Monday, November 16, 2015

God says it's time to let go!

There are certain folks that must be removed from your life if it is your desire to make progress!

There are some folks in your life that have exhausted their stay and as a result have anchored you to the same old, same old. I promise you, the day you make up in your mind to cut these destiny blockers loose, then the right folks for this season of your life will appear.

Scripture reminds us of the following, "Neither do people pour new wine into old wine skins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wine skins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wine skins, and both are preserved" Matthew 9:17.

There are certain seasons of a person's life that was not designed to accompany certain folks that they've been running with. In fact this explains why there was so much friction and misunderstanding. These were the signs that not only was a new season approaching but more importantly it's time to  cut off the old to be relevant for the new. This is the only way you'll be able to recognize and appreciate what God had prepared for you.

Stop attempting to fix up what has already died in your life. Like I have mentioned on so many occasions before and that is death brings purpose to an end while life creates purpose. Again, nothing is happening for you because you refuse to loose the dead weight you've allowed to remain in your life even though you are fully aware that it's causing you not to go forward along with the unnecessary pain.

The word of the Lord for someone today, "Cut loose what I have been telling you to cut loose from your life so that you can finally recognize and appreciate the seasons I have established for you before the foundation of the world, Your life will stay in repeat if you refuse to let go of the source of your defeat".

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Spirits Monitoring Through Animals

Before delving into today's lesson about "Monitoring Spirits Through Animals," I must share a peculiar yet anticipated dream I had some time ago.

I believed that the dream was expected because when we share knowledge about the workings of the kingdom of darkness, like our recent lesson on dreams that reveal witchcraft activities in one's life, it's likely that a counter-attack will occur.

In my dream, I dreamt that I was in what appeared to be an abandoned area. There was a white gentleman who resembled a pilot friend of mine. In this dream, he was running away from this cat. The cat was abnormally aggressive towards him in that the cat was relentless in his pursuit of my friend.

Strangely enough, while I was watching this unfold, there was a faded green vehicle about thirty feet diagonally across from where I was standing. This car was filled with about three cats and what appeared to be a brownish-looking dog. Anyway, the cat that was always pursuing my friend saw me, and as soon as he saw me, he discontinued his attack on my friend and began to run in my direction. As with all my dreams, there was no fear, nor did I attempt to move. However, it was like there was some invisible force around me that this vicious cat could not get past to attack me for some reason or another. The cat became even more aggressive, almost behaving like a human being in a rage.

Suddenly, I heard a voice, almost as if it came from within me, saying, "Say in the name of Jesus." Well, just like clockwork, I said to this cat, "In the name of Jesus," when I stated that it was as if the cat was electrocuted and fell to the ground with its body having uncontrollable convulsions and ending as if it was in a rigor mortis state. The cats I mentioned earlier in the car became upset and began to behave aggressively. They eventually jumped out of the car's window, approaching me with rage and aggression.

As they were about to leap towards me, again I said, "In the name of Jesus," repeating this statement, of course, and they all fell to the ground, only this time they were all side by side, displaying uncontrollable convulsions and eventually died.

Some believe that certain cats are used as monitoring spirits by practitioners of witchcraft to track and record their victims. The information gathered from these victims may then be used to plan future attacks against them, all without the victim's knowledge. These cats can also be Witches attacking their victims in their dreams. Therefore, if you dream of cats watching you in your dreams or following you, the dream indicates monitoring spirits in your life. Dreaming of birds chasing you, circling above your head, or watching you without moving may signify monitoring spirits in your life. This could also explain how your enemies know your every move.

In other instances, many folks have encountered monitoring spirits but dismissed it as if their minds were playing tricks on them. For example, I am sure most folks have had the experience of sleeping or about to go to sleep, and they felt something holding or pressing down on them. Now, this person is fully conscious, and maybe the Television is on their spouse or whoever is near them. But for some reason, they can not talk or move. Again it's almost as if they've become paralyzed. In other instances, you would feel the presence of someone or something entering a particular room you're in, which in some cases, you'd feel the hair on your skin rise or the atmosphere become thick, or you experience a sense of claustrophobia.

In other cases, some folks would see dark shadows or images flash by them in their homes or specific places. In extreme cases, folks would see manifestations of a tall, dark man standing a certain distance away from them, more like a silhouette of a person standing in complete silence. In another case, a beautiful woman would manifest herself again, being silent for the most part. I have had instances where a person would experience strange phenomena such as electronic devices turning off themselves. For example, they were fully aware that they left a particular light, fan, or air condition running, only to wake to meet these things off. Remember, these folks are the sole residents of their homes, so obviously, no one else was there to turn these things off.

If you notice cats randomly showing up on your property or birds like crows and pigeons appearing nearby, they could be monitoring spirits. A clear sign of this is the appearance of an owl during the day or a crane watching you or your property. These creatures may be watching you, so being aware of their presence is essential.

These animals are known as mediums that monitoring spirits occupy to watch and observe whomever they were assigned to watch. If your home has had a sudden infestation of roaches, ants, rats, or insects, you could be dealing with monitoring spirits and don't even know it. A word to the wise, false prophet's tool of choice is monitoring spirits. Through divination, they can use monitoring spirits to retrieve information on their victims to make them believe they are hearing from the Lord. Now, I know you're asking yourself, where is the Biblical proof of such claims?

In the book of Luke 8:30-33 and Mark 5:6-13, there is an interesting story where Jesus encountered a man possessed by evil spirits. Jesus asked the evil spirit that had the man, "What is your name" The evil spirit responded via his human host, "My name is Legion, for we are many." Interestingly enough, Jesus commanded the unclean spirits to leave the man. Surprisingly, Jesus entertained negotiations with these unclean spirits agreeing that they would not be cast out into the country but instead into the pigs. Embedded in this story, as with every other Biblical account, is another covert spiritual principle; it is possible to physically project spirits into animals. 

Life is spiritual, and the spiritual world is beyond real. Hence, you must cancel all dreams where animals or people follow you, chase, watch, or even fight you. Finally, all spirits need a legal right to operate in your life. This is usually referred to as covenants. You must ensure that your life is lined up with the word of God and that you're living a life of repentance to avoid unclean spirits gaining access.

Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Common Denominator, Person X

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee.

 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and "LOT" his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls they had gotten in Haran; Genesis 12:1,5.

 Isn't this the story of our lives? God specifically asked that we leave a particular place or person, but for some strange reason, we see the need to bring these same folks along with us, who were the main reason God had asked us to leave in the first place.

 Indulge me for a few minutes as I present the law of "common denominator" every time you're in trouble; it's because of person X. Every time you're broke, it's because of person X. Every time you're feeling miserable and confused, it's because of person X, no gas in the car, person X. No food in the house, person X, no money in the bank, person X. Better yet, why is it that whenever you discuss the future concerning person X. You use the word "WE" but when person X speak of future events they use the word "I."

 Can't you see how much your life has digressed since person x has been factored into your life? Well, my friend, the law of common denominator suggests that whenever the same thing or person pops up every time hell breaks loose, then identifying the problem becomes relatively easy. In this case, it's clearly person X.........

  My friend's grim reality is that some folks are anointed by Satan to prevent you from progressing. Not only are they gifted in making sure that you do not make progress, but they master the art of delaying you at every point in your life.

 Enough with the excuses you know just as well as I do; it's time to sever the root of what you very well know to be your problem. The few tears you will shed now will be nothing compared to the heartaches awaiting you in the future if you continue to tag along with person x! The story of Lot and Abraham is a perfect example of your end result when you pollute your destiny with what you should have left behind long ago. Lot caused Abraham to become involved with unnecessary matters that he should have never become involved with. The bottom line is that person X is damaged and tainted goods that possess the seeds of unhappiness and confusion. If you don't believe me, then look at their lives. It is littered with destruction, chaos, empty promises, and a consistent pace of going nowhere.

 I don't know who you are today, but you have overstayed your time with someone or something you should have tossed a long time ago. As a result of your delay, it's making you bitter, miserable, angry and most of all, frustrated, not to mention your precious time that you can not regain.

 The real danger, my friend, is that if you do not heed this advice now, you will never be able to recognize God's intended place or person for you because you'll be too busy beating them with what person x did to you in the past..........

 Many of you reading this note right now probably have an idea of God's choice for your life even as I declare this word to you, right now, but again, because you refuse to release what has happened in the past or you've released too late, bitterness and anger has superseded your ability to recognize and appreciate what is presently suitable for your life.

 Ask God to release your mind, spirit, and soul from the curse of the law of "COMMON DENOMINATOR" so that it would be easy to remove person X or place behind you what person X has done to you.

  I pray that God will not only heal your heart but spiritually open your eyes so that you may see clearly physically and spiritually and that the obstacles that the enemy has set on your path of destiny be consumed by the fire of God Almighty.

 Father, I pray that you release those that desire to be removed from the chokehold of Satan now, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The reality of hope

According to the World Health Organization, 56 million people die each year, which is an average
of about 153,424 people each day.

Wow! Now isn't that amazing? 153,424 people die globally every single day. Now, what's even more amazing is the fact that neither you or myself were included in those numbers if we are currently reading this article.

While I would readily agree that there is so much to complain about, I can simultaneously say there is so much to be thankful and appreciative for, if nothing else, the ability to participate in the land of the living.

Scripture says to us, " For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion" Eccl. 9:4. The word hope in this text is defined as "EXPECTATION or ANTICIPATION" of something. What this simply means is this, while we may not have all that we would like to have at this point in our lives or things are not going the way we would like for it to go. The gift of life provides that hope that things can change at any moment!

King Solomon in the above scripture text understood this reality quite well. His analogy was; as powerful and intimidating as a Lion can be, if he is dead, then there  is no more hope for him. LIFE! Is embedded with hope. In spite of your defeated, depress or even unsuccessful state you may have found yourself in. The mere fact that you are alive has qualified you and position you that things has the ability and potential to change for the better. This is what hope does, it places a demand on the future insisting and demanding change.

Therefore, hope encourages life while the depletion of hope encourages and fosters death! Hopeless people, commits suicide, hopeless people entertain depression, hopeless people never see the light at the end of the tunnel, hopeless people are negative and sees the world as a spinning ball of darkness.

King Solomon went further in his understanding of this profound reality when he made mention of the following, "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun." Eccl. 9:5-6.

In an effort to condense King Solomon's point, basically what he's saying is that those that are living are duly aware that their lives will come to an end one day, therefore they're not trying to hasten that assigned time via the entertaining of depression, not being able to get over certain situations, hate for others etc. Instead they're riding on the fact that because they are afforded another day of life, they've decided to maximize that day with the hope that is accompanied with it that things can change for the better. Solomon quickly added, that when a person dies he has been disqualified from the thing that hope fueled while he was among the living, which was: that person's love, hatred, envy, joy etc. In fact he said that all of these thing perished along with that person's demise.

I do not know who this post is speaking to this morning, but what I am fully aware of is the simple fact that if you're reading this post right now then it says to me that you have two gifts in your possession and they are the gift of life along with the gift of hope. Both of these gifts have qualified and enabled your temporal situation to change at any moment.

Hope, is the school master of life dictating to its audience that nothing can stay the same forever, be it good or bad. CHANGE IS THE INEVITABLE!

Written By: Kevin LA Ewing

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dreams That Require Prayer And Fasting Upon Waking

In Matthew 17:21, Jesus Christ made a profound statement about his disciples. They asked him why they were unable to dispel evil spirits from a young man while he was able to do so. In response, Jesus said, "This kind can only come out through prayer and fasting."

Many of you can not understand that after many prayers and agreeing with others about an individual matter, none of what you've prayed for has come to pass. Well, just like in the case of Jesus, his disciples, and the young man possessed by powerful demons. Specific prayers will be of no effect based on the contents of the dream. If you've had any of the following dreams, then it is a must that you take action through prayer and fasting:

1. Were you eating or drinking in your dream?
2. Did you have sex in your dream?
3. Were you swimming in your dream?
4. Were you being chased or bitten by cats or dogs in your dream
5. Were you shot, stabbed, or someone throwing objects at you in your dream?
6. Were you in an accident, and you died in your dream?
7. Was something stolen or went missing from you in your dream?
8. Did you notice rough seas, tsunamis, or floods?
9. Do you recall dreaming of crawling creatures, especially crabs and snakes, if these creatures are black in color in the dream?

Dreaming of someone feeding you or observing yourself eating in a dream is never a good dream. In fact, it symbolizes someone attempting to program your life spiritually for failure, defeat, and setbacks via witchcraft. What appears to be food in your dream is, in fact, a demonic spiritual concoction that, once eaten, will carry out its purpose through your spirit with negative physical manifestations in your physical body. As a reminder, the real you is your spirit; therefore, whatever you're eating is spiritually designed to program your human spirit.

Today I want us to unearth biblical insight as it relates to being fed or eating in a dream and how such dreams are pointing out to us that someone is working evil against us but at the same time pretending to be friendly with us. As a reminder, the dream's purpose is to expose to you spiritually what you can not see, recognize, or even suspect physically. Again, eating in a dream is usually a red flag indicating witchcraft. Let's review scripture for a deeper insight into this mystery.

"When thou sits to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee:

2 And put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite.

3 Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are "DECEITFUL" meat.

6 Eat thou, not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:

7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

8 The morsel which thou has eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words. Proverbs 23:1-3,6-7.

" Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties" Psalm 141:4.

If you've had dreams where you may have observed your co-worker feeding you, it does not necessarily mean it's that particular co-worker but most certainly someone in your workplace. If you had a dream that you were at a banquet or a family gathering involving food, the dream could indicate that you are being initiated into witchcraft or ancestral spirits (familiar spirits) attempting to conform your spirit to generational curses.

As a side note, someone with a controlling spirit has the spirit of witchcraft. There are two types of witchcraft: physical witchcraft, which is someone always trying to control the behavior and actions of some group or person through, intimidation, domination, and manipulation. Spiritual witchcraft is controlling through spiritual means via Black magic, Roots, Voodoo, Obeah, etc., meaning, particularly, evil spirits are sent to an individual via curses, incantation, etc., to ultimately oppress the victim. In essence, witchcraft is a system that is programmed by a witch or wizard to set spiritual limitations or restrictions on their victims, all in an effort that their victims would not progress in certain areas of their lives, if not every area of their lives.


I am happy that you asked. Again let's look at scripture for our solution to such dreams. "A man or woman that have a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them" Leviticus 20:27. Now because we're warned that our fight is not against flesh and blood, we must then focus our attack via prayer and fasting against the spirit of witchcraft or any other opposing spirit, using the scripture as weapons in our prayers during fasting. The following is an example:

Heavenly Father, I renounce and come against any agreement or covenant of the powers of darkness that was knowingly or unknowingly achieved in my dream. I put to death all spirits of witchcraft, familiar spirits, and every other spirit that opposes your will for my life. Your word declares that these spirits must be put to death. Therefore I stone these spirits with spiritual stones until they cease to exist in my life. Lord, I ask you to sever all spiritual restrictions and limitations brought about by witchcraft and that you would destroy all demonic altars that are controlling my life spiritually in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

My friends make no mistake; you are in a war. The disadvantage to you is, this war is invisible. However, God has given you a handy combat weapon in the form of our dreams to monitor and defeat via prayer and the canceling of such negative dreams.

Again, I pray God continues to impart spiritual insight, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and revelation to make you aware of the devices of the enemy.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, October 5, 2015

Dreaming Of Frogs

Dreaming of frogs will almost always equate to a bad dream. Now, depending on how the dream is presenting itself can provide many revelations to the mystery to the strange happenings that are taking place in the dreamer's life.

Firstly, frogs in a dream are implications of evil spirits. If you see these frogs coming out of the mouth of someone, it could be revealing a lying spirit but more importantly, a false prophet!
As usual, let's research scripture to support this revelation: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet" Revelations 16:13.

If you had a dream where you saw a person or even yourself being covered by frogs, then the dream is revealing that that person life is being controlled and dominated by false prophecies and demonic activity.

If you see a person in your dream manifesting frogs via some sort of ritual etc. then the dream is revealing that that person is of the kingdom of darkness. Again, let's support this with scripture, "And the magicians did so with their enchantments and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt," Exodus 8:7.

Amazingly, folks become confused when they have dreams of observing their spiritual leaders transforming or manifesting into frogs, especially when the dream setting is in the church. Unfortunately, such a dream reveals the spiritual source of that spiritual leader's power, and it is clearly not of God but very much from the kingdom of darkness. Again let us observe scripture to unravel this mystery. The book of revelations has revealed to us that John saw in his vision three unclean spirits that look like frogs in Revelations 16:13. However, in verses 14, it clearly says that these frogs were the spirits of devils working miracles.

So, if you experienced a dream where a prophet, prophetess, pastor, priest, or whatever title a religious person goes by, and that person is in activities affiliated with frogs, then please know for sure that your dream is revealing to you from a spiritual perspective what you could not prove physically in the lives of these folks, and that is they're being inspired by the forces of evil. As a result, their prophecies, miracles, miracle cloths, water and whatever else they claim is of God is in reality from Satan. If you've given any monies to these people, please ask God to break the curse of poverty off your life that has unknowingly established by these agents of Satan.

Frogs also represent sickness and plagues. As you would recall, the second plague levied upon Egypt was the plague of frogs. A plague is defined as any widespread affliction, calamity, or evil, especially one regarded as a direct punishment by God, which was clearly the case in Exodus 7:25 and Exodus 8:11. Thus, observing someone or even yourself in a dream, either being covered or attacked by frogs, would indicate spiritual sickness or curses more than likely brought on by witchcraft attacks. In fact, scripture tells us in the book of Exodus that the plague of Frogs that were brought on Egypt by God through Moses was also mimicked by Pharaoh’s Magicians, sorcerers, and enchanters, which were, of course, folks of the occult.

The bottom line is this, dreaming of frogs is never a good dream and must be met with spiritual force via prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:21.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The spiritual law of association

Many folks have little to no idea that it was

and will continue to be the connections with others that they encountered throughout their lives that would clearly explain how they ended up where they're at presently.

Think about it for a minute. Before meeting certain folks in your past life or even the person, you're currently with now. Did you notice a change in your attitude, your emotions, etc.? Why don't you make a comparison as to what your life was like before meeting that person and now what is your life like after having met them? Do you see the difference? I am sure you have noticed some changes on your end as a result of the connection.

You see my friend, there is so much more to a person than just their physical existence. There are so many things that you can not see that are by far more real and influencing than what you do see. Unfortunately, it is these invisible forces that are attached to these folks and even yourself that are shaping the course of your union, be it friendship, marriage, business, etc.

For example, if a person has a curse of backwardness on their life then your relationship with that person exposes you to that curse. Let us look at the spiritual law to not only prove but highlight this critical, overlooked spiritual point. Scripture says, "A person that associates himself with wise men shall become wise and he that becomes a companion of fools will not only become foolish but shall be destroyed, Proverbs 13:20. In other words, the victim was not placed in a classroom and taught how to be wise or foolish. Instead, it was the invisible spiritual connection with its influencing agents that is causing this,

Therefore, demonic forces that are attached to a person be it a spirit of poverty, a spirit of backwardness, a spirit of anti-progress, etc. are the invisible forces influencing the human spirit of the other party to conform to its will. So it's just a matter of time before the traits, behavior, and patterns of the cursed person begin to manifest in the person that was never this way before meeting this curse person.

Think about a person that you know that never used profanity before. However, after they connect with a particular person, it is almost as if they can not stop using profanity. I am attempting to reveal to you that things such as the above example are not happening because it could happen or the person just changed. Well, I will agree with you they have changed, but the reality is it was a calculated changed influenced by the enemy. Unknowing to the victim, it was Satan that caused this connection to devalue, halt and re-route the destiny of this person.

Trust me when I say to you that the source of every connection in your life will either be from God or from Satan. The whole idea behind this is to manifest the will of God in your life or the will of Satan.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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