Thursday, October 1, 2015

What goes around comes right back around...... It's called life!

There is a law in the secular and religious world that many of us conveniently ignore when we do
wrong to others. What I find to be even more interesting, is the fact that we've convinced ourselves that not only does this law not apply to us at the time of our evil planting but that everyone should join us in our pity party when the tables are turned on us.

My friend let me impart some sound and comforting wisdom with you this morning, that I am certain will cause you to look at your circumstances from a different prospective. Whoever has or is currently doing you wrong, delaying your promotion, oppressing you, deceiving you or just hell bent on making life extremely difficult for you. The truth is THERE DOING IT TO THEMSELVES!

You see my friend, incorporated into every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, amazingly this law requires no effort on the part of the one that the evil is being done to. Unfortunately, the perpetrator that's doing these evil acts against you is either unaware or simply don't care that while having the upper hand today in doing others wrong. They are simultaneously securing a spot in the future for this same evil to be return to them.

Let's look at a few biblical laws that governs this common  phenomena;

"But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons" Colossians 3:25

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" Galatians 6:7

In the above scriptures, it is clear that when one does wrong, whatever that wrong maybe, they are literally activating a law that is securing the very evil for them that they are at that present time securing for others.... Wow!

Therefore I want to say to someone this morning, yes I know quite well, how cheated you feel, taken advantage of, overlooked, falsely accused, hindered and oppressed by your superiors and you feel that as long as a certain person is in place you'll never get ahead. However my friend accompanied with those thoughts and feelings, I want you to also understand that these same people WILL RECEIVE OF THE VERY THING THEY'RE DOING TO YOU WITHOUT ANY EFFORT ON YOUR PART!

Let us bring this all together with the following scriptures;

"Such people dig a deep hole, then fall in it themselves. The trouble they cause comes back on them, and their heads are crushed by their own evil deeds" Psalm 7:15-16.

"He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it" Eccl. 10:8.

" His own iniquities shall entrap the wicked himself, and he shall be held by the cords of his sins" Proverbs 5:22.

My friend, if you are the one that's doing evil to others, I strongly recommend you reconsider and discontinue. You are no different from anyone else, in terms of you will reap the fruit of the evil you've sown in the lives of others. Many of you are suffering right now as a direct result of the evil you've done to others in the past.

What is most unfortunate, is that your children are suffering as a result of what you know you've done to others and their children. The truth is my friend, you don't have to believe any of the scriptures (laws) I've mentioned above, but know this THE WORLD IS A CIRCLE AND WHAT GOES AROUND MY FRIEND WILL NOT ONLY COME BACK AROUND but you will helplessly watch on as your children suffer  Un-necessarily knowing fully well that because of your hate, unfairness, pride, bitterness and anger towards others you've allowed Satan to use you to plant seeds that you weren't prepared to deal with later.

That witchcraft you worked on someone, will come back to you!
That lie you told on someone, will come back to you!
That money you stole, well someone will steal from you!
Someone's time you've wasted, someone will waste your time!
The cheating you've done to others, someone will cheat on you!
The way you've oppressed others, someone will oppress you!
You've taken advantage of other folks children, someone will do the same to yours!

The word of the lord to you today my friend may not be one that you would like, in any event:

God said to tell you, that in order to understand the so called "confusion and evil" that's happening to you right now, consider the seeds that you've planted in the past, HARVEST TIME HAS ARRIVED!

I REPEAT: "But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons" Colossians 3:25

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Confronting the Spirit of selfishness

Selfish: devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.

Also, chiefly concerned with one's own interest, advantage, etc, especially to the total exclusion of the interests of others. The above understanding is but a summary of the mind of a selfish person.

Make no mistake my friend, wherever you find a person that is completely ungrateful, inconsiderate, self-seeking, egotistical, self-centered, narcissistic and egocentric, these are only the tentacles of a chief spirit and that is the spirit of SELFISHNESS!

It always amazes me how a selfish person thinks. Selfish folks behave as if the world owes them, they are of the view that the only person that matters in life is themselves. These are the kind of folks that you can do good for all your life, but the very moment you can not meet their need, all of a sudden you're the Devil and you were never no good to begin with.

Everything, must revolve around them, everyone must cater to them, everyone must help them, everyone must bow to them. Again, for some reason in their misguided view they do not see the need to perform such acts for you or anyone else for that matter.

In my humble opinion, I see these people, who have allowed themselves to be controlled  by this spirit, as parasites and saprophytes. Meaning, these folks live and feed off of things that are living or dead AS LONG AS THEY BENEFIT with zero consideration for whomever their victims maybe!

My words of wisdom today is simply this, YOU MUST CONFRONT THIS SELFISH SPIRIT! Like most evil spirit, most folks that are oppressed or possess by them have absolutely no idea of the spirit that's controlling them. To not confront this spirit, you are not only enabling this spirt but causing the person that's controlled by it, to believe that their selfish behavior is okay. Thus, they don't believe that they are selfish or anything is wrong with them in that area of their life. However, your approach must be done via scripture, if it is your desire to be successful.

The following are a few scriptures to disable this spirit in others or even yourself:

"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. " Phil. 2:3-4.

"But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice" James 3:14-16.

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13.

"Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment" Proverbs 18:1.

"Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!" Psalm 119:36.

"We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up" Romans 15:1-2.

"For he is like one who is inwardly calculating. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you" Proverbs 23:7.

Folks these are but a few scriptures, which are your weapons against this spirit. I am sure you've noticed that I am repeating the word spirit and not the person. The person is just a vessel being used by this spirit and the only thing that removes evil spirits, are spiritual weapons which is the word of God. Jesus said that the word that he speak (the word of God) they are "SPIRIT AND THEY ARE LIFE" John 6:63. Therefore cussing or cursing, fussing or fighting this person will not help you, in fact it will only worsen the condition.



Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Recognizing and Overcoming Spiritual Barrenness

Spiritual barrenness is not limited to not producing fruit in one's life. Instead, who or what you've connected yourself to is causing you NOT TO PRODUCE FRUIT!

~Satan has ordained certain people, places, and things to hinder you~ 1 Thessalonians 2:18.

The scripture mentioned above reveals that Satan is a spirit. Therefore, any attempts made by Satan to hinder the Apostle Paul and his crew must have been carried out through people, places, or things. This is why it is crucial to understand that some folks or things we're connected to, mainly if the union is not producing fruit, are more than likely agents of Satan installed in our lives to hinder us.

Please note that the Lord wants you to know that your prayers may continue to go unanswered, and you may continue to face hardships if you persist in holding on to something He has already asked you to let go of. Yes! Although the fear of being alone may be challenging, the reality is that the person or thing you're holding on to is the source of your barrenness.

"Everything in God's creation is interconnected and designed to work together; nothing was meant to function independently." So, who or what you're connected to as a union determines whether you will win or lose, succeed or fail, go backward or spring forward. The reality is, "Your connections will always determine your direction."

For every difficult situation, God has appointed someone to bring deliverance. However, God's provision can and will only be initiated when we obey his command to release what sustains and maintains our barrenness. Scripture says, "No good or beneficial thing shall be withheld, hindered or delayed from those that walk uprightly or according to the instructions of God" Psalms 84:11b. The scriptures further advises, "If we delight ourselves (having an appreciation for His word) He will grant us the desires of our heart" Psalms 37:4. There is so much hope for your situation if you would only obey God's result proven instructions for life.

If you're feeling unproductive and unfulfilled, you may want to consider asking God to assist you with renewing your mind. Again, according to the "RULE BOOK" (The Bible), renewing our minds is the only way we can prove what is the reasonable and acceptable will of God for our lives (Romans 12:2). In addition, ask God to aid you with the spirit of "Might" Isaiah 11:2. The word used in this verse is derived from the Hebrew word gibber, which means "champion," "strong," "mighty," or "he who excels." In Lamen's terms, it means having the ability to "GET UP AND GO FORWARD."

The Spirit of Might will help you let go of anything God has instructed you to release. It also gives you the strength to resist the temptation to return to those things. Keep praying with conviction and ask God to send you the person or thing to help you remain free from such unproductive behaviors. Remember that God has already blessed you with all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. He chose you in Him even before the foundation of the world, as mentioned in Ephesians 1:3-4.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

God has made a way for you

Scripture says to us that God spoke through his Prophet Isaiah, that he would raise up a heathen king by the name of Cyrus. God said that he would do the following for king Cyrus:

" I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in pieces the bars of iron:

And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou may know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel" Isaiah 45:1-3

Well, it is my prayer today that this same God that did the above for a heathen king, will go before whoever is reading this post and make the crooked paths in their lives straight. It is also my prayer that God Almighty, will break in pieces the spiritual gates of brass and cut in half the spiritual bars of iron that has withheld your spiritual blessings and as a result advance you to where you should have been at this point in your life.

Father, Just like you did for king Cyrus, Please! Release to us the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places that the enemy has stolen from us, so that we would be even more convinced, that you O' Lord who have called us by our names, that you are the God of Israel.

I want to say to someone today, that the God of all glory has position others to catapult you to where you should have been at this point in your life. All that the enemy has stolen from you spiritually and hid in his treasury, must and will be release. The physical manifestation of what God has done for you spiritually will be revealed in the uncommon help that's about to come your way.

God advanced Abraham, God advanced Moses, God advanced Isaac, God advanced Jacob, God advance Joseph and so many others. NOW HE HAS DECIDED THAT IT'S TIME TO ADVANCE YOU!!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Please suit up for spiritual war

I admonish everyone but more specifically those that are constant dreamers to always pray the whole armor of God over yourselves before going to sleep.

Reason being, we are most vulnerable to the devices of Satan and his human agents while we're asleep. However, the armor of God is an invisible suit or should we say a spiritual armor that protects our spirit during "dream warfare."

For those of you that don't know;  whenever we drift off to sleep, even though our physical body is stationary and unconscious to the material things of this world, our spirit which is indeed the real us is automatically engaged in constant spiritual warfare in what is known as dream warfare. To not armor oneself with the whole armor of God as stated in Ephesians 6:11, 13-17 is equivalent to a fireman going to fight a raging fire clothed only in his underwear. I am sure you'll agree that he will suffer loses even his own life.

Folks that are not attired in their spiritual armor will suffer insurmountable defeats and failures in their dream. For example, animals attacking them, dogs, snakes or strange creatures harming them in their dreams to the point they actually feel the pain at the very spot on their body they were attacked in their dreams. Unfortunately, what they would have experienced in their dreams regarding their attack has far reaching implications in their natural life. For example, I know of a case where a lady was bitten in her dream by an enormous black cobra snake on her right hip. Well, guess what? From that night forward she continued to experience medical issues with that side of her body which of course Doctors could not diagnose. Her physical symptoms were as a result of what had occurred in the spirit realm while her physical body was at rest, but her unarmed spirit was very much awake fighting a losing battle all because of her lack of spiritual armor.

Of course, it was discovered via prayer and fasting that the snake that bit this lady in her dream was a long time enemy of hers that sent a curse of infirmity against her. Of course, the curse which is indeed an evil spirit of sickness masqueraded in this woman's dream as a snake was only able to do so due to two things. And they are the lady's lack of knowledge of spiritual things and being totally unarmored in her dream by not praying the whole armor of God over herself.

Therefore, from this day forward before going to sleep here is the prayer you should be praying so that you would be outfitted properly for the inevitable war that you're about to experience when you do fall asleep:

"God of all glory and the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I come before your Holy throne tonight making a request of a provision you've made available for me. Father, I am asking you to outfit me with your spiritual armor you've made available for me as I am about to enter "dream warfare." Lord! You have promised in your word that this specific armor will cause the one who is outfitted with it to stand against the wiles of the devil and to also withstand in the evil day according to your word in Ephesians 6:11.13.

So right now Lord, I speak over myself according to your word my helmet of salvation, my sword of the Spirit which is your word. I now place upon myself the shield of faith that you promised would quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Now, lord, I ask for my feet to be outfitted with the Gospel of peace along with my loins being protected with truth and my final piece of armor which is my breastplate of righteousness in the mighty name of your son and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Friends, if you are suffering from sleep paralysis, having nightmares, being hagged at night while attempting to sleep or hearing voices or seeing apparitions, then you need to suit up for war. I will end with this. If you have not been putting on the armor of God, then it was only the grace of God that was keeping you to this point.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Why Am I Always Chased Or Defeated In My Dreams

Time and time again, I would receive emails from folks that find it so confusing as to why they are always running from someone or something in their dreams.

Amazingly this question is more predominantly asked by Christians. The reasoning behind their inquiry is that if they're believers of Jesus Christ, then why is it that they're always being chased or defeated in their dreams and not the other way around. Well, Like I have mentioned in so many of my articles on dreams. Our dreams reveal revelations to the mysteries' root causes of what's happening in our everyday lives.

If you are experiencing dreams where you are always being defeated, failing at a particular task, being chased by animals, people or monsters, etc. Then your dreams could be revealing one of two of the following, if not both. The dream could be indicating a spirit of fear or showing you're spiritually weak.

You see, my friend, most folks are under the grand illusion that because they wear the title of Christians or attend church regularly. The devil and his agents are no match for them; of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Before I proceed with this revelation, let me say that Satan's greatest weapon against the human race outside of keeping us away from knowledge is to always cause us as humans to focus primarily on the natural things of this world as the source of our problems. At the same time, he runs unchallenged and unabated, manipulating us spiritually.

If you are always defeated, chased, or attacked in your dreams, your dreams reveal that you are weak spiritually! Let's see what scripture has to say about this, "If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small" Proverbs 24:10. As a reminder, your dreams reveal things from their origin, and the source of all things is spiritual. Therefore, seeing yourself in your dream indicates the spirit part of your being and not the physical you. Again, the material part of your being is asleep in a bed, chair, couch, etc.
On the other hand, whatever it is that's chasing or defeating you in your dreams, they are also spirits, more specifically evil spirits. Being spiritually weak would indicate that the dreamer is not feeding their spirit spiritual food, which is God's Holy Word. Do you recall what Jesus said about his words? He said, "The words (the word of God) that I speak, they are SPIRIT, AND THEY ARE LIFE," John 6:63. Another scripture that lends to this understanding when it said, "Man should not live by (physical) bread alone but by every word (spiritual food) that proceeded out of the mouth of God" Matthew 4:4.

In essence, whether it's written or preached, the word of God feeds the human spirit of those that would take the time to read or hear it. Many carry the title Christian, but they are spiritually malnourished. Some of the physical signs of a person who encounters such dreams would be that they rarely succeed in reality. For the Christian, they would always notice that non-believers accomplish more and achieve more than they do. Again these are tell-tale signs that the dreamer's spirit is depleted of spiritual food.

Consequently, for others that have such dreams but are not spiritually weak, then for them, their dream is revealing that they are either oppressed or possessed by the spirit of fear! In reality, such folks live unhealthy lives because they never really enjoy their lives because their lives are consumed by fear. Every time they speak, it's always in the tune of caution, be careful, or they're afraid to do this or that, etc. Amazingly, their dream, which is revealing fear, is also exposing some flaws in their Christianity. Again, let's review scripture or what I refer to as spiritual law to clarify my assertion. "The wicked flee when no man pursues him: but the righteous are bold as a lion" Proverbs 28:1. The second portion of the mentioned scripture clearly says that the "RIGHTEOUS" are "BOLD" as a lion. Well, we do know that to be bold is to be fearless. If the Christian dreamer considers themselves righteous, then why are they always running from and not boldly confronting and defeating whom or whatever is chasing them in their dreams. Is it that they are not as righteous as they claim. In fact, the first portion of that same scripture unequivocally says, the "WICKED FLEE even when no one is pursuing him."

 I strongly recommend for those that are weak in spiritual strength to please feed on the word of God. During my teachings, I usually suggest for those that do not like to read to purchase the bible on CD and reduce it to a low volume when you go to bed at night so that it can not only feed your spirit while you're asleep but also aid you in your dream warfare. For those of you that can identify with the spirit of fear making a mess of your life. I also suggest you do a two day fast asking God to destroy all known or unknown covenants that have been forged with the spirit of fear that would have taken place in either your childhood, a life-changing event in your adulthood, or via your dreams.

In any event, these dreams must be challenged, rebuked, and canceled whenever they occur.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Deeper Spiritual Insight Into Understanding The Realm Of Dreams

Scripture clearly says to us that while Wisdom is the principal thing, we are simultaneously advised that in our quest to get wisdom, we must simultaneously place the same efforts on getting UNDERSTANDING! Proverbs 4:7

Happy is the man that finds wisdom and the man that gets UNDERSTANDING!, Proverbs 3:13. Clearly, wisdom and understanding are the main components of revelatory insight. In fact, Proverbs 3:14-18 provides a wonderful description, comparison, and benefits of wisdom and understanding, which I strongly suggest you take the time to read.

Nevertheless, my post today will be focusing on the word "Understanding," and here is why. Spiritual law states that "Counsel in the heart (mind) of man is like deep waters, but a man of "UNDERSTANDING" will draw it out" Proverbs 20:5 To embrace the fullness of this law so that one would be willing to make it practical in their lives, we must firstly, seek the true meaning of the word understanding.

Understanding comes from the Hebrew word "Binah," which is defined as insight, intelligence, and prudence. Amazingly, in Proverbs 3:15-18, understanding is referred to as the female gender but even more telling, Isaiah 11:2 clearly describes Understanding as a spirit! Scripture says that Daniel had understanding in all VISIONS and DREAMS! Daniel 1:17. Therefore, I submit to you that Daniel always had a spirit of understanding. However, his sacrifice through fasting (Daniel 1:8-15) made it active in him.

Here is the reasoning behind the assertion I made regarding Daniel already being possessed with the spirit of understanding. In 1 Kings 3:5, it is said that God appeared to King Solomon in a dream and asked him what shall he give him. Surprisingly, king Solomon only asked God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to judge God's people. Now, for those of you that don't know, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are indeed spirits, according to Isaiah 11:2. Now, here is where the story gets even more interesting. In 1 Kings 3:12, God himself categorically stated to king Solomon that He (God) had already "GIVEN" King Solomon's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Please help me here but isn't the word given the past tense of the word give? Thus, indicating that King Solomon was already equipped with what he was asking for. Now here is the kicker, just like with our brother Daniel. God originally visited king Solomon as a result of the great sacrifice to God, 2 Chronicles 1:6-7.

Let's take this a little deeper. Again, In Isaiah 11:2, we learn that counsel isn't just a word. Instead, it is referred to as the "spirit of counsel" With that said, back to Proverbs 20:5, says. "Counsel (The spirit of counsel) is in a man's heart, but a man of understanding (or one that possesses the spirit of understanding) knows how to activate it.

There is so much more that I can say on this which will reveal deeper revelations on the spirit of understanding. Nevertheless, I took this long route to simply say this and that is a true dream interpreter must primarily be accompanied by the spirit of understanding or possessed by it. The reason being stated in Proverbs 20:5, which clearly says that the spirit of counsel which is God's instructions given to us via our dreams (Job 33:14-16), is compared to being placed in deep waters (our hearts) BUT! Only a man who is aided by the spirit of understanding can draw or make sense of the counsel given to him by God.

Okay! Let's bring this baby home now; if you do not understand your dreams, this would suggest you do not understand the spiritual intelligence, prudence, or insight that God is or has provided to you via the spirit of counsel. Therefore, I recommend to you to fast and pray and ask God to give you the spirit of understanding so that you can begin to make sense of your dreams or the instructions/counsel he has and is giving to you concerning the matter of your life and by extension the life of others.

I will leave you with this to ponder on. Inviting the spirit of understanding into your life will be initiated through you listening to the word of God!  Here's the scriptural proof, "Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know to understand" Proverbs 4:1.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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