Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are you under demonic Manipulation in your relationship?

I am sure the above topic will capture the attention of many—particularly those that can not make sense of the strange happenings they are continually experiencing in their relationship.

Witchcraft, voodoo, Obeah, hex, spells, curses, incantations, roots, etc. are all modern-day ingredients for manipulating relationships. Sad to say, folks who engage in such diabolical activity have absolutely no idea of the present and long term consequences that are associated with these evils.

Firstly, what is demonic manipulation? Demonic manipulation is where you have demonic forces heavily influencing your mind and spirit, to do things you would not ordinarily do. For the most part, these activities are initiated by someone casting spells or curses towards you or your relationship. Demonic manipulation can also be defined as the capturing of one's reasoning ability, forcing their victim to conform and subject themselves to the wishes and desires of their Manipulator. At the same time, the victim has zero understanding of what they're doing and has literally become a living puppet to their Manipulator. It is all a matter of the Manipulator placing the desired spell on their victim to achieve their desired results. As an initial sign, the victim becomes exceptionally defensive, always right, unreasonable, and passionately controlling. These signs are not gradual but very sudden and unexpected. It is almost as if you're dealing with a complete stranger.

Yes! I know the above understandings seem far fetched and just unreal. However, you would be amazed as to the massive amount of relationships that are controlled by such means, and I am sure some of the signs you've seen in others, if not yourself. One of the interesting things concerning folks under demonic manipulation is that there is no middle ground with them. Meaning, there is either intense love (not real love) or extreme hate. Also, those that are under such spells. Whatever it is that they are manipulated to do, they become desperate and obsessed with achieving it, to the point that everything else in their lives, even those critical, becomes secondary (such as family, finance, health, etc.). It is as if they have abandoned all forms of common sense and reasoning to pursue what is unequivocally clear to everyone else that death and destruction will become the conclusion of their erroneous decisions.

Scripture has provided clear insight as to what is really happening in such a case. Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other Matthew 6:24. Unfortunately for this person, they have successfully convinced themselves that everyone else is wrong concerning what is obviously wrong with them. It is only their own reasoning that they listen to (which is really the reasoning of evil spirits polluting their minds with everything that will destroy them eventually).

Just for a moment, think of yourself, your partner, or any relationship you're familiar with. Where someone in the relationship just abruptly without warning made the decision to abandoned their family, left home, and moved in with someone else, quit their job, and made a drastic decision without the other party's input and having no backup plan. What about your partner all of a sudden despising you, losing all forms of respect, affections, love, gentleness, consideration, and kindness towards you? My friend, these are all common signs of your partner and relationship being heavily attacked by demonic manipulation.

Some folks believe they would be a better fit with the things you have. For example, they think they should be with the person you're with. Hence, they've resorted to evil means to bring division in your union with the ultimate goal of bringing about indefinite separation and complete devastation to your once-happy life. Demonic manipulation makes you look away from what is obviously right and embrace what is wrong, again with the ultimate goal of destroying its victim. I want to make clear that demonic manipulation is not only reserved for relationships-but can spread its tentacles in every area of a person's life.

Whoever and wherever you are this morning, let me say to you that this is your day to be set free from years of mental slavery from the powers of demonic manipulation. God wants to emancipate you, your spouse, family members, and friends from the shackles of manipulation so that you can live a free and enjoyable life.

Ask yourself, "Am I really free?" In other words, are you doing what you genuinely want to do with your life or relationship, or is there someone or something influencing you to such a degree that you have literally become a slave to 99.5% of their desires and only .5% of yours. Now ask yourself, "Is this fair to me?" Well, let us referrer to the mentioned scripture Matthew 6:24, which says, "A man can not serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other." The keyword in this text is the word, either. Suggesting that despite the influence on him, he is still the one making a choice to serve one of the masters.

So, why don't you make the choice today and sincerely as God to unshackle your mind and remove the scales off your eyes? Ask him to forgive you of any door you might have left open or unattended spiritually, that gave this evil the legal right to enter your life. Continue by asking God to assist you in restoring your home, marriage, relationship, job, or whatever it is that you've been manipulated out of. For the word declares that we can do nothing without him and that we can do all things through him who strengthens us, John 15:5, Philippians 4:13.

Finally, from this day forward, begin to continually believe and behave as if you are free from demonic manipulation. Every time you pray, outfit yourself with the whole armor of God Ephesians 6:11, 13. This armor is the spiritual suit that will cause you to stand against the schemes, tricks, manipulation, and games of the Devil.

Heavenly Father, please have mercy upon the readers of this article and release them indefinitely from the powers of darkness and manipulation. Cause them to see what they could not see before, and that is freedom and life which your son Jesus Christ died for; we ask these things in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Mimicking Spirit.

Everyone has, at some time or another, experienced a relationship in which the person they initially met has so much in common with them. In fact, they were convinced that they had met their soul mate due to the similarities and coincidences they had experienced. Surprisingly, once the relationship has begun, everything abruptly changes, and it now appears as if they're in a relationship with the Devil himself as opposed to who they thought was their soul mate.

The above scenario is the most common occurrence in the average relationship. The purpose of the source perpetrating this act is to mislead its victim into believing something that really doesn't exist and, at best, to keep this individual who truly desires a genuine relationship with the person God has ordained for them and at least to delay or hinder them in their search for their chosen mate. Thus, I want to teach today about the source and root of this evil, and the source and root of this evil is known as a "mimicking spirit."

Mimic is imitating or copying in action, speech, behavior, etc. It also means to impersonate, imitate, or simulate. The general idea is to be or become something that one is certainly not.

Interestingly enough, there is nothing new about this spirit; like I said earlier, its mission is to mislead its victim but, more importantly, to make its victim focus entirely on what appeases their five senses. This makes the victim utterly ignorant of the spiritual forces that have blinded them physically from the obvious; consequently, the victim succumbs to the likeness of what appears to be accurate and not the true nature of what it really is.

So let us look at a biblical scenario to bring about spiritual clarity. "And one of the multitudes answered and said, Teacher, I have brought unto you my son, who has a dumb spirit" Mark 9:17. Usually, we would read this text and think nothing of it, but there is a revelation here. The revelation here is the man did not say his son was dumb. Instead, he said that his son has a dumb spirit. Suggesting that there was a spirit in his son that mimicked the behavior of a genuinely dumb person. At the same time, giving others the impression that the boy was really dumb.
Another example of this would be found in Luke 13:10-17. In this particular story, there was a woman that was cripple to the average person observing her. However, Jesus said in verse 11 that this woman has a "spirit of infirmity." Again, suggesting that there was really nothing wrong with this woman. However, this spirit in her has been mimicking the behavior of a cripple person for 18 years. In both cases, the root of these people's behavior was that of a spirit and not the actual person; wow!

Someone you have allowed into your life that seemed to be the perfect mate or friend, but if you carefully take note spiritually your entire time with them, you would discover that they have either been observing and learning you from a distance or they have attentively and skillfully listen to you (as it relates to what you desire in a person or a mate) and has become whatever it is that you verbally released to them. Fortunately, this spirit that inhabits that person can only mimic for so long; in short order, it will show its ugly head. Here are some of the signs to look for to conclusively identify this spirit:

  • Bipolar type personality
  • Extremely moody
  • Selfish
  • Always anxious to know more about their victim from their victim
  • Appear to be very passionate and overly concern
  • Very controlling
  • Very crafty and deceitful
  • Abnormally secretive, releasing very little information about themselves
  • Once their objective has been achieved, they immediately lose interest in their victim.
  • Love playing the victim role if it appears as if they'll be discovered
  • Extremely catering and sensitive initially but always with an ulterior motive
  • Have absolutely no problem moving on to the next relationship to begin their vicious heartless diabolic cycle all over again, simultaneously leaving destroyed lives behind with zero remorse for their victims.

These are but a few of the obvious signs to identify this crafty spirit that has misled so many and has also been the cause of so many folks' bitterness and inability to trust others anymore. I know some of you reading this right now are in complete shock because you thought your case was an isolated incident.

My advice to you, my friend, is, firstly, people are rarely what they present themselves to be, especially if their motives are evil. The truth is the best of us; occasionally, we pretend to be something or someone we're not. Therefore it is our responsibility to do our homework concerning these people, research, and ask questions about their character. Secondly, because this evil is of a spiritual nature, it has to be addressed spiritually. Therefore take this opportunity and ask God to give you a spirit of discernment so that you can see beyond what your five senses are dictating to you that, for the most part, will pan out to be erroneous.

Finally, every one of us has the God-given ability to detect in our spirit when something is not right with the spirit of others. In our conversations with others, we always say, "My spirit doesn't take to him/her" sounds familiar? At that moment, your spirit attempts to give you a heads-up to pending danger; 99.9% of the time, this heads-up is usually correct. As evidence of this, scripture says, "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save or except the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God" 1 Corinthians 2:11.


Heavenly Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ we command every mimicking spirit to expose themselves openly now! We also command in the name of Jesus that this spirit not only becomes confused with their diabolical plans but that it would leave its host indefinitely and that the spiritual eyes of its victim be open spiritually In the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The law of synergy

In keeping with my promise on writing about relationships, I want to elaborate today on one, if not the main law that guarantees any relationship staying together. My first article for the year, which was posted a few weeks ago dealt extensively about our topic. In fact, we elaborated on the purpose of synergy and the many benefits that accompany it.

Today we will further explore this law from a relationship point of view and how when one comes to the understanding of this simple but powerful law. Their understanding will provoke not only change, but cause them to look carefully at the folks that  are presently occupying their time and determine for themselves whether they’re relationship is working for them or against them.

I want to make abundantly clear, that in order to produce and maintain synergy in any relationship, then the bedrock of that relationship MUST be pedestal on RESPECT!
Now, what is synergy? Well synergy is the combine effort of two or more people combining their resources seeking after the same goal, and with the same mindset. This couple or people will produce more as a team, than they were doing as individuals.

The bottom line, the entire concept of synergy is to always produce more. So before we go any further in this teaching, if your relationship is not or has not produce more than you were doing as individuals, then let me be the first to tell you that there has been a breech in the law of synergy which automatically causes the parties involved to work against each other.

Unfortunately, this breech is always initiated by a lack of respect by the parties involved towards each other. The word respect is defined as holding someone or something in high esteem or in great honor. The sub meaning of this word suggests or gives the idea of an invisible wall between the parties that even though they would feel the need from time to time when in an argument or disagreement to verbally or physically attack each other. The invisible wall called respect will only allow them to go so far simply because the high esteem or honor that they have for each other. Thus, your respect for your partner, places a demand on you to control your anger and your dislike of certain things that the other party would do that upsets you. If what I have just said is depleted in your relationship. Then the foundation in which synergy is suppose to be built has been compromised.

If you are presently involved in a relationship, where your partner behaves as if they’re better than you, belittles you, completely disrespects you, ashamed to be in public places with you and always have you isolated under the disguise that they only want to protect you, my friend these are all signs that, this person is working against you and clearly has no real interest or good intentions towards you but are totally consumed by their selfish pride ridden motives that will always exclude you. Remember the law of synergy, it provokes unity and sees everyone involve as equals making their individual contribution to complete the whole.

My article that was posted in this Colum on the 17th January 2012, “The law of antagonism” spoke clearly about when a team or couple begins to work against each other. Even though they are a team, if they are working against each other, then they must produce less than they were doing as individuals.

It is always God’s purpose that when he put anything together its results are always to produce more. Genesis 1:28 says, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Fruitful, multiply and replenish all speak of increase to any union that God has put together. If this is the case, then ask yourself, “If God has put your union together (be it business or romance) then why is it producing less?” Another scripture says, “And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them” Genesis 11:6.

Wow! God himself said that if the people are one, speaking one language (meaning seeking the same goal and seeing each other as equal) not only will this be the beginning or their success as a team but nothing shall be impossible for them to accomplish…………

Question! Are you producing more in your relationship? Sorry! I didn’t hear that, did you say No? Then why are you holding on to something that is guaranteeing you less? Can’t you see that the world is passing you by, while you’ve been dormant for years all because you refuse to do what you know you have to do. The right person is in search for you even as you read this you’re probably admiring them everyday. They are equip with all that you desire, more importantly RESPECT for you! However it is impossible for them to find you, if you’re saddle down with that selfish, controlling, self centered, arrogant, I’m better than you person you have shackle yourself to. God wants you to live, and living begins with being connected to the right people, places and things that will cause you to produce more……..LIFE IS ABOUT PRODUCING MORE………IT’S CALL SYNERGY!

Heavenly Father, I pray for a complete divide and ripping away of anything or anyone that the readers of this article are connected to that has caused them to produce less for them, than they were doing by themselves. I further pray that you would replace that void with the right people and places in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The law of antagonism

All relationships are governed by laws whether we admit it or not. As a matter of fact I would further my point by saying everything, be it seen or unseen meaning physical or spiritual has its boundaries or limits set by laws that governs or control its behavior.

With the above being said, then it would be wise in an attempt to better understand the nature of someone, we must first ascertain the laws that control or govern them or at least the principles and rules that they knowing or unknowingly subscribe to.

Now, what exactly is a law? Well, a law is defined as any set of rules or principles that regulates, govern or control the behavior or actions of anyone or anything, it is also the determining factor as to what the end result will be concerning someone or something based on the laws applied in that situation.

This now brings us to the law of antagonism which is one of a series of teachings that I will be writing on in the coming weeks concerning relationships. The law of antagonism dictates that anyone or anything that you have joined yourself to (in this case a relationship) however find yourselves consistently working against one another. This relationship according to this law is pre-destine to always produce, manufacture or result in less as a union than you were producing as individuals.

So, as you can see, this law whether you are aware of it or not once activated will determine a negative outcome it was designed to produce. However this is no newly discovered law. Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself SHALL not stand” Matthew 12:25. So, it is clear that we are guaranteed less in any relationship as long as we knowingly or unknowingly participate in this law. Make no mistake, laws do not wait on your approvals in fact it is waiting on your decision to be activated.

As an example, the law of gravity dictates that whatever goes up must come down. Again, this law is not seeking our opinions In order for it to perform what it was designed to do. Meaning, it is a rule and is applicable and dictates to everything and anything. It will not change based on how we feel but must always give the determined end result  based on its purpose of making things come down that goes up.

As it relates to relationships it is always God’s purpose for a relationship to produce MORE! Genesis 1:26 makes this crystal clear when it said, "And God blessed them (union or relationship) and said unto them, "Be FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY and REPLENISH the earth" Each of these words not only represents increase, but it suggests a continual  increase as long as this couple focus on working in harmony with each other and not against each other.

Based on everything that I have said so far I am sure you would agree that a prophet or committee is not necessary to conclude for you that your present relationship is in full swing of the law of antagonism if the continued results of that relationship has been and still is producing, manufacturing or concluding in, less joy, less peace, less love, less communication, less understanding, less respect, less romance and less of everything. Especially if you know within yourself that you were producing more of these things while you were by yourself.

My friend, please! Discontinue with the game playing, quite procrastinating the inevitable, stop the “I’m waiting on God line”, when you are fully aware that based on your recurring past and present circumstances as it relates to your relationship, God has spoken to you based on Matthew 12:25. That relationship will not and can not work. God will not bend or break his rules for you. The rules and laws of God are designed for you to see clearly in the mess of confusion that you’ve fond yourself in so that you can make a sound godly choice that will conclude in a God end result.

Ask yourself the question! Why would God desire to keep you in a relationship that is obviously producing less, if his purpose, intent and design for a relationship is to produce more? Well, like I always say, in order for you to know, recognize or even decipher what good is you must experience bad. Therefore the sole purpose of that temporary designed antagonistic relationship was to condition and prepare you for the one that he has chosen to connect you to, in an effort to produce more and not less.

My words of wisdom for you this marvelous morning is simply this; your past or present antagonistic relationship was and is a temporal season of conditioning and changing the way you think for the better, to embrace the good that is about to be presented to you. If you are bitter and not better as a result of it, then clearly you’ve not learned so get ready to experience it all over again. If you are better and not bitter as a result of it, then get ready because better days are ahead anxiously awaiting the arrival of your conditioned mind.

It is time to let go! God will only release the one that he has purposed for you to produce more with, when you decide to release that one that has been guaranteeing you a constant end result of less!

Heavenly Father, I speak a spirit of release accompanied with peace and the severing of every soul tie for those that have finally made up within their minds to move forward with the expectation of better awaiting their arrival, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The keys to an excellent stellar performance in the year 2012

The defining moments of 2012 will be predicated on whom we’ve decided to bring along with us out of 2011 or left behind in 2011. It will also be a reflection of whether we became bitter of better through the many challenges of 2011.

God has already determined that 2012 will be defined and labeled as a year of EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE, of which I’m completely committed to this Belief. In fact it will be as a direct result of the   multitude of problems and challenges during the course of 2011 that were literally transforming and conditioning our minds unknowingly, for what we are about to step into in 2012 that is literally waiting our arrival.

During the course of 2011, I wrote extensively about difficulties, challenges, oppression and the like. My intent was to cement into our understanding that every one of the above scenarios were working for us and not against us. In fact if you were wise enough and saw beyond your present dislike circumstances, you would have understood that you were being conditioned and prepared to master what’s to come. Unfortunately, for so many of us we’ve become so focused on who is doing what to us that we repeatedly fail in observing the changes that were subtly  being made in us, that could have only come through those challenges. Therefore it was from the perception of our challenges that we made the erroneous choice to become bitter instead of better.

As you would have noticed all across the world we’ve seen the removal of many leaders including political and religious. Even in our work places, local church assemblies, homes and more so in relationships, please make no mistake these changes are not by accident or chance but carefully calculated by God to move many of you into those now vacant places and connect you properly for your next assignment, come 2012. Thus your training and conditioning were a necessity which came through severe and unimaginable disappointments, failure, demotion, frustration, and lack. All in a grand effort to CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK! You are being placed in position for the year 2012 to change the evil order of which you once oppressively lived under. You unknowingly evolved into the biblical JOSEPH, meaning you became so frustrated as to what happened to you, that you couldn’t even entertain the idea of doing it to others and at the same time created in you an insatiable desire to establish change. This is the law of positive change due to negative circumstances. Now comes the shedding process as you inter 2012, who will you bring along or leave behind? This is critical because in both cases it directly affects whether you’ll do things the same or different. As a warning if you haven’t learned in 2011 then get ready to repeat it in 2012.

The key is, you must be connected properly to the right people, places and environments because it is in these people, places and environments that have the solution for your need and you the solution for their needs that when joined together  will ultimately produce the unexpected, the unimagined and more so THE UNBELIEVIBLE! The word for this phenomenon is called SYNERGY!

In reality synergy is what the religious world calls a miracle. You see, because everything in God’s creation was never designed to operate independent of itself, instead designed to join with something or someone to miraculously produce more or produce less. This understanding is quite clear, when God said that it was not good that the man should be alone, Genesis 2:18. Suggesting, in order for him do produce more he must connect or join with someone or something with like mind each benefiting from each other in an effort to create or produce more.

Interestingly enough King Solomon also understood the revelation of this phenomenon in the following statement, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? If one prevails against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broke” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. My friend the key to success in 2012 is the mastering of SYNERGY! Unfortunately, in order to master this, then you must have gone through a period of challenging circumstances that were unknowingly to you, equipping you mentally to better make wise choices as to who and who not to connect with. As I have repeatedly said to you in 2011, “YOU CAN NOT DECIPHER, RECOGNIZE OR UNDERSTAND WHAT GOOD IS UNTIL YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED BAD”. The so called bad in 2011 was enabling you to recognize good in 2012.

The law of synergy dictates that with the combining efforts of two or more people or things of like minds, their end results will produce more as a team than they were producing as individuals. On the other hand the law of antagonism dictates that the combine efforts of any team working against each other will produce less as an end result of their efforts than they were doing as individuals.

Just for a moment begin to reflect on the  year 2011, now think about what you have lost and what you’ve gained, now take it a step further do your best at this crucial point and try to recall who you were connected to or with during the process of those losses and gains. At this point it should be clear to you who will accompany you in 2012 and who you need to leave behind in 2011. These laws are the filters for making those decisions. 

The year 2012 has embedded in it twelve month of unearth treasures just for you. Connect with God and he will connect you with the right people, places and things to unveil those treasures laid up just for you that you have been conditioned for during the arduous course of 2011. Each month needs you to bring about what he’s purposed in that particular month. I promise you if you do it this way, then it is impossible for you not to achieve excellent Stella performance in 2012.  

Heavenly Father, it is my simple prayer for the beginning of 2012 that your divine favor will advance every intended destination for every reader of this article in the year 2012. I ask this of you Father in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

                          WELCOME FRIENDS TO THE YEAR 2012, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Process Of One Who Is Called To Be Great!

Every one that is called to be great or to do the extraordinary MUST suffer extreme persecution! It is typical for this person's family, friends, inner circle, and those he trusts the most to hurt him the most.

Amazingly, at the end of this process, it is almost impossible for this person that's called to greatness to hate these people (if he understands the purpose behind his ordain process). This is simple, and that is his challenges would have taught him that these people were not only necessary for his development. But they were also the tools God decided to use to chisel him into the extraordinary great person he has or will become...............

 Great people are rarely produced through great times... In fact, it is during the bad times when their backs are against the wall, they wisely decide that there is no other option than to become GREAT! Make no mistake, God is the one supervising all of this. Only to reveal to the world and your enemies that they unknowingly played a crucial part in provoking the greatness that was always resident within you. However, it required you to be challenged to be ignited.

Those who have labeled ourselves as a failure or others have convinced you that you are a failure and counted you out. Make no mistake, they are about to see the most significant revolution and transformation of the human spirit.


Greatness is presently residing in you; however, it’s asleep and needs the agitation of your haters and detractors to give it life. Provocation would usually be the instrument by which revelation and creation are released from the human spirit, that the human mind initially assumed it had nothing left to fight with. Nevertheless, applied pressure and discomfort are projected at the one who is called to greatness. Becomes motivated to reach deep within and tap into a source that needed the right pressure to release it.

Your present dislike position is agitating you to release the greatness that presently resides within you for those of you reading this right now. The Bible says it this way,  "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. Even though we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body, 2Corianthians 4:7-10.

I pray on this beautiful morning that the Lord will open your spiritual eyes and reveal your difficulties working for you and not against you. Eventually, comprehend why it is necessary to love your enemies and accept the scriptural command that we must give thanks in all things, 1 Thess. 5:18. The reality is, with the assistance of patience, we're being chiseled into the greatness we are called to be.


Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What does it mean; God will not put more on us than we can bear?

Every challenge that we face, which seems to have no solution, would always appear to be more than we can bear, particularly when all answers seem exhausted. When reading the above topic, which is quoted so frequently. I wonder if those quoting it consider who is responsible for giving this load to bear. Could all human beings have assigned burdens to challenge them at different seasons of their lifetime? Nevertheless, a spiritual understanding of why God allowed this load to be placed on us would be necessary to understand how better it is to bear it. The truth is that whatever load we are carrying, we're not shouldering it physically. For example, the unexpected death of a loved one; I am sure you are not physically taking that deceased loved one across your shoulders every day, right? Therefore the load must be of a spiritual and emotional nature that has placed that person in such a depressed grieving state that it seems impossible to shake off. Again, burdens are carried by our spirit and not our physical being. Even though our physical being can show evidence of carrying a load. Let us see how God requires us to deal with it. Whenever God addresses man, it is always initiated by spiritual things; why you ask? Well, let's look back at creation related to man's makeup. According to Genesis 2:7, when God, a spirit (John 4:24), breathed into the nostrils of this physical man he made from the earth's dust (which became man's flesh), he became a living soul. The word soul in this text comes from the Hebrew word "Nephesh," which means spirit. It is understandable why our flesh would quickly fail us and not maintain peace of mind when facing life's difficulties and unchangeable circumstances. Our flesh was not designed to sustain what our spirits were made to carry. Someone is facing the most tremendous burden or trial of their life. Their flesh superseded the authority of their spirit by whispering to their spirit the following, "it isn't worth it," "You should commit suicide." "Just give up," "Life is meaningless." "I wish I was never born," "you must not forgive." My friend, these are all signs that your spirit is not in control. In fact, the weakest part of your triune being is in control, which is your flesh. During the Apostle Paul's time, the Galatians church was experiencing problems (flesh ruling spirit). The Apostle Paul had to say to them of this all too common problem to clarify how we comprehend the term "God will not put more on us than we can bear. To dismiss what our flesh is trying to make a reality to us from a negative standpoint, we must instead "Walk in the spirit (the term walk in the spirit is to literally live what the word of God is saying to you), and we SHALL NOT fulfill the lust or desire of our flesh. Paul said that during life's inevitable challenging days, be it the unexpected loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or even a dissolved relationship. So, isn't it clear what we must do? So we would not succumb to the negativity our flesh dictates to our spirit? Therefore when God allows these seemingly unbearable burdens to be placed on us. He never intended us to bear it physically because we will always fail physically. It would still seem too great, and 2) The more difficult it becomes, he requires us to dig relentlessly in his word so that we would not fulfill what our weak flesh demands, which is ninety-nine percent negative or against the will of God. Based on this understanding, we must conclude that THE WORD OF GOD PRACTICED IS THE ONLY GENUINE ANTIDOTE TO OUR BURDENS AND LOADS! The Apostle Paul advised what walking in the Spirit of God's word would produce if we're walking in it during our assigned times of heavy burdens. I mention the phrase assigned times because every human being will eventually have to walk this lonely road. Paul said, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law Galatians 5:22-23. My friend, with these results of walking in the spirit, it is impossible not to be able to bear the load that you've been ordained to carry if you're walking to the spiritual protocols of God! Written by: Kevin L A Ewing kevinewing@coralwave.com kevinlaewing.blogspot.com

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