Monday, August 27, 2012

Your beginnings has determine your now!

God has created the world in such a way that wherever there is a beginning it must be accompanied with an end and where ever you find an end there must have been a beginning.

With the above principle in mind, it is safe for us to conclude that every situation that we encounter as it relates to challenges, be it small or great must have a beginning, source or origin. If that source, beginning or origin has not been addressed, then whatever method is being used to fix, repair or resolve the present situation that obviously has a history which is connected to a beginning will place us in repetition of that situation.

History has revealed that in order to correct, improve or to determine the future of anything one must investigate its beginnings. Thus, the solution or answer to our current matters has its roots in our past or history. Therefore, we can coin the phrase, “There is a history to our on going misery”.

In the world of business, such as insurance companies, medical institutions etc, one of the immediate set of questions that you are asked is, do you have a history of a particular illness in your family? Even the business world who are not considered spiritually suave, understands the importance of connecting one’s past or history with present day and ultimately future events.

Unfortunately, this potent revelation/information has been neglected by the Christian community and as a result has kept many of them in bondage to sickness, failed marriages, the successful attacks of witchcraft in their lives, bad relationships etc, In spite of titles such as, Christian, prophets, Pastors, Evangelist, Bishops and the like.

You see my friend the Christians or Believers of Jesus Christ are failing or not achieving the success that God has destine for them not because they are fornicating, lying, being hypocrites, or just plane dishonest. In fact the source of their repetitious defeat and failure to dominate what’s been dominating them is “THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE” Hosea 4:6.

Satan’s greatest weapon is to keep folks ignorant of the origin or genesis of their problems. Every problem has a history and it is the knowledge or mystery of that history or the lack thereof that will determine if the cycle of failure will be broken or will continue. Scripture says to us, “Our Fathers have sinned and now their dead, but we (this present generation) are left to bare their iniquity or punishment” Lamentation 5:7.

The above scripture is clearly saying to us that most of our problems or situations are as a result of what our forefathers has done in the past and now that they have passed on, it did not end when they died. Instead the baton has been passed on to us unknowingly and we’re paying for what they did. In other words we have inherited the sins of our forefathers. This now explains why we’re in a financial mess, marital mess, relationship mess, difficulty with getting a promotion and experiencing all hell just to advance in life.

The day you discover the history or the origin of your stubborn problem, will be the beginning of change for you, as a reminder the only thing that sits between you and the solution to your problem is undiscovered hidden knowledge. This knowledge is intentionally being hidden from you, because it is the key to your progress. Without this knowledge you can not progress, however with it, you are unstoppable. Proverbs 24:14, says that there is a reward for your knowledge and in this case that reward is freedom from bondage, due to a lack of knowledge.

It is so unfortunate to say, but many churches have added additional shackles to those that are seeking freedom. Everyone is just focus on the surface of the problem and has completely discarded its origin. Look! In order to recover one must discover, discover what you may ask? Discover the root, genesis, beginning or origin of what is being manifested as the problem, in order to recover what you’ve lost. You will continue to lose if discovery is not made.

What is it that our forefathers had done that is causing us this hell we’re catching today? Where did it all began, there has to be a root or beginning? You see, the moment you were born, you were shackled with generational curses that has been governing your life up to this very moment and has placed limitations on your life. Scripture confirms this when David said that he was born in sin and shaped in iniquity, Psalm 51:5. Therefore he began life at a disadvantage, in spite of all the plans that God and others had for him.

Ask Mamma and them, what evil they were involved in, in the past such as, some Obeah man/woman fortelling the future, reading horoscope, turpentine, Florida water, grave yard dust, voodoo dolls, witchcraft fourway crossing tying a black string around the babies wrist to prevent spirits from tormenting the baby. What about walking around your property with salt and pouring it in holes. How about this one, placing moth balls in bottles of ammonia and placing it behind the doors in your home as a sign of protection. My friend these are all sources or the beginnings of your now problems, which has placed a curse on the family? That has now caused, the entire family to have limitations placed on their lives. No one can go forward but are prune for going around in circles and going backward. Again, there is always a history to the mystery of your misery. "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils" 1 Corinthians 10:21.

What about when your parents said to you, with such passion, "you'll never amount to anything" "You'll suck the seeds of sorrow" "You will regret these days" "You are so dumb, stupid, ignorant, foolish" My friend it is these types of saying that was said and done out of anger and frustration that we're living today.

Our fore fathers were writing the scripts to our lives when they did and spoke these evils in and over our lives ignorantly. As a reminder, scripture did not say, death and life is in the power of the tongue only when we want it to work. Once it is released from your tongue particularly with passion, anger and hate, you have set the wheels in motion for the manifestation of your words.

Finally, scripture says God knows the end from the beginning of all things, Isaiah 46:10. So ask God right now, “Lord, what is it that has me delayed, what is it that has me going around in circles, what is it that’s causing my family and I not to succeed and whatever he reveals to you there are three thing that you must do.

1) Recognize that it is a curse, 2) Repent of the iniquities of your forefathers and yourself that has been fueling the curse and 3) Ask God to destroy the root of its origin in the name of Jesus so that you can be set free from these limitations this curse has placed on you.


Written by: Kevin L. A. Ewing

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Understanding and combating the forces of Witchcraft pt.1

When the average person hears the word witchcraft, they immediately think in terms of voodoo, black magic or some sort of dark evil spiritual forces. In other instances, one brings to mind dolls with pins inserted in it, grave yard dust, blood sacrifice, or different type of potions or spells.

In today’s teaching on this subject of witchcraft, we are about to venture into an area that is very prevalent in our society in particular our churches but is talked very little about.
Firstly, there are two types of witchcraft, however in both cases the results are the same and that is to ultimately have absolute control over a person, place, group or environment.

The first type of witchcraft is called spiritual witchcraft, and in this case the practitioner uses spiritual means to access the spirit world to control their victims, such as voodoo, Obeah, black magic, roots, sorcery, charisma, enchantment etc. The second type of witchcraft is what is known as Physical witchcraft. In this case the one using this type of witchcraft use the tools of Manipulation, intimidation and domination to control their victim’s mind that will result in controlling their victims physically. In fact this type of witchcraft is what we’ll be discussing today.

Now, let me make abundantly clear, anyone who has a controlling personality particularly to the point of obsession simultaneously possesses the spirit of witchcraft; for the most part they may not even be aware of it. Biblically speaking the term used for this controlling spirit/personality is referred to as the spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel as many of you would know was the wife of king Ahab of Israel according to the bible’s account. Jezebel literally ruled Israel during her husband’s reign by means of manipulation, intimidation and domination. I also want to make clear from the on set, that even though this controlling spirit is named Jezebel, it is not only reserved for women but it also inhabits men as well. As a side note a Jezebel spirit can not exist unless an Ahab spirit gives it permission, be it knowingly or unknowingly. An Ahab spirit is one who is in a place of authority, but their authority has been hijack or undermined by manipulation, intimidation and domination. In simple terms the one who has authority has become subject to the one they are suppose to have authority over.

You would find physical witchcraft normally in families, where you would have one member of a family ruling or dominating the majority of the family. In fact this family member is dislike by all but controlled by none. If you are not siding with this relative, then not only do you become an enemy to this relative but they see to it that every other family member dislike you also. Another sign of this Jezebel spirit is that they are always right and never wrong and if you’re not taking their advice then they would wish harm and speak evil to your ideas, plans of counsel. This spirit always makes you feel as if they’re protecting you from someone, when the truth is they are polluting your mind about that person so that you would equally hate that person, even though they haven’t done you anything. What I am about to say next will give rise to much controversy, but I am sure most of you reading this article who has ever had any encounter with a Jezebel spirit can relate to what I speaking of.

Sad to say I have discovered that there are quite a number of folks that profess Christianity that are saturated with this Jezebel spirit. In fact let’s pause here for a second, anyone who rules by means of manipulation, intimidation and domination has a Jezebel spirit and is in desperate need of deliverance, be it your Pastor, your Mother, Father, Boss, supervisor, Priest or even your children. When a child is told he/she can not have something and that child goes off in a tantrum, then it is crystal clear that this child is trying to rule that parent via manipulation and intimidation with the goal of dominating the parent to conform to their will (Well my bible tells me that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod will drive that foolishness far away, Proverbs 22:15). I strongly suggest you apply this method. Sex is the tool of choice for persuasion or influence when the Jezebel spirit wants to gain control. Make no mistake there is no real love but just a means to disable its victim to manipulate their authority.

Jezebel spirits detest authority and will refuse to be subject to any authority. Jezebel spirits always befriend folks with a well crafted plane to undermine someone in authority but after their goal has been achieved, the folks that they befriended earlier, this same Jezebel now turn on them and rule them with intimidation and domination. Jezebel spirits are great actors and actresses, meaning they know how to play with the emotions of others, especially when it comes to the fake tears, fake compassion and fake love. Again, whatever it is that they are doing the goal is to gain some headway or leverage and their act is a means of getting there. Jezebel spirits always act as if they’re the victim and they are gifted in the art of reversing an argument on their victim. For example, let’s say this person hurt you and you decided to confront them about it, the Jezebel spirit will immediately turn it around as if you hurt them, to the point where you find yourself apologizing to them instead of them apologizing to you. JEZEBEL SPIRITS NEVER APOLOGIZE…………

One of the most distinct sign of a Jezebel spirit is selfishness, this spirit isolates its victims and convinces their victim that they are the only one that cares for them, and it is only them that have their best interest at heart. When the victim buys into this undermining, the victim sees those close to them as their enemies, such as their parents, best friend, children etc. These victims literally transform into robots, only responding to the commands of their captors which are the Jezebel spirit. Believe me when I say to you Jezebel spirits are cruel, vindictive, spiteful and revenge seeking spirits. They never lose and will do anything to win which is inclusive of spiritual witchcraft. If you are involved with a jezebel spirit it's going to be very difficult to part their company without a fight. Prayer and fasting is your keys to victory which I will discuss with you next week.

I am certain many of you reading this article can identify with what you’ve read thus far. Please join me next week as we delve further into the world of witchcraft part. 2.

Written by: Kevin LA Ewing

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Faith is the substance!

 The word substance is understood to be the material of which something is made up of or created from. For example, the substance of the clothing that you’re wearing would be its treads. It can also be defined as the center, core, base, foundation or gist of something.

 In the world of economics currency or money would be the substance or the bases of how things function. There would be no economy without money. In fact it is the blood that keeps the body of economics going. Another example would be our physical bodies; the substance of our physical bodies would be our blood. Without this blood we cannot live.

At this point you’re probably wondering where am I headed with this elaborate definition of the word substance. Well, based on the above definition let’s look at a frequently quoted scripture but never fully understood. As a matter of fact after discovering the revelation that is embedded in this passage of scripture not only will your prayer change but you will experience quicker results.

 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1. The revelation of this scripture hinges on two words and they are faith and substance. We’ve already defined the word substance. However, according to scripture in essence it indirectly suggests to us that faith is indeed the word of God according to Romans 10:17. Romans 10:17 says the following, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". So then, if faith comes to us by hearing, but not just hearing anything but he spifically said by hearing the word of God. Then, I think it is safe to say that faith is the word of God. In simple terms when we quote scriptures such as “no weapon for against us shall prosper” or “I am the head and not the tail” this is indeed faith!  So the word of God is faith!

Let’s go back to the scripture and begin replacing the key words such as faith and substance with their definitions. “Now the word of God is the material, core, base or center of the things that we base our expectation upon. This same word of God is now considered the proof or evidence of those same things that we don't see or have in my possession as yet.

 When we pray we usually place our focus on our expectation such as our healing, a new car, home etc. Instead, the core or substance of our expectation must be planted in the word of God (faith) for whatever we are hoping for or expecting. So from this day forward when you pray give God his word which is faith, as it relates to your situation. If it’s a healing  you’re believing God for, then the substance of your hope (healing) should be the following scriptures, Lord your word says, “Because of your son Jesus Christ stripes I am heal” Lord your word says, “You have sent your word to heal us”. So as you can see, the word of God (faith) would be considered your currency to God in exchange for whatever you’re expecting from him.

 Let’s us confirm the above revelation with two scriptures and they are, firstly, God said to remind him of his word which we now know to be faith not that he forgot his word but the following will make it clear as to why. “Without faith which is the word of God, it is impossible to please God” Hebrews 11:6 Wow! In other words, do not approach God about anything unless you’re coming with his word or faith to accompany your desire. If you decide to continue praying without his word or faith, then you are not pleasing him.

 Friends, it gets no clearer than this, I admonish you to study the scriptures and let your prayers be based on the word of God as it relates to your expectation from God. Praying the word will certainly give you quicker results. The key to your success is your confidence in the word of God and not the thing you’re praying for.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our lives are the sum total of our most dominant thoughts

Let me start out by saying; however life appears to you right now, make no mistake it’s not because of what someone is doing to you or the curve balls that life is throwing at you. Instead, it is the sum total of your thoughts that’s creating whatever it is that you’re perceiving life to be.

Just in case you didn't know already let me be the first to tell you that your thoughts are in fact the masters of your behavior and actions. It is your most dominant thoughts that are dictating your action or reaction on a second by second bases in every area of your life. Some of you reading this article right now are overwhelmed by bouts of depression, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and the like. The interesting thing is none of what I have just mentioned can overcome you unless you agree with it. Bottom line every challenge or difficulty’s root cause is of a spiritual nature. Thus, there is a spirit that’s challenging or suggesting specific evil thoughts to that individual mind, in an attempt that the individual will agree to its suggestion. In turn the individual becomes those dominant thoughts. The two spiritual laws that govern this particular process is as follows: “For as he thinks in his heart/mind, so he becomes” Proverbs 23:7, “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” Amos 3:3. The combination of these two scriptures suggest that whatever it is that we frequently think or ponder on we will convert to action or behavior but in order for that to happen we must have agreed with whom or whatever is initiating those thoughts.

That’s right! You read correctly, in order for one to become depress, angry or whatever, then that individual must have agreed or accepted the suggestions/thoughts made to them knowing or unknowingly by that particular spirit. For example let’s look at depression. Depression is an evil spirit, suggesting thoughts of depression or giving the individual every excuse to be depressed. If that individual accepts what he’s being coerce into thinking, well just like the above statement he now becomes the personification of those thoughts.

As a reminder, life is all about the activation or deactivation of laws. There are no two set of laws, there is one main set of laws and they are the laws of the bible set out in God’s word. Therefore the laws of the bible can be used for our advantage or disadvantage. When we obey and do what the bible suggest for us to do it works for our advantage and we receive the blessing of the lord. The opposite happens when we disobey or go contrary to God’s laws; Satan then has the upper hand on us. This being the case, then it is safe to say that depression and the like are as a result of going contrary to what the word of God says. So if you are depress, bitter, angry or whatever right now, it suggest to me that you have abandon or rejected what God has said about you such as “you are wonderfully and fearfully made”,” you are the head and not the tail”, “you are above only and not beneath”, “you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” in exchange for what these evil spirits such as rejection, sickness, hate, anger unforgiveness and the like are repeatedly speaking to you, which has resulted in your now negative behavior and actions or reaction.

Fear not for there is good news and that good news is that you can overcome that which has been overcoming you. How you may ask? Well firstly, by not agreeing with those evil suggestion/thoughts. Secondly, begin speaking to those thoughts that have been speaking to you. For example, is the spirit of fear speaking to you? Then say to the spirit of fear “GOD DID NOT GIVE ME A SPIRIT OF FEAR INSTEAD HE HAS GIVEN ME A SPIRIT OF POWER, LOVE AND SOUNDNESS OF MIND” 2 Timothy 1:7. Repeat this scripture until you torment that spirit that has come to torment you and I can guarantee you it will leave. Say to the thoughts of depression or heaviness, “The lord has given me the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” Isaiah 61:3. Search the scriptures and apply that particular scripture to that evil spirit that is inserting evil negative thoughts in your mind.

In conclusion my friend, scripture reminds us that God is watching over his word to perform it. Therefore I suggest to you to discontinue not saying anything or stop saying negative things. Instead say what God has said. As a reminder we are not fighting against flesh and blood (people or things) but against evil spirits whom we cannot see, but are more real than the folks that we can see, Ephesians 6:12. The solution to your tormenting thoughts resides in your tongue. “Death and life is in the power of the tongue, and they that love it (death or life) shall eat the fruit of what they consistently speak” Proverbs 18:21


Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

There is a payday for everyone

I am always amazed when folks attempt to take on the victim role when retribution is being issued to them. It is as if they want the entire world to sympathize with them and pamper them in some outlandish way conveniently forgetting what they've done to others.

I am further amazed that during their time of retribution (PAYDAY) of the evil they've sown, amazingly, they instantaneously become poets, scripture reciters, and plaster the walls of various social networks with quotes and references such as “God made ugly but he don’t like it”, “God don’t sleep” “Today for me tomorrow for you”, “If you spit in the wind it will blow in your face”, and the all too common one “What goes around comes around”.

I have to now ask the question to these recent seminary graduates, where were these quotes and biblical references when you were raising eternal hell in the lives of others? News flash! It is now your time to be recompense of the evil, unfairness and hidden calculated plans you have orchestrated in the lives of others. It's so amazing when one is executing their evil towards others, for some strange reason they never envision that one day that same evil multiplied will be returned to them. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they've volunteered for the role of "victim"

You showed no mercy, compassion or consideration to others. Instead you were ruthless defiant, confident and consistent with your well-orchestrated oppression towards others and gave special attention to the art of seeing to it that others do not get ahead. This same God of which you eloquently speak of now that the tables have turned, was the same God that delivered you out of trouble, pulled you out of despair and oppression and placed you in position, not only to assist and promote his people but anyone that needed a helping hand.

However, your gratitude towards this same God was displayed in the crowning of yourself with pride and spreading your shoulders for the robe of selfishness. If that wasn't enough you made it your mission to forget where you came from and what He has brought you through by oppressing and victimizing the people he’s purposely placed in your path for you to promote, deliver and advance as he had done for you. Instead, you praised and rewarded the evil doer and acted upon their advice to keep God’s people under your feet………………. You assumed that because you were not immediately punished for your unjust acts, you were getting away with your crimes on humanity, in particular the people of God.  My friend, scripture is clear and it reads as follows:

“Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house” Proverbs 17:13

Your pride and arrogance has bewitched you of the reality that the seeds you were sowing then, were simultaneously securing a payday for you now, that has forced you in this seat of reality. Your manipulations lies and well choreograph misleading of others has left many with false expectations, hurt, frustration and bitterness and in some cases having to start all over again of course with zero remorse from your end.

Well, if you want to be honest with yourself you can begin by admitting that you're not being unfairly paid. Instead, you are living the biblical law that clearly states, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" Galatians 6:7.


Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written: vengeance is mine,I will repay saith the Lord” Romans 12:19

“Behold, the wicked brings forth iniquity;
Yes, he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood.
He made a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the ditch which he made.
His trouble shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown” Psalm 7: 14-16.

My words of wisdom for today is simply this: treat others the way you desire to be treated. Show love and compassion to others the way God has show it towards you. Promote, uplift, encourage, inspire and advance others while you have the power to do it for these are the seeds that will come home to harvest one day.   I am sure that at the end of the day we can all agree that God surly doesn't sleep. 

Written by Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Respect will always be the adhesive that keeps any relationship together. Whatever problem that arises in a relationship, I can guarantee you its root cause is a violation of respect.

Respect acts as an invisible barrier that governs the standard of any relationship as it relates to the behavioral and verbal communication. Each party has an innate understanding as to how far to go with each other, what borders not to cross. Respecting each others role in the relationship is pivotal for a successful relationship. 

The reality is, if you're seriously in love with someone or have great concern for them, then that genuine love or great concern will determine that you ought to treat and communicate to and with each other in a respectful manner. I find it almost impossible to comprehend, when one claims to love or be concern about another but has zero respect for them...
This makes absolutely no sense at all! In fact, in my opinion I see it as being hypocritical.

Consistent actions coupled with communication will always reveal the heart of the one that claims to love you or be concern about you. Ultimately if they are hell bent on disrespecting you, then I can assure you that their version of love or concern is at best polluted.

The bottom line my friend, whenever the God designed order of any relationship is challenged, which is giving respect to the head of that relationship and respecting each other, then the respect or integrity of that relationship is being challenged as well. My advice is quite simple for this topic and that advice is: whenever you observe any form or type of disrespect at any point or area of your relationship, do not hesitate to have it addressed, instead have it addressed immediately. Your immediate attention to this seemingly irrelevant act will not only bring your relationship in order but secure for yourself and the relationship a peace of mind. Simply put, respect maintains order!

If allowed to continue, then simultaneously prepare for division as a result of that previous unchecked disrespect that initiated the disorder. Any house, kingdom or relationship divided against itself "MUST" fall, Matthew 12:25.   


Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, May 4, 2012

Deliverance of the mind prayer!

Father In the name of your son Jesus Christ, I am certain that it is you that have prompted in my spirit to pray for the members of this group, as it relates to mental illness and mental challenges. Firstly. I cover you that's reading this prayer with the whole armor of God. Secondly, I dispatch the warring angels of the Lord to wage war on all opposing evil spirits that have been assigned against your minds. Thirdly, I cover your thoughts, ideas, thinking process and imagination with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, I call upon you, whom your word has described as a consuming fire. I am asking you, Lord, to burn at the root of every spirit of depression, mental dullness, forgetfulness, mind blankness, confusion, incoherence, fear, suicide, strange thoughts of death, worry, spirits of heaviness, sexually perverted thoughts, violence, unforgiveness, and bitterness. Father, I bind the spirits of laziness, procrastination, the lack of willpower, might, courage and determination. 

Father, give ear to my cry. I pray that you rain down fire and brimstone like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah upon every spirit that is consistently attacking our minds particularly in the area of doubting your word, reading your word, and most of all not being able to focus on your word. I command the spirits of anxiety and panic attacks to die in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray especially for those that have received devastating news such as the loss of a loved one, a broken marriage, divorce, an unwelcome doctor's report. I command these spirits and the power of darkness that has been tormenting these people to be arrested and bind spiritually and cast into the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Father, I attack the spirit of uncertainty with your power which is your word that says IF YOU BE FOR US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US! I now call upon the angels of the Lord who has been given charge over us and to keep us in all our ways to go forth and to take back what the enemy has stolen from us mentally and spiritually. I command Satan, whom God has said his sole purpose towards us is to kill steal and to destroy to return unto every reader of this prayer all that he has taken from them in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Your word gives us legal right when it said that if the thief (Satan) be found he must restore sevenfold what he has stolen, Proverbs 6:31. God, I earnestly pray for that person reading this right now that's flowing in tears because this prayer is evidence that you've heard their inward and outward cry concerning their mental state. Lord, provide them with your peace that passes all understanding. Your word says, "Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them" Psalm 119:165. You are indeed an on time God and one who answers the prayers of his people.

Finally, Father, we want to thank you in advance for soundness of mind, the ability to focus, concentrate, make sound decision and to possess a sense of freedom in our thoughts. Thank you for pure pleasant imagination, the ability to freely think positively. Thank you for giving us the power to relinquish our minds of perverted sexual immoral thoughts, negativity, evil imagination and thinking evil of others. We ask these things and believe they are done by faith in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Member and non-members of this group if you are tired of being tormented by the enemy I suggest you copy this prayer and repeat it at least three times a day. Remember we are in a battle with evil spiritual forces who have the advantage of seeing us but it is not common for us to see them. However prayer acts as a sword in the spirit especially prayers saturated with the word of God. I come in agreement with all of you that have prayed this prayer in Jesus name.

Minister Kevin L A Ewing

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