Saturday, June 3, 2017

Physical Strength vs Spiritual Strength

Revelation will always be the keys to unlocking the mysteries of our lives!

However, the revelations that we need to advance us from the same old, same old will initially require a greater hunger for the word of God. It is impossible to develop in the things of God physically if you're malnourished spiritually.

The scripture advises us that if we faint in the day of adversity our (spiritual) strength is small, Proverbs 24:10. Amazingly, in an earlier verse of this same chapter, Proverbs 24:5 to be exact, we are instructed how to increase our spiritual strength to avoid defeat in the day of adversity obviously. Proverbs 24:5 reads, "A wise man is strong, but a man of "KNOWLEDGE" increases his strength."

The understanding here is, while physical resistance such as weight lifting builds the physical strength of a person the equivalent of building spiritual strength would be by increasing the "KNOWLEDGE" of God to your human spirit. In so doing it is impossible to fail in the day of adversity!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Real Purpose of Our Gifts

If you're sitting on your God-given gifts and talents, then make no mistake there's a whole lot of folks suffering unnecessarily because of you!

The purpose of our gifts and talents is to improve, advance, and simplify the lives of others. This is aside from its primary purpose which is bringing glory to God. Our gifts are not about us, again it will and always be about others.

There are many of you reading this post right now that are excellent singers, teachers, coordinators, etc. however, you're probably wondering why is it that, that grand opportunity hasn't arrived to launch you into what you love and enjoy doing. Well, just maybe, it is because your focus is more on what your gifts and talents will do for you as opposed to what it was intended to do for others.

Speaking from experience, I can say to you that my gifts and talents that I'm on a consistent basis sharing with others have on many occasions open unexpected doors of opportunity for me. I would like to encourage someone this morning who have been wondering when will your gifts begin opening doors for you.

Firstly, you must put aside the wealth and fame that has become your primary thoughts as to what your gifts will do for you. Instead, begin to focus on freely sharing your gifts with others and watch your gifts do to their lives what it was intended to do, while God begins the process of opening those once impossible doors of opportunity for you!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, May 22, 2017

Undoing The Spiritual Injunctions Against You

 In the judicial world, there is a term referred to as an "injunction." An injunction is a judicial process or order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a specific action.

With that said, in the spirit world, false prophets create injunctions in the lives of their victims. In other words, by coercing their victims to agree with false prophecies being levied on and against them, the victim does not know that through their agreement with these false prophets' prophecies, an evil covenant is established spiritually that will literally suspend the victim physically. Thus, the false prophet has placed a spiritual injunction on the victim. The evidence is that the victim will experience consistent negative changes in their life.

However, this morning by the authority and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we break all demonic injunctions that we have ignorantly received, along with evil covenants that were unknowingly established between ourselves and all false prophets through their false prophecies. We command all demonic ordinances in the realm of the spirit that has hindered us spiritually and, as a result, have prevented us from going forward physically to be consumed by spiritual fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! We speak the word of God against these spiritual legalities that are operating against us, which says, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" Colossians 2:14

Father God, let your word that cannot return to you void and unseat all hidden injunctions and evil ordinances established in our lives. Father, these spiritual injunctions that have found themselves in our lives through our ignorance, be destroyed by Holy Ghost fire in your son's mighty and matchless name and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Kevin L A Ewing

Someone's being setup for the good that's coming their way!

  In order to understand what will be good for you in the future or to possess the ability to even recognize good when it comes, you MUST go through a period of just the opposite of what you're anticipating in terms of things that are good.

As human being our ability to determine what is good will, always rest in the understanding of comparing whatever it is that we're labeling as good to what is bad. For example if you were to say to me that you have a good man in your life, then based on the laws of life this automatically suggest to me that you've had a bad man before.

I want to point out to someone this morning that the bad that's happening or going on in your life right now if viewed from a positive perspective, it is a gentle head's up to you, that not only will you experience good in the future but what you're going through currently is necessary for you to understand, recognize and decipher what that good is when it comes!

The reality is your situation can not go on forever. In fact the laws of life will not allow it to, because like the law of temporary dictates, there is a "TIME AND SEASON" for "EVERYTHING", Eccl. 3:1.

Therefore, because every situation, feeling, event, matter etc. is temporary we can fairly conclude that its purpose is conditioning us for something else. Those that find themselves repeating temporary matters is a clear sign that they're spending time murmuring and complaining instead of learning to move on to their NEXT!

My words of wisdom for this wonderful spirit filled morning is simply this, those that murmur and complain will always make what was supposed to be a temporary situation feel like FOREVER!

~Kevin L A Ewing~

The quality of your life will be determine by what you allow or not allow from the spirit world

The keys to a good life surprisingly begins with addressing pending negative matters from the unseen world which we commonly refer to as the spirit world!

The troubles, obstacles, delays and setbacks that we experience in our natural lives are clear indicators of a) our lack of spiritual knowledge and b) Our inability to successfully fight and shut these evils and negative patterns down in the spirit world so that they do not manifest in our natural world.

One of the more secular demonstrations of this spiritual revelation, are motivational speakers that encourages their audience, class or even congregation to focus on making declarations from a positive stand point in spite of how adverse or negatively convincing it may appear from a natural perspective. It is through those positive declarations that they believe somehow would change what once appeared negative to transition into a positive situation.

The reality is these folks are participating in a spiritual law which spiritually dictates that we "MUST CALL THOSE THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE" Romans 4:17.

One of the more noted ways of participating in this spiritual principle is by canceling our negative dreams and asking God to destroy all evil covenants that may have been established by evil spirits in our dreams whose intentions were to manifest their evil in our lives. The spirit realm is where everything happens but more importantly it is the place where everything has it beginning. Coincidentally, it is also the same place where all things have their endings. Thus, the quality of a person’s life will be predicated on whether they won or lost their spiritual battles in the spirit realm because whatever the results were in the spirit world will be manifested in our natural world.

I can vividly recall attending a funeral and while casually speaking to a family member of the deceased, I was told of a dream that the deceased had a few weeks prior to their demise. In this dream the deceased was shot multiple times in the dream and that he (the deceased) had died in the dream. Of course I stood there in amazement listening to this dream with my thoughts being dominated by the spiritual law of destruction that clearly says, "My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.

I am convinced that had that deceased person been exposed to the spiritual understanding of shutting negative stuff down in the spiritual realm so that it does not take place in our natural world, then more than likely that deceased person would be in the land of the living today!

My advice to you this wonderful morning is simply this, cancel, rebuke and destroy all negative dreams via prayer and continue to speak and declare the positive in all things as opposed to declaring what appears to be negative. In doing this you are dictating to the spiritual world how your natural world should perform for you, of course the performance will be positive for you!

~Kevin L A Ewing!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Commanding the earth and its inhabitants to work in your favor

Every evil voice speaking against the favor and mercy that God has impressed upon others
to grant you, spring forth without delay in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Every institution and persons that has promised you assistance, may the spirit of commitment overwhelm them to follow through on their promises in Jesus name!

Every opportunity that have some how missed you or was secretly stolen or manipulated from you; may those opportunities re-visit you in greater portions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

May the evil powers behind every block in your life be permanently disable and become a stepping stone in elevating you to your God intended destiny in the matchless name of Jesus Christ!

Finally! Spiritual law dictates, "The profit of the earth is for all" Ecclesiastes. 5:9. Therefore Lord, I command the earth to release and give up my portions of its profits according to your word in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

"O earth, earth, earth, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD" Jeremiah 22:29

~Kevin L A Ewing!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Evidence You're Being Fought Spiritually

If you are having difficulties recalling your dreams and visions. Know for sure that there is a significant spiritual attack against you! Such an attack's primary focus is to keep you ignorant of what is being concocted against you spiritually.

As previously mentioned, our dreams serve as the intelligence branch of spiritual warfare. They regularly unveil glimpses of the spiritual world and reveal what is in store for us, whether positive or negative, in the spiritual realm.

Do you remember when I mentioned that the spirit realm is the parent world to our natural world? For anything from the spirit world to manifest in our physical world, there must be an agreement between the two realms. Those involved in the occult and secret societies know this primary law of physical manifestation. They perform rituals, take oaths, and make evil covenants with unseen entities to help them carry out evil deeds on Earth and in people's lives. If you find it difficult to remember your spiritual dreams, it could be a sign that you are being spiritually erased by evil spirits.

It's important to understand that the issues you're experiencing aren't necessarily physical but rather stem from a spiritual origin. How you feel physically is simply a manifestation of what's happening spiritually. Unfortunately, many followers of Jesus Christ are conditioned to fight against what they can see. However, this only plays into the enemy's hands, as they'll subliminally engage you in a physical fight to cause you to violate the spiritual law outlined in Ephesians 6:12. As a Christian, you should remember that your battles are fought against spirits, not people. The hierarchy of these evil entities includes principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Therefore, our dreams become our spiritual monitors revealing spiritual intelligence from the spirit realm so that we can take our fight to the spirit realm to prevent evil from manifesting in our natural lives. So, you are regularly not able to recall your dreams. In that case, Satan and his agents have disabled the spiritual intelligence branch of your warfare to keep you ignorant of the spiritual snare, evil devices, and pending plots for your life!

As a helpful reminder, Proverbs 11:9b says that "Through Knowledge shall the just be delivered" according to spiritual law. With this in mind, I suggest fasting and asking for God's guidance to better understand your dreams' spiritual meaning. This can help you remember and interpret their messages with clarity.

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Please remove any spiritual forces that prevent me from remembering and comprehending my dreams. I am grateful for the gift of dreaming and believe in your promise, as stated in Joel 2:28, that all people will dream and see visions. I declare that I will remember and understand every dream going forward in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Amen.

Kevin L A Ewing

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