For example, they were always fearful, finding it very difficult to recall what they wanted to say, always speaking from a negative perspective, and, most importantly, unable to focus on what they were doing at that time. Of course, this was aside from the usual panic and anxiety attacks displayed by them, along with unwarranted fear.
I am fully aware that what I am about to say may be met with strong opposition. However, I am also mindful that this opposition may stem from the following scripture: "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).
In today's lesson, we will discuss how certain dreams may indicate the presence of witchcraft in a person's life. Witchcraft is the practice of sorcery, Voodoo, Obeah, Santeria, Shango, or similar practices. The concept of witchcraft involves the manipulation of the victim from a spiritual perspective by subduing and controlling their spirit and soul through demonic powers. This is achieved by a witch or wizard setting up evil altars against their victim and projecting curses, which can disable them in specific areas of their life or in all areas of their life.
It is a common misconception that not believing in witchcraft will prevent it from affecting you. This belief is far from the truth. Witchcraft can operate in a person's life regardless of their beliefs, as it is fueled by the victim's ignorance. If someone dismisses or rejects the existence of witchcraft, it gives the practitioners of witchcraft an advantage to oppress their victims without resistance. The scripture supports this idea, as it says, "My people are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6).
With the above said, the following dreams would indicate witchcraft spirits either pending for your life or currently operating in your life:
-Being shot by guns or arrows in a dream
-Being chased by dangerous animals
-waking up during the night and feeling as if something is pressing you down also known as sleep paralyzes.
-Dreaming of bodies of water such as rivers, the sea, canals, etc.
-Dreaming of yourself swimming
-Dreaming of Bats, Spiders, Crabs, Snakes, or strange creatures.
-Dreaming of Rats and Roaches indicates witchcraft spirits of poverty being sent against the dreamer.
-Dreams where you see yourself carrying an unbearable load or someone forcing you to take an intolerable burden.
-Dreams where you see yourself at a gathering where you may or may not be familiar; such dreams indicate witchcraft initiation. This means someone is initiating you into witchcraft via your dreams
Eating in your dreams also indicates witchcraft activity. Someone is attempting to contaminate your spirit through the dream. As a reminder, your dream is spiritual. You are your spirit in the dream, so what appears as food is witchcraft contamination designed to bewitch or control its victim from the spirit realm via demonic means.
-Having dreams about dolls with pins inserted in them or chains and shackles about the body of the dolls.
-Seeing yourself flying in a dream, not in an aircraft or any ordinary means of flight. Instead seeing your body flying by itself, this is indeed a sign of witchcraft.
-Having dreams where you see pins inserted into your head indicates witchcraft against your mind. This causes the victim to not be able to focus, concentrate, or suffer from strange headaches that the victim or their Doctor would sum up to be migraines, etc.
-Having repeated dreams of yourself digging up objects planted on your property.
-Dreams in which you see yourself in a Cemetery, mainly walking backward out of a Cemetery or lying on graves.
-Dreaming of seeing yourself in a casket or buried in a grave.
-To dream of seeing your personal items buried in a graveyard or on the property of someone else or even your own property indicates a witchcraft attack, but more accurately, reveals that a Witch or Wizard has buried your destiny.
-Dreams, where you see yourself in prison or cage, indicate that you have been placed in a spiritual cage via witchcraft. This means that spiritual limitations and restrictions are placed on your life, which explains why you have everything to succeed physically but can not get ahead.
- Sexual encounters in dreams, which is a tool of witchcraft to establish evil covenants that will produce the following in the dreamer's natural life:
Difficulty getting married.
Difficult marital problems.
Difficulty getting pregnant.
Difficulty in the area of finances.
-Witchcraft on your finances in a dream would have the following indicators in your dream:
Possession of counterfeit money.
A wallet was stolen from you.
Wearing rags and shoes with holes.
Begging for money, food, etc.
Loss of cash, wallet, checkbook, or paycheck.
Bank doors closing in your face.
-Dreaming of someone or a group hiding books from you. Books represent knowledge in a dream. As a reminder, it is knowledge that one is not aware of that causes destruction, Hosea 4:6
While the above indicators are not exhaustive, I saw the need to reveal the most common signs that play out in the average dreamer's dreams regarding witchcraft activities in their lives. Folks, I can not stress enough that your lack of knowledge will always be what will either place you in captivity or prepare you for captivity.
If you or someone you know is experiencing strange dreams or unusual activities, it's essential to know that common prayer may not be effective in such cases. These experiences may be the result of a highly manipulative demonic force, and to overcome them, fasting must be accompanied by prayer. By combining fasting and prayer, you can cancel out these negative dreams and prevent the manifestation of such dreams in your life.
Jesus said in Matthew 17:21, "However, this kind does not come out, except by prayer and fasting." The word "kind" in the above text refers to a different class, order, group, or rank of a higher level. If you have recently had such dreams, three (3) days of fasting and prayer would be in order. If your dreams and strange occurrences have been going on for a while, then seven (7) days of fasting and prayer would be in order. In both cases, your prayers must be saturated with the word of God, meaning biblical scriptures relevant to your dreams and experiences, and you must ask God to destroy all spiritual contamination that has polluted your spirit and, by extension, your body.
"My people are gone into captivity because they lack knowledge" Isaiah 5:13. Nevertheless, The righteous shall be delivered via knowledge" Proverbs 11:9.
Kevin L A Ewing
Thank you Sir
ReplyDeleteWhat about dreaming of a witch choking you, and standing over you.....Also dreaming of yourself watching the witches watch you
ReplyDeleteHello Rev.Ewing. Happy New Year! Thank u. May u speak more on this subject. I have been going thru bruising and super painful sleeps. Head to toe. I will 7 day fast& pray. May THE TRUE&LIVING GOD cont.to bless u& your family2021 thank u . THANK U JESUS
ReplyDeleteI have heard a dream stealing money from someone and my sister also had a dream where we were stealing some jewellery from someone's house. She had this dream twice. I am failing to understand what these dreams could mean. I know the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy. Does it mean me or my sister are thieves or there is something that we need to repent from? Minister Kevin l would really appreciate your input on this as l continue to pray for God's revelation on these dreams.
ReplyDeleteI have also written an article concerning eating in dreams on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI dreamt i was lying in bed. And everytime I think of a certain person I feel this heavy intense feeling of illness with my ears ringing..
ReplyDeleteThank you MOG, your, blogs, you tube messages continue to feed me, I was once in a war with my arch enemy, oh I was told that I had a enemy (generally) but the revelation that my God, the GREAT I AM has given you, through much turmoil, pain....I know first hand that the ANOINTING IS EXPENSIVE, I'M NO LONGER IGNORANT, I HAVE MY ARMOR, MY SWORD (THE WORD OF GOD) WOW, I CAN'T TELL HOW DIFFERENT THE BATTLE I'M EXPERIENCING IS NOW, THANK GOD FOR YOU TEACHING ME HOW IMPORTANT IS IS TO PRAY THE WORD OF GOD, I COULD GO ON ON, I'M SURE YOU GET THE MESSAGE, I THANK MY GOD, for not leaving me with out knowledge of my enemy, thank God for you and the very, very limited MEN & WOMEN OF GOD WHO HAS SPOKEN INTO MY LIFE, THE CONFORMATIONS.....🙌🌈💕🙏