Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Godly Instruction Preserves Life

I declare today, in the precious name of Jesus Christ, that anyone working witchcraft against your life and demonically manipulating your destiny, let their spells, incantations, and evil words fall to the ground and become stepping stones for your elevation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

I pray that God will expose and disgrace the evil plans of that co-worker, that family member, that associate, or whomever you thought was your friend who insists on resorting to the powers of darkness to see you fail in life. God said he would cut off witchcraft from their hands and that they would not be able to cast spells and bewitch others anymore, Micah 5:12. Father, we stand in complete confidence in your word.

Every witchcraft spirit MUST die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.!

The Lord alerted me yesterday morning in a dream concerning witchcraft attacks pending against my life. Rather than doing the normal and waiting on the enemy, I took the battle to the enemy's gate by waging a counterattack in the spirit realm. Of course, my decision was based on the information and instructions I received during my dream. It is imperative that you understand your dreams and be fully equipped to take on any unforeseen challenges that may arise. Please! Do not sit back and allow others to convince you, via their ignorance, that these things are not real. For those who do not believe they will be synonymous with those who LACK KNOWLEDGE! Ironically, scripture clearly says that it will be those who LACK KNOWLEDGE that will either be brought into captivity or will be destroyed, Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13.

Many Christians are losing their spiritual battles against evil because they do not recognize the importance of their dreams. Dreams can be considered the intelligence branch of spiritual warfare that God has made available to us. The purpose of our dreams is to guide and instruct us. Ignoring or forgetting our dreams means that we cannot see potential attacks that could be targeting us in the spiritual realm. By doing this, we are unknowingly assisting the enemy and his agents.

I want to leave you with something to think about: "For God speaks repeatedly, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instructions!" (Job 33:14-16). This means that our dreams are actually trying to instruct us. According to scripture, the purpose of any instruction is to prepare the one being instructed.

"Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life" Proverbs 4:13. Did you read that? In other words, the instructions you're given in your dreams by God are to preserve your life simply because the INSTRUCTIONS ARE LIFE!

Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, July 6, 2015

Self Manufactured Dreams

While every dream has its specific meanings, there are some dreams that we unknowingly,
Manufacture or produce on our own.

How is this possible, you may ask? Well, most of you would have experienced at one time or the other where you were overly worried or completely stressed out about a particular matter, to the point you literally found yourself dreaming about the situation. Amazingly, the negative thoughts that consumed your mind during your waking hours literally played out at night or at whatever point you fell asleep. Here is what scripture has to say about such occurrences, "For a dream comes through the multitude of business" Eccl. 5:3.

In this particular teaching on dreams, there are a few points that I would like to bring to your attention that will not only bring awareness to such dreams but how the enemy is manipulating you into engaging in spiritual laws to your own detriment. In fact, your agreement is covertly being secured unknowingly by using these self-manufacturing dreams as a tool to secure your agreement to bring these negative relentless thoughts to pass.

Spiritual law clearly says to us, "As a man thinks in his heart so is he or so he becomes" Proverbs 23:7. Satan and his demonic host understand spiritual laws. In fact, they are very much legalistic. They understand that if they can influence you to ponder on your negative matter over and over again, then you will automatically bring that negative relentless thought to pass, or you will live the manifestation of it.

Secondly, the enemy understands the spiritual law of fear. He also understands that for him to rule his victims' lives, he must covertly get them to participate unknowingly in this law. Here is what the law of fear reveals, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me" Job 3:25.

So, I am sure you have observed so far that the adversary doesn't operate arbitrarily; instead, he operates within the law and takes full advantage of those that are spiritually ignorant of spiritual laws. Therefore, it is Satan and his agents that's forcing you to not only repeat those negative thoughts during your waking hours but to eventually seal the deal during the course of your sleep.

It is such information as what I have mentioned above that the average person lacks, and as a result, they see such occurrences as normal behavior. This erroneous perception secures the victim his or her continuous cycle of defeat and unexplained failures in life. Again, scripture has unequivocally said that it would be through "KNOWLEDGE" that the just be DELIVERED!, Proverbs 11:9.
As a reminder, the mere fact that such dreams are not canceled upon waking from the dream will eventually become a reality.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The spiritual understanding of a dream

The more you ignore your dreams the more you'll go around the same problems in your life again and again.

God in his quest for us to always be ahead of our adversary provided us with the awesome tool of dreams. Because all things have its origin in the spirit realm, our dreams are spiritual monitors providing us with a view of what is pending in the spirit realm or revealing the root cause of our ongoing natural matters.

During many of my counseling sessions, identifying the beginning and solutions to folks challenges could more than 98% of the time be traced back to their dreams. In other words, their dreams were revealing that they should not take a certain course to avoid future problems or to stay on a certain course that would line them up with their blessings.

Scripture clearly says to us concerning our dreams, "For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man understands not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds" Job 33:14-15. Interestingly enough, it was verse 16, of Job 33 that really exposes God's intent of outfitting us with this awesome tool of dreams and here is what it says, "Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction".

Like I have mentioned on so many occasions and that is, while our physical bodies are at rest and not conscious of our natural world while we're asleep. Our spirits are very much wide awake and interacting with the spirit realm. Due to the complexities and vastness of the spirit world, much of what is revealed or exposed to us is our dreams are done in a symbolic manner, such as a lion chasing after you or you dreamt that your living relative died etc.

Amazingly, very few folks are aware that curses or blessing can either be passed on to an individual in a dream or hijacked from them in a dream. Nevertheless, the dreamer's action or inaction can allow what is being revealed in a dream to actually manifest in our natural world. The reason for this is because God gave the man and not spirits dominion over the earth and only through the co-operation of man can things that are spiritual manifest themselves in the earth.

I will end with this, a dream will manifest by default if the dream is not challenged when it's a negative dream. This is so because if the dreamer does not resist the enemy who is planting evil seeds in the dreamer's life spiritually then those evil seeds will manifest in the natural. Here are the spiritual laws that are governing this. "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way" Matthew 13:25 and "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:7.

Please! Ask God to give you understanding right now and bring back to your memory the things he was revealed to you via your dreams before and even now so that you could apply the right actions to provide you with a better life or change the course of your life for the better.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Redeeming the time

Anyone with a brain in their head must have noticed that time is moving at a far greater pace than it once did!

While this may be good news to those that are anticipating a vacation, school breaks, graduations, etc This is not good news for those that refuse to get started with their purpose for being here on earth. From January 2015 to present, many of us have lost love ones or know of well known folks that we never would have imagined would have met their demise this year.

Nevertheless, we stay committed to the routine of plastering the photos of our deceased love ones all over social media expressing our loss but still we behave as if we have this great amount of time to get our business in order. I am sure those that have passed on within this year have also attended funerals of their friends and family members probably not realizing that their next visit at the cemetery would be in celebration of their life here on earth.

The purpose of this post is to ask you the reader, how much longer will you continue to procrastinate with getting your relationship with God in order? How much longer will you remain committed to your plans compared to the purpose as to why God allowed you to be here?

Scripture has clearly stated that the living know that they will die, but the dead knows nothing; the dead have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun, Eccl 9:5-6.

With the above scripture in mind, one must take into account that with the swiftness of the movement of time I think it is safe to say that time is running out for all of us for none of us know when the time for us to cease to exist will occur. However, while we may cease to exist here we are very much existing somewhere else and there is absolutely nothing our friends and love ones can do on earth that can change where we will end up after death.

Why not ask God right now, "Lord, what is my reason for being here"? Father am I on the right course that you originally intended me to be on? Father, help me to align myself with the destiny you have chosen for me. For those of you that do not have a relationship with God and his son Jesus Christ, then why don't you fix that right now while you have the opportunity to do so as a living person. Like the scripture said, the dead will have no more participation in the earth and eventually their names will be forgotten.

It is my prayer this evening that this post will convict you to the point of change and that everything that's going on around you and by extension the world is pointing and challenging your thinking to the return of Jesus Christ or your time coming to an abrupt end.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What did they do, that has me like this

Back in the day similar to now, there were many families that were challenged in making ends meet. Many of them got second jobs, worked a lot of overtime, etc just so that they would be able to provide for their families.

However, there were heads of some families who sought different means in an attempt to change their negative financial circumstances. As with most cases, their solutions were not derived from a classified in a news paper or some get rich quick scheme being offered in a magazine. Instead they resorted to ancestral family spiritual traditions in an effort to bring change to their physical circumstances.  It is my attempt today as with all my writings and that is to provide you with spiritual insight into this secret world of evil covenants that has covertly permeated our society in such a way that many of us today are suffering as a result of it even though we had absolutely nothing to do with it or have any knowledge of it.

I was told of a very interesting story sometime ago by a lady that just could not understanding the strange negative happenings that seem to be synonymous with her family. She went on to say that she has conclude that her family is curse! Her reason for this conclusion was the fact that all of her siblings including her parents faced unimaginable hardship in life such as, it was difficult for them to get married (they all married late in life). All of them eventually divorced with in  five years of the marriage. It was difficult for them to have children and for those that did have children, their children were either mentally challenged or displayed strange behavior. While her and her siblings were academically smart, they always struggled financially including their parents. She told me that they were never in a position to help others or even help among themselves simply because it was either difficult to secure a job, the jobs that they did get never paid much or they could never save their pay because something would always come up and consume their savings.

This lady went on to say that it was as a result of reading my articles, that challenged her and brought to her memory a story she over heard her well up in age father repeating to a family member. The father, said that during the course of his early years, life was extremely difficult and it was a struggle to put food on the table. However, there was an uncle of the father who suggested to him if he was interested in changing his "luck" so that he could live a more prosperous life and that life would be better for him and his children. Of course the father was more than interested. The uncle told him that he would take him to see a "spiritual lady". Anyway, the father agreed. Long story short the Father was told by this lady that he could "buy luck" but there would be a certain ritual that would have to be performed in order to change his financial circumstances. He was asked to bring a photo of all of his children which he did. The lady then constructed a small box that had the appearance of a miniature casket which all of the children photos were placed in. He was then instructed to visit the cemetery at a certain time during the night and bury the  box with his children's photos in it along with the agreed payment to the "spirits". While listening to this story I didn't even realize how much I was nodding my head from left to right in utter disbelief and in complete amazement as to how could a father agree to such an ominous request. 

I told this obviously confused and frustrated lady, that I am happy she told me this story because it was as a result of what her father did that has created and is currently maintaining the family's continued hardship today. First of all, like I have repeatedly mentioned in so many of my articles and that is spirits need the co-operation of human beings to operate in the earth.  This is so because human being and not spirits have dominion over the earth Gen 1:26-28. The so called "spiritual lady" was none other than a witch who took advantage of the spiritual ignorance of the father by having him via the ritual sacrifice the destinies of his children for a temporary change in his financial state, which in reality never panned out. Scripture clearly warns us of the following, "Do not seek mediums or spiritists, for you will be defiled by them, for I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:31. The word defile in this text means to change something from its original or to pollute the original of something. So in essence we are warned that if we decide to engage the services of witch doctors, Obeah folks spiritualist etc we are in fact changing God's original destiny for us to that of Satan's destiny for us.

Therefore, due to spirits not being omnipresent (only God is omnipresent) , then certain items from a person would be used to identify the individual that's being targeted spiritually such as their blood, hair, fingernail clippings, photos, recently worn clothing etc. This explains why the photos were requested by this witch from the father. Unknowing to the father, he's being manipulated into forging an agreement or what is know as an evil covenant in exchange for his "good luck" with Satan and his agents disguised as agents of righteousness. When the father agreed to bury the box in the cemetery  with his children's photo in it, unknowing to him he also agreeing to bury the destiny of his children and future generations. In fact the spiritual implications of what he did was equal to what Esau did when he sold his birth rights to his brother Jacob for food, Genesis 25:29-34. In doing so Easu surrendered his destiny by selling his birth right to is brother Jacob. You see my friend, spiritual ignorance will always place you at a disadvantage. As a reminder scripture says that we are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13. 

Now, to this very day where those items were buried, it is the demonic altar that literally controls the destiny of not only the children but the entire family and even those that will be born in the future. Did I mentioned that this family is a Christian family? I'm mentioning this simply because even though they are a Christian family this does not automatically break the covenant that the father ignorantly put in place years ago that's dictating the negative circumstances in his family today. In the case of this family, the evil covenant must be confessed, renounced and broken via intense prayer and fasting. If not then as long as the current family is alive including generations to come will suffer the same vicious cycle of hardship and failures. As a reminder, what this father did was a tradition back then and even today and Jesus Christ clearly said to the church and Pharisees who were the leaders of the church in his day, "Thus have you made the commandments of God ineffective as a result of your tradition" Matthew 15:6. In other words, even as Christians if we still hold on to or engage in witchcraft traditions then the power of God is automatically suspended in our lives. This is why a Christian who was saved for decades, however, they are plagued with chronic illnesses, poverty. hardship etc. Simply because they refuse to give up the tradition of mopping their floors with Florida water, spiritual turpentine, wearing certain items for protection etc. God will not honor his covenant with us if we continue to hold on to the covenants of devils.

My friends, trust me when I say to you that there are many in our society and communities that are unknowingly in this same cycle of hardship and anti-progress but can not understand why it's happening to them and their family. Unfortunately, they are not aware (a lack of knowledge) of secret rituals that were done in the past with the intent to advance the one that performed it at the time. I want to pause here for a second just to mention that this activity is not limited to witchcraft but also to secret societies and organizations through out our communities where pledges, oaths, covenants and sworn secrecy is a must to either join them or to advance in their groups. Believe me when I say to you that most of the relentless challenges we face today are as a result of what our ancestors did in the past. The spiritual law that governs this says the following, "Our ancestors have sinned and now they are dead but we the current generations are left to carry their burden" Lamentations 5:7. In other words we are paying the price of what our ancestors did. This scripture also suggest that are troubles did not begin with us or on the day that our troubles began.

I will leave you with the following scriptures that I am sure will make clear to you the reader, that you can not mix the things of God with the things of devils and still expect to get ahead. "But I say, that the things that the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye can not drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye can not be partakers of the Lord's table and at the table of devils" 1 Corinthians 10:20-21. "No man can serve two masters: for he will either hate one and love the other; or else he will hold on to one , and despise the other. Ye can not serve God and Mammon" Matthew 6:24.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Have they preached or taught the word of God lately in your church

So shall my "WORD" be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it
shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:10-11.

"Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my "WORD" to perform it.” Jeremiah 1:!2.

"I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy "WORD" above all thy name" Psalm 138:2

"Is not my "WORD" like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29.

"Every "WORD" of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him" Proverbs 30:5

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my "WORDS" shall not pass away" Matthew 24:35.

"By the "WORD" of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth" Psalm 33:6

"For the "WORD" of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth" Psalm 33:4

" In the beginning was the "WORD" , and the Word was with God, and the "WORD" was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  And the "WORD" was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" John 1:1-4,14.

"He sent his "WORD" , and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction" Psalm 107:20

"For ever, O Lord, thy "WORD" is settled in heaven" Psalm 119:89

"Thy "WORD" is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" Psalm 119:105

"Thy "WORD" is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever" Psalm 119:160

"He sent forth his commandment upon earth: his "WORD" runneth very swiftly" Psalm 145:15.

"Whoso despiseth the "WORD" shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded" Proverbs 13:13

I have decided to take the time and share with you my followers this morning the importance of the word of God and how essential it is to not only include in our prayers but that those that preach and teach us repeat it into our hearing.

It is with great regret that I have to say that most preachers and teachers of Christianity place little to no emphasis on the infallible, unadulterated  word of God. Instead all to often the word of God is rapidly being replaced with rhymes, riddles, philosophies, ideologies, miracle cloth, miracles oils, seed offering, first fruit, last fruit, Passover fruit etc. that have repeatedly been yielding zero results for you but much financial gain for those that mislead you.

As a result of this, there are many that have abandon the faith, left churches and sad to say many have given up on God all because someone was teaching them everything EXCEPT THE WORD OF GOD!

If you are a part of a congregation that is not teaching, preaching and praying the word of God, then my simple advice is that you find somewhere or some place that is. It is the word of God that keeps all things together. It is the word of God that provides healing, prosperity, health, soundness of mind, restoration, subdue your enemies, gives promotions etc.

I want to say to someone that is reading this note right now, God did not fail you! Instead it was those that have fail  to place emphasis and importance on God's word that have failed, mislead and manipulated you for their own selfish gain.

Yes I know what's probably going through your mind right now,  "But I love my Pastor" "The people at my church are nice to me" "They have a good praise and worship choir there" "This is the only church I know and all my family attend here"

WAKE UP MY FRIEND! Its  not about them, instead it is about the word of God being fulfill in your life, it is about witnessing the manifested power of God, it's about watching the word come to pass in your life............ ASK GOD TO LEAD YOU WHERE HIS WORD IS BEING TAUGHT!!!!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Are you sure

Have you ever had that feeling that something just isn't right with someone, something or some
place? However, there is absolutely no physical evidence to prove or even identify what you're sensing deep within your spirit.

Have you or are you currently sensing that someone is not being altogether truthful with you or there is something about a particular person that is making you extremely uncomfortable that has not been revealed as yet? However, outside of your feeling  there is absolutely nothing to support your sense of discernment.

One of the difficult part of walking in the spirit as Believers of Jesus Christ is learning to disengage our five senses and allowing the spirit of God, His Holy Spirit to reveal to us via our spirit what the enemy is hiding or concocting to secure failure and destruction for us.

Satan's primary method of operation is to manipulate his victims via deception. Those that fail to build and strengthen their relationship with God become ideal candidates in being mislead and deceived by the evil one and his agents. One of his methods of deception is to initially give the appearance of Godliness and good will to the one that is being deceived or about to be deceived with the sole intent of pulling the intended victim off of their God designed destiny. In other words, to cause the Believer to never connect with what God had originally designed for them, such as the right mate, the right,career, the right church, the right life etc.

Many folks are very much bitter, hurt and disappointed today because they were convinced that they had, chosen the right mate, they thought they picked the right career, they were confident that they were being lead by the spirit to that particular church, that has now placed them in a far worse position prior to them attending that church. Question! Are you sure the Holy Spirit is leading your spirit with that choice you are about to make that will ultimately change your life? Is it that you desire a particular person or thing so bad that you have tagged God on the tail end of it to convince yourself that it is of God? Are you certain that you are not confusing the lust and selfish desires of your five senses and labeling it as the leading of the Holy Spirit?

My friend, let me tell you from personal experience, Satan is a master deceiver and an elaborate calculator of evil. No human being is exempted from his many deceptions, especially those that are lead by their lust instead of the Spirit of God! I honestly do not know who this message is for today but I am lead to speak this word to someone that desperately needs it. The lord said to tell you to LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP AND THAT YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUIT! Stop trying to convince and deceive yourself that these folks are who you desire them to be.... You are assisting the enemy to setup you up for destruction!

As a heads up, Satan will not deceive you or tempt you with things or people that do not appeal to you, instead he will use your desires and things that you gravitate to as a sugar coat with his evil embedded on the inside all in an effort in making your life a living hell.......... There is a saying that goes like this, "Not everything that glitters is gold"

Are you sure you're being lead by the Spirit of God or are you being deceived by a spirit of lust?

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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