Monday, August 3, 2015

The Lying Spirit

One of the most annoying things in this world is a person who's committed to being dishonest. More so, these folks have no relationship with the truth and would tell a lie at any opportunity.

I know of many folks that seem to be plagued with this seemingly incurable disease. I have discovered that compulsive, chronic, pathological liars, for the most part, don't really want to tell lies. In fact, sometimes, when they tell a lie, they question why they did what they did.

Now I am aware that this may sound strange to you but let me explain. You see, my friend lying is not a thing but a personality, yes! You read right. Compulsive, chronic, pathological liars are possessed with a lying spirit to which they unknowingly have become a host.

It is essential to become aware of this because you could spend the rest of your life fighting a person instead of the spirit heavily influencing that person. Unfortunately, most folks dismiss such understanding obviously because they can not see the spirit seemingly influencing the person. Many of you right now can identify with what I am writing about as it relates to liars in your life. As usual, let's look to scripture to validate this understanding.

"21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said, I will persuade him.

22 And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and also prevail: go forth and do so.

23 Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee" 1 Kings 22:21-23.

So, as you would have read, lying is not a thing; this is what the enemy would want you to believe so that there would be a division between you and that person who's influenced to telling lies. Instead, you are dealing with a spirit with a stronghold on the individual who is actually a slave to this lying spirit. 

Now that we have identified the source of whom you know to be a puppet to a lying spirit, you must now shift your prayer and discontinue praying against that person and begin praying against that spirit that has a stronghold on that person. In fact, ask God by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to remove this lying spirit from your friend, family member, or even yourself and replace it with his Spirit of truth, which is his Holy Spirit, who is responsible for guiding us into all truth.

Interestingly enough, the Bible has provided a clear-cut solution to this stubborn evil. Firstly, when we speak of a stronghold, we're basically referring to a fixed and locked mindset. Basically, a stronghold is where a person is on autopilot to perform or behave in a manner that overrides their will only to institute the choice of whatever that stronghold is over them. With that said, scripture advises that to rid oneself of this stubborn evil, it must be approached with the word of God.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing and dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" Hebrews 4:12. The takeaway in the above scripture as it relates to the solution to this lying spirit and any other spirit is the word of God dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT. As a reminder, our souls consist of our minds, will, intellect and emotions. Of course, this is the place strongholds are established. Spirits would be those invisible beings or entities attempting or, in most cases, influencing our soul. Amazingly, this scripture suggests that through the application of the word of God, the word of God will literally pierce and divide or cut away that lying spirit from your soul. 

We must bear in mind that this entire process is spiritual, outside of us verbally declaring the word of God. Folks, I hope this understanding gives you another reason to appreciate the hidden spiritual knowledge tucked away in scripture, and it's available to all that would take the time to read it. Again, "It will always be through KNOWLEDGE shall the just be DELIVERED." Proverbs 11:9b


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 31, 2015

Devils will continue to have the upper hand because of your ignorance of the law

You will continue to be held back if you refuse to break the spirit of setback! Many Christians fail to realize the importance of precision when it comes to spiritual warfare.

They are of the erroneous view that any prayer can defeat any and all opposition that's being hurled against them. This explains why confusion for the Believers of Jesus Christ quickly set in when they observe no progress in their lives, especially after much prayer from their end. Scripture specifically says to us that "IF" we resist the devil he will flee from us, James 4:7. The word "IF" indicates that whoever decides to observe the law will ultimately determine who will succeed. That being devil of human!

Now, in an attempt to achieve a greater insight into this particular scripture with a view of dealing with certain spirits in the realm of the spirit to achieve true freedom from their invisible bondage's. It is a must that we dissect this scripture for clarity and correct application. The first word we must observe in this text is the word, "RESIST". The word resist literally means to challenge or to exert some sort of opposing force against whatever is opposing or challenging you. The second word in the text that I would really like for you to place emphasis on is the word, "devil". As you may or may not have observed, the word devil begins with a common and not a capital "D". The reason for this is to point out the fact that the word devil here is  not referring to Satan himself. Instead, it's indicating common devils such as the devil of anger, the devil of pride, the devil of confusion etc. In other words devils are  subordinate spirits in comparison to The Devil, which is Satan himself.

The word devil, from a theological definition stand point is defined as evil spirits having power to influence and afflict human beings both with bodily disease and with spiritual corruption. With this understanding in mind, it now becomes imperative that the one being oppressed seek to discover which specific devil is influencing or afflicting them, so now when they seek God in prayer for spiritual assistance their aim is to target that specific devil.

Satan and his well organize kingdom are no fools when it comes to spiritual laws and protocols. In fact their strength is amplified in human ignorance. They clearly understand according to the law and protocol of James 4:7 that challenging them must be accompanied with discovering who they are specifically. Let's use the following illustration as an example. Let's say your body is being challenge by the spirit of infirmity and as a result of this it's costing you tremendous finances to the point you're lacking the financial resources to satisfy your financial obligations.

Well, I am sure you'll agree with me that praying to God to bless you with some money or to perform a financial miracle is not and will not resist the underlying spirit of infirmity that so happens to be the spiritual root of your problem. Thus, if this specific spirit goes unchallenged according to scripture and spiritual protocol he will not leave and to add to this he has every right to remain. Not knowing this insight my friend is what scripture describes as a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE that automatically guarantees failure and destruction as an end result.

Now that we understand the spiritual ramifications and implications of this spiritual law and protocol of James 4:7. Why not do an inventory of your life right now by applying the principles of this scripture to ascertain and challenge those specific devils that has succeeded in subduing you. If you still haven't discovered who these devils are, then ask God, "Lord, please reveal to me and make it crystal clear as to who are these specific devils that have enjoyed the pleasure of oppressing me successfully simply because I not only lacked the knowledge as to who they are but as a result of this lack of knowledge I could not resist them which would have automatically caused their removal form my life".

Again my friend the law is clear, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you" James 4:6.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A real life dream about urination

I got a call today from someone that was very much disturb about a dream that they had. The person that had this dream said that even though they did not understand the dream they felt within their spirit that it wasn't a good dream. The following is what the dreamer dreamt:

"Minister Ewing, this morning I had a very strange dream that have me very uncomfortable right now. While this dream may appear silly I am convinced it has some kind of meaning and I feel it is not good. I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar place and all of sudden a person came from out of nowhere, I couldn't determine if it was a man of woman but all I knew was that I was being showered with urine (pee). In the dream I felt helpless and confused and then the dream ended. Can you please give me some spiritual insight as to what this dream could mean and if I am in any kind of danger?.

My interpretation

Such a dream can be quite confusing especially when no form of clarity or understanding can be given to the dreamer. Firstly, to dream that you are in an unknown location immediately indicates a spirit of confusion either pending in the spirit realm covertly seeking permission from the dreamer to be manifested into the dreamer's natural life or this same spirit of confusion is currently operating in the dreamer's life. Secondly, the dreamer said that out of nowhere a person came to them whom they could not identify and began to urinate on them. This portion of the dream is revealing quite a bit from a spiritual perspective and here is why. Because the person just appeared from no where, meaning they didn't walk through a door, climbed a wall etc then the dream is revealing that a spirit has been sent to the dreamer.

However, the identity of this spirit was revealed in the action that was performed by the spirit once it came in contact with the dreamer. To have someone or something urinate on you in a dream, it symbolizes "DISGRACE" to the dreamer. Therefore, the dream is revealing that someone is spiritually warring against the dreamer and has sent the spirits of confusion and disgrace to attack the dreamer. Clearly, the one that is doing this to the dreamer understands that while it maybe difficult to attack the dreamer physically, they are fully aware of how things operate in the spirit world and has chosen that realm to deal with the dreamer.

Now, if the dreamer refuses to launch a counter attack via specific prayer against these two spirits then by default the dreamer is literally agreeing for these forces to operate in their life if it isn't already. Real life manifestation of this dream if the dream is not met with spiritual warfare and canceled. The dreamer will begin experiencing confusion on their job, home, family, among their friends etc they will become very forgetful and absent minded. In sever cases the dreamer will begin to literally see dark shadow, hearing weird noises and even begin to speak to the spirits that only they themselves can see. These folks are not crazy but have been program to be this way spiritually via witchcraft so that others will sum them up as crazy. However, the confusion that is being created by the spirit of confusion is well calculated with the intent to pass the baton of confusion on to the spirit of disgrace to bring humiliation, embarrassment and rejection to the dreamer.

So, the dreamer, will begin experiencing strange occurrences such as rejection by their peers, family and friends. This will be mainly due to their strange behavior such as frequent obscenity, exposing themselves (nakedness), revealing secrets that others confided in them about, making strange noises, engaging in adulterous relationships or if the dreamer is single they will all of a sudden become very sexual promiscuous. One of the greatest signs is that the dreamer never engaged or behave in such a way before. If the curse that is obviously on this person is not challenged it will become worse with time. Amazingly, the curse is also fueled by the negative comments of others against the dreamer, such as, "He or she is so stupid", "Why are they acting like a fool", "If they don't stop someone will hurt them or they will hurt themselves". As a reminder. death and life still resides is the power of the tongue and between the ignorance of what is truly happening to this person and the negative words that's making their situation worse, the evil on this person is being compounded.

I will end with this, the beginning of all that could or would eventually happen to the dreamer if the dream is not challenged took place in their dream. A dream that they may have though of as silly. Not realizing that the dream which is spiritual can not perform its covert evil in the dreamer's life outside of the dreamer giving direct or indirect permission to the spirit. I will say it again, God never gave spirits dominion over the earth, instead he gave us humans dominion according to Genesis 1:26-28 and Psalm 8:4-6. Therefore in order for any spirit to operate in the earth it will always have to be granted human permission. Of course this can be obtain via folks seeking the assistance of spirits or where one is manipulated via their dreams to gain this permission.

The bottom line the above mush be challenged through prayer by cancelling the dream and all covenants that were established in the dream. Those covenants would be where the dreamer never resisted the person urinating on them, neither did they make any effort in making any attempts to leave the unknown location. Therefore, this symbolizes spiritual agreement.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The law and reward of faithfulness

Faithfulness is defined as being faithful to one's word, promises, vows, etc. Someone steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant, reliable, trusted and committed.

I needed to provide a detailed understanding of the word faithfulness in an attempt to highlight the understanding of the following spiritual law:

"A "FAITHFUL" man shall abound with blessings," Proverbs 28:20. In this profound passage of scripture, it is revealed that a person who is committed and stands true to not only his word but to the promises and allegiance he has made to others will abound or exist in significant quantities of blessings.

This passage of scripture is very much encouraging simply because it doesn't matter what negativity is being projected or hurled towards the one that is being faithful. Still, the true reward of faithfulness can never ever be withheld or dismissed by anyone simply because God is the one that provides the blessings at the end of that particular tenure of faithfulness. I have personally witnessed case after case of folks that were taken advantage of, ridiculed, placed at the back of the line, and even spoken evil of despite their faithfulness. Nevertheless, time will always prove and reveal this scripture to be true.

You see, my friend, faithfulness to the word of God, will always place a demand on you, the faithful one being blessed in the end. In fact, this scripture clearly says that your blessings won't be your average blessings, but instead, you will overflow in the blessings (abound).

I honestly do not know who this post is for today, but I was inspired to post it specifically for that person who feels as if it's a waste of time doing the right thing or being faithful to someone or something because it appears as if faithfulness just doesn't pay off. Make no mistake, the devil and his agents understand in detail what your faithfulness will pan out once the time has expired on whatever it is that you're going through. They are fully aware that only you can divert and dismiss the bountiful blessings that are ahead of you if you cave in to their temporal comforts of being unfaithful!

God is observing your matter, and the day is quickly approaching when He will judge. All parties involved in your issue will be rewarded, some to blessings as a result of their contribution, while others to a reward of disgrace and reaping the evil they have sown.

I say it all the time, and that is absolutely nothing lasts forever. Everything has a beginning date and an expiration date. The good thing is God knows the end from the beginning. Be encouraged, my friend, for this to will pass with an end result of you being rewarded for your FAITHFULNESS!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Someone's on assignment against those that's on assignment against you

If you have left it up to God, then do just that and leave it up to him. Those that are committed to ensuring your downfall have zero idea that they're activating a spiritual law that will enable someone with cruel intentions to seek and destroy them.

Please, I know you're sick and tired of these same folks over and over again making life difficult for you by spreading lies, having the evilest things to say about you and just simply putting stumbling blocks in your way. But trust me when I say to you that the reality that is unknown to these folks is that, this same devil that's influencing them against you will be the same devil that will influence someone else against them (there is no loyalty with devils)..... All I am saying to you is be patient a little while longer and let the laws of God that will eventually work for your good to run its course in this ongoing matter.

I am so convinced of this from personal experience that I will further say to you that these same folks were calculated in the plan of God for your life to elevate you. For example, Joseph the dreamer brother's evil plans to destroy his life was calculated in the plan of God for Joseph's life to eventually be elevated, and at the end of the day, his evil brother's were at his mercy. Keep doing the right thing, stay within the laws of God and the laws will work in your favor. As for those that insist on rebelling against you, then here is what the spiritual law says:

"An evil man seeks only rebellion; Therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him" Proverbs 17:11.

This, my friend, is why you must place your absolute confidence in the word of God and not what someone is doing to you or how you feel about them. Both scenarios will deceive you into doing and saying things that will make you no different than your oppressor. As a reminder, God is a God of order, and the order of God's purpose will fall into place according to its appointed times all to reveal the real aspect of his spiritual laws.

The bottom line is this according to the law mentioned above, GOD HAS SENT SOMEONE AGAINST THE PERSON OR PERSONS THAT'S AGAINST YOU!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 17, 2015

Cancel it in the spirit so it won't manifest in the natural

You may not have recall what you dreamed this morning or even last night. Maybe you're confuse as to what your dream really meant. As a reminder, our dreams are real, however, we're being shown from a spiritual perspective via our dreams things and situations from the spiritual realm which is the origin of all things pending for our natural world. In other words, whatever is manifested in our physical world was once conceived in the spirit realm or what we know to be the spirit world.

In any event, why not take advantage of this moment right now  before you do anything else and reject and disagree with every satanic agreement and covenant that the enemy and his agents were attempting to or has covertly seal in your dreams?

You must cancel satanic attacks and evil seeds that may have been planted or secured in your dreams to prevent the physical manifestation they desire to achieve in your life. In other words you must cancel it in the spirit so that it won't be able to manifest in the natural!

On the other hand, say to the lord right now, "Lord I don't understand my dream or I don't recall my dream but if my dreams were from you, then I come in complete and total agreement with your purposes and desires for my life in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ!

Father! I will not be LATE, I will not be DENIED, I will not be DELAYED, neither will I be SETBACK in Jesus Mighty name! God! I will continue to hold on to you while you ADVANCE me to where I should have been at this point in my life, in the matchless name of Jesus the Christ!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Godly Instruction Preserves Life

I declare today, in the precious name of Jesus Christ, that anyone working witchcraft against your life and demonically manipulating your destiny, let their spells, incantations, and evil words fall to the ground and become stepping stones for your elevation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

I pray that God will expose and disgrace the evil plans of that co-worker, that family member, that associate, or whomever you thought was your friend who insists on resorting to the powers of darkness to see you fail in life. God said he would cut off witchcraft from their hands and that they would not be able to cast spells and bewitch others anymore, Micah 5:12. Father, we stand in complete confidence in your word.

Every witchcraft spirit MUST die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.!

The Lord alerted me yesterday morning in a dream concerning witchcraft attacks pending against my life. Rather than doing the normal and waiting on the enemy, I took the battle to the enemy's gate by waging a counterattack in the spirit realm. Of course, my decision was based on the information and instructions I received during my dream. It is imperative that you understand your dreams and be fully equipped to take on any unforeseen challenges that may arise. Please! Do not sit back and allow others to convince you, via their ignorance, that these things are not real. For those who do not believe they will be synonymous with those who LACK KNOWLEDGE! Ironically, scripture clearly says that it will be those who LACK KNOWLEDGE that will either be brought into captivity or will be destroyed, Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13.

Many Christians are losing their spiritual battles against evil because they do not recognize the importance of their dreams. Dreams can be considered the intelligence branch of spiritual warfare that God has made available to us. The purpose of our dreams is to guide and instruct us. Ignoring or forgetting our dreams means that we cannot see potential attacks that could be targeting us in the spiritual realm. By doing this, we are unknowingly assisting the enemy and his agents.

I want to leave you with something to think about: "For God speaks repeatedly, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instructions!" (Job 33:14-16). This means that our dreams are actually trying to instruct us. According to scripture, the purpose of any instruction is to prepare the one being instructed.

"Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life" Proverbs 4:13. Did you read that? In other words, the instructions you're given in your dreams by God are to preserve your life simply because the INSTRUCTIONS ARE LIFE!

Kevin L A Ewing

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