Thursday, October 1, 2015

Why Am I Always Chased Or Defeated In My Dreams

Time and time again, I would receive emails from folks that find it so confusing as to why they are always running from someone or something in their dreams.

Amazingly this question is more predominantly asked by Christians. The reasoning behind their inquiry is that if they're believers of Jesus Christ, then why is it that they're always being chased or defeated in their dreams and not the other way around. Well, Like I have mentioned in so many of my articles on dreams. Our dreams reveal revelations to the mysteries' root causes of what's happening in our everyday lives.

If you are experiencing dreams where you are always being defeated, failing at a particular task, being chased by animals, people or monsters, etc. Then your dreams could be revealing one of two of the following, if not both. The dream could be indicating a spirit of fear or showing you're spiritually weak.

You see, my friend, most folks are under the grand illusion that because they wear the title of Christians or attend church regularly. The devil and his agents are no match for them; of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Before I proceed with this revelation, let me say that Satan's greatest weapon against the human race outside of keeping us away from knowledge is to always cause us as humans to focus primarily on the natural things of this world as the source of our problems. At the same time, he runs unchallenged and unabated, manipulating us spiritually.

If you are always defeated, chased, or attacked in your dreams, your dreams reveal that you are weak spiritually! Let's see what scripture has to say about this, "If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small" Proverbs 24:10. As a reminder, your dreams reveal things from their origin, and the source of all things is spiritual. Therefore, seeing yourself in your dream indicates the spirit part of your being and not the physical you. Again, the material part of your being is asleep in a bed, chair, couch, etc.
On the other hand, whatever it is that's chasing or defeating you in your dreams, they are also spirits, more specifically evil spirits. Being spiritually weak would indicate that the dreamer is not feeding their spirit spiritual food, which is God's Holy Word. Do you recall what Jesus said about his words? He said, "The words (the word of God) that I speak, they are SPIRIT, AND THEY ARE LIFE," John 6:63. Another scripture that lends to this understanding when it said, "Man should not live by (physical) bread alone but by every word (spiritual food) that proceeded out of the mouth of God" Matthew 4:4.

In essence, whether it's written or preached, the word of God feeds the human spirit of those that would take the time to read or hear it. Many carry the title Christian, but they are spiritually malnourished. Some of the physical signs of a person who encounters such dreams would be that they rarely succeed in reality. For the Christian, they would always notice that non-believers accomplish more and achieve more than they do. Again these are tell-tale signs that the dreamer's spirit is depleted of spiritual food.

Consequently, for others that have such dreams but are not spiritually weak, then for them, their dream is revealing that they are either oppressed or possessed by the spirit of fear! In reality, such folks live unhealthy lives because they never really enjoy their lives because their lives are consumed by fear. Every time they speak, it's always in the tune of caution, be careful, or they're afraid to do this or that, etc. Amazingly, their dream, which is revealing fear, is also exposing some flaws in their Christianity. Again, let's review scripture or what I refer to as spiritual law to clarify my assertion. "The wicked flee when no man pursues him: but the righteous are bold as a lion" Proverbs 28:1. The second portion of the mentioned scripture clearly says that the "RIGHTEOUS" are "BOLD" as a lion. Well, we do know that to be bold is to be fearless. If the Christian dreamer considers themselves righteous, then why are they always running from and not boldly confronting and defeating whom or whatever is chasing them in their dreams. Is it that they are not as righteous as they claim. In fact, the first portion of that same scripture unequivocally says, the "WICKED FLEE even when no one is pursuing him."

 I strongly recommend for those that are weak in spiritual strength to please feed on the word of God. During my teachings, I usually suggest for those that do not like to read to purchase the bible on CD and reduce it to a low volume when you go to bed at night so that it can not only feed your spirit while you're asleep but also aid you in your dream warfare. For those of you that can identify with the spirit of fear making a mess of your life. I also suggest you do a two day fast asking God to destroy all known or unknown covenants that have been forged with the spirit of fear that would have taken place in either your childhood, a life-changing event in your adulthood, or via your dreams.

In any event, these dreams must be challenged, rebuked, and canceled whenever they occur.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Deeper Spiritual Insight Into Understanding The Realm Of Dreams

Scripture clearly says to us that while Wisdom is the principal thing, we are simultaneously advised that in our quest to get wisdom, we must simultaneously place the same efforts on getting UNDERSTANDING! Proverbs 4:7

Happy is the man that finds wisdom and the man that gets UNDERSTANDING!, Proverbs 3:13. Clearly, wisdom and understanding are the main components of revelatory insight. In fact, Proverbs 3:14-18 provides a wonderful description, comparison, and benefits of wisdom and understanding, which I strongly suggest you take the time to read.

Nevertheless, my post today will be focusing on the word "Understanding," and here is why. Spiritual law states that "Counsel in the heart (mind) of man is like deep waters, but a man of "UNDERSTANDING" will draw it out" Proverbs 20:5 To embrace the fullness of this law so that one would be willing to make it practical in their lives, we must firstly, seek the true meaning of the word understanding.

Understanding comes from the Hebrew word "Binah," which is defined as insight, intelligence, and prudence. Amazingly, in Proverbs 3:15-18, understanding is referred to as the female gender but even more telling, Isaiah 11:2 clearly describes Understanding as a spirit! Scripture says that Daniel had understanding in all VISIONS and DREAMS! Daniel 1:17. Therefore, I submit to you that Daniel always had a spirit of understanding. However, his sacrifice through fasting (Daniel 1:8-15) made it active in him.

Here is the reasoning behind the assertion I made regarding Daniel already being possessed with the spirit of understanding. In 1 Kings 3:5, it is said that God appeared to King Solomon in a dream and asked him what shall he give him. Surprisingly, king Solomon only asked God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to judge God's people. Now, for those of you that don't know, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are indeed spirits, according to Isaiah 11:2. Now, here is where the story gets even more interesting. In 1 Kings 3:12, God himself categorically stated to king Solomon that He (God) had already "GIVEN" King Solomon's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Please help me here but isn't the word given the past tense of the word give? Thus, indicating that King Solomon was already equipped with what he was asking for. Now here is the kicker, just like with our brother Daniel. God originally visited king Solomon as a result of the great sacrifice to God, 2 Chronicles 1:6-7.

Let's take this a little deeper. Again, In Isaiah 11:2, we learn that counsel isn't just a word. Instead, it is referred to as the "spirit of counsel" With that said, back to Proverbs 20:5, says. "Counsel (The spirit of counsel) is in a man's heart, but a man of understanding (or one that possesses the spirit of understanding) knows how to activate it.

There is so much more that I can say on this which will reveal deeper revelations on the spirit of understanding. Nevertheless, I took this long route to simply say this and that is a true dream interpreter must primarily be accompanied by the spirit of understanding or possessed by it. The reason being stated in Proverbs 20:5, which clearly says that the spirit of counsel which is God's instructions given to us via our dreams (Job 33:14-16), is compared to being placed in deep waters (our hearts) BUT! Only a man who is aided by the spirit of understanding can draw or make sense of the counsel given to him by God.

Okay! Let's bring this baby home now; if you do not understand your dreams, this would suggest you do not understand the spiritual intelligence, prudence, or insight that God is or has provided to you via the spirit of counsel. Therefore, I recommend to you to fast and pray and ask God to give you the spirit of understanding so that you can begin to make sense of your dreams or the instructions/counsel he has and is giving to you concerning the matter of your life and by extension the life of others.

I will leave you with this to ponder on. Inviting the spirit of understanding into your life will be initiated through you listening to the word of God!  Here's the scriptural proof, "Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know to understand" Proverbs 4:1.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dreaming Of The Dead And Generational Curses

If you are continually having dreams about dead people, especially of dead relatives. Then
more than likely, your dreams are revealing generational curses. These curses are either pending for your life or are actively operating in your life.

Your dead relatives that you observe in your dreams are, in fact, not your actual deceased relatives. Instead, they are familiar spirits or otherwise known as masquerading spirits. These spirits are the enforcers of generational curses. In layman's terms, these spirits are responsible for the evil spiritual agreements made by past family members. Unknowing to the dreamer, these familiar spirits are, in fact, forging covenants with them. Regrettably, whatever interaction the dreamer had with these spirits could pan out some undesired results in the future. Of course, this initiates the repetitive cycles of negative patterns of defeat and failure in their lives formally displayed in their deceased loved ones' lives.

I received an email from a recently married lady who had constant dreams of her deceased mother and a few other deceased relatives on her Mom's side of the family. Before interpreting her dream, I asked her to recall as much as possible some of the most common negative traits her deceased loved ones experienced while they were alive.

Immediately, she said that her Mom's side of the family always struggled financially, even the ones alive. She added that they were all educated people and very good at whatever they set out to do, but they were all limited in life for some reason. This lady ended her email by stating it is clear to her that her life is beginning to show signs of the same negative patterns and cycles her deceased and living loved ones have had and are currently experiencing.

I explained to this frustrated lady that her dreams revealed two crucial things. 1) Familiar spirits have been assigned to her life via generational curses, and 2) the cycle can only begin if she had any interaction with the familiar spirits that were pretending to be her deceased relatives in her dreams. She admitted that she has had several interactions in her dreams with Her deceased Mom because she loved and missed her Mom so much. Unfortunately for her, that was the moment the spiritual negative patterns and cycles that took place in her deceased loved one's life will now run their course in her life. Of course, this can be broken via prayer and fasting, but one must be aware of the implications that such dreams produce.

Most folks are totally unaware of these spiritual activities, mainly because they are committed to what is seen instead of the unseen. Of course, we are reminded in 1 Corinthians 4:18 of the following. "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." This scripture in and of itself clearly directs us to pay close attention to the spirit world as the real world or, better yet, the parent world of our natural world. Therefore, for a spirit to carry out its will in the natural world, it must achieve human approval for manifestation.

However, alongside his evil forces, Satan achieved our approval via our dreams that we usually toss to the side. We are completely unaware of its vital significance related to evil spirits striving to forge evil covenants to begin their negative patterns and negative cycles of defeat and failure. Make no mistake, the power behind all generational curses will always be rooted in "iniquity." Scripture clearly reveals to us the following concerning Iniquity, "I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me" Exodus 20:5. Iniquity, my friend, is just not sinning. Instead, Iniquity is defined as unremorseful, willful unrepentant sin. Again, Iniquity is the soil for generational curses. Familiar spirits seek the Iniquity in families' lives to enforce generational curses simply because they know that Iniquity gives them the legal right to execute it according to spiritual law. Scripture again informs us of the following, "Our fathers sinned, and now they're dead, and we (the living generation) are left to bear their iniquities" Lamentations 5:7.

Due to a lack of spiritual knowledge, folks volunteer unknowingly to participate in generational curses. If your Ancestors were involved in the practice of witchcraft, oppression, or the unremorseful breaking of the laws of God. Then the seeds of generational curses have been planted in your family bloodline. Nevertheless, even though your genealogy would have made you subject to a generational curse, you still have to agree to it, thus seeking that approval via familiar spirits in your dreams. These specific dreams of your deceased loved ones must be challenged and canceled via prayer and fasting.

On the other hand, if you had experienced similar dreams in the past and were ignorant of the consequences they carry. Then I strongly suggest that you engage in a fast (Holy Spirit leading, of course) with the sole intent of breaking evil covenants that you have unknowingly agreed to via interaction with deceased relatives in your dreams. You must retrieve as much scripture as possible regarding generational blessings to include in your prayers.  

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Spiritual laws level The Playing Field

It is easy to spread evil and unfairness to others, and it can be accomplished without detection.

However, even if others are unaware that you have caused their pain, loss, or disappointment, there are spiritual laws that will eventually address deceptive and malicious behavior. People often say, "Life isn't fair," or "Those who wrong others always seem to get away with it." In reality, life is fair when you consider the spiritual laws that govern it.

Certainly! Here's the rewritten text:
As a result, these statements are often made by people who feel that someone, including themselves, has been treated unfairly in a specific situation. They may not realize that whoever has wronged them will eventually experience a similar situation where they will be on the receiving end of the injustice they caused in the past. I believe that the more we study God's word, the clearer it becomes that prayer strategies such as "returning evil back to sender" are wrong on every level. As I have mentioned in many of my teachings concerning spiritual laws, laws are inherent. This means that penalties and rewards are incorporated into all spiritual laws. We are rewarded if we follow the rules and penalized if we don't.

Proverbs 11:31 says, "The righteous shall be recompensed in the earth, much more the wicked and the sinner." According to this spiritual law, righteous people will be compensated for the loss and suffering they've experienced. Amazingly, incorporated in this same law, it states that the wicked and the sinner will receive more than they originally served to others. In the following scriptures, you will see that we are not responsible for returning evil to those who have wronged us. Scripture is adamant about who that portfolio belongs to, and according to Scripture, vengeance belongs to God and Him only!

As a reminder, God said that His word can not return unto Him unfulfilled; instead, it will accomplish what it was sent out to do, Isaiah 55:10-11. In essence, when someone does wrong to others, they should prepare to be challenged, not particularly by the person; Instead, by God's word that has incorporated their penalty for the wrong they did. Let's observe the scriptures mentioned below that will reinforce this spiritual understanding.

"But he that does wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons." Colossians 3:25

"Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them" Proverbs 26:27

"He made a pit, dug it, and fell into the ditch he made. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own head" Psalm 7:15-16

"Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same" Job 4:8

"Woe unto the wicked! It shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him" Isaiah 3:11

I cannot say this enough. The scriptures mentioned above are indeed spiritual laws, basically prophesying the end of what will happen to those who distribute evil to others. Interestingly enough, these spiritual laws also point out to us why those who have confidence in their wrongdoings continue in their evil, and here is what it says:

"Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" (Eccl.8:11).

This post highlights the understanding that no one is above spiritual laws, and the result of what they have done to others will be predicated on how they executed the law. While they may not be punished immediately when they have done evil, or it may appear as if they're continuing in it, the spiritual law dictates that it is inevitable that judgment will be served according to the word of God.

Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Feeling overwhelmed

There are moments in our lives where it feels as if everything is coming at us all at once.

What can be even more frustrating is the fact that the solutions to our many problems are not equally as fast. Sad to say when these feelings of being overwhelmed overtake us the confusion and frustration that it brings, unfortunately, disables us in every area of our lives.

I have discovered that being overwhelmed, for the most part, is as a result of seeing future events from a negative view in advance of its happening and actually confessing the negative that we see. Just think about it for a moment, you are overwhelmed right now probably due to school fees not being paid as yet, high electricity bill, vehicle on the verge of breaking down, not to mention unexpected bills being presented to you and the list, of course, goes on.

Now, here is what we usually do, we place all of these problems together and say to ourselves "My God, every time you put one step forward, you have to take two back", "I only work to pay bills", "When will I ever enjoy life", "These people make me sick"... sounds familiar?

 The point I am attempting to make here my friend is that you are the one that has invited and fuel that spirit of being overwhelmed by the words you consistently speak. That's right! You are the one giving existence to this dislike feeling. Bottom line, YOUR WORDS ARE FORMING AND CREATING YOUR WORLD!

""For by your words you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned." Matthew  12:37.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue; And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof" Proverbs 18:21.

In the above scriptures, which are really spiritual laws, it's literally placing the creation of your world in your mouth. So every day is the manifestation of the consistent words you have spoken in the past. The truth is no one is doing this to you instead you're doing it to yourself.

Make a conscious effort in changing the way you think, and this will, in turn, change the way you speak. Begin by saying "I don't know how, but all my bills will be paid by the grace of God", "I will have no balance on my kids school fees", "The day is quickly approaching where I see myself having more than enough in the lacking areas of my life", "Things will get better", "My better days are ahead of me".


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

God knows the best way

Obstacles, setback, delays and disappointments in life when viewed from a positive perspective, is
God's way of saying, whatever it is you're attempting to achieve can be done another way!

As creatures created by God to progress and advance in life, the enemy has mastered the art of delay and disappointment to hamper our God given ability to naturally advance.

I would like to say to someone today that your disappointment and frustration is due in part to your limited way of thinking. Yes! You have convinced yourself that your way of trying to attain success or whatever it is you desire to achieve, is the only way it can be done, when God has been whispering to you, "Try another way". As a reminder, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and foolishly expecting a different result.

The word of the Lord to you my friend is, "Get up brush yourself off and try again, only this time try it ANOTHER WAY OR BETTER YET, TRY IT GOD'S WAY!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, August 14, 2015

Managing your God given times and season

Time is advancing you to what you have been praying for. Please do not allow your created pressure, anxiety and impatience to cause you to judge God foolishly!

As a reminder, every purpose is governed by times and seasons, Eccl. 3:1. Therefore, it will make no difference how many times we ask God for a particular thing or how loud we scream for it in prayer. The law of "Time and seasons" is the one governing the time and season it will be revealed. All of us have an assigned amount of time to exist on the earth and with in that time frame, there are certain things that all of us will experience.

However, prior to any of the things that I'm about to mention can take place we must exist first, pretty obvious right? This is why Eccl 3:2, starts off by saying, "There is a time to be born and a time to die". In other words we are assigned a certain period of time and season in the earth, which is from the time of birth to the time of death to accomplish a specific purpose. However the fulfilling of whatever that purpose is will require the following experiences that no matter what your purpose maybe, you will encounter and have to deal with the following:

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace, Eccl. 3:2-8.

I said all of that to get to this very simple but very much overlooked point and that is absolutely nothing is forever. The reality of this post is very much real to those that have recently lost folks that were quite dear to them. It is during such times of (death) that we quickly realize that all of us and all things will one day be referred to in the past tense...... Meaning its time has expired!

Scripture further tells us that, "A wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment, Eccl 8:5. Simply put, a man who understands the law of "time and seasons" understands that along with time being assigned to everything, there is also a judgement that accompanies it. We are accountable for the time given to our purpose. This is why we are commanded to Redeeming the time, because the days are evil, Eph5:16.

I want to say to someone, stop wasting time and focus on doing what God has placed you in the earth to do, while using the scriptural tools of Eccl 3:2-8 to accomplish your purpose in the earth. The day will come just like those that have gone before us, when you and I will have to stand before the supreme judge of time and give an account of how we maximize and managed our allotted time in the earth.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Beware Of The Delilah Spirit

We have unique skills, talents, and passions that God instilled. These innate abilities and aspirations drive us to achieve our goals and reach our full potential in life. Whether in our personal or professional lives, we constantly enable these God-given talents and skills to improve ourselves and to achieve more. 

Our success and prosperity reflect the dreams and ideas that God has placed within us, and it is up to us to nurture and pursue them with diligence and determination. We constantly strive to improve ourselves and achieve more in our personal or professional lives. Our success and prosperity reflect the dreams and ideas that God has placed within us, and it is up to us to nurture and pursue them with diligence and determination.

Many of us fail to acknowledge certain areas of our lives as private, leading us to believe that everyone is as enthusiastic about our success as we are. As a result, we may unintentionally give unauthorized access to others who, more than likely, are on a mission to disable the source of our success. Samson's story in the Bible is a perfect example of this.

The secret to Samson's strength was his seven locks of hair. Of course, only Samson and his parents were exposed to this knowledge. As long as he kept this information to himself, he could advance, conquer, and defeat his enemies effortlessly.

Unlike most believers of Jesus Christ, Satan understands the importance of discovering the source of power, success, and favor of an individual. Such origins become the target for destruction; in Samson's case, it was his hair.

Satan understands that to obtain sensitive information, he must convince us to connect with someone we believe to be trustworthy, but in reality, this person is not a true friend. This is actually a ploy to distract us and sabotage the source of our success in life.

Samson, who was clearly bewitched by Delilah, believed that this woman assigned by Satan was everything that he wanted in a woman; however, like so many of us. Samson refused to see the apparent signs of betrayal because he assumed she felt the same way about him as he did about her.

As in Samson's case, a clear indication that someone is on assignment by Satan in your life is when that person becomes determined to know the personal areas of your life but reveals very little if any, information about their own life.
Another red flag that this person is a trap set for you is their unashamed persistence in retrieving this information.

Thirdly, Just like Delilah, when this person is convinced they have discovered your secrets, immediate troubles follow you.

After their previous schemes and ploys failed, based on the information they thought they had, the perpetrators go back to the drawing board of deception with no shame. They then resort to playing on the sympathy of their victim, all the while determined to destroy them.

Samson made a mistake by revealing the secret of his strength to Delilah, who was working as an agent of Satan. Delilah then shared this information with others who conspired against Samson. As a result, Samson's life took a turn for the worse, and he experienced no further progress, promotion, or joy.

It's important to understand the consequences when your enemies get access to information intended for your eyes and ears only. The scripture reminds us of this by saying, "Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin." (Proverbs 13:3)

Scripture also says that a man will experience joy by the answer of his mouth and how wonderful it is when words are spoken in due season or the right time. (Proverbs 15:23)

It is essential to be aware that the spirit of Delilah may be present in your life. To avoid falling victim to this spirit, it is highly recommended that you pay attention to the signs mentioned above and take proactive measures in filtering those with whom you share sensitive information. This particular spirit preys on the emotions and compassion of its victims as a way to achieve their underlying motives. Stay vigilant and mindful of the people you trust.

Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, August 13, 2015

DefeatIng The Curse of Anti and Fail Marriages

Folks reading this post have observed the consistency of many family members not achieving marriage in their relationships. In other cases, some achieve marriage but somehow always end in divorce. Unfortunately, these victims are unaware of the spiritual components lurking behind this mystery. 

You see, my friend, such a family is cursed in the area of marriage. Therefore, the family is literally programmed spiritually to fail in this area. Unfortunately, they are entirely spiritually ignorant of this and have justified it by accepting the idea that it is common among people or not everyone is supposed to be married. Scripture clearly advises that it was not good for man to be alone, Genesis 2:18.

In fact, this was the only thing in God's creation at this point that was NOT GOOD! Of course, the phrase "not good" implies that it is not beneficial to be alone or not have someone to assist them.

 Therefore, the curse of anti-marriage sitting on this family's destiny could have been achieved through ancestors participating in witchcraft. As a result, they sacrificed their future generations' marriages to fail or that they would not be married in exchange for wealth, health, or whatever to that family member. Another way such a curse can be achieved would be where a patriarch or matriarch of a family would have spoken a curse of anti-marriage over their family. Like Jacob cursed his son Ruben and, by extension, his offspring to a life of hardship, Genesis 49:3-4.

Amazingly, one of the more common ways to invoke the curse of anti and fail marriages are either where you or your ancestors have engaged in repeated adulterous relationships (violating the marital covenants of others), or you've placed curses on the marital covenants of others for that relationship to be destroyed.

As long as this curse, which is spirits of anti and failed marriage assigned to this family, are not challenged, prepare to see more of your family members leaving this earth unable to achieve marriages or maintain a marriage.

I felt the need to share this spiritual insight because there are many of you reading this post right now, and you have no idea that you are spiritually programmed to marry the wrong person, all to maintain divorce in your family. Then there are others who the enemy has manipulated you with your careers, children, ministry, etc. All in a well-calculated demonic effort in you never ever connecting with the right person God intended you to marry at a specific time during your life.

I have witnessed beautiful, well-educated, and submissive women who have it together except for relationships and marriage. They're lost as to why they can not find the right person. I have had extensive conversations with well-rounded, responsible men who always seem to connect with the wrong folks or have failed at several marriages. Unfortunately, their confusion results from focusing on their particular situations' physical components and never considering the spiritual aspect. Nevertheless, as we delicately sieve through their family's history in each case, it is evident that a generational curse was the root of their spiritual problem.

Again, all things are spiritually based, and if you're not dealing with this particular matter from a spiritual perspective, then the reality is you're preparing to repeat the same failed format of relationships your ancestors and living family members experienced. Tell the Lord you recognize the curse, and you ain't having it!

If this post has resonated with you, then know you're not reading this post by accident. You need to go on a fast and break the curse of an anti and failing marriage. The power of this curse is the ignorance of those under this curse. Ask God to advance you and restore you of whom you should have been married to or remove the obstacles preventing you from being married in the matchless and mighty name of Jesus Christ! "My people are perishing because of a lack of (available) knowledge." Hosea 4:6.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Lying Spirit

One of the most annoying things in this world is a person who's committed to being dishonest. More so, these folks have no relationship with the truth and would tell a lie at any opportunity.

I know of many folks that seem to be plagued with this seemingly incurable disease. I have discovered that compulsive, chronic, pathological liars, for the most part, don't really want to tell lies. In fact, sometimes, when they tell a lie, they question why they did what they did.

Now I am aware that this may sound strange to you but let me explain. You see, my friend lying is not a thing but a personality, yes! You read right. Compulsive, chronic, pathological liars are possessed with a lying spirit to which they unknowingly have become a host.

It is essential to become aware of this because you could spend the rest of your life fighting a person instead of the spirit heavily influencing that person. Unfortunately, most folks dismiss such understanding obviously because they can not see the spirit seemingly influencing the person. Many of you right now can identify with what I am writing about as it relates to liars in your life. As usual, let's look to scripture to validate this understanding.

"21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said, I will persuade him.

22 And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and also prevail: go forth and do so.

23 Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee" 1 Kings 22:21-23.

So, as you would have read, lying is not a thing; this is what the enemy would want you to believe so that there would be a division between you and that person who's influenced to telling lies. Instead, you are dealing with a spirit with a stronghold on the individual who is actually a slave to this lying spirit. 

Now that we have identified the source of whom you know to be a puppet to a lying spirit, you must now shift your prayer and discontinue praying against that person and begin praying against that spirit that has a stronghold on that person. In fact, ask God by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to remove this lying spirit from your friend, family member, or even yourself and replace it with his Spirit of truth, which is his Holy Spirit, who is responsible for guiding us into all truth.

Interestingly enough, the Bible has provided a clear-cut solution to this stubborn evil. Firstly, when we speak of a stronghold, we're basically referring to a fixed and locked mindset. Basically, a stronghold is where a person is on autopilot to perform or behave in a manner that overrides their will only to institute the choice of whatever that stronghold is over them. With that said, scripture advises that to rid oneself of this stubborn evil, it must be approached with the word of God.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing and dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" Hebrews 4:12. The takeaway in the above scripture as it relates to the solution to this lying spirit and any other spirit is the word of God dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT. As a reminder, our souls consist of our minds, will, intellect and emotions. Of course, this is the place strongholds are established. Spirits would be those invisible beings or entities attempting or, in most cases, influencing our soul. Amazingly, this scripture suggests that through the application of the word of God, the word of God will literally pierce and divide or cut away that lying spirit from your soul. 

We must bear in mind that this entire process is spiritual, outside of us verbally declaring the word of God. Folks, I hope this understanding gives you another reason to appreciate the hidden spiritual knowledge tucked away in scripture, and it's available to all that would take the time to read it. Again, "It will always be through KNOWLEDGE shall the just be DELIVERED." Proverbs 11:9b


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 31, 2015

Devils will continue to have the upper hand because of your ignorance of the law

You will continue to be held back if you refuse to break the spirit of setback! Many Christians fail to realize the importance of precision when it comes to spiritual warfare.

They are of the erroneous view that any prayer can defeat any and all opposition that's being hurled against them. This explains why confusion for the Believers of Jesus Christ quickly set in when they observe no progress in their lives, especially after much prayer from their end. Scripture specifically says to us that "IF" we resist the devil he will flee from us, James 4:7. The word "IF" indicates that whoever decides to observe the law will ultimately determine who will succeed. That being devil of human!

Now, in an attempt to achieve a greater insight into this particular scripture with a view of dealing with certain spirits in the realm of the spirit to achieve true freedom from their invisible bondage's. It is a must that we dissect this scripture for clarity and correct application. The first word we must observe in this text is the word, "RESIST". The word resist literally means to challenge or to exert some sort of opposing force against whatever is opposing or challenging you. The second word in the text that I would really like for you to place emphasis on is the word, "devil". As you may or may not have observed, the word devil begins with a common and not a capital "D". The reason for this is to point out the fact that the word devil here is  not referring to Satan himself. Instead, it's indicating common devils such as the devil of anger, the devil of pride, the devil of confusion etc. In other words devils are  subordinate spirits in comparison to The Devil, which is Satan himself.

The word devil, from a theological definition stand point is defined as evil spirits having power to influence and afflict human beings both with bodily disease and with spiritual corruption. With this understanding in mind, it now becomes imperative that the one being oppressed seek to discover which specific devil is influencing or afflicting them, so now when they seek God in prayer for spiritual assistance their aim is to target that specific devil.

Satan and his well organize kingdom are no fools when it comes to spiritual laws and protocols. In fact their strength is amplified in human ignorance. They clearly understand according to the law and protocol of James 4:7 that challenging them must be accompanied with discovering who they are specifically. Let's use the following illustration as an example. Let's say your body is being challenge by the spirit of infirmity and as a result of this it's costing you tremendous finances to the point you're lacking the financial resources to satisfy your financial obligations.

Well, I am sure you'll agree with me that praying to God to bless you with some money or to perform a financial miracle is not and will not resist the underlying spirit of infirmity that so happens to be the spiritual root of your problem. Thus, if this specific spirit goes unchallenged according to scripture and spiritual protocol he will not leave and to add to this he has every right to remain. Not knowing this insight my friend is what scripture describes as a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE that automatically guarantees failure and destruction as an end result.

Now that we understand the spiritual ramifications and implications of this spiritual law and protocol of James 4:7. Why not do an inventory of your life right now by applying the principles of this scripture to ascertain and challenge those specific devils that has succeeded in subduing you. If you still haven't discovered who these devils are, then ask God, "Lord, please reveal to me and make it crystal clear as to who are these specific devils that have enjoyed the pleasure of oppressing me successfully simply because I not only lacked the knowledge as to who they are but as a result of this lack of knowledge I could not resist them which would have automatically caused their removal form my life".

Again my friend the law is clear, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you" James 4:6.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A real life dream about urination

I got a call today from someone that was very much disturb about a dream that they had. The person that had this dream said that even though they did not understand the dream they felt within their spirit that it wasn't a good dream. The following is what the dreamer dreamt:

"Minister Ewing, this morning I had a very strange dream that have me very uncomfortable right now. While this dream may appear silly I am convinced it has some kind of meaning and I feel it is not good. I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar place and all of sudden a person came from out of nowhere, I couldn't determine if it was a man of woman but all I knew was that I was being showered with urine (pee). In the dream I felt helpless and confused and then the dream ended. Can you please give me some spiritual insight as to what this dream could mean and if I am in any kind of danger?.

My interpretation

Such a dream can be quite confusing especially when no form of clarity or understanding can be given to the dreamer. Firstly, to dream that you are in an unknown location immediately indicates a spirit of confusion either pending in the spirit realm covertly seeking permission from the dreamer to be manifested into the dreamer's natural life or this same spirit of confusion is currently operating in the dreamer's life. Secondly, the dreamer said that out of nowhere a person came to them whom they could not identify and began to urinate on them. This portion of the dream is revealing quite a bit from a spiritual perspective and here is why. Because the person just appeared from no where, meaning they didn't walk through a door, climbed a wall etc then the dream is revealing that a spirit has been sent to the dreamer.

However, the identity of this spirit was revealed in the action that was performed by the spirit once it came in contact with the dreamer. To have someone or something urinate on you in a dream, it symbolizes "DISGRACE" to the dreamer. Therefore, the dream is revealing that someone is spiritually warring against the dreamer and has sent the spirits of confusion and disgrace to attack the dreamer. Clearly, the one that is doing this to the dreamer understands that while it maybe difficult to attack the dreamer physically, they are fully aware of how things operate in the spirit world and has chosen that realm to deal with the dreamer.

Now, if the dreamer refuses to launch a counter attack via specific prayer against these two spirits then by default the dreamer is literally agreeing for these forces to operate in their life if it isn't already. Real life manifestation of this dream if the dream is not met with spiritual warfare and canceled. The dreamer will begin experiencing confusion on their job, home, family, among their friends etc they will become very forgetful and absent minded. In sever cases the dreamer will begin to literally see dark shadow, hearing weird noises and even begin to speak to the spirits that only they themselves can see. These folks are not crazy but have been program to be this way spiritually via witchcraft so that others will sum them up as crazy. However, the confusion that is being created by the spirit of confusion is well calculated with the intent to pass the baton of confusion on to the spirit of disgrace to bring humiliation, embarrassment and rejection to the dreamer.

So, the dreamer, will begin experiencing strange occurrences such as rejection by their peers, family and friends. This will be mainly due to their strange behavior such as frequent obscenity, exposing themselves (nakedness), revealing secrets that others confided in them about, making strange noises, engaging in adulterous relationships or if the dreamer is single they will all of a sudden become very sexual promiscuous. One of the greatest signs is that the dreamer never engaged or behave in such a way before. If the curse that is obviously on this person is not challenged it will become worse with time. Amazingly, the curse is also fueled by the negative comments of others against the dreamer, such as, "He or she is so stupid", "Why are they acting like a fool", "If they don't stop someone will hurt them or they will hurt themselves". As a reminder. death and life still resides is the power of the tongue and between the ignorance of what is truly happening to this person and the negative words that's making their situation worse, the evil on this person is being compounded.

I will end with this, the beginning of all that could or would eventually happen to the dreamer if the dream is not challenged took place in their dream. A dream that they may have though of as silly. Not realizing that the dream which is spiritual can not perform its covert evil in the dreamer's life outside of the dreamer giving direct or indirect permission to the spirit. I will say it again, God never gave spirits dominion over the earth, instead he gave us humans dominion according to Genesis 1:26-28 and Psalm 8:4-6. Therefore in order for any spirit to operate in the earth it will always have to be granted human permission. Of course this can be obtain via folks seeking the assistance of spirits or where one is manipulated via their dreams to gain this permission.

The bottom line the above mush be challenged through prayer by cancelling the dream and all covenants that were established in the dream. Those covenants would be where the dreamer never resisted the person urinating on them, neither did they make any effort in making any attempts to leave the unknown location. Therefore, this symbolizes spiritual agreement.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The law and reward of faithfulness

Faithfulness is defined as being faithful to one's word, promises, vows, etc. Someone steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant, reliable, trusted and committed.

I needed to provide a detailed understanding of the word faithfulness in an attempt to highlight the understanding of the following spiritual law:

"A "FAITHFUL" man shall abound with blessings," Proverbs 28:20. In this profound passage of scripture, it is revealed that a person who is committed and stands true to not only his word but to the promises and allegiance he has made to others will abound or exist in significant quantities of blessings.

This passage of scripture is very much encouraging simply because it doesn't matter what negativity is being projected or hurled towards the one that is being faithful. Still, the true reward of faithfulness can never ever be withheld or dismissed by anyone simply because God is the one that provides the blessings at the end of that particular tenure of faithfulness. I have personally witnessed case after case of folks that were taken advantage of, ridiculed, placed at the back of the line, and even spoken evil of despite their faithfulness. Nevertheless, time will always prove and reveal this scripture to be true.

You see, my friend, faithfulness to the word of God, will always place a demand on you, the faithful one being blessed in the end. In fact, this scripture clearly says that your blessings won't be your average blessings, but instead, you will overflow in the blessings (abound).

I honestly do not know who this post is for today, but I was inspired to post it specifically for that person who feels as if it's a waste of time doing the right thing or being faithful to someone or something because it appears as if faithfulness just doesn't pay off. Make no mistake, the devil and his agents understand in detail what your faithfulness will pan out once the time has expired on whatever it is that you're going through. They are fully aware that only you can divert and dismiss the bountiful blessings that are ahead of you if you cave in to their temporal comforts of being unfaithful!

God is observing your matter, and the day is quickly approaching when He will judge. All parties involved in your issue will be rewarded, some to blessings as a result of their contribution, while others to a reward of disgrace and reaping the evil they have sown.

I say it all the time, and that is absolutely nothing lasts forever. Everything has a beginning date and an expiration date. The good thing is God knows the end from the beginning. Be encouraged, my friend, for this to will pass with an end result of you being rewarded for your FAITHFULNESS!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Someone's on assignment against those that's on assignment against you

If you have left it up to God, then do just that and leave it up to him. Those that are committed to ensuring your downfall have zero idea that they're activating a spiritual law that will enable someone with cruel intentions to seek and destroy them.

Please, I know you're sick and tired of these same folks over and over again making life difficult for you by spreading lies, having the evilest things to say about you and just simply putting stumbling blocks in your way. But trust me when I say to you that the reality that is unknown to these folks is that, this same devil that's influencing them against you will be the same devil that will influence someone else against them (there is no loyalty with devils)..... All I am saying to you is be patient a little while longer and let the laws of God that will eventually work for your good to run its course in this ongoing matter.

I am so convinced of this from personal experience that I will further say to you that these same folks were calculated in the plan of God for your life to elevate you. For example, Joseph the dreamer brother's evil plans to destroy his life was calculated in the plan of God for Joseph's life to eventually be elevated, and at the end of the day, his evil brother's were at his mercy. Keep doing the right thing, stay within the laws of God and the laws will work in your favor. As for those that insist on rebelling against you, then here is what the spiritual law says:

"An evil man seeks only rebellion; Therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him" Proverbs 17:11.

This, my friend, is why you must place your absolute confidence in the word of God and not what someone is doing to you or how you feel about them. Both scenarios will deceive you into doing and saying things that will make you no different than your oppressor. As a reminder, God is a God of order, and the order of God's purpose will fall into place according to its appointed times all to reveal the real aspect of his spiritual laws.

The bottom line is this according to the law mentioned above, GOD HAS SENT SOMEONE AGAINST THE PERSON OR PERSONS THAT'S AGAINST YOU!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 17, 2015

Cancel it in the spirit so it won't manifest in the natural

You may not have recall what you dreamed this morning or even last night. Maybe you're confuse as to what your dream really meant. As a reminder, our dreams are real, however, we're being shown from a spiritual perspective via our dreams things and situations from the spiritual realm which is the origin of all things pending for our natural world. In other words, whatever is manifested in our physical world was once conceived in the spirit realm or what we know to be the spirit world.

In any event, why not take advantage of this moment right now  before you do anything else and reject and disagree with every satanic agreement and covenant that the enemy and his agents were attempting to or has covertly seal in your dreams?

You must cancel satanic attacks and evil seeds that may have been planted or secured in your dreams to prevent the physical manifestation they desire to achieve in your life. In other words you must cancel it in the spirit so that it won't be able to manifest in the natural!

On the other hand, say to the lord right now, "Lord I don't understand my dream or I don't recall my dream but if my dreams were from you, then I come in complete and total agreement with your purposes and desires for my life in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ!

Father! I will not be LATE, I will not be DENIED, I will not be DELAYED, neither will I be SETBACK in Jesus Mighty name! God! I will continue to hold on to you while you ADVANCE me to where I should have been at this point in my life, in the matchless name of Jesus the Christ!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Godly Instruction Preserves Life

I declare today, in the precious name of Jesus Christ, that anyone working witchcraft against your life and demonically manipulating your destiny, let their spells, incantations, and evil words fall to the ground and become stepping stones for your elevation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

I pray that God will expose and disgrace the evil plans of that co-worker, that family member, that associate, or whomever you thought was your friend who insists on resorting to the powers of darkness to see you fail in life. God said he would cut off witchcraft from their hands and that they would not be able to cast spells and bewitch others anymore, Micah 5:12. Father, we stand in complete confidence in your word.

Every witchcraft spirit MUST die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.!

The Lord alerted me yesterday morning in a dream concerning witchcraft attacks pending against my life. Rather than doing the normal and waiting on the enemy, I took the battle to the enemy's gate by waging a counterattack in the spirit realm. Of course, my decision was based on the information and instructions I received during my dream. It is imperative that you understand your dreams and be fully equipped to take on any unforeseen challenges that may arise. Please! Do not sit back and allow others to convince you, via their ignorance, that these things are not real. For those who do not believe they will be synonymous with those who LACK KNOWLEDGE! Ironically, scripture clearly says that it will be those who LACK KNOWLEDGE that will either be brought into captivity or will be destroyed, Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13.

Many Christians are losing their spiritual battles against evil because they do not recognize the importance of their dreams. Dreams can be considered the intelligence branch of spiritual warfare that God has made available to us. The purpose of our dreams is to guide and instruct us. Ignoring or forgetting our dreams means that we cannot see potential attacks that could be targeting us in the spiritual realm. By doing this, we are unknowingly assisting the enemy and his agents.

I want to leave you with something to think about: "For God speaks repeatedly, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instructions!" (Job 33:14-16). This means that our dreams are actually trying to instruct us. According to scripture, the purpose of any instruction is to prepare the one being instructed.

"Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life" Proverbs 4:13. Did you read that? In other words, the instructions you're given in your dreams by God are to preserve your life simply because the INSTRUCTIONS ARE LIFE!

Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, July 6, 2015

Self Manufactured Dreams

While every dream has its specific meanings, there are some dreams that we unknowingly,
Manufacture or produce on our own.

How is this possible, you may ask? Well, most of you would have experienced at one time or the other where you were overly worried or completely stressed out about a particular matter, to the point you literally found yourself dreaming about the situation. Amazingly, the negative thoughts that consumed your mind during your waking hours literally played out at night or at whatever point you fell asleep. Here is what scripture has to say about such occurrences, "For a dream comes through the multitude of business" Eccl. 5:3.

In this particular teaching on dreams, there are a few points that I would like to bring to your attention that will not only bring awareness to such dreams but how the enemy is manipulating you into engaging in spiritual laws to your own detriment. In fact, your agreement is covertly being secured unknowingly by using these self-manufacturing dreams as a tool to secure your agreement to bring these negative relentless thoughts to pass.

Spiritual law clearly says to us, "As a man thinks in his heart so is he or so he becomes" Proverbs 23:7. Satan and his demonic host understand spiritual laws. In fact, they are very much legalistic. They understand that if they can influence you to ponder on your negative matter over and over again, then you will automatically bring that negative relentless thought to pass, or you will live the manifestation of it.

Secondly, the enemy understands the spiritual law of fear. He also understands that for him to rule his victims' lives, he must covertly get them to participate unknowingly in this law. Here is what the law of fear reveals, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me" Job 3:25.

So, I am sure you have observed so far that the adversary doesn't operate arbitrarily; instead, he operates within the law and takes full advantage of those that are spiritually ignorant of spiritual laws. Therefore, it is Satan and his agents that's forcing you to not only repeat those negative thoughts during your waking hours but to eventually seal the deal during the course of your sleep.

It is such information as what I have mentioned above that the average person lacks, and as a result, they see such occurrences as normal behavior. This erroneous perception secures the victim his or her continuous cycle of defeat and unexplained failures in life. Again, scripture has unequivocally said that it would be through "KNOWLEDGE" that the just be DELIVERED!, Proverbs 11:9.
As a reminder, the mere fact that such dreams are not canceled upon waking from the dream will eventually become a reality.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The spiritual understanding of a dream

The more you ignore your dreams the more you'll go around the same problems in your life again and again.

God in his quest for us to always be ahead of our adversary provided us with the awesome tool of dreams. Because all things have its origin in the spirit realm, our dreams are spiritual monitors providing us with a view of what is pending in the spirit realm or revealing the root cause of our ongoing natural matters.

During many of my counseling sessions, identifying the beginning and solutions to folks challenges could more than 98% of the time be traced back to their dreams. In other words, their dreams were revealing that they should not take a certain course to avoid future problems or to stay on a certain course that would line them up with their blessings.

Scripture clearly says to us concerning our dreams, "For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man understands not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds" Job 33:14-15. Interestingly enough, it was verse 16, of Job 33 that really exposes God's intent of outfitting us with this awesome tool of dreams and here is what it says, "Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction".

Like I have mentioned on so many occasions and that is, while our physical bodies are at rest and not conscious of our natural world while we're asleep. Our spirits are very much wide awake and interacting with the spirit realm. Due to the complexities and vastness of the spirit world, much of what is revealed or exposed to us is our dreams are done in a symbolic manner, such as a lion chasing after you or you dreamt that your living relative died etc.

Amazingly, very few folks are aware that curses or blessing can either be passed on to an individual in a dream or hijacked from them in a dream. Nevertheless, the dreamer's action or inaction can allow what is being revealed in a dream to actually manifest in our natural world. The reason for this is because God gave the man and not spirits dominion over the earth and only through the co-operation of man can things that are spiritual manifest themselves in the earth.

I will end with this, a dream will manifest by default if the dream is not challenged when it's a negative dream. This is so because if the dreamer does not resist the enemy who is planting evil seeds in the dreamer's life spiritually then those evil seeds will manifest in the natural. Here are the spiritual laws that are governing this. "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way" Matthew 13:25 and "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:7.

Please! Ask God to give you understanding right now and bring back to your memory the things he was revealed to you via your dreams before and even now so that you could apply the right actions to provide you with a better life or change the course of your life for the better.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Redeeming the time

Anyone with a brain in their head must have noticed that time is moving at a far greater pace than it once did!

While this may be good news to those that are anticipating a vacation, school breaks, graduations, etc This is not good news for those that refuse to get started with their purpose for being here on earth. From January 2015 to present, many of us have lost love ones or know of well known folks that we never would have imagined would have met their demise this year.

Nevertheless, we stay committed to the routine of plastering the photos of our deceased love ones all over social media expressing our loss but still we behave as if we have this great amount of time to get our business in order. I am sure those that have passed on within this year have also attended funerals of their friends and family members probably not realizing that their next visit at the cemetery would be in celebration of their life here on earth.

The purpose of this post is to ask you the reader, how much longer will you continue to procrastinate with getting your relationship with God in order? How much longer will you remain committed to your plans compared to the purpose as to why God allowed you to be here?

Scripture has clearly stated that the living know that they will die, but the dead knows nothing; the dead have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun, Eccl 9:5-6.

With the above scripture in mind, one must take into account that with the swiftness of the movement of time I think it is safe to say that time is running out for all of us for none of us know when the time for us to cease to exist will occur. However, while we may cease to exist here we are very much existing somewhere else and there is absolutely nothing our friends and love ones can do on earth that can change where we will end up after death.

Why not ask God right now, "Lord, what is my reason for being here"? Father am I on the right course that you originally intended me to be on? Father, help me to align myself with the destiny you have chosen for me. For those of you that do not have a relationship with God and his son Jesus Christ, then why don't you fix that right now while you have the opportunity to do so as a living person. Like the scripture said, the dead will have no more participation in the earth and eventually their names will be forgotten.

It is my prayer this evening that this post will convict you to the point of change and that everything that's going on around you and by extension the world is pointing and challenging your thinking to the return of Jesus Christ or your time coming to an abrupt end.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What did they do, that has me like this

Back in the day similar to now, there were many families that were challenged in making ends meet. Many of them got second jobs, worked a lot of overtime, etc just so that they would be able to provide for their families.

However, there were heads of some families who sought different means in an attempt to change their negative financial circumstances. As with most cases, their solutions were not derived from a classified in a news paper or some get rich quick scheme being offered in a magazine. Instead they resorted to ancestral family spiritual traditions in an effort to bring change to their physical circumstances.  It is my attempt today as with all my writings and that is to provide you with spiritual insight into this secret world of evil covenants that has covertly permeated our society in such a way that many of us today are suffering as a result of it even though we had absolutely nothing to do with it or have any knowledge of it.

I was told of a very interesting story sometime ago by a lady that just could not understanding the strange negative happenings that seem to be synonymous with her family. She went on to say that she has conclude that her family is curse! Her reason for this conclusion was the fact that all of her siblings including her parents faced unimaginable hardship in life such as, it was difficult for them to get married (they all married late in life). All of them eventually divorced with in  five years of the marriage. It was difficult for them to have children and for those that did have children, their children were either mentally challenged or displayed strange behavior. While her and her siblings were academically smart, they always struggled financially including their parents. She told me that they were never in a position to help others or even help among themselves simply because it was either difficult to secure a job, the jobs that they did get never paid much or they could never save their pay because something would always come up and consume their savings.

This lady went on to say that it was as a result of reading my articles, that challenged her and brought to her memory a story she over heard her well up in age father repeating to a family member. The father, said that during the course of his early years, life was extremely difficult and it was a struggle to put food on the table. However, there was an uncle of the father who suggested to him if he was interested in changing his "luck" so that he could live a more prosperous life and that life would be better for him and his children. Of course the father was more than interested. The uncle told him that he would take him to see a "spiritual lady". Anyway, the father agreed. Long story short the Father was told by this lady that he could "buy luck" but there would be a certain ritual that would have to be performed in order to change his financial circumstances. He was asked to bring a photo of all of his children which he did. The lady then constructed a small box that had the appearance of a miniature casket which all of the children photos were placed in. He was then instructed to visit the cemetery at a certain time during the night and bury the  box with his children's photos in it along with the agreed payment to the "spirits". While listening to this story I didn't even realize how much I was nodding my head from left to right in utter disbelief and in complete amazement as to how could a father agree to such an ominous request. 

I told this obviously confused and frustrated lady, that I am happy she told me this story because it was as a result of what her father did that has created and is currently maintaining the family's continued hardship today. First of all, like I have repeatedly mentioned in so many of my articles and that is spirits need the co-operation of human beings to operate in the earth.  This is so because human being and not spirits have dominion over the earth Gen 1:26-28. The so called "spiritual lady" was none other than a witch who took advantage of the spiritual ignorance of the father by having him via the ritual sacrifice the destinies of his children for a temporary change in his financial state, which in reality never panned out. Scripture clearly warns us of the following, "Do not seek mediums or spiritists, for you will be defiled by them, for I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:31. The word defile in this text means to change something from its original or to pollute the original of something. So in essence we are warned that if we decide to engage the services of witch doctors, Obeah folks spiritualist etc we are in fact changing God's original destiny for us to that of Satan's destiny for us.

Therefore, due to spirits not being omnipresent (only God is omnipresent) , then certain items from a person would be used to identify the individual that's being targeted spiritually such as their blood, hair, fingernail clippings, photos, recently worn clothing etc. This explains why the photos were requested by this witch from the father. Unknowing to the father, he's being manipulated into forging an agreement or what is know as an evil covenant in exchange for his "good luck" with Satan and his agents disguised as agents of righteousness. When the father agreed to bury the box in the cemetery  with his children's photo in it, unknowing to him he also agreeing to bury the destiny of his children and future generations. In fact the spiritual implications of what he did was equal to what Esau did when he sold his birth rights to his brother Jacob for food, Genesis 25:29-34. In doing so Easu surrendered his destiny by selling his birth right to is brother Jacob. You see my friend, spiritual ignorance will always place you at a disadvantage. As a reminder scripture says that we are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13. 

Now, to this very day where those items were buried, it is the demonic altar that literally controls the destiny of not only the children but the entire family and even those that will be born in the future. Did I mentioned that this family is a Christian family? I'm mentioning this simply because even though they are a Christian family this does not automatically break the covenant that the father ignorantly put in place years ago that's dictating the negative circumstances in his family today. In the case of this family, the evil covenant must be confessed, renounced and broken via intense prayer and fasting. If not then as long as the current family is alive including generations to come will suffer the same vicious cycle of hardship and failures. As a reminder, what this father did was a tradition back then and even today and Jesus Christ clearly said to the church and Pharisees who were the leaders of the church in his day, "Thus have you made the commandments of God ineffective as a result of your tradition" Matthew 15:6. In other words, even as Christians if we still hold on to or engage in witchcraft traditions then the power of God is automatically suspended in our lives. This is why a Christian who was saved for decades, however, they are plagued with chronic illnesses, poverty. hardship etc. Simply because they refuse to give up the tradition of mopping their floors with Florida water, spiritual turpentine, wearing certain items for protection etc. God will not honor his covenant with us if we continue to hold on to the covenants of devils.

My friends, trust me when I say to you that there are many in our society and communities that are unknowingly in this same cycle of hardship and anti-progress but can not understand why it's happening to them and their family. Unfortunately, they are not aware (a lack of knowledge) of secret rituals that were done in the past with the intent to advance the one that performed it at the time. I want to pause here for a second just to mention that this activity is not limited to witchcraft but also to secret societies and organizations through out our communities where pledges, oaths, covenants and sworn secrecy is a must to either join them or to advance in their groups. Believe me when I say to you that most of the relentless challenges we face today are as a result of what our ancestors did in the past. The spiritual law that governs this says the following, "Our ancestors have sinned and now they are dead but we the current generations are left to carry their burden" Lamentations 5:7. In other words we are paying the price of what our ancestors did. This scripture also suggest that are troubles did not begin with us or on the day that our troubles began.

I will leave you with the following scriptures that I am sure will make clear to you the reader, that you can not mix the things of God with the things of devils and still expect to get ahead. "But I say, that the things that the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye can not drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye can not be partakers of the Lord's table and at the table of devils" 1 Corinthians 10:20-21. "No man can serve two masters: for he will either hate one and love the other; or else he will hold on to one , and despise the other. Ye can not serve God and Mammon" Matthew 6:24.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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