Father, your word says you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus, so I am asking you to provide me with complete healing and deliverance to my spirit, soul, and body in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Lord, I am reminding you again of your word that says, no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and I have condemned all tongues that have risen up against me in judgment. Therefore, I am in a state of expectancy from you in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ.

Lord, you said that you have seen my ways and you will heal me, you promised that you will lead me also and restore comfort unto my mourners and me, Isaiah 57:18. Finally, father, I am digging my faith deeper into the foundation of your word. Your word says, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed." Therefore, I decree and declare complete restoration of my spirit and body and whatever is in my system I send the fire of God against it and command it to be eliminated from my body in the name of Jesus Christ, which is the name above all names. Amen!

Written By Kevin L A Ewing

Your wisdom and knowledge is limited if you're not fasting

The New Testament quickly points out how to appear to others during fasting. In fact, fasting ought to be a personal event and should only be broadcast to others during our fasting times if it is someone who is fasting along with us regarding an agreement for a particular thing or person.

"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth; they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your unseen Father; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" Matthew 6:16-18.

Well, based on the above scripture, there is indeed a reward for a genuine fast. Nevertheless, your reward can be limited if you attempt to make your fasting period publicized. In fact, scripture clearly says that those who look distressed during their fasting have received their reward in full. Simply put, their reward would be the compliments and accolades given them during the broadcasting of their fast, as to how disciplined they are, how much they love the Lord, their commitment to the Lord, etc. However, as far as the actual result of fasting is concerned, such as breaking yokes, undoing heavy burdens, setting the oppressed free, etc., this will never be manifested in that person's life.

Instead, we are admonished to make fasting a private matter between ourselves and God. In fact, we are told to refresh our outward appearance and not even give any remote sign of fasting to others. Scripture goes on to say that God, who is invisible, will observe the fasting that is done in secret but will reward us openly. I am convinced, speaking from experience, that one of the rewards God gives us begins with a burst of wisdom and clarity.

Isaiah 58:10 says, "Then shall your light rise in the darkness, and your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday." Light in this text symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, while darkness indicates ignorance. So, according to scripture, a fast will cause your knowledge and wisdom to elevate in you, dispelling the ignorance that once overwhelmed you. In other words, be in expectation to know and learn things that you did not know before, either after or even during your fasting.

It didn't end there; it said your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday. The word obscurity is defined as something or someone that is not clear or plain, ambiguous, vague, or uncertain. Simply put, it needs to be clarified. Gloom, on the other hand, is defined as total or partial darkness dimness. Before I proceed any further, Isaiah, the prophet speaking to the people of God, suggests that a born-again Believer can be lacking in knowledge, confused, and, in the worst-case scenario, consumed by ignorance. However, he has simultaneously provided the remedy for the born-again believer who thinks they have it all together. That is to enter a genuine fast to stimulate, replenish, restore, or impart much-needed spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Therefore, a fast will cause your once obscurity and gloom to be dissolved and your wisdom and understanding to come forth.

The most frightening and challenging part concerning all of this is that there are Christians who have never done a fast in their entire Christian walk, and even worse, some of them preach to you............. No matter how one views it, a fast should be a fundamental discipline in the life of every Christian if it is that Christian's intent to be current and, more importantly, relevant as it relates to the things of God and, indeed, the things of the spirit. True fasting is designed to advance you and provide breakthroughs that everyday prayer would not achieve.

I can assure you this: show me a Christian who does not partake in the exercise of fasting, and I will show you a confused, lost, and misguided believer with little if any Godly manifestations in their life.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Fasting will take your human spirit to another level

While others may have their issues with fasting, such as should fasting be a restriction of food and
water only or can fasting also be achieved by suspending a particular pleasure that they enjoy and spend that time with God.

Well, my teachings are limited to the biblical way of fasting. If a person desires to consider a fast not watching television for a month as a fast, then that is between them and their God. However, biblical fasting is to deprive the flesh of its endless pleasures and cravings, which literally weakens the flesh and, at the same time, detoxifying the body. From a biblical standpoint, this is done via the abstinence of food and water or, in some cases, restrictions on certain foods. As a result of fasting, the human spirit can now directly communicate with God uninterrupted by his flesh. In other words, your spirit is now ruling your flesh and not your flesh ruling your spirit.

As a reminder, the real you is your SPIRIT and not your flesh. Your flesh is what makes you legal on the earth. The human spirit is literally trapped in his physical body, which we also refer to as the flesh. Therefore, it will always be your human spirit that longs and desires with great hunger for intimacy with the Spirit of God. Still, as long as your spirit is trapped in your body, there will always be some type of interruption or distraction, or war between the two. This is why scripture says, " For the flesh lust against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would" Galatians 5:17

Therefore, fasting crucify your flesh or weakens it via the depriving of food and water so that the human spirit, without interference by its flesh, can dominate so that it can commune directly with God, his creator, on a higher level.  This is why you would come across scriptures such as, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" Matthew 26:40-43.

Fasting should be viewed as a greater level of spiritual warfare. It is to access more significant revelations from God to reveal the mysteries on earth. Simultaneously, fasting is a clear indicator that your spiritual battle is against a greater demonic power. Here is the proof, In Matthew 17, there was a man whose son was possessed by a demon. The man took his son to Jesus' disciples, who failed to heal the boy. The man, in his frustration, took the boy to Jesus. Long story short, Jesus healed the boy. After everyone left, his disciples pulled him to the side and asked Jesus why was it that they could not deliver the boy of the devil that possessed him.

Jesus answered and said, "this kind will only go out by prayer and fasting," Matthew 17:21. The word kind is defined as a different order, genus, species; breed; set. In other words, this is not your regular demon. Instead, it is a greater power, which in this case and other cases will require PRAYER AND FASTING!

As many of you may or may not know. The disciples did not fast while Jesus was on the earth; here is the biblical proof."And the disciples of John and the Pharisees used to fast: they come and say unto him. Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not?
And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast" Mark 2:18-19.

So the above passage of scripture clearly reveals how Believers of Jesus Christ can be limited in power and ultimately subdued by the enemy if they neglect prayer and fasting as a part of their Christian discipline. Contrary to popular opinion in this same chapter, even the Pharisees understood a fast to exercise that at minimum dismissed food. Also, in this same chapter. More importantly, in Mark 2:20, Jesus specifically said the following, "But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days."

The above verse dispels the notion or the belief of others that we are not required to fast. Again, the scripture said that when the bridegroom who is Jesus is gone, then the disciples not might but "SHALL" fast!

Well, this concludes my teachings on fasting, and it is my desire that you understood the importance of fasting and its protocols to operate correctly in it.

"My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee" Proverbs 3:1-2

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Understanding the dreams you dream. Part. 12-Dream manipulation

Just like with any other area of our lives, the more we discover what Satan has been doing to secure his oppression over us, the craftier he becomes.

I am sure you must have ascertained by now that the Bible's wisdom causes one to see things from an entirely different perspective. More importantly, the Bible elevates our understanding of our variety of situations. In today's teaching, we are about to explore an area of dream interpretation that, if not carefully analyzed, it's easy to become confused by specific dreams. Often, the dreamer can be misled through a misinterpretation of their dreams.

Make no mistake, just like in your everyday life, the enemy shows up in your dreams only to execute three objectives, and they are to kill you, steal from you, and destroy you, according to John 10:10. However, he doesn't just arbitrarily attack you in these areas. The reality is, unknown to most believers, Satan and his cohorts are very much legalistic and attack with purpose in mind, aided by the spiritual laws. Meaning whenever he comes, he's coming fully equipped with biblical law. For example, the biblical or spiritual law dictates that the people of God are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6. Destruction will always result from a lack of knowledge that otherwise would prevent Destruction.

The best way that I can illustrate this understanding is by the following example. Let's say someone has set a trap for you. The trap will only be as successful as your ignorance towards it. So the fact that you don't realize that there is a trap set for you will ultimately secure Destruction for you. On the other hand, if you are aware of the trap, you cannot be destroyed because you're aware of the trap. So, in essence, your knowing (which is knowledge) will protect and preserve your life, while you're not knowing (lack of knowledge) will destroy your life.

With the above being said, a friend told me he had a dream that confused him. He said he dreamt how his wife and himself were in what appeared to be a bedroom. He stood on one side of the bed while she stood on the other side. In the dream, he was filled with rage and anger and cursed his wife with profanity. In fact, he said he cursed his wife so much she didn't even have a chance to respond. Even though she so desperately wanted to. He further went on to say that he could recall the room being dark, and the dream ended. Upon waking, he said he felt very uneasy and did not know what to make of the dream.

Firstly, as I mentioned in the previous teaching, darkness in a dream indicates evil, ignorance, wickedness, etc. While a house would represent a person's life, different parts of that house speak to specific areas of that person's life. The bedroom points to personal and intimate areas of the dreamer's life. Here, the dream can become misleading if one does not consider spiritual laws. My friend said he was cursing his wife with great profanity to the extent his wife could not get a word in. In reality, my friend and his wife do not get along, so some would interpret this dream to mean that he may have unforgiveness in his heart toward his wife or that his dream was just an avenue to vent his frustration toward his wife.

The novice or one who is not mentally accompanied by spiritual laws and understands Satan and his agent's craftiness and manipulation of the law would find this dream very difficult to interpret. The dream's interpretation is that my friend was, in fact, cursing himself in the dream. Yes! Satan has manipulated him in the dream to curse his wife. How is this? According to the spiritual law, the law says, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh" Ephesians 5:31. "And they twain shall be one flesh: so they are no more twain, but one flesh" Mark 10:8. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" Genesis 2:24.

So, as you can see, according to spiritual laws, a husband and wife are indeed one: "The two shall become one." So the enemy, via this spiritual law unknowing to my friend, was able to cause my friend in his dream to curse his wife when the truth is to curse his wife is to really curse himself. The second law used in this dream was Death and life. This law says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it (the Death or life that they speak) shall eat the fruit thereof, Proverbs 18:21.

So it is dreams like the above that if left unchallenged, meaning if the dream is not interpreted correctly and canceled, the dreamer can expect difficulties, losses, delays, missed opportunities, etc., in their life.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Dreaming of Houses


In today's teaching on dreams and their understanding, we will focus on dreams that involve houses. Dreaming of a home is a very common dream. A house in a dream usually represents someone's life. Even more interesting is that each part of the house speaks to a specific area of the dreamer's life.

Let's examine the scriptures to prove that a house represents a person and their life. The book of Matthew 12:43-44 reads, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a person, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, 'I will return into my house from whence I came out,' and when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and garnished." In this scripture, the word "house" refers to the human host once inhabited by the unclean spirit. However, in another reference regarding houses, Acts 16:31, the word "house" is used as a symbol for a family.

So, as you have read, a house in a dream is symbolic of the dreamer's life or that of someone else. Former residences, such as your childhood home or a former apartment, symbolize delays, starting over, or inconvenient setbacks in life. A new house can represent a new life or a new way of life, and an old house usually speaks of things concerning the past, especially if you dream about a house you lived in when you were young. This undoubtedly symbolizes elements from your past that influence your life presently and prevent you from excelling or progressing.

Now that we have established that the house represents the person and their life let's explore the different areas of the house that specifically speak to specific regions of a person's life.

The bedroom is considered a private part of the house and always points to personal and/or intimate things. This part of the house is off-limits, particularly to those who do not live there. So if you dream of someone in your bedroom, it generally means someone is invading or intruding on your privacy. It can also mean someone trying to interfere in your relationship with your spouse or significant other. The bedroom can also represent a place of rest, especially if you're in bed. These dreams should be taken very seriously because they warn the dreamer of pending spiritual manifestations. It calls for much prayer to dismantle this impending evil.

Dreams involving bathrooms often carry a symbolic meaning of purification and the release of negative emotions or behaviors. Within the realm of dream interpretation, bathrooms can be seen as a representation of the cleansing process, both physically and mentally, where one can rid themselves of any unwanted residue or toxic matters.

A basement is a space underneath a home, often used for storage or as an additional living area. It can also symbolize hidden or discarded items, including sins such as unfaithfulness, emotional pain, and family secrets.

The living room and den are common areas within a home where families gather to engage in meaningful conversations about current events and personal matters. These spaces offer a sense of comfort and familiarity to those who seek a safe and welcoming environment in which to share their thoughts and feelings. Whether discussing world news or intimate family affairs, these spaces provide a platform for open and honest communication among loved ones.

Dreaming of a "front porch" typically refers to open and visible areas to the public, lacking a sense of privacy and often exposing the events or activities occurring within it, both present and future. This can encompass a range of settings and scenarios, from physical spaces such as a literal front porch to digital platforms and social media accounts that anyone can view, exposing personal content. In other cases, a front porch would represent things of the future, similar to a back porch, which would indicate stuff of the past.

A kitchen is a place for preparing, cooking, and storing food. To the dreamer, it symbolizes preparation for something. For those passionate about cooking, it represents a love for the craft. It could also mean studying and holding the word in one's heart.

Dreaming of a roof can represent covering and protecting the mind and thoughts. It is the same if you dream about the ceiling of a home; it speaks directly to the mind and opinions of the person. For instance, let's say you had a dream of mildew on your ceiling or blackbirds on your roof. This case speaks of evil thoughts attempting or invading your mind. Remember, the color black represents negative things.

When one dreams of a home's foundation, it can symbolize a variety of ancestral and family matters. These can include curses and blessings, depending on the specific details of the dream. For instance, snakes on the foundation may indicate a curse, while clear water may represent blessings. It is essential to carefully consider the details of the dream to gain a deeper understanding of the message it may be trying to convey.

Stairs in a house are significant because going up a staircase represents promotion or elevation, and going down a stair would mean the opposite, which would be a demotion.

If you dream about your or someone else's property, it would represent territory, dominion, and even ownership.

One must remember that the interpretation of dream symbols is often shaped by an individual's cultural background, occupation, way of life, and faith. As such, it is of utmost importance to depend exclusively on the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit when seeking to understand their meaning.

Written By: Kevin L. A. Ewing

Spiritual understanding of dream symbols

In our teaching today on dreams we will focus on a particular area of our dreams that every dreamer experience. The reality is, if you’re a dreamer then it is happening to you but you‘re probably just not aware of it.

In my previous articles on dreams, I would have mentioned to you that for the most part dreams are symbolic. However, more importantly the symbols that would appear in our dreams would be relative to our everyday life. Meaning, our dreams for the most part would be relative to our work, family, church etc. things that our environment or life is consist of. If we reference the bible days, their dreams were usually saturated with farming, animals, the sun, moon, stars etc. This was so because once they would have identified and understood the purpose of the symbols the interpretation were automatic.

The bible gives us an account of Joseph the son of Jacob who had a dream that he shared with his family. In this dream he said that he dreamt that the Sun, the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to him. His father being upset by Joseph’s dream jumped up and said, “What do you mean your mother and I and your brothers will bow to you?” Now the truth is Joseph never said a word concerning the interpretation of the dream. Nevertheless, his father understood that the Sun which is greater in light must represent himself, the moon must represent his wife and the eleven stars must represent Joseph’s eleven brothers. This is by far a clear example of understanding the significance and purpose of things concerning your everyday life, so that once it shows up in your dreams you can convert its purpose in an effort to make sense of your dream.

Now, In the world of dreams there is what is called “Dream markers”. Dream markers are specific symbols in a person’s dream that has a specific personal meaning to them. For example, some folks if they ever see any type of fish in their dreams, they become immediately alarmed because as a marker for themselves fish symbolizes fertility or pregnancy, while for others it has an entirely different meaning. So dream markers are identifying specific symbols that have personal meaning to you that no matter how the dream presents itself those markers provides a clear and specific understanding to the dreamer.

Using myself as an example, I had a dream this morning and in this dream I was rushing to catch a flight. However, as I approached what appeared to be Customs/Immigration section, my travel documents were taken away from me by the officer. The officer glanced at my travel documents with a mean look then gave them back to me along with a white document and said I must join the line. This line that he spoke of led all the way outside of the building, which clearly meant I would not make my flight. I could recall not only being very disappointed in the dream but very confused.

Now, the dream markers in this case for me were, whenever I have dreams where I am either being hindered or being sent back in any situation. The dream automatically symbolizes pending or current delay and setback for me in the natural. Secondly, in this dream I recognized the emotions of confusion and disappointment in this dream, which again is a marker for me but also speaks of pending confusion and disappointment in the natural as a result of the setback and the delay. As a reminder, dreams are spiritual and are always revealing what is pending or currently taking place in the spirit realm to be manifested in our natural world or currently being manifested. So you need not ask, but like I have been instructing you throughout these teachings, when I woke up I began a series of canceling and rejecting of this dream from the spirit realm via prayer so that there would be no physical manifestation in the natural realm. I think this bears repeating. In order for things of the spirit to manifest in our natural realm be it good or evil there must be an agreement between things that are spiritual and things that are natural. Thus, when we cancel and pray against a dream we are severing all knowing or unknowing agreements that were made in our dreams. Scripture clearly says, "While men slept (during his dreams), his enemy (Satan and his evil spirits) came and plant evil spiritual seeds and then went his way" Matthew 13:25. Again, if these seeds which truly represents evil covenants that have been forged in your dreams are not spiritually challenged, then the manifestation of those evil dreams will come to pass.

In closing I need you to keep in mind that the reality behind every dream is the seeking of your approval or agreement, be it covertly or overtly by spirits, Angelic or demonic. Again, the reason for this is, the law of physical manifestation requires the agreement between things that are spiritual with things that are natural in order for physical manifestation to occur. So if you choose not to cancel your dreams if it’s not a good dream, then it’s equivalent to agreeing with the dream (silence takes consent). This is the primary law of the spirit realm to take special note of because if you’re being given something in a dream such as an envelope, a piece of paper or something that is sealed. The mere fact that you accepted it symbolizes your agreement in the dream. The question is what is it that you have agreed to? It could have been your death warrant in the dream you have agreed to that could either spell physical death for you in the natural or the ending of something very important to you in the natural.

Again, like I have admonished you in my previous teachings on dreams, the safest prayer to pray upon waking from these dreams especially if you don’t understand the dream is the following: “Lord if this dream is of you then I come in total agreement with your desire for my life, However Lord, if this dream was not of you, then I cancel and reject all the plans of the enemy for my life from the root which is in the spirit realm and command it to be destroyed by spiritual fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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